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Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

In this 2009 National Book Award finalist, Rita Williams-Garcia proves that she has an "uncanny ability to project unique voices" (Publishers Weekly). Jumped is told in alternating points of view between three girls as they struggle to make tough choices when they become involved in a fight at their urban high school. "So well observed that the characters seem to leap off the page ."-Publishers Weekly
Release dateMay 14, 2010

Rita Williams-Garcia

Rita Williams-Garcia's Newbery Honor Book, One Crazy Summer, was a winner of the Coretta Scott King Author Award, a National Book Award finalist, the recipient of the Scott O’Dell Award for Historical Fiction, and a New York Times bestseller. The two sequels, P.S. Be Eleven and Gone Crazy in Alabama, were both Coretta Scott King Author Award winners and ALA Notable Children’s Books. Her novel Clayton Byrd Goes Underground was a National Book Award finalist and winner of the NAACP Image Award for Youth/Teen Literature. Rita is also the author of five other distinguished novels for young adults: Jumped, a National Book Award finalist; No Laughter Here, Every Time a Rainbow Dies (a Publishers Weekly Best Children’s Book), Fast Talk on a Slow Track (all ALA Best Books for Young Adults); and Blue Tights. Rita Williams-Garcia lives in Jamaica, New York, with her husband and has two adult daughters. You can visit her online at ritawg.com.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Dominique is a brooding, hard-core basketballer with a highly defined sense of her personal space (in other words, don't get up in her space). Trina is flirtaciousness and light, oblivious to all but the beauty she brings to the world. Leticia is an onlooker from the sidelines, eager to see the show, any show. Leticia is the one who sees Trina unwittingly cross Dominique's personal space, sees the look that crosses Dominique's face and Leticia knows It's On for after school. Readers see in alternating narratives who these girls are over the course of a school day, to the inevitable beat-down at 2:45 dismissal. In the end, nobody learns a lesson, no one suffers a crisis of conscience, no one has regrets. (Leticia is stunned to realize she could have been on the news talking about the fight but she isn't!) Teenagers can be obliviously self-centered and this book addresses it perfectly. The luxury here is that readers have the ability to see three perspectives going on. This would make a great teen book group title, generating lively discussion.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Trina is having a great day, her art is up in school, she looks good, she's happy. Dominique is not having a good day - bad grades got her benched and she gets no sympathy from coach or the teachers. Then Trina walks too close to Dominique. Leticia, watching from the sidelines, knows that Trina is going to get jumped. What's her responsibility? Told in alternating chapters in the voices of three very different girls.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    diverse middlegrade fiction (middleschool can be rough)
    I liked this okay (diverse voices!) but had trouble getting into it with all the serious stuff going on lately.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Trina: beautiful, bouncy, artistic, thinks of herself as the center of attention; Dominique: tomboy, fixated on playing basketball, bad tempered, extra angry at being benched for low grades; Leticia: daddy's little girl, self-centered, wants to observe, not be involved. Williams-Garcia combines these three personalities in telling about a day in their high school lives from each of their points of view. Angry at being benched, Dominique decides she's going to beat up Trina after school. Clueless to it all, Trina goes through her day. Leticia knows what's going to happen, but debates whether or not she should get involved. Williams-Garcia puts up a convincing case of showing what happens when someone decides not to do the right thing, when someone lets anger control their lives, and when someone is too self-absorbed to notice the world around them.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Three girls: the "bully," the "victim," and the bystander. Three lives, filled with their own stories, stresses, needs, and wants, collide one day in an overcrowded urban high school with the kind of result that makes the news nearly every day. Williams-Garcia nailed this story in 168 pages that makes it a perfect pick for high school girls who are reluctant readers. I think as a group read it could spawn great discussions about responsibility and culpability.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    National Book Award Nominee 2009

