Venice Kichura is a freelance writer who writes for several websites and has been published in print media. A graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, Venice holds a Bachelor...view moreVenice Kichura is a freelance writer who writes for several websites and has been published in print media. A graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, Venice holds a Bachelor of Science in English and History. She started her writing career as a feature writer for a South Florida newspaper where she also wrote a weekly column.
Venice has been published in several print publications, including "Connecticut Parents Magazine", "God Allows U-Turns", "Pentecostal Evangel","Sonlight Christian Newspaper" and others.
She's written more than 1,000 internet articles which have been published in sites such as Suite 101 and Associated Content. As a writer for Demand Media since 2008, she's written numerous articles for websites such as "Garden Guides" and others.
Venice has a passion for encouraging others in their Christian walk and has written book reviews for the Christianity section of less