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Couverture de Dare Me

Dare Me

De : Stella Rhys
Lu par : CJ Bloom, John Masterson
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    CALLUM - Lake and I never had a chance at normal. She was drop dead gorgeous from day one - our maid's granddaughter who became my mother's spoiled living doll. I hated that girl with all my heart and at the same time, I worshipped every inch of her skin, every word that she spoke. I lived for her and the twisted game of truth or dare we created to feed our f--ked up needs for shock, shame, and one-upping each other. Lake was my drug, my bad lifestyle choice. And I'd fallen in and out of love with her a thousand times till the day she disappeared.

    LAKE - I know I ruined Callum Pike and going back to New York may be the worst decision I've ever made, which is saying a lot. But I'm willing to risk it. I never wanted to leave and now that I can, I'm going back - to be with the man I made, who made me. I know I screwed him up. I know he's hardened and become cold. I know the love we had is gone. But I need him now more than ever and no matter how much it hurts, no matter what kind of sick or satisfying way he decides to torment me, I'm going to fight through it. I'm going to repent for the way I broke him and I'm going to find the Callum Pike I loved again - even if it tears me apart.

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2015 Stella Rhys (P)2018 Tantor
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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