TIFFANY SAVION is a native of Virginia who currently lives in Santa Monica, California. She is a Nationally Certified Nutritionist, Lifestyle Coach, and Fitness Professional specializing in Lifesty...view moreTIFFANY SAVION is a native of Virginia who currently lives in Santa Monica, California. She is a Nationally Certified Nutritionist, Lifestyle Coach, and Fitness Professional specializing in Lifestyle Transformations. Her interest in vibrant living was born from her journey of helping thousands of people reach their individual goals. As a lifestyle enthusiast, she has worked with military Special Forces, celebrities, politicians, corporate executives, and children. Tiffany lives a multi-passionate life in entertainment and inspiring. To learn more about this author, please visit:
DR. SYDNEY SAVION is a native of Virginia, though she currently lives in the Hill Country of Texas. She is an applied behavioral scientist, scholar-practitioner in the field of life transition, and holds a doctorate of education from George Washington University. Her interest in life transition was born out of her observation of those struggling with major life change. This inspired her extensive studies in behavioral and cognitive research and a fascination with examining the actions, reactions, and interrelationships of individuals, organizations, and communities to help them define and solve their problems. She is the author of the popular book Camouflage to Pinstripes: Learning to Thrive in Civilian Culture. To learn more about this author, please visit: www.drsydneysavion.comview less