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No Ordinary Time
No Ordinary Time
No Ordinary Time
Audiobook39 hours

No Ordinary Time

Written by Doris Kearns Goodwin

Narrated by Nelson Runger

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Doris Kearns Goodwin’s Pulitzer Prize–winning classic about the relationship between Franklin D. Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt, and how it shaped the nation while steering it through the Great Depression and the outset of World War II.

With an extraordinary collection of details, Goodwin masterfully weaves together a striking number of story lines—Eleanor and Franklin’s marriage and remarkable partnership, Eleanor’s life as First Lady, and FDR’s White House and its impact on America as well as on a world at war. Goodwin effectively melds these details and stories into an unforgettable and intimate portrait of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt and of the time during which a new, modern America was born.
Release dateMar 15, 2011

Doris Kearns Goodwin

Doris Kearns Goodwin es una historiadora presidencial de renombre mundial, oradora pública y ganadora del Premio Pulitzer, autora de libros best-seller del New York Times. Su séptimo libro, Liderazgo en tiempos turbulentos, fue publicado en septiembre de 2018 se convirtió en un éxito de ventas instantáneo en el New York Times. Una culminación de la carrera de cinco décadas de Goodwin de estudiar a los presidentes estadounidenses, el libro proporciona una hoja de ruta accesible y esencial para los aspirantes y líderes establecidos en todos los campos y para todos nosotros en nuestra vida cotidiana. Bien conocida por sus apariciones y comentarios en la televisión, Goodwin aparece con frecuencia en todas las principales cadenas de televisión y cable, y en programas como Meet the Press y Late Show con Stephen Colbert. Entre sus muchos honores y galardones. Goodwin recibió el Premio Charles Frankel, otorgado por la Fundación Nacional para las Humanidades, la Medalla Sarah Josepha Hale, el Premio del Libro de Nueva Inglaterra y el Premio Literario Carl Sandburg. Vive en Concord, Massachusetts.

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Reviews for No Ordinary Time

