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To provide services that support Rutgers Cancer Institute's national leadership in the field of cancer metabolism including: services that enable the analysis of the metabolic state of tumors from cell and mouse models as well as from clinical samples, including the quantitation of metabolites and lipids; analytical instruments that enable the identification of novel cancer targets by identifying novel and unexpected metabolites; methodological development in the field of spatial metabolomics, and imaging mass spectrometry to enable single-cell resolution.


Joshua Rabinowitz, MD, PhD, serves as the MSR Director. Dr. Rabinowitz is a Professor of Chemistry and Integrative Genomics at Princeton University, and the Director and founding member of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Princeton Branch (a partnership with the Ludwig, Princeton, Rutgers Cancer Institute, and RWJBH). Rabinowitz is an internationally recognized leader in metabolomics and metabolic flux analysis using isotope tracers.

Xiaoyang Su, PhD, serves as MSR co-Director. Dr. Su has an extensive background in biochemistry, analytical chemistry, and computational biology and has developed experimental and computational methods for metabolomics that markedly improve measurements of isotope labeling and fluxes. These tools contribute substantially to the training and research services offered.

Elena Diaz Rubio, PhD, joined the New Brunswick Site as Manager in April 2023. Wenyun Lu, PhD, continues as the Princeton Site Manager.



"Services, results, and/or products in support of the research project were generated by the Rutgers Cancer Institute Metabolomics Shared Resource, supported, in part, with funding from NCI-CCSG P30CA072720-6852."

Please consider including the names of individuals from the shared resource if they provided any intellectual input or additional effort.

NIH Public Access Policy: Publications that result from services provided by this Shared Resource must be compliant with the NIH Public Access policy by submitting your paper to PubMed Central. Go to: for PubMed Central's submission instructions.  

If you require additional guidance on how to properly acknowledge a single shared resource or multiple shared resources, you may contact Janet Bandoy, Shared Resources Coordinator.


Last updated 01/23/2023