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Cara kerja • Tuan Rumah

Mengapa Airbnb meminta informasi wajib pajak Anda

Airbnb is required to collect taxpayer information to fulfill tax calculations and reporting obligations in multiple countries. We’re currently obligated to collect taxpayer information in the following countries:

Countries where taxpayer information is required

    We’re currently obligated to collect taxpayer information in the following countries: 
    • All 27 European Union (EU) Member States
    • Norway
    • United Kingdom
    • Switzerland


    • Canada
    • United States
    • Mexico
    • Colombia


    • India
    • New Zealand

    This list is subject to change as we continue to support new countries. 

Note: In order to meet Airbnb's reporting and compliance obligations in different countries, we may request that you provide taxpayer information for more than one country. In this situation, you’ll need to separately fill out a tax form for each respective country

United States: To ensure that Airbnb sends you a complete and correct year-end tax form for payouts, we need you to provide us with your taxpayer information. You can easily do this by completing a form within your Airbnb account.

European Union: Taxpayer information collection is required under DAC7 to comply with EU tax reporting regulations. Tax info is required for EU residents, and for non-EU residents who host listings, experiences, or act as a registered Co-Host in the EU. Learn more.

Untuk memberikan informasi wajib pajak

Menambahkan informasi pajak di desktop

  1. Klik Profil > Akun > Pajak
  2. Klik Tambahkan info pajak
  3. Pilih negara/wilayah Anda
  4. Selesaikan langkah-langkah yang sesuai

Once you have provided this information, it will appear in Account > Taxes > Taxpayers.

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