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What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
Audiobook3 hours

What We Talk About When We Talk About Love

Written by Raymond Carver

Narrated by Norman Dietz

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

In his second collection, including the iconic and much-referenced title story featured in the Academy Award-winning film Birdman, Raymond Carver establishes his reputation as one of the most celebrated short-story writers in American literature. What We Talk About When We Talk About Love is a haunting meditation on love, loss, and companionship, and finding one's way through the dark.
Release dateFeb 21, 2017
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love

Raymond Carver

Raymond Carver (1938-1988), narrador y poeta, es uno de los maestros del cuento contemporáneo. En Anagrama se han publicado sus seis libros de relatos, ¿Quieres hacer el favor de callarte, por favor?, De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de amor, Catedral, Tres rosas amarillas, Si me necesitas, llámame y Principiantes, además de la antología Short Cuts (Vidas cruzadas). Asimismo se ha publicado Carver Country, que contiene textos del autor (cuentos, poemas y cartas inéditas) y fotografías de Bob Adelman, el volumen Todos los cuentos, que incluye los primeros cinco libros del autor, y Todos nosotros, que recoge su poesía completa.

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Reviews for What We Talk About When We Talk About Love

Rating: 4.105179979915434 out of 5 stars

946 ratings34 reviews

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Readers find this title to be a splendid collection of short stories. Carver is a master of the short story form and his writing is beautiful. However, some readers found the narration by Norman Dietz to be unbearable and it hindered their enjoyment of the book.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A friend gave this book to me as a gift after we watched BIRDMAN in theaters a few years ago. I hadn't read anything by Raymond Carver before (and hadn't heard of him until I saw the movie), but my friend is a huge fan. This is the second time I've read through the book, and since I knew more of what to expect, I appreciated it more. The stories are often depressing, often dealing with screwed-up people with personal and familial problems. I can't say I can relate to these characters, but I imagine that there's a large subset of American society that can. Two of the stories - "Tell the Women We're Going" and "Popular Mechanics" - had such horrific endings, my hair stood up.

    Mr. Carver's writing is deceptively simple, lacking complex vocabulary. If its themes and subtexts weren't so mature, I'd almost suggest that it be a candidate for a "high-low" book, meaning that its reading level is low but it's still appropriate for older readers.

    5 stars.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Breathtakingly good. I found it hard to keep reading at times because the emotional impact of the stories was so intense. Technically speaking Carver is truly a master of understatement and really, really tight writing. I mainly picked this up because Murakami lists him as an inspiration, and I can definitely see the influence on his style. So glad I read this!

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    A couple of the stories hit home for me. The writing is good minimalist fair. Unfortunately, most of the stories didn't appeal to me. The writing isn't my taste either. Does this make sense? I could see why many would love this book of stories, but for me I will pass on future Carver.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I came to Carver expecting a lot - I should have been less optimistic. These are minimal stories; a few work, but the majority feel like vignettes, drifting plotlessly in a vacuum. The reader is required to do all the heavy lifting of adding import and power to the little that's here.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I really wanted to listen to this but the narration by Norman Dietz made it unbearable. The narration was so terrible I couldn’t even get past the first 5 minutes.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Carver is a master of the short story form. I suppose you have to be in the mood for some dirty realism (not the fun kind). Beautiful writer.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I found this to be a splendid collection of short stories. From to start to finish, the book itself grows on you.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Brutal. Short. Amazing.Clawing through these short stories was reminiscent of reading Bukowski's poetry. Carver wastes no words as he chisels his fiction bluntly from blocks of motive and description. Some of the stories are mere pages, but hold up via the weight of the undercurrent, the hidden text.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A wonderful collection of short stories!

    Each story a stand-alone slice of life. Most of the books are about love, but also just being human. The author gets a lot done with each word - nothing extra and nothing missing.

    I listened to the audio, which was wonderful.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I'm ready to credit Raymond Carver's editor with his success as a short-story writer.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Raymond Carver is a master storyteller. He writes these super short stories that are packed with intrigue and feelings. In less time that you can imagine, Carver made me connect with his characters and then he always had these twists that made me read it again just to wrap my head around what happened. The title story, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, is one of the best short stories I've read. This collection of stories made a great last read of the night each night before I went to bed.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I reread this collection in conjunction with reading the base text, Beginners. In most cases the stories have been edited by almost half and the large majority are equally impressive, though in much different ways. I'd have to say that "The Bath" is the story in this collection that lost the most from the intense editing of Gordon Lish. In Beginners this story really plumbs the depths of the emotional struggle of the couple after the death of their son and the ending demonstrates a moving interaction between strangers who are both recognizing their humanity midst true tragedy. The WWTA version just ends on a bleak and somewhat "thriller-ish" note that was extremely reductive. At any rate that's an anomaly, I'd recommend reading this in tandem with Beginners or just read it if you want to read some damn good fiction.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    I recommend everyone to watch the film Short Cuts by Robert Altman. This breathed a new life into these stories for me, allowing me to just enjoy them for what they are rather than trying to pry into them for deeper meaning.

