After a well-deserved break, we’re now stepping into 2025 with fresh energy and renewed focus. As a community-driven platform that thrives on understanding how technology shapes society, we’re excited to set out our mission for 2025. This year is a crucial moment for us, and we’re reaching out to you—our readers—to join us in shaping the next chapter of CAN.
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Projects, collaborations, and initiatives by CreativeApplications.Net
HOLO is ending the year with a bang: a new website. Launched six weeks ago, expands the print magazine into a more robust, ‘always on’ editorial and curatorial platform. Already a hub of activity, two major research projects are underway, and a slate of new stories and favourites from the HOLO archive are due in 2021.
Learn how to prototype post-screen interfaces, examine network infrastructures, hack museums, and transplant scents with leading artists, designers, and researchers at this year’s Mapping Festival.
CAN has joined forces with UAL Creative Computing Institute to present the first in a series of events that examine new forms of cross-disciplinary art and design practice. Entitled “Document 1.”, it’s comprised of a workshop, seminar, and symposium, and takes place March 11th–13th at UAL’s Camberwell College of Art in London.
The future is calling (again): in just a few short days, Barcelona’s IAM Weekend returns to the nexus of internet culture and cybernetic serendipity with an exciting mix of talks, workshops, and masterclasses. Join us as we attempt “The Subversion of Paradoxes” in search of the great beyond. The term ‘multidisciplinary’ gets thrown around a…
At the upcoming (14th!) edition of Geneva’s Mapping Festival (May 9 – 12), CAN is proud to co-host Mapping LAB – a one-day educational program of 13 workshops run by leading artists, designers, and researchers in our field. Join us!
On April 11–13th MUTEK Montréal presents the 4th edition of MUTEK_IMG, their offshoot festival focused on digital creation. CAN/HOLO was invited to curate five panels within this year’s program, that bring together leading artists and thinkers to consider pressing aesthetic and sociopolitical questions.
About a year ago HOLO 2 came rolling off the press and we’ve spent the last twelve months shipping it and presenting it all over the world. We compiled a pretty massive report that collates all the crucial facts, figures, and feedback we’ve received. Thanks to our readers, partners, and contributors alike for your support—HOLO is a tribute to the amazing communities it chronicles.
A-B-Z-TXT is back as the ‘school for 21st century typography’—and it is looking for international applicants. Apply to join Zach Lieberman, Mindy Seu, Ali S. Qadeer, and others in Toronto Aug 17-20 for four days of masterclasses, workshops, and lectures.
Unhanded was a symposium about ‘making under the influence of digitalism’ that took place in Ottawa last September. CAN was on hand to facilitate one of the discussions, and to mark the publication of the videos online we offer some highlights and thoughts on the proceedings.
At its best, creative inquiry offers intellectual nourishment, empowerment and solace. At the end of 2016, we need all of those, which is why remembering – and celebrating – the outstanding work done this year is all the more important. Over the past twelve months we’ve added more than 100 projects to our archive – and with your help we’ve selected the favourite ones!
Over the last 9 years it has become a habit on CAN for as the year-end approaches to look back at some of the projects that have made a mark. We have done this in the form of ‘best of’ or more subtly ‘most memorable’ but this year we are doing it slightly differently. We invite you, the community, to be judges!
Pittsburgh’s Art && Code returns with a much-needed consideration of “new and independent visions for VR, MR, and AR.” Taking place from Oct 6-9th, and deliriously titled WEIRD REALITY, the four-day symposium gathers many of the best and brightest working in and at the fringes of immersive media.
Registration for A-B-Z-TXT, the ‘school for 21st century typography’ we are collaborating to present in Toronto this August is now open. Join us for four days of masterclasses (with LUSTlab and N O R M A L S), workshops, and incisive lectures and discussion!
Building on the experience of our past educational programming at ACT Festival, Resonate, and Circle of Light, CAN has partnered to launch a new initiative in Toronto this August. Our first North American event, A-B-Z-TXT is a school for 21st century typography.
Huge stroboscopic datastreams, hypnotic human-machine choreographies, a cacophony of Korean, Japanese, English, German, and French – ten weeks ago, from November 25th to 28th 2015, an unlikely cross-cultural exchange took over the all new ACT Center in Gwangju, South Korea. More than a hundred artists, designers, curators, and educators answered our invitation to add their work and voice to the inaugural edition of ACT Festival, an opening celebration for the center’s monumental facilities.