    This book was okay. I found it hard to relate to all three girls. I'm surprised it was nominated for this award.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I had trouble when I first started reading the book. I couldn't connect to the voices of the characters.I felt like I was reading a foreign language. and I identified with students that have a hard time when reading books with foreign words, or dialects that they don't know. But as I continued reading the characters came to life for me. I had the interesting experience of meeting Ms. Williams-Garcia and I was fascintated to find out how she created her characters' voices. It completely changed the way I thought about this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    “Try getting through these halls without elbows, backpacks, attitude, a lot of running, and now dancing. There are thirty-five hundred students in this school . . . from period three to period eight you have the weight of the world marching in this cereal box.” Jumped by Rita Williams-Garcia is story about girl-on-girl violence that takes place from “zero” period to the end of the day at 2:45. It is told from three teenagers’ points of view: Leticia, Trina, and Dominique. All three girls have very distinct personalities and perspectives of the world, which collide in Jumped.Nothing is going right for Dominique. She loves basketball more than anything else, but she’s been benched for the season because she got a seventy, instead of seventy-five. She is upset by her situation and everything feels out of her control. She says, “The grades I get. The classes on my schedule. When I come and go. I don’t control none of that. All of that’s controlling me. Boxing me in” (pg. 147). ‘Nique is mad and she wants to prove it.Trina, on the other hand, is having a perfect day. She feels complete in her hot pink jump suit that says, “Hot Chick.” She’s just finished viewing her artwork that is on display in the ‘C’ Corridor for African History Month, and she is pleased with her accomplishments. Life couldn’t be better . . . until she unknowingly crosses paths with Dominique.Leticia is the character that many readers will find themselves relating to the most. She witnesses the interaction between Dominique and Trina between zero and first period. She knows that Trina is going to be jumped at 2:45, yet it’s not a clear-cut decision for her to alert anyone to the looming violence. Leticia’s character forces readers to think about what they would do in a similar situation. What is ethical and what is minding your own business?Jumped is a quick book to read because of the changing points of view and the fact that it’s only 169 pages. The language and some scenes are gritty. Rita Williams-Garcia spent time observing classes and hallway interactions to get the characters right.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book is about some teen girls in school. Each chapter, one of the girls in the book, narrates their day/time at school. However, this year is different. A girl overhears about a girl jumping another girl. Will she tell what she heard or keep silent? It continues to touch on the peer violence that will be happening soon at the end of the school day. The time has come for one student that will jump another. Will the girl speak up before this happens, who knows?The idea I have with this book is for my students to perform a reader's theater. I will take some exerpts from the entire book and our students will role play/read expressively their part. We will do this in groups of 5 for the first set of chapters. Each group of 5 will go every week reading the script of their assigned reading chapters. We will have a part for 3 of the girls: Leticia, Trina, and Dominique. The group will need a teacher and basketball coach. This will give our students a chance to really role play their character's role based on the book. The focus is mainly on reading the text using gestures and expressive voices. I enjoyed reading this book. I liked the plot because it is reality. Peer violence does happen amongst our middle grade students; therefore, I would let middle schoolers read this book. I think the school and educators could open up the topic of peer violence and help those out on either side of the fence being the violent one, victim, or bystander. Everyone plays a part in this (an important part). Let's stop teen violence today! Start a anti-teen violence at your school. Let students come here to share, speak, and tell about their "role" in peer violence.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The plot centers around three high school girls and covers the course of events leading to a confrontation between two of them. Each of the chapters is told from the perspective of one of the characters, a device that moves the story forward effectively. However, for me, the problem with the story is that none of the three girls is particularly likeable or compelling. In fact, all three suffer from narcissism and never experience anything that approaches personal growth or insight.. The incident predicted throughout the story happens at the time and place the reader expects with a predictable outcome. This is no "Chronicle of a Death Foretold" and Williams-Garcia is no Garcia Marquez . However, I am going to put it in my high school's collection because it is an easy read and might work as a cautionary tale for readers who have more self-reflection than the characters.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Personal Response:The chapters are each by a different character of the book. I found this rather confusing initially since I was unsure who the Book was talking about. Then, I realized that the different characters were talking. This book is about choices and the impact that even insignificant choices can have. A reader will have three different perspectives on the three teens lives in this book. I would recommend this book for older teens due to some mature content.Curricular or Programming Connections:Curriculum on Choices, good and badMiddle Age Studies