    I've given this three stars only because I know It's really good and probably deserves more, but I have to be honest, and I don't think I have the mental capacity to really appreciate it. I feel like there's something under the stories that I can't reach. I've heard that his work has biblical themes. I'd really like someone to take me by the hand and lead me through his writing.

    I enjoyed reading this. It was only when a teacher of mine brought it up that I realised how similar to Hemingway Carver's writing style is.

    My favourite Carver story is probably Chef's House as read on The NewYorker Podcast. In written form I like the one where the guy's wife works as a waitress in some diner - can't remember the name.

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    “Drinking’s funny. When I look back on it, all of our important decisions have been figured out when we were drinking. Even when we talked about having to cut back on drinking, we’d be sitting at the kitchen table or out at the picnic table with a six-pack or whiskey.”  “A man can go along obeying all the rules and then it don’t matter a damn anymore.”  “and it ought to make us feel ashamed when we talk like we know what we're talking about when we talk about love.”  Carver writes spare, slices of American life. Stories of love, booze, pain, infidelity and death. These tales take place, in small towns, trailer parks and on camping trips. There is just enough dry wit, to keep it keep the bleakness at bay.I first discovered Carver, while reading Short Cuts: Selected Stories, which was a special edition collecting stories from the Robert Altman film Short Cuts. It is a truly amazing film, with a stellar cast and it perfectly captures the spirit and tone of Carver. A couple of the stories found in the film show up in What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. I have no idea why it has taken me 20-plus years to revisit Carver, but I am back on board now and will read the rest of his work.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Answer: In other words, everything else: "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love" by Raymond Carver, Gordon Lish “I could hear my heart beating. I could hear everyone’s heart. I could hear the human noise we sat there making, not one of us moving, not even when the room went dark.”

    in “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love” by Raymond Carver, Gordon Lish

    Imagine the following sentence: “By 8 AM I wake up to go to the bathroom.”

    Now imagine the following edited sentence: “By 8 AM I wake up and go to the bathroom to sit on what has to be the unlikeliest throne in Lisbon.”

    Which one is better? Uhm...Food for thought...

    If you're into this kind of stuff, read on.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    better review pending but some quick thoughts:

    -I know Carver was an alcoholic, but he was literally incapable of writing a story that doesn't mention booze
    -incredibly minimal but emotional writing. it's incredible how carver can use so few words to say so much.
    -I don't care how involved Gordon Lish was involved, the final product is fantastic

    favorites: "What We Talk about when we talk about love" (natch), "Everything Stuck to Him"
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I enjoy that Carver experimented with form, language, and style but the plot of many of the stories are not my cup of tea. That being said, one story which I do quite like is "Everything Stuck to Him" on page 127.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Some great stories. Are few are overly pared down and seem to go for effect rather than story. Still a brilliant collection.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Carver was born in Clatskanie, Oregon and lived mostly in Port Angeles, Washington, so this collection of short stories has a Pacific Northwest flavor. The stories are short and spare, the settings gritty, and the characters difficult. The focus is on romantic relationships that don’t completely work. Alcohol is a major factor. Here is a passage from “Gazebo,” in which Holly and Duane, managers of a small motel, confront Duane’s infidelity.Drinking’s funny. When I look back on it, all of our important decisions have been figured out when we were drinking. Even when we talked about having to cut back on our drinking, we’d be sitting at the kitchen table or out at the picnic table with a six-pack or whiskey. When we made up our minds to move down here and take this job as managers, we sat up a couple of nights drinking while we weighed the pros and the cons.A lot of the stories make you feel just plain icky, as in “So Much Water, So Close to Home” in which a group of men on a fishing trip come across the dead body of a murdered woman at the beginning of the trip, and wait until the end of the trip to report it, rather than interrupt the trip. But something about Carver’s writing, and his non-judgmental view makes the stories more than just a glimpse of the odd and disturbing. They really raise the question of what it means to be human in relationship to other humans. .
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was okay. I usually love short story collections but this one did not really leave its mark on me. Most of the time I do not understand what's happening. There are great stories in this collection but over-all it was just okay.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Read it in a day, was utterly blown away. It's a collection of unrelated short stories that somehow feel related, and the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. I know I'm not exactly early to the Carver party, so I'll save all the hackneyed praise about his evocative minimalist prose raw gin-soaked quiet desperation slice-of-life vignette blah blah blah. If you want to read that kind of review, randomly sample other reviews of this book, any of which probably said it better than I could, and long before.

