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Tag Archive for MySQL Cluster 7.0

MySQL Cluster Database 7: Performance Benchmark

(Note that this is a copy of the original article from Hasham Pathan posted on 21st April 2009).

Summary of Results:

We recently conducted a Performance Benchmark of the newly released version of MySQL Cluster database software version 7.0 using the DBT2 Benchmark. The results are very impressive.

Highlight of the results:

  • For 4 Node Cluster, we achieved 251,000 Transactions per minute which is more than 4X improvement over the MySQL Cluster 6.3 release.
  • For 2 Node Cluster, we achieved 143,000 Transactions per minute which is more than 4X improvement over the MySQL Cluster 6.3 release.
  • Whether a user is looking to take advantage of the latest multi-core, multi-thread server processors, or is seeking to reduce space and energy consumption of their Cluster hardware, MySQL Cluster 7.0 provides a higher throughput, more efficient solution than previous generations of the MySQL Cluster database.

Note that these results were obtained using 1GB Gigabit Ethernet. We expect improved performance for high speed cluster interconnect like InfiniBand and Dolphinics interconnect solutions. Testing using these interconnects is currently underway.

Some of the KEY features of MySQL cluster 7.0 include “ability to add nodes and node groups online” and “Data node multithreading support” You can look at the list of new feature available in MySQL cluster 7.0 here.

Deployment Architecture and Configuration Details:

The topology diagram for 2 Node Scenario

In the case of a 2 node scenario, the data node processes were running on TWO Sun Fire x4450 system with 8 processor cores per data node. The MySQL server nodes were running a combination of Sun Fire x4450 systems and Sun Fire x4600 systems as shown in the deployment diagram below.






The topology diagram for 4 Node Scenario

In the case of a 4 node scenario, FOUR x4450 system were used to deploy the Data Nodes, each data node using 8 cores. The MySQL Server nodes were running on a combination of TWO Sun Fire x4600, ONE Sun Fire x4240 and FOUR Sun Fire x4450 systems.(co-located with data node systems). Other relevant details are captured in the deployment topology diagram.






Detailed Results:

Four Data Node Results

Two Data Node Results

Important Notes:

  1. Each MySQL server was bound to 3 processor cores using “processor set” feature(to accommodate more MySQL Servers on the available hardware). It is observed that we get increased TPM/MySQL Server and slight decrease in the response time with 4 processor cores per MySQL server). An example: With 3 processor cores assigned for the MySQL server process, we get the TPM of 12988 for 1 Server, 20 Warehouses. With 4 processor cores, the TPM increases to 19113 with decrease in the response time from 52ms to 34ms.
  2. TPM – New-order transactions per minute. It should be noted that the each transaction comprises of about 30 queries, so average response time per query if calculated would be ~3ms. More details on the “transaction” are available in the TPC-C specification document and DBT2 code base.
  3. The MySQL 6.3 Cluster saturate with fewer number of MySQL servers. For comparison purpose, we ran the tests with equal number of MySQL servers for both MySQL Cluster 6.3 and 7.0

Benchmark Description

Database Test 2 (DBT-2) : DBT2 is an open source benchmark developed by OSDL (Open Source Development Labs ). Significant updates to the benchmark were made to simplify its ability to run with a clustered database such as MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition. DBT2 simulates a typical OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) application that performs transactions with around ten to twenty SQL statements per transaction within five distinct transaction types. The DBT2 benchmark can be used as a good indicator in regards to the expected performance of any application that performs fairly simple transactions and executes these transactions in a repetitive fashion.

For the benchmark results above, DBT2 and MySQL Cluster were configured as an “in memory” database to simulate typical “real-time” database configurations. It should be noted that performance results are being measured as new-order transactions per minute (TPM). The changes made to the DBT2 benchmark are documented and can be found on the SourceForge page for DBT2 downloads. It can also be downloaded from ww.iclaustron.com.

Additional Information:

More information on MySQL Cluster

On-demand-webinar – What’s New in Managing MySQL Cluster

The recording of this webinar is now available to view on-line here.

There will be a live webinar on Wednesday January 12 describing the new ways that you can manage MySQL Cluster (with a bit of monitoring thrown in). As always, the webinar is free but you need to register here. The event is scheduled for 09:00 Pacific / 17:00 UK / 18:00 Central European time but if you can’t make the live webinar it’s still worth registering so that you’re emailed the replay after the event.

By their very nature, clustered environments involve more effort and resource to administer than standalone systems, and the same is true of MySQL Cluster, the database designed for web-scale throughput with carrier-grade availability.

In this webinar, we will present an overview of the three latest enhancements to provisioning, monitoring and managing MySQL Cluster – collectively serving to lower costs, enhance agility and reduce the risk of downtime caused by manual configuration errors.

