About Stones

Gnomes & Their Magical Energies - Journey in a Box

Gnomes & Their Magical Energies - Journey in a Box

Gnomes are often portrayed as small, humanoid creatures that live in gardens and forests. While they may seem like nothing more than a whimsical decoration or a character in a children's book, many people believe that gnomes possess metaphysical energies that can have a profound impact on our lives.
The Fascinating Properties of Fluorescent (UV) Minerals

The Fascinating Properties of Fluorescent (UV) Minerals

Minerals have a variety of fascinating properties, one being fluorescent. Fluorescent minerals can be easily identified by their ability to glow under ultraviolet light. These minerals are fluorescent because they absorb short-wave radiation and emit it as visible light with a longer wavelength. 

Creating the Energy Around You - January 2023 Crystal Healin...

You were born with the ability to create the right energy around you. The negative energy can be removed and replaced by positive energy if you know how to do it. Crystals are one of the tools that can be used to help create positive energy.
10 Healing Properties of Calcite

10 Healing Properties of Calcite

This article will explore 10 different ways that calcite can heal your body. The first way is by improving blood circulation. Our favorite is Blue Calcite, although the stunning Honey Comb Calcite from here in Utah is hard to beat. With dozens of colors and patterns of Calcite from around the world we wish you luck on your journey to find the perfect pieces for your collecting. 
All About Black Tourmaline

All About Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline or Shorl eliminates unwanted energies, grounds the chakras, body and mind to the earth, and clears negativity. It can also ground other minerals and their energies. 

Blog posts

  • Adrienne McElwain

Unlocking Insights with Rune Dice: Your Guide to Wisdom and Inspiration.

Rune Dice are a fun and easy way to use an ancient tool of inspiration, insight, and change! Rune dice make it easy to learn the runes and start on an inspired pathway of intentions in your life. 

1. Get yourself a set of rune dice: Start by acquiring a set of rune dice, which consist of different symbols representing ancient Norse runes. These can usually be found at metaphysical or specialty stores, or you can purchase them online.

2. Set your intention: Before using the rune dice, take a moment to set your intention for the practice. Think about what aspect of your life you would like to improve or gain insights into. It could be related to your relationships, career, personal growth, or any other area you find important.

3. Create a sacred space: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus without distractions. You may want to create a sacred atmosphere by lighting candles, burning incense, or playing calming music. This will help to create a peaceful environment conducive to deep reflection.

4. Shake the dice: Take the rune dice in your hands and gently shake them while focusing on your intention. Allow your energy to flow into the dice as you infuse them with your purpose. 

5. Cast the dice: Once you feel ready, cast the dice onto a soft surface or a specially designed cloth for rune readings. Allow the dice to fall naturally, without interfering with their movement. Trust that the runes that appear will hold valuable insights for you.

6. Interpret the runes: Look closely at the symbols that have landed face up. Each rune has its own meaning and significance. Refer to a guidebook, online resources, or consult an expert in rune readings to interpret the messages conveyed by the runes. Reflect on how these meanings may relate to your current situation or question.

7. Apply the guidance: Take the insights gained from the rune dice and consider how they can inspire positive changes in your life. Reflect on the advice or messages received and explore how you can integrate them into your daily routines, decision-making, or overall mindset.

8. Practice regularly: To truly benefit from using rune dice to inspire a better life, make it a regular practice. Set aside dedicated time each week or month to perform a rune reading and gain new insights. Over time, you may find a deeper connection with the runes and witness their positive influence on your life.

Remember, rune dice are meant to guide and inspire, but ultimately, the power to create a better life lies within you. Use this tool as a means to tap into your inner wisdom and drive positive change in pursuit of a fulfilling and meaningful life.

  • Adrienne McElwain

Kyanite: Symbolic Meanings

Kyanite is a crystal with many spiritual and healing properties. It's orange, blue, and white colors represent the three parts of the soul: kamarupa (consciousness), kama (emotions), and shakti (energy). Kyanite can help you to connect to your spirit guides as well as other realms. If you're looking for an easy way to feel more balanced in your life, kyanite is the perfect crystal for you!

If you're drawn to kyanite, it's likely that you need some extra help in the areas of balance and connection. Kyanite can assist you in finding your center and restoring equilibrium. It is a stone of calm and peace, which can be helpful during times of stress or anxiety. Kyanite also supports communication, both on a physical and intuitive level. It can help you to make the right choices for yourself, as kyanite has an eye for seeing through your old patterns and habits that no longer serve you!

Kyanite is also associated with stimulating creativity and imagination which makes kyanite great for artists, writers, musicians, children of all ages.

  • Adrienne McElwain

Stardust: The Story of a Star Ruby

Star rubies have been around for centuries and are still as popular today as ever. Their star-shaped inclusion is unique and beautiful, and they are known to bring good luck to their owners.
  • Adrienne McElwain

"Blue Halite" - Phenomenal Optical Illusion of Blue

Blue Halite displays an illusion of Blue color which arises from the lattice disorder within the crystalline structure induced by Potassium ions. In reality, the crystal is colorless; it is the bending and reflecting of light that creates this illusion of Blue.