    I wish I'd had this book in my life when I was going through my divorce. It wouldn't have fixed anything, or even made me feel better about it, but when you're at true rock bottom, that isn't what you're looking for; only some confirmation that this is survivable.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I had just a few more stories to read in this book and I finally finished it. That's the great thing about short story collections. Finish a story, put a bookmark in it, and you can pick it up again after a long absence without starting over again.

    Carver has become one of my favorites. The plainspoken characters. The stark but beautiful use of nature. The unexpected volatility and tenderness of his characters. The specter of sometimes sinister doings. The endings that sometimes provoke a guffaw, sometimes make you scratch your head.

    I've been reading his work generally in the order written. In the title story has Carver moving into new territory. Rather than the usual sparse dialog that marks his first stories, it has a group of four relatively articulate friends talking over drinks about what constitutes love. The reality of love is that it is often violent and tinged with madness. It often seems to disappear slice by infinitesimal slice until it's gone, leaving you wonder whether it was ever there. Yet its saving grace is that people always manage to love again.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Terse. Spare. Amazing.

    Carver's vision was singular and pure. His words fall like rain, inevitable and clear.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Short and sweet, some stories take only a few pages. They're not all hits, but a goodie is never more than a few turns away. The briefest, Popular Mechanics, is one of the best, but Tell The Women We're Going is the stand-out, spine-tingling highlight.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Reading these stories made me feel hopeless and alone.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Having had very high expectations via reputation etc. I must say I was a tad underwhelmed. By all means, a very good writer, and some of the stories were great, but others - I'd like to say 'WTF'? but will instead say were simply over my little head. I don't understand a story that seems to have no beginning and no end, not even a seed of an idea to ponder - it's as if you found a loose page from a book that doesn't exactly leave you with any desire to go and hunt down that book right away. I have another book of his stories - [Where I'm Calling From] and I since that one is an anthology of his best, I have certainly not taken it off of my TBR list.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Hmm ... I'm a lover of short stories, but didn't get the praise/hype/awards that this guy has won. The fiction is very sparse, and definitely has a very personal flair - mostly through subject matter, and the non-linear progression of the conversations. I think this qualifies as voice, but the stories weren't that compelling to me.I'll re-read this in a year or so, to see if I missed something.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    On my first reading, I found it hard to see part the dated elements of so many of the stories. I don't know why that bothered me, except maybe that the 70s are both recent enough and distant enough that it's hard to read stories from that era without smirking a little. The characters are like us and unlike us in precisely uncomfortable ways.Or maybe that was always true of Carver. I don't know, but in subsequent readings, his style really got under my skin. I love the way he leaves you guessing, hiding his Big Ideas under oblique dialogue, carefully recorded details, and gallons of alcohol.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Carver is very spare and very depressing, at least at first. I must admit that I wasn't sure I liked his stories much in the beginning, but about halfway through (I think with the story "So Much Water So Close to Home") I warmed up to him, and by the end I loved the overall effect Carver achieved. A critical blurb from Tim O'Brien on the back of the book says it better than I can: "The collection as a whole, unlike most, begins to grow and resonate in a wonderful cumulative effect." I totally agree with that; even Lorrie Moore, whose stories I absolutely love, hasn't achieved that kind of cohesion with her collections. Carver is very subtle, so reading one or two stories by him won't do it--the whole collection needs to be read through, and I would guess it's best to do it quickly, like I did. It's the mood that's important, not the individual stories (which often don't even have plots, just character interactions), and Carver captures a sense of the emotionally seedy underbelly of America. It's honest and blunt and would be depressing if it weren't so good.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Carver's minimalist writing does not build up characters but breaks them down and nearly destroys them. He captures people at their most vulnerable and illustrates the power a chaotic moment can have on an otherwise stable person. The unexpected is all that should be expected in his often morose America as it is the unexpected which seems to matter most.