In this webinar, we will present:

  • NDBINFO: released with MySQL Cluster 7.1, NDBINFO presents real-time status and usage statistics, providing developers and DBAs with a simple means of pro-actively monitoring and optimizing database performance and availability.
  • MySQL Cluster Manager: available as part of the commercial MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition simplifies the creation and management of MySQL Cluster by automating common management tasks, delivering higher administration productivity and enhancing cluster agility. Tasks that used to take 46 commands can be reduced to just one!
  • MySQL Cluster Advisors & Graphs: part of the MySQL Enterprise Monitor and available in the commercial MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition, the Enterprise Advisor includes automated best practice rules that alert on key performance and availability metrics from MySQL Cluster data nodes.

You will also learn how you can get started evaluating and using all of these tools to simplify MySQL Cluster management.

This session will be approximately 1 hour in length and will include interactive Q&A throughout. Please join us for this informative webinar!


  • Andrew Morgan, MySQL Cluster Product Management, Oracle
  • Mat Keep, MySQL Cluster Product Management, Oracle

MySQL Cluster 7.0.13 binaries released

The binary version for MySQL Cluster 7.0.13 has now been made available at http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/cluster/ under the GA tab.

A description of all of the changes (fixes) that have gone into MySQL Cluster 7.0.13 (compared to 7.0.12) can be found in the MySQL Cluster 7.0.13 Change Log.

MySQL Cluster on Windows – webinar replay available

If you missed the recent webinar on running MySQL Cluster on Windows then you can watch/listen to the replay at http://www.mysql.com/news-and-events/on-demand-webinars/display-od-517.html

Presenting Cluster tutorial at MySQL UC (and discount code!)

Together with Geert and Andrew I’ll be teaching the MySQL Cluster tutrial at this year’s MySQL Cluster User Conference – Santa Clara, on April 12th. If you’re interested in using MySQL Cluster but aren’t sure how to get started (or you’ve used it but would like some tips) then this is a great opportunity. Check out the tutorial description.

If you register by 15 March then you get the early-bird price and if you use this ‘friend of a speaker’ code then you get an additional 25% off: mys10fsp


MySQL Cluster 7.0.11b source released

The source version for MySQL Cluster 7.0.11b has now been made available at ftp://ftp.mysql.com/pub/mysql/download/cluster_telco/mysql-5.1.41-ndb-7.0.11b/

This replaces MySQL Cluster 7.0.10 and 7.0.11.

You can either wait for the binaries to be released or if you’re in a rush then you can find instructions on building the binaries for yourself in the earlier article: “MySQL Cluster 7.0.7 source released“.

A description of all of the changes (fixes) that have gone into MySQL Cluster 7.0.11b (compared to 7.0.10) can be found in the MySQL Cluster 7.0.11b Change Log

MySQL Cluster 7.0.11 source released

The source version for MySQL Cluster 7.0.11 has now been made available at ftp://ftp.mysql.com/pub/mysql/download/cluster_telco/mysql-5.1.41-ndb-7.0.11/

This replaces MySQL Cluster 7.0.10.

You can either wait for the binaries to be released or if you’re in a rush then you can find instructions on building the binaries for yourself in the earlier article: “MySQL Cluster 7.0.7 source released“.

A description of all of the changes (fixes) that have gone into MySQL Cluster 7.0.11 (compared to 7.0.11) can be found in the MySQL_Cluster_7_0_11_ChangeLog.

Upcoming webinar – MySQL performance tuning best practices

MySQL Cluster Performance Tuning Best Practices

Are you experiencing current performance bottlenecks in your high availability applications ? Are you designing a new mission-critical application and want to know how best to structure your schema and index strategy for optimal performance? Interested in how to transform your SQL into faster, more efficient queries?

Benefits of connection pooling

Benefits of connection pooling

Then this free web presentation is for you! You will get expert insight and learn best practices to help you identify those areas of database and application design that will give you the greatest benefits for performance when using MySQL Cluster.

We will discuss guidelines and best practices covering the following areas:

  • General Design Concepts and Guidelines
  • Schema Optimization
    • Partition by Key
  • Index Selection and Tuning
  • Basic Query Tuning
  • MySQL Cluster Parameter Tuning Guidelines
  • Tools to accelerate application development and testing

Johan Andersson and Mat Keep will be presenting and I’ll be helping with the Q&A.

Tuesday, February 2, 2009: 10:00 CET (Central European Time)/ 09:00 UK/GMT.

Register here at mysql.com.

Running MySQL Cluster over multiple Windows servers

Windows Logo
Following on from the earlier article on running MySQL Cluster on a single Windows host, this one looks at installing and running over multiple Windows machines.

