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Demand Connection Code

The Demand Connection Code sets harmonised requirements for connecting large renewable energy production plants as well as demand response facilities. The code will ease the integration of 260 gigawatts of photovoltaic & wind (almost tripling the current installed capacity in Europe) as well as 11 gigawatts of demand response in Europe (which could mean the sparing of 11 coal generation plants).

Current Status Entered into force Read the guideline

Published Regulation

The published network codes become regulations. Use this section for a handy way to jump to a particular article of the network code.

Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1388

establishing a Network Code on Demand Connection

Implementation - Making the code a reality

Implementation Monitoring (Active Library)

Keep track of the implementation of each of the connection network codes, view implementation guidence documents, expert task forces and review consultation outcomes.


Implementation guidance documents

Keep track of the latest versions of the implementation guidance documents


Technical Groups

Terms of reference for each of the technical groups


DCC related Deliverables

European Stakeholder Committee

History & Development of the network code

Below you will find the Frequently asked questions relating to the network code Demand Connection Code.

The Network Code on Demand Connection will help to accomplish the tasks of facilitating the increase of Renewable Energy Sources (RES), ensuring system security and implementing the internal electricity market, also by means of smart grid models, DCC has been initiated to define common functional requirements and will mainly focus on the connection of industrial loads and distribution networks.

Latest Status Update (December 2015)

In October 2015, Member States gathered in comitology voted positively on the new HVDC code. The code will now go through scrutiny by the European Parliament and Council, and ENTSO-E hopes it will enter into force in spring of 2016.

The draft code and all the related documents can be downloaded from the links in the table below. An overview of the latest developments for all network codes is available.

T​he final code and supporting documents are available at the bottom of this page​

The DCC forms an integral part of the larger package of network codes in development. It also begins to address some of the difficult aspects of the changing role and nature of electricity demand. For more information on this and the development process taken for DCC please read the ‘background information’​

What Happens Next?

The network codes have been developed to help realise Europe’s three energy policy goals – of ensuring security of supply; creating a competitive Internal Electricity Market; and decarbonising the electricity sector. For this to happen the network codes need to be implemented and complied with across Europe.

ENTSO-E has published implementation guidelines for the Demand Connection Code (DCC). The DCC proposes a balanced framework with some parameters in the code being set at European level and others at national level, based on local system needs. The implementation guidelines support the code by highlighting the impact on specific technologies, the link with local network characteristics, as well the need for coordination between network operators and grid users.

Download the DCC Implementation Guidelines (16/10/2013)

Each network requires a series of steps to be taken before they can enter into force. This could be national decisions, the conclusion of regional agreements or the creation of more detailed methodologies. All market participants, DSOs, TSOs and regulators will be involved and there will be extensive development work and consultation required.

The connection related network codes employ a flexible framework, which allow some values to be set on a national basis, within ranges specified in the network codes, while other issues are tackled on a pan-European basis. This approach reflects the fact that electricity transmission infrastructure has developed differently in many European countries.

Stakeholder Engagement

ENTSO-E’s stakeholder engagement has comprised of Public Stakeholder Workshops, DSO Technical Expert Group Meetings, User Group Meetings, a general Call for Stakeholder Input as well as ad-hoc meetings and exchange of views with any interested party as appropriate. The DSO Technical Expert Groups reflect the importance of involving Distribution System Operators, due to their significant role in contributing to overall system security. The technical experts in this group are designated from the DSO associations CEDEC, EDSO for Smart Grids, Eurelectric and GEODE.

All material, including minutes and presentations from meetings will be made public.

Call for Stakeholder Input

The ‘Call for Stakeholder Input’ that ran from April to May 2012, enabled open discussion of some of the ground breaking domains of the DCC which aided in developing this code. Additionally this helped in writing the supporting documentation which explains how the DCC fits in the context of a rapidly changing power system where new demand measures are needed. ENTSO-E has used the contributions provided from the 18 organisations that responded to this throughout the DCC development process. An assessment of the feedback provided is given in the DCC – Explanatory Note which accompanies the network code.

DSO Technical Expert Group Meetings

Minutes Minutes
Minutes Presentations
Minutes Presentations
Minutes Presentations

Public Stakeholder Workshops

Agenda Presentations
Agenda Presentations Preliminary Scope
Minutes Presentations
Minutes Presentations
Minutes Presentations

Related Documents and Links

Background information on DCC development process

On 5 January 2012, the European Commission (EC) has given ENTSO-E a mandate  for the development within a period of twelve months of a Network Code on industrial load and DSO connections in line with the framework guidelines on electricity grid connections of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). The development process of the DCC from the early scoping phase to continuous improvements of a draft version of the code, were guided by extensive feedback from stakeholder organisations across Europe, including the electricity sector, smart grid and customer organisations. 

Two main consultation phases took place. First, a call for stakeholder feedback  in April 2012 aimed at receiving views on the main challenges to cope with in the NC DCC, and feedback on initial cost-benefit case studies. Second, a formal consultation  on a draft version of the DCC was open from 27 June to 13 September 2012 and attracted nearly 1500 individual comments and proposals for improvements of the code.

Throughout the process, ENTSO-E continuously engaged with a dedicated DSO Technical Expert Group on all items affecting distribution system operators (DSOs) in implementing the DCC, and a DCC User Group, which mostly focused on the DCC provisions on DSR. All relevant documents covering the agreed outcome of these interactions are available here.

An overview of the key principles of the DCC and the motivation for the latest evolutions in the code were presented at a public information session on 12 December 2012. The material presented at this session is now available as well. Based on the feedback received during this session by various organisations, ENTSO-E amended several clauses of the DCC in order to clarify the process on compliance enforcement for DSR provided by small-scale demand users.

At this stage ACER has a three month period to assess whether the DCC provisions are in line with the framework guidelines on electricity grid connections. Based on a positive recommendation of ACER, the EC will initiate the Comitology process to adopt the DCC as a binding European Regulation.