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So funktioniert es

Schlösser für Schlafzimmer und Badezimmer in deiner Unterkunft

Guests expect that they will have the option to lock their bedroom or any bathroom they can access. That's why we recommend hosts add locks to any bedrooms and bathrooms that guests may use.

Bedrooms should be able to be locked from inside and outside

Guests should be able to lock the bedroom door from the inside (for their privacy) and from the outside (for the security of their belongings). A lock with a key, paired with an interior latch, is recommended.

Ensure privacy with bathroom locks

For bathrooms that guests can access, guests should be able to lock or latch the bathroom door for privacy.

So aktualisierst du die Datenschutzinformationen für auf Airbnb inserierte Zimmer

Du kannst jedem Zimmer oder Bereich Angaben zur Privatsphäre hinzufügen.

So aktualisierst du die Angaben zur Privatsphäre in einem Inserat auf dem Desktop-Computer

  1. Rufe deine Inserate auf und wähle das Inserat aus, das du bearbeiten möchtest.
  2. Klicke unter Inserate-Editor auf Deine Unterkunft.
  3. Klicke auf Fotorundgang und dann auf das Zimmer, das du bearbeiten möchtest.
  4. Klicke auf Datenschutzinformationen und triff deine Auswahl.
  5. Klicke auf Speichern und dann auf Fertig.

Unique keys and keypads for security

Whatever kind of lock or latch you choose, consider this:

  • If there are multiple Rooms in one listing using keypads, each code should be unique. And if there are multiple Rooms with exterior locks that open with a key, the lock and keys should be unique.
  • If using a digital keypad(s), the code should not be posted within the listing where others may find it. Similarly, if there are duplicate keys to a Room, they should be kept in a secure location and keys should not be left in a shared space or where unauthorized people may find them.

Before you add locks, make sure to check local regulations and any other restrictions that may apply to adding locks in your space, like requirements on the kinds of locks you can add or approvals you may need.

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