Rating: 4.374762655597723 out of 5 stars

527 ratings23 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a well-documented and insightful biography of a great president and Eleanor Roosevelt. The book provides a detailed view of their day-to-day lives and highlights their contributions to equality. The author's writing is beautiful and the work is highly recommended for admirers of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book served as a window through which to look at one of the more important periods in the history of the United States -- a few years prior to, and after, my birth year of 1942. My entire life has been influenced by the Roosevelt years and what a wonderful job Doris Kearns Goodwin did in describing them. I had no idea how loose-knit the marriage of Franklin and Eleanor was. Ms Goodwin did a masterful job weaving the fabrics of two dissimilar lives into one intimate, but beautiful tapestry. She is well-deserving of all the awards she received for her work.The chapters which included the interfacing of Roosevelt and Churchill were especially enjoyable.Among the more obscure facts that I found intriguing was that among the four Roosevelt sons they were married a total of 18 times.The book is heavily footnoted and includes an index.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    There is not much I can say about this book that has not already been said. This certainly was a book that immediately moves into my top 10 history books. Doris Kearns Goodwin is a special talent as a writer, and this in-depth look at Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt during the World War II years is everything you could hope for. It is a detailed look at the personal lives of the Roosevelts, their relationships with each other and with other friends and family, and American society during the War. I particularly enjoyed reading about the relationship between FDR and Churchill, and more than anything, I loved learning about Eleanor Roosevelt. I always knew the general biography of her accomplishments, but to read about her tireless efforts to help all people of every race, gender, and economic background in America was truly inspiring. Highly recommended.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    An extremely long read filled with inconsequential details. Might be good for someone that wants a detailed view of the president and first lady’s day to day. To be fair, the book description does promise a “daily conduct of the presidency”.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It was very detailed, acurrate, and I met the author.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    As usual, this author exceeded expectations. An outstanding work that should be read by all admirers of Franklin AND Eleanor Roosevelt.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    FDR’s actions during depression and World War II are invaluable to humanity.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Beautifully written and read, this was a well-documented, insightful and very interesting biography of a very great president and Eleanor Roosevelt. Her contribution to equality of race, sex and labor made a difference that we enjoy today.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A very good study in history, told by historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, this is not only a compilation of events leading to America's involvement in the European war, but, primarily, this is a in depth study of how Eleanor and Franklin worked together in sorting through what America needed to do to help Churchill and Stalin as the war progressed with no end in sight. Interestingly, Franklin depended upon Eleanor to gauge the feelings of American women who did not want their sons or husbands to take the chance of losing their lives by entering the war.As they worked together, she visited the veterans in the hospitals, she traveled throughout the states to provide a solid presence to a country reeling from the depression. In direct contradiction to how their marriage could have fallen apart, Franklin grew to respect Eleanor as a strong, intelligent presence in his life.When she discovered a packet of love letters from Lucy Mercer (her social secretary) to her husband, in her hurt, she demanded a divorce. The mother of six children, Eleanor was in deep grief that her husband's indiscretion occurred.As a child she was called "Granny" by her very beautiful mother, who constantly let Eleanor know she was ugly. It was mentioned that since her mother and father were indeed a handsome couple, her mother verbally told her she did not understand how such an ugly child would be their biproduct. With teeth too big for her mouth, and an exceedingly shy personality, she marveled that Franklin would find her attractive and intelligent. All feelings of non worthiness flooded Eleanor from the minute she discovered the many letters that proved this to be a long-term relationship where the word "love" was used in every communication.With an interfering mother in law in the picture, constantly nagging and forcing her wishes, Eleanor thought it fitting that this interloper should know her precious little boy grew to a man who was a cheater to his family. Noting she felt divorce was the only answer, Franklin's mother told him that if he continued this sordid relationship, all funds would be cut off. He would not ever receive another penny from her very rich coffers.This large book chronicles the beginnings of America's involvement after Pearl Harbor was bombed and the war came to the shores of our country.Compelling and wonderfully written, I highly recommend this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    2020 marked the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II and this book seemed a good choice to gather the information regarding the events of that time period. The start of the war in Europe was not covered in detail but only told as to how it affected the American economy and political environment. The portrayal of the lives of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt and how they managed not only their private lives but the political arena (lending lease, isolationism, etc.) was extremely well chronicled. When the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred, as the reader, even though I knew it was coming, i still felt the sense of shock that Americans must have felt at the time.The details of the depravation of war time, the Japanese interment camps, the home front news were call shown in a manner that brought reality to the forefront.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A fascinating, detailed examination of the relationship of Franklin and Eleanor and their household in the White House and all of the fascinating events before and during World War 2. This is not about the war, it is about what was going on with them and the nation at that time, with a very tight focus on them.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Dense book with a zillion actors explaining the dynamics between Eleanor and Franklin. I have to admit, Eleanor was a force to he reckoned with. It's a comfort to read about the enormous problems that we faced during the 1930's and 40's and we survived. Today our government is in a shambles and the country divided. We're facing conflicting ideas concerning immigration , health care, climate control, race relations. These problems are not so far removed from the problems of yesterday.I believe our society is basically good. Given the facts I believe we do the right thing. The Japanese internment camps were wrong. Turning away Jewish refugees fleeing persecution was wrong. Our tendency to be isolationists is wrong and we learned, at least I hope so.I have never been a student of history until the twilight of my years. Its eye opening to realize not much has changed. People do not evolve quickly, yet when it happens it's like a sea change.ER & FDR did much to shape our society in America as it is today. They did much to save the world.