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Cara kerja • Tuan Rumah

Tempat serupa

Using similar listings allows you to compare your listing with others to help you set a competitive price.

Compare your listing others to understand its value

Nobody knows your listing better than you do. You know the details that make your place stand out, like a chef’s kitchen or an ocean view. But it can be hard to put a price on what makes your place special without comparing it to other listings on Airbnb—including information about the surrounding area, other available listings nearby, or what guests are searching for and willing to pay.

How similar listings are determined

The factors that determine which listings are similar include: location, size, features, amenities, ratings, reviews, and other listings guests browse while considering yours.

Menemukan tempat serupa

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  1. Klik Kalender, lalu pilih kalender iklan yang ingin Anda periksa
  2. Pilih satu malam atau beberapa malam
  3. Ketuk Lihat tempat serupa

Comparing typical nightly prices

It’s important to note when you compare prices, you’re only comparing typical nightly prices (inclusive of service fees, or taxes and service fees in some countries) with other listings. You’re not comparing trip totals as they may vary once fees such as cleaning fees and discounts are applied.

The difference between booked and available price

When you check out similar listings, you’ll find listings displaying both booked prices and available prices.

Booked prices: Prices that guests have paid for similar listings in your area, shown as averages only. These can be a good benchmark for the price guests would likely pay for your place.

Available prices: Prices for similar listings in your area that are still available. These listings may get booked, or guests may choose to not book listings at available prices.

How selecting multiple dates affects booked and unbooked listings

Booked listing: A booked listing has been booked during the date range selected.

Unbooked listing: An unbooked listing has availability during the date range selected.

It’s possible for one similar listing to be both booked and unbooked. For example, if a guest chooses a specific date range for 5 nights, but a listing has already been booked for 2 of those nights, it’d be considered a booked listing. But, since that listing has 3 nights still available in that date range, it’d also be considered an unbooked listing.

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