When I was 18 I was working as a secretary, a very boring and awful job. I really wanted to be independent. I wanted to be an adult, just grow up and take care of myself. I had finished my high school education, which was very irregular, because my parents were diplomats. So we travelled a lot, and I was always changing schools. I could hardly write properly in Spanish, and I knew nothing about Chilean history.
I never had any relationship with my father. I met him only once. He died in the street of a heart attack, and they called me to identify his body, but I couldn’t because I had never seen a picture of him.
At the beginning, I was very jealous of him, because he took my mother’s attention, and so I didn’t like him. But then when my daughter was born, when I was 21, my stepfather fell in love with Paula, my daughter, and I saw him