Không thể thêm số điện thoại vào tài khoản của bạn
Having trouble adding or verifying your phone number? Here are some tips you can try.
Problem adding your phone number to your Airbnb account
If you can’t add a new phone number to your account online or can’t log in with an existing one, try these steps:
- Log out, clear your cache, and then log in and try again
- Disable any extensions or use an incognito or private browsing window
- Try a different internet browser
- Make sure you’ve entered the correct country code
Phone number is already in use
If you receive an error that the number you’ve entered is already in use, you might have more than one Airbnb account or more than one phone number listed. You can:
- Try logging in with your email instead.
- Remove the phone number from the associated account or add a different one
Trouble with phone calls for ID verification
Newly added phone numbers take up to 14 days to be available to use for verification processes.
If phone verification is not available where you are, you may get a message saying, "This verification method is not currently supported in your location." In this case, you should use SMS or WhatsApp to verify your identity. Find more tips on troubleshooting for ID verification.
Still can’t use your phone number?
If you still don't receive the verification code, you might need to try a different phone number. Some phone types might not be able to receive the verification code. For example:
- Commercial phone lines that route to multiple extensions/employees
- Residential or commercial land lines
- Most virtual phone numbers, such as VOIP services
If none of these suggestions has worked for you, contact us for help.
Bài viết liên quan
- Hướng dẫn thực hiện•Khách
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Chỉnh sửa số điện thoại trên tài khoản của bạn
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