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Flights of fantasy

Noble heroes, cruel tyrants and spellbinding magic await in fantastical series both new and old.

Stellar sci-fi

Explore the universe, befriend an AI or take up arms in a space battle – find the mission you seek in these speculative series.

Binge-worthy thrillers

Chilling investigations, mysterious disappearances and detectives who just won’t give up on that cold case… the twists and turns in these series will keep you hooked.

Dystopian worlds

Gritty, grim and brooding series set in worlds where resources have dried up, desolate cities remain and citizens feel compelled to rebel.

100% supernatural

Delve into all things mind-bending and strange, where vampires roam, werewolves howl through the night and paranormal investigators tirelessly seek the truth.

Embark on space travel

Hop on the next starship and strap in for hyperspeed with series that take you across the cosmos.

Audiobook series for teens

Beloved by young adults and the young at heart, these series tell tales of love and friendship, engross you in epic fantasy and entertain you with dark comedy.

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Book one is on us
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Audible original audiobook series Bobiverse


Unique, hilarious and utterly addictive, Dennis E. Taylor's debut novel sparked an obsession among sci-fi diehards and newcomers alike.

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There are more ways to explore

Whether you're looking for a listen for the whole family, something educational or your next sci-fi wild ride, explore these audiobook recommendations.