[ flawr ]
- that part of a room, hallway, or the like, that forms its lower enclosing surface and upon which one walks.
- a continuous, supporting surface extending horizontally throughout a building, having a number of rooms, apartments, or the like, and constituting one level or stage in the structure; story.
- a level, supporting surface in any structure:
the elevator floor.
- one of two or more layers of material composing a floor:
rough floor; finish floor.
- a platform or prepared level area for a particular use:
a threshing floor.
- the bottom of any more or less hollow place:
the floor of a tunnel.
- a more or less flat extent of surface:
the floor of the ocean.
- the part of a legislative chamber, meeting room, etc., where the members sit, and from which they speak.
- the right of one member to speak from such a place in preference to other members:
The senator from Alaska has the floor.
- the area of a floor, as in a factory or retail store, where items are actually made or sold, as opposed to offices, supply areas, etc.:
There are only two salesclerks on the floor.
- the main part of a stock or commodity exchange or the like, as distinguished from the galleries, platform, etc.
- the bottom, base, or minimum charged, demanded, or paid:
The government avoided establishing a price or wage floor.
- Mining. an underlying stratum, as of ore, usually flat.
- Nautical.
- the bottom of a hull.
- any of a number of deep, transverse framing members at the bottom of a steel or iron hull, generally interrupted by and joined to any vertical keel or keelsons.
- the lowermost member of a frame in a wooden vessel.
verb (used with object)
- to cover or furnish with a floor.
- to bring down to the floor or ground; knock down:
He floored his opponent with one blow.
- to overwhelm; defeat.
- to confound or puzzle; nonplus:
I was floored by the problem.
/ flɔː /
- Also calledflooring the inner lower surface of a room
- a storey of a building
the second floor
- a flat bottom surface in or on any structure
the floor of a lift
a dance floor
- the bottom surface of a tunnel, cave, river, sea, etc
- mining an underlying stratum
- nautical the bottom, or the lowermost framing members at the bottom, of a vessel
- that part of a legislative hall in which debate and other business is conducted
- the right to speak in a legislative or deliberative body (esp in the phrases get, have, or be given the floor )
- the room in a stock exchange where trading takes place
- the earth; ground
- a minimum price charged or paid
a wage floor
- take the floorto begin dancing on a dance floor
- to cover with or construct a floor
- tr to knock to the floor or ground
- to disconcert, confound, or defeat
to be floored by a problem
Other Words From
- floor·less adjective
- un·der·floor noun
- un·floor verb (used with object)
Word History and Origins
Origin of floor1
Word History and Origins
Origin of floor1
Idioms and Phrases
- mop / wipe the floor with, Informal. to overwhelm completely; defeat:
He expected to mop the floor with his opponents.
- take the floor, to arise to address a meeting.
More idioms and phrases containing floor
see ground floor ; mop up the floor with ; sink through the floor ; take the floor ; walk the floor .Example Sentences
He said the restaurant was on the ground floor, and believes that it is the only room - or at least one of the few rooms - that didn't collapse.
The LFB said half of the ground floor of the building is alight.
BBC News NI understands rot and black mould on floors and walls have been found in large areas of the building which opened in 2019.
Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., who serves as vice chair on the Senate Appropriations Committee, described this position in remarks on the floor of the Senate.
They talk with cocksure confidence about the virtues of clearing forest floors, moving water hundreds of miles to get to the fire zone, to “crazy woke left” coastal policies, and on and on.
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.