"Honest gait comes from balance, posture and impulsion, never from what’s on the horse’s feet."
Making a commitment many years ago to never train gaited horses shod in anything heavier than keg sh...view more"Honest gait comes from balance, posture and impulsion, never from what’s on the horse’s feet."
Making a commitment many years ago to never train gaited horses shod in anything heavier than keg shoes opened a door for this Missouri trainer by taking away the traditional crutches others routinely fall back on. Movement affected through mechanical aids doesn’t last and is often detrimental to a horse, while classical and natural horsemanship allows him to brilliantly improve every year he's ridden. By adding the biomechanics of gait to a love of natural horsemanship Anita has developed consistent solutions for gaited horses that reliably correct and improve balance, gait and athleticism. As a trainer and clinician Anita has a growing reputation for producing horses that are softer, more consistent, happier and more correct in their movement, while teaching riders to better understand these biomechanics as the natural tools to help their horses release their inherent gait potential.view less