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View synonyms for constriction


[ kuhn-strik-shuhn ]


  1. the act of constricting.
  2. the state of being constricted; tightness or inward pressure.

    Synonyms: stricture, contraction, compression

  3. a constricted part.
  4. something that constricts.
  5. Phonetics. an articulated narrowing of the vocal tract that in consonants audibly obstructs the flow of air and in vowels defines an interconnection between or among resonance cavities. Compare closure ( def 6 ).


/ kənˈstrɪkʃən /


  1. a feeling of tightness in some part of the body, such as the chest
  2. the act of constricting or condition of being constricted
  3. something that is constricted
  4. genetics a localized narrow region of a chromosome, esp at the centromere
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • conˈstrictively, adverb
  • conˈstrictiveness, noun
  • conˈstrictive, adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of constriction1

1350–1400; Middle English < Late Latin constrīctiōn- (stem of constrīctiō ), equivalent to Latin constrīct ( us ) ( constrict ) + -iōn- -ion
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Example Sentences

For almost five years, the entertainment industry has been beset, first by the pandemic, then by the writers’ and actors’ strikes and the constriction that followed.

If anything, when you have a constriction of content now, studios pulling back, the first things that get cut are things that are considered, you know, diversity initiatives.

And that does feel like a bit of a backslide because of the constriction of this industry right now.

“Considering its large size, Vasuki was a slow-moving ambush predator that would subdue its prey through constriction,” Datta said in an email.

Yet their lives are hemmed in by the men around them, with a constriction that’s suffocating.


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