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Here you can leave a message for our team containing your support request. We’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible. Registered members will receive a PM if the status of their request changes.

Support Form

Please state the reason for your message as short and easy to understand as possible. your support request is exclusively visible to you and our support team.
Please register first before contacting us. Unfortunately, most people forget to include an email address or don’t look in their spam box and thus never read our feedback. Thank you for your understanding!
Please specify a valid e-mail address if you wish a notification or reply, otherwise we can’t get back to you. Please note that our reply to your mail address may end up in your spam mailbox!

You’ve found a bug or have problems with your account?

Please use our Bug Report-Forum for minor bug reports. Alternatively you can contact the webmaster directly with an informal e-mail. Please try to describe the problem as detailed as possible so we can successfully recreate the bug. Thanks for your help!

Make a suggestion?

Suggestions for new functions or changes on existing functions can be submitted in the Feature Request-Forum. Try to keep your suggestion as short and comprehensible as possible. If we like your suggestion or it gets enough supporters in the community, we will gladly implement it as soon as possible.