The Rev. Sharon L. Vandegrift, is an ordained United Methodist minister and Life and Leadership Coach.
Having received her Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Religion from Albrigh...view moreThe Rev. Sharon L. Vandegrift, is an ordained United Methodist minister and Life and Leadership Coach.
Having received her Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Religion from Albright College, and her Masters of
Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, Sharon began her professional life as a church pastor.
Since then she has served in a variety of capacities: campus minister, pastor of small congregations, and senior pastor
and head of staff of larger congregations. While serving as a church pastor, Sharon began coach training and became
credentialed through the International Coach Federation as a Professional Certified Coach. In 2009 she left local church ministry and launched Bridge-the-Gap Life Coaching Services, LLC as a vehicle to extend support to ministry professionals through the coaching process. Sharon’s special affinity for the unique life and work of people in professional ministry makes her an extremely effective coach for those who are just starting out on this unique journey, as well as for those seasoned professionals who want to move forward. Over the years, Sharon has developed significant interest and expertise in the areas of life/work balance, strategic life planning, and women’s empowerment.
Sharon is an active clergy member of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist
Church; is a regular contributor to ‘Response,’ the publication of the United Methodist Women; and serves
as a pro-bono coach for ‘One to One: Women Coaching Women,’ a non-profit organization that provides coaching to women in challenging economic situations. She resides in Media, Pennsylvania. You can learn more
about Bridge-the-Gap Life Coaching Services, LLC and Sharon at less