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Call for PAIS Papers

The 13th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS-2024) will be held in close association with the 27th European Conference of Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2024) in the beautiful city of Santiago de Compostela during 19-24 October 2024.

PAIS is the largest showcase of real applications using AI technology worldwide and is the ideal place to meet developers of successful applications, discuss limitations of current algorithms, needs for future applications and algorithms, as well as novel methods in data collection and machine learning.

This year’s conference will focus on the impact of current AI-based solutions on critical issues related to our well-being and our world’s sustainability. We welcome submissions of papers that evaluate the values and costs of current AI solutions and shed light on where we need to be investing our efforts in practical solutions for the benefit of all. Our aim is to provide a forum for academic and industrial researchers and practitioners to share experiences and insights on the applicability, development, and deployment of intelligent systems. We welcome papers on all aspects of the application of intelligent systems technology, and particularly papers in the focus areas outlined above.

We welcome papers demonstrating novel and significant applications. We encourage submissions on deployed (i.e., in production use for some time) and emerging applications (e.g., in the field, lab testing, or simulations, such as prototypes). Papers considering deployed applications should clearly highlight the benefits of the application, describe how AI methods are applied or enhanced, and finally present the contribution of AI methods to the overall success. Authors should also attempt to distil lessons learned that can be useful to apply the AI methods employed to other applications. For emerging applications, authors must convincingly argue that the use of AI is beneficial, not to say essential, for the success of the application.

Submissions will be evaluated based on relevance, significance of contribution, impact, technical quality, quality of presentation, and maturity of the application.

Reviewing for PAIS is single-blind, so (unlike for ECAI) submissions are not required to be anonymous, accounting for the fact that ensuring anonymity for papers on fielded applications is often impossible.

The conference is planned as an in-person event. Each accepted paper will get assigned either an oral presentation slot or a combined poster/spotlight presentation slot. This assignment will be made in a randomised fashion (subject to program constraints).

The open-access proceedings will be published by IOS Press, in a single volume together with papers accepted to ECAI.

Important Dates

  • Submission site opening:

  • Abstract deadline:

  • Paper deadline:

  • Author notification:

  • Early registration deadline:

  • Camera-ready deadline:

All deadlines are at the end of the day specified, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).

Submission Instructions

Papers must be written in English, be prepared for single-blind review using the ECAI/PAIS LaTeX template, and not exceed 7 pages (plus at most 1 extra page for references).

ECAI/PAIS LaTeX Template

Excessive use of typesetting tricks to make things fit is not permitted. Please do not modify the style files or layout parameters.

Authors should include a list of keywords in their submission, comprising at least two keywords: one regarding the domain of the application (e.g., energy, human-machine interaction, manufacturing, education, agriculture, ecology), and one regarding the focus of the paper, from the following list of categories:

  • Evaluation: Responsible AI, impact on humans (AI and HMI, AI and UX), reproducibility

  • Methodology: Knowledge representation and reasoning, planning, distributed intelligence, information theory, uncertainty in AI, natural language and semantic processing, agent-based systems, constraints and satisfiability, deep learning, etc.

Registering an abstract of your paper (of around 100-300 words in plain text) is required in advance of the paper submission deadline and you will be asked to provide additional information (such as keywords) at that time. Please do not leave things to the very last moment; you can resubmit any number of times until the submission deadline.

PAIS EasyChair Site

Ethics Statement

Research reported at PAIS should avoid harm, be honest and trustworthy, fair and non-discriminatory, and respect privacy and intellectual property.

Where relevant, authors can include in the main body of their paper, or on the reference page, a short ethics statement that addresses ethical issues regarding the research being reported and the broader ethical impact of the work.

Reviewers will be asked to flag possible violations of relevant ethical principles. Such flagged submissions will be reviewed by a senior member of the program committee. Authors may be required to revise their paper to include a discussion of possible ethical concerns and their mitigation.

Supplementary Material

You have the option to accompany your submission with supplementary material, such as a technical appendix or code and data (up to 50MB).

Reviewers will consult supplementary material at their own discretion, and you should not assume that they necessarily will. Make sure that any supplementary material you submit really is supplementary in nature: any information that is essential for understanding or evaluating your paper must be included in the paper itself.

We will not publish your supplementary material. Nevertheless, if your paper gets accepted, then the readers of your published paper should have access to the same information as the reviewers of your submission. So you should make your (suitably revised) supplementary material openly available in archival form at the time of publication of your paper, and you should include a reference to the supplementary material in the camera-ready copy of your paper. For code or data, you may wish to use a service such as Zenodo. For a technical appendix, you may wish to use an archival preprint server such as arXiv.


PAIS subscribes to the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. By submitting to PAIS you confirm that you are aware of and accept the following specific policies:

  • Originality: Submissions must not have substantial overlap in either contribution or text with work previously accepted for publication as a full paper in another archival forum. Papers at workshops without archival proceedings and preprints are fine.

  • Concurrent submission: We recognize the significant strain on the scientific community caused by the need for peer review. Therefore, the work you submit must not be under review elsewhere at any time between submission and notification.

  • Reproducibility: Reviewers will be instructed to pay close attention to reproducibility of results where appropriate and you should submit relevant code and data as supplementary material whenever feasible.

  • Information sharing: Submissions will be treated confidentially. However, papers, author information, and reviews may be shared with the organisers of other AI conferences to identify duplicate submissions and to limit duplicate reviewing efforts.

  • Abstracts: Abstracts are central to the assignment of reviewers. Therefore, they must not be altered in any significant way after the abstract submission deadline. In particular, submitting “placeholder abstracts” is not admissible.

  • Authorship: All individuals, and only those, who have made significant contributions to a paper should be listed as authors in the submission system. We will not permit adding or removing authors to a paper after the submission deadline. Please also ensure that the order of authors is correct at submission time.

  • Generative AI: The use of AI systems to generate text for inclusion in a PAIS submission is only allowed if its role is properly documented in the manuscript (e.g. when reporting on experiments on such systems). However, the use of AI-powered systems to assist with the polishing of human-authored text is permissible.

  • Purchasing extra pages: Authors of accepted papers may purchase up to two extra pages in the proceedings, for EUR 250 per page. This is not intended to be used to add significant material that has not been reviewed but to allow authors to account for reviewer suggestions. The extra income generated in this manner will get channelled back into the community through travel grants and the like.

  • Attendance: At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference by the early registration deadline with the intention of presenting the paper at the conference. This is a prerequisite for inclusion in the proceedings.


In case of questions, please contact the PAIS chair, Kerstin Bach, at pais-chair@ecai2024.eu.



Thanks to the sponsors who are already supporting ECAI2024. Together we are making Santiago de Compostela the world capital of AI during 19-24 October 2024.

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