Hae’s running journey began late in life. After suddenly losing her first husband at age 53, she entered the darkest period in her life, completely heartbroken and grieving. Acting on a friend’s su...view moreHae’s running journey began late in life. After suddenly losing her first husband at age 53, she entered the darkest period in her life, completely heartbroken and grieving. Acting on a friend’s suggestion, she began running trails behind her house starting with a one-mile run/walk. The running gave her the time to be alone without thoughts, listening to her breathing and footsteps. Running became her daily meditation. It helped her begin to heal and ease the sorrow and pain she was going through. At age 55 she met her new love, who had been running and racing for many years. They both signed up for the Run Rabbit Run Steamboat, Colorado 50-Mile Ultramarathon. This was the first race Hae ever signed up for and it was the beginning of her racing journey. For her, running was a sanctuary, unlike any other mental outlet. Running took her to places she only imagined and beyond. Since then, she has completed Boston Marathon(2019), Chicago Marathon(2021), and New York City Marathon(2021), and she has completed marathons in North America, South America, Africa, Oceania, and Europe. She is planning on running all six major marathons and marathons on all seven continents.view less