Me? You want to learn about me? Hmm... well, I suppose it all started when my mom and dad got together and said, "Hey, let's have a kid." So then I appeared. Or at least, that's how I remember it.I...view moreMe? You want to learn about me? Hmm... well, I suppose it all started when my mom and dad got together and said, "Hey, let's have a kid." So then I appeared. Or at least, that's how I remember it.I grew up in the suburbs of Buffalo, NY. Good times. I ate a lot of Chinese buffet, beef on weck, and pizza and wings. Two things to note: Yes, beef on weck is a real thing. google it if you want to get hungry. Also, no one in, or from, Buffalo calls them "Buffalo Wings". They're just wings; Get it right.I fancy myself as a writer, and I'm in the process of getting my first first book onto Smashwords and Amazon. W00T!!During the day, I do something other than write, because unpublished authors still need to eat. I provide technical support for pure play water company. I also offer technical dry-humor, but that's on an as-needed basis.Now I live in South Jersey with my wife, two kids, and two dogs. I have yet to find good wings in South Jersey, but there is half-way descent pizza. I have found a Chinese buffet I like, but it's a little far from home. When I'm not working or writing, I spend my time wondering why there is such animosity over the supposed existence of Central Jersey.That's me in a nut shell. Thanks for stopping by.e-mail me at author(dot)mgm at gmail(dot)com. Obviously there are no spaces in my e-mail, and use the period for '(dot)'.view less