Thomas M. Kelly
EDUCATION: Mr. Kelly was born and raised in Muscatine, Iowa. He is a graduate of Hayes Catholic High School, a graduate of Orange County Community College...view moreRésumé:
Thomas M. Kelly
EDUCATION: Mr. Kelly was born and raised in Muscatine, Iowa. He is a graduate of Hayes Catholic High School, a graduate of Orange County Community College, Middletown, NY. and went on to attend two years at the University of California, Davis and is a graduate of Lincoln Law School, Sacramento, California.
"Once a Marine, always a Marine" ('57 - '60).
PUBLISHED: A monologue, "Sara", from his play "...smile, and smile, and be a villain.", is included in Young Women's Monologs From Contemporary Plays: Professional Auditions For Aspiring Actresses, edited byGerald Lee Ratliff, State University New York, Potsdam and published in 2004 by Meriwether Publishing, Ltd. A monologue, "Zhev", from his play "Fana!" will be published by Smith & Kraus Inc. in an anthology: 221 One-Minute Monologues From Literature. JAC Publishing, Burlington, MA, has published interJACtions: Monologues at the Heart of Human Nature contains three of Mr. Kelly's monologues.
HONORS: "The Butterfly Within" is included in the Eileen Heckart's Senior Drama Archives in the Lawrence and Lee Theatre Research Institute at Ohio State University.
LOCAL THEATRE AWARDS: Several Elly Nominations and Elly Awards including Best Overall Production, for "A Shayna Madel" by Barbara Lebow, and Best Set, for "Nighthawks and Night Café" by Edward Evan Blake, based on the painting "Nighthawks" by Edward Hopper. "Wake up, Jay! It's Christmas!", winner of four Elly Awards for Young Peoples Theatre, including Best Overall Production.
OTHER WORKS: "Mixville" (Jubal 'Tom Mix' McCabe is a happy-go-lucky, wanna-be cowboy movie star. As a youngster he was a "little Tom Mix", cleaning out a nest of imaginary outlaws in the family backyard in typical Tom Mix fashion. Those were the days of the popular dream: to grow up to be like Tom Mix.), "Extreme Unction"; "The Timekeeper"; "Zen and the Art of Making Par"; "The Butterfly Within" (A heartwarming story of culture clash as an old Jewish gentleman and a young Korean girl discover the meaning of the rest of their lives atop a Lower East Side tenement); "Fana!", (The ordeal of three trapped survivors of suicide bomb blasts spend their last hours justifying their lives and religions: two very honestly, the third very deceitfully. In a mental duel the three argue the rationale of murder/suicide bombings using the Qur'an, Hindu philosophy and the Torah as authority.); and "smile, and smile, and be a villain."; (...view less