Index of Vote results
- 📝 Fiscal Sponsorship Agreements [due Jan 17] commonhaus/foundation#219
- Additional role descriptions: advisors + officers commonhaus/foundation#207
- 💸 Sponsorship tiers [due Nov 9] commonhaus/foundation#205
- Seconds! Defining alternate project representatives commonhaus/foundation#203
- 📝 Clarify decision-making rules [due Oct 20] commonhaus/foundation#199
- 📝 Privacy Policy [due Oct 20] commonhaus/foundation#198
- 📄 Antitrust Policy [due Oct 27] commonhaus/foundation#196
- ♻️ Reworked Trademark Policy [due Oct 10] commonhaus/foundation#195
- CF Officers: social & community manager commonhaus/foundation#193
- 📄 Antitrust policy [due 23 Aug] commonhaus/foundation#188
- Bylaws: revise indemnification language commonhaus/foundation#187
- 🚸 Clarify language for required files (with references to examples) commonhaus/foundation#186
- 📝 Undraft the bylaws: Advisory Board commonhaus/foundation#180
- Undraft the bylaws: Trademark Policy [due 17 Aug] commonhaus/foundation#179
- Undraft the bylaws: IP Policy [due Oct 27] commonhaus/foundation#178
- Undraft the bylaws: Conflict of Interest Policy [due 2 Aug] commonhaus/foundation#177
- Undraft the bylaws: content templates commonhaus/foundation#173
- Undraft the bylaws: CoC [due June 28] commonhaus/foundation#172
- 🛂 Member agreement language commonhaus/foundation#168
- Undraft the bylaws: indemnification and dissolution [due May 27] commonhaus/foundation#161
- Undraft the bylaws: notice records [due May 23] commonhaus/foundation#159
- Undraft the bylaws: decision making [due May 17] commonhaus/foundation#158
- Undraft the bylaws: membership [due 13 May] commonhaus/foundation#154
- Undraft the bylaws: CF Council [due: 7 May] commonhaus/foundation#149
- Update trademark list commonhaus/foundation#147
- ☑️ Undraft the bylaws: preface, purpose, amendments [due: 26 Apr] commonhaus/foundation#143
- Fonts! [Deadline: March 15] commonhaus/foundation#101
- Logos: Colors! [Deadline: March 8] commonhaus/foundation#95