Luce Brett was born in 1977 and learned about her nether regions from More! magazine, other peoples' big sisters, Tampax leaflets and her mother's copy of Our Bodies, Ourselves.
S...view moreLuce Brett was born in 1977 and learned about her nether regions from More! magazine, other peoples' big sisters, Tampax leaflets and her mother's copy of Our Bodies, Ourselves.
She became incontinent after the birth of her first child. She has spoken about her condition in print, online and on national radio, most recently on BBC Radio's The Naked Podcast, where she stripped with the hosts to talk about how leaking affected everything from her ability to enjoy a party to her sex life. She hopes her book PMSL: Or How I Literally Pissed Myself Laughing and Survived the Last Taboo to Tell the Tale will help other people speak up and start the conversation about continence.view less