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Navodila za uporabo

Ocene gostov, ki jih prejmejo sogostitelji v mreži sogostiteljev

On the Co-Host Network, average guest star ratings, reviews, and other information is displayed for co-hosts based on homes they’ve hosted or co-hosted. 

These ratings may not be representative of specific services that a co-host provides, as they may not be specific to the co-host’s individual activities or responsibilities, and may reflect other considerations from a guest.

How ratings and reviews work on the Co-Host Network

The network displays overall guest ratings for a co-host, and may also display category-specific ratings, like the guest’s rating for ease of check-in.

These ratings and reviews come from guest feedback on listings that the co-host supports, whether they’re the listing owner or a co-host with full access or calendar and messaging access permissions. Know that there may be multiple co-hosts on a listing.

What additional information may be shown

Other information, like the number of stays a co-host has helped with or that a listing is a Guest Favorite, may also be displayed. Like guest ratings, this reflects information about listings that the co-host supports.

A co-host’s Airbnb profile may also show different information from what is displayed on the Co-Host Network. Learn more about co-host ratings on Airbnb.

Co-host ratings and Superhost status

Unlike other information you may see about co-hosts on the Co-Host Network, Superhost status only looks at guest ratings and activities where the co-host is the listing owner, and doesn’t consider co-host activities.

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