Target Deployment

Target Deployment

In this post, the MySQL Cluster database will be split over 3 Windows machines:

  • 2 hosts with each running 1 data node
  • 3rd host running management node and 2 MySQL Servers








MySQL Cluster Downloads

MySQL Cluster Downloads

The first step is to download and install the software on each of the Windows hosts. There are 2 main ways that you can install MySQL Cluster on Windows – the first is an MSI installer and the second is extracting the files from a Zip archive – this article focuses on using the Zip file as the single host article used the MSI installer. You can get the Zip archive from the Cluster downloads page on mysql.com

Make sure that you choose the correct file MSI vs. Zip, 32 bit vs. 64 bit. Also make sure that you don’t download the source code rather than the binaries (you can tell the source archive as it’s a much smaller file).

Repeat this on each of the hosts that will run a Cluster node (or download it once and then copy it to each of the hosts).

Extract Zip archive

Extract Zip archive

Extract the contents of the Zip archive to “c:mysqlcluster”.

I prefer to keep the configuration and data files separate from the software and so I create a new folder “MySQL_ClusterMy_Cluster” in my home directory and in there create “conf” and “data” folders. Within the “data” folder on, create a sub-folder for each of the 2 MySQL Server (mysqld) processes and then copy “c:mysqlclusterdatamysql” to each – this creates the mysql database for each of the MySQL nodes containing data such as privileges and password.

Add MySQL executables to PATH

Add MySQL executables to PATH

To get access to the executables from the command line, add “c:mysqlclusterbin” to the PATH environment variable.







Create a “config.ini” file within the “conf” folder that was created on the host to run the management node (ndb_mgmd) – which in this example is

[ndbd default]






As both of the MySQL Server nodes will also run on, we create a cnf file for each of them in that same “conf” folder:





Note that the “ndb-connectstring” is not strictly needed as the MySQL Servers happen to be on the same host as the management node but they’ve been included to make it clearer what to change if you moved those nodes to another machine.

Ports to open for MySQL Cluster nodes

Ports to open for MySQL Cluster nodes

The information from this table can help you set up the firewall rules to allow the nodes to communitcate with each other but if possible, turn off the firewall for connections between these 3 nodes.

The next step is to start the nodes (processes) but before then, a hint.

If you run each command from a different command prompt then your screen will quickly fill with Windows. Instead, rather than just typing “c: <command>” use “c: start /B <command>” (for example “c: start /B ndbd –initial”) so that multiple processes can be run from the same Window. To keep things simple, the “start /B” has been skipped for the rest of this article.

The first process to start is the management node; run the following from the “<home>DocumentsMySQL_ClusterMy_Cluster” folder on ndb_mgmd --initial -f conf/config.ini --configdir=./conf

Next, start the data nodes on and ndbd -c --initial ndbd -c --initial

and then finally start the MySQL Server nodes on mysqld --defaults-file=confmy.101.cnf mysqld --defaults-file=confmy.102.cnf

Finally, check that all of the nodes are up and running: ndb_mgm
-- NDB Cluster -- Management Client --
ndb_mgm> show
Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186
Cluster Configuration
[ndbd(NDB)]     2 node(s)
id=2    @  (mysql-5.1.39 ndb-7.0.9, Nodegroup: 0, Master)
id=3    @  (mysql-5.1.39 ndb-7.0.9, Nodegroup: 0)

[ndb_mgmd(MGM)] 1 node(s)
id=1    @  (mysql-5.1.39 ndb-7.0.9)

[mysqld(API)]   2 node(s)
id=101  @  (mysql-5.1.39 ndb-7.0.9)
id=102  @  (mysql-5.1.39 ndb-7.0.9)

Known limitation of running MySQL Cluster on Windows:

  • No angel process for data nodes -> processes will not be automatically restarted even if you set StopOnError to FALSE
  • Running nodes as Windows services is not really practical (as well as software limitations, would still need to activate processes through ndb_mgm)
  • Safe to run management node or MySQL Servers (or NDB API Apps) on Windows in production: will soon be supported
  • See open MySQL Cluster bugs reported for Windows:
  • You tell us! Help us get to GA quality on Windows:

MySQL Cluster 7.0.10 source released

The source version for MySQL Cluster 7.0.10 has now been made available at ftp://ftp://ftp.mysql.com/pub/mysql/download/cluster_telco/mysql-5.1.39-ndb-7.0.10//

This replaces MySQL Cluster 7.0.9.

You can either wait for the binaries to be released or if you’re in a rush then you can find instructions on building the binaries for yourself in the earlier article: “MySQL Cluster 7.0.7 source released“.

A description of all of the changes (fixes) that have gone into MySQL Cluster 7.0.10 (compared to 7.0.9) can be found in the MySQL_Cluster_7_0_10_ChangeLog.