Reduce stop-the-world pauses.
Consistently deliver 10x better latency for the 99.99th percentile in Ignite in comparison to general-purpose JVMs like HotSpot.
See benchmarks from a credit card payment system using the commercially supported version of Apache Ignite from GridGain alongside Azul Platform Prime.
Azul Platform Prime reduces infrastructure costs and improves performance of your big data stack, including Kafka, Cassandra, Spark, and Hadoop.
Running GridGain on Azul Platform Prime allows enterprises to increase the on-heap memory allocated on each GridGain node.
Forrester Consulting conducted a Total Economic Impact™ study to evaluate Azul Platform Prime’s TCO and ROI over three years. The results are pretty mind-blowing.
Azul delivers the turbocharged performance you need to handle the scale of Java-based big data while actually reducing your infrastructure requirements.