Jessica Rosenberg is an emerging author of Paranormal Women's Fiction and Cozy Fantasy. Her delicious debut series, Baking Up a Magical Midlife, is the story of a middle-aged newly...view moreJessica Rosenberg is an emerging author of Paranormal Women's Fiction and Cozy Fantasy. Her delicious debut series, Baking Up a Magical Midlife, is the story of a middle-aged newly single mom who discovers she's a witch when she inherits a magical bakery. She lives on the Central Coast of California with her husband, two teen children, two dogs, and one very cynical cat. In 2022 Jessica Rosenberg launched her popular Paranormal Women's Fiction series, Baking Up a Magical Midlife, and published the first three books: Butter, Sugar, Magic; Bread, Coffee, Magic; Bitter, Sweet, Magic. The series continues with the February 28, 2023 release of Sweet & Sour Spells.view less