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Girl fights are a part of everyday life and this is the first book I've seen that's addressed this. Thought-provoking.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    High School and Up. The majority of 'Jumped' is told over the course of one day in an inner-city high school. Through alternating chapters in the voices of three teenage girls - Trina, bouncy, confident, and artistic; Dominique, an angry basketball player; and Leticia, gossipy and afraid - the story of an average day builds to a jump. Trina has unwittingly offended Dominique, who plans on jumping her in the parking lot after school. Leticia knows Dominique's plans, and knows that Trina doesn't know, but because of laziness and fear doesn't tell Trina. Jumped is a quick read full of anticipation for the reader who is waiting for the fight and its consequences. The voices of the three girls are convincing and authentic, and Williams-Garcia manages to fully develop the girls as characters, which in the multiple narrative and novella formats can be difficult. Not a book for those who like their endings wrapped up neatly, but a great one for conversation. This book has been nominated for a number of prestigious awards. Recommended for all teen public library and high school collections.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Dominique is angry because she is no longer permitted game time -- as per the coach's rules -- after receiving a 70 on her report card. Cute and artsy Trina, prancing along in her pink sweat outfit before school, unwittingly disrespects Dominique's space in the hallway and so Dominique announces to her sidekicks that she is going to jump Trina at 2:45. Leticia is the only witness to the early-morning incident and when she phones her best friend Bea to tell her about it, Bea insists that Leticia get involved to prevent it or at least warn Trina. Leticia, whose Zero Period math tutorial is the beginning of a particularly agonizing school day of endless frustrations, contemplates whether or not to actually get involved. Follow Trina, Dominique, and Leticia through one day of school and when you have turned the final page, ask yourself what you would have done. Book Talk: (pick students to read)Dominique: I see him drive into the teachers' parking lot, and before he can finish parking, grab his briefcase, his plastic coffee mug, I'm on him. Got him scared to leave the car. 'Listen Hershheiser,' I say, 'I need my grade changed.' He tries to walk fast but I'm on him. 'I don't want that grade. All you gotta do is change that seventy to a seventy-five. Five points. That's all Hershheiser. Just five points and I'm off the bench. You can do this. You can change my grade.' I see his mustache twitching, his teeth rattling. He's scared and it's funny. And when he says I can't accost him in the parking lot, I say, 'I'm not costing you. You're costing me. Costing me my minutes. My season. All I need is to be up a few points and I get my time back.'Trina:I'm up early and at school before most anybody else. Hanging my art in the C Corridor. My color, my crazy point of view, and--bam!--I make you look twice. Don't get me misunderstood. I don't love being up this early, but for me, no problem. I don't do a lot to look this way. My lucky gold chain hangs around my neck, asleep or awake. A quick shower, a spritz of Passion Pink, my killer outfit laid out for me to jump into. I just stretch, roll, and go. Yeah, yeah. Rocking the hot-pink warm-up suit because all eyes will be on me. What? Don't hate because i got it like this. Kisses to Mami--mmwack--still snoozing. Thanks for hooking it up, Mami. I didn't have to come out all gorgeous. In case you're wondering, that's not conceit. It's just fact. It's like when you see a Picasso--those colors, those shapes, those crazy mixes--and you hear the music in the paintings, you can't help but say, 'That's dope.' When people see me, they see walking art. Leticia:Zero period. Fail one math test and you're up before the first chirp of day. Up before the street lights turn off. While I'm in here I'm missing all that's going on while everyone else is getting' to school. I need to catch it all while it's clicking and flashing: what they're wearing, who they're with, what they're saying. Just have to fake out the teacher, make her think I got to go to the bathroom--can't wait. And while I'm skipping out of zero period, I see that Trina doing what Trina do. Being in everyone's face. Shaking that tail. Walking right through Dominique's space, cutting like a knife. Yeah, Dominique, Basketball Jones. You forget she has natural waves and a nice complexion. You just think girl on the ball court in biggy-baggy basketball jersey and shorts--if you want to call those long bloomers shorts. Trina cutting through her space like a knife, not even knowing now that Dominique is going to beat her up at 2:45. And my friend asking me what I'm going to do. Why do I gotta get involved?
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Trina is having a great day, her art is up in school, she looks good, she's happy. Dominique is not having a good day - bad grades got her benched and she gets no sympathy from coach or the teachers. Then Trina walks too close to Dominique. Leticia, watching from the sidelines, knows that Trina is going to get jumped. What's her responsibility? Told in alternating chapters in the voices of three very different girls.