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a quick read. In a nutshell, it's a condensed biography of Franklin, Eleanor, their marriage, and life at home during World War II. The biographies of Franklin and Eleanor are not anything new. If you have read even one other biography of the couple you'll find all the details worth mentioning are the same. Considering Eleanor destroyed most of her correspondences it would be difficult for a biographer to come up with anything astonishing and unheard of before. The biography of Franklin and Eleanor's marriage is treated with respect and without judgment. We all know about the other women: Missy, Lorena, and Lucy. But it is the biography of World War II's home front that makes No Ordinary Time a pleasure to read. I've always known women made sacrifices for the war effort; rationing and even going without certain materials. But, I admit I did not know about the girdle protest. Goodwin's description of Eleanor protesting the inability to wear a girdle for "health" reasons was humorous and fascinating.As an aside, the title of No Ordinary Time comes from a speech Eleanor Roosevelt made before the Democratic convention.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A n in depth study of the view from the White House of America's Homefront during WWII and the policies, politics and family that changed our world forever. An amazing story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Highly interesting and very detailed exploration of the Roosevelt White House during WW II, looked at through the relationship of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. Very well researched and documented. I did, however, get the feeling that Goodwin was more sympathetic to Eleanor than Franklin and, in particular with Eleanor's stronger liberal leanings, and this colored the book a bit. But I think she was fair to Franklin overall and, as such the book was quite insightful.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazing book. Perfect blend of the personal and political lives of the Roosevelts.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A mammoth sized bio of the Roosevelt's leading up to and during WWII, fascinating on audiobook, though it took forever. I must admit, I quizzed my mother and father-in-law much of the time while listening to this. Peppering them with questions about what it was like back when they were teenagers during the war and what were their memories of FDR and Eleanor. I really enjoyed this! A must for anyone that's interested in this time period and FDR. Not much more to say than that!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It is hard to imagine popular history being better--or more definitive. Using dozens of interviews, diary citations, private correspondence, oral histories, and more traditional sources, the reader becomes a fly on the wall in the White House from FDR's first inauguration in 1932 (with references to earlier times as well for both FDR and ER) to his death in 1945. In one sense, the volume is an example of how press coverage of the Presidency has changed. Not one photo was ever taken showing FDR as a victim of polio, unable to move his legs at all. His affair with Lucy Mercer is examined in detail from its first moments during the First World War to its resumption in the later years of WWII (facilitated by FDR's daughter Anne); yet, no reporter ever mentioned the liaiason. The FDR-ER marriage was atypical: the love of a brother and sister perhaps, but not of a husband and wife. After ER found out about the Mercer affair in 1918, she never again shared FDR's bedroom. Yet the two were dependent upon each other totally to validate and explicate their lives. FDR's charm, political skill, courage, and all-around greatness emerges: Winston Churchill was completely smitten by the man. (There's entertaining material on Churchill as well.) ER emerges as a great woman whose place in American history should be almost as high as her husband's. However, she is also seen as someone who hectored FDR daily; she was incapable of relaxation and drove everyone around her to work and do more work. A headline in a Washington paper described her independence--and frequent separations--from her husband: "ER spends night in White House!" It becomes obvious why FDR might seek a less demanding and abrasive companion, as he was able to carry great loads and still pause to enjoy cocktail chatter each evening. ER was an early and very public advocate of civil rights, of women's workplace equality and independence, of the idea of a comprehensive Federal safety net (including decent housing and daycare) decades before others. She had many intimate relationships with both women and men (although it is not conclusive whether any of these reached the sexual stage). Certainly other women were in love with her, just as many, especially in conservative parts of the nation (such as the south) found her advocacy to be totally inappropriate and offensive. There was no such ambivalence about FDR: when he died, the whole nation was shocked and mournful; millions stood waiting for his train-borne casket to pass at all hours of the day and night, and in all weather. He emerges as one this country's most beloved leaders ever, someone who defined American greatness in the first half of the 20th century.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent! Goodwin has done a masterful job researching this book. How much richer a book that included both of the formidable team of Franklin & Eleanor.The Kindle digitation, however, was the worst I have seen to date. Not only were whole sentences scrambled, but the connection to footnotes was very poor. I finally had to give up.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book served as a window through which to look at one of the more important periods in the history of the United States -- a few years prior to, and after, my birth year of 1942. My entire life has been influenced by the Roosevelt years and what a wonderful job Doris Kearns Goodwin did in describing them. I had no idea how loose-knit the marriage of Franklin and Eleanor was. Ms Goodwin did a masterful job weaving the fabrics of two dissimilar lives into one intimate, but beautiful tapestry. She is well-deserving of all the awards she received for her work.The chapters which included the interfacing of Roosevelt and Churchill were especially enjoyable.Among the more obscure facts that I found intriguing was that among the four Roosevelt sons they were married a total of 18 times.The book is heavily footnoted and includes an index.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A fascinating read. Well researched and easy to read. I'd always wondered what Franklin and Eleanor were really like, and now I know.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I am astounded by the research that must have been done for this book. Included historical fact as well as personal detail. I want to know even more about the Roosevelts and the era.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The author is a master at producing both a well-researched and very readable history. This time she tackles the wartime Roosevelts providing background biographical material as needed for context. A good balance of world events and the personal lives of the Roosevelts.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a great book and it's no surprise why it won the Pulitzer Prize. It is dense, but I like Doris Goodwin's writing style and there is a lot of detail and information contained in this book on President Roosevelt, his wife, and the home front. Not only does Ms. Goodwin tell the story of the American homefront starting in 1940, but she weaves in a biography of both Eleanor and Franklin at the same time so the reader understands what went on prior to 1940 in their personal lives. By weaving in the biography, readers who are familiar with their backstories won't get bored and readers who are not familiar with it, learn it.This book is a good addition to the historiography of this time period because not only is it an interesting book, but it is well-researched and gave the reader a great deal of information. The reader really gets a sense of what the home front was like and what FDR did (or didn't do) to prepare the US. I definitely recommend this to anyone interested in this time period, WWII, or FDR.