Monique Craig is a hoof researcher, farrier, consultant to farriers, rider, author, and founder of EponaTech ( and EponaShoe ( and the Epon...view moreMonique Craig is a hoof researcher, farrier, consultant to farriers, rider, author, and founder of EponaTech ( and EponaShoe ( and the Epona-Institute ( She has a BS in Computer Science Engineering, formerly studied art and won sculpture awards, and now gives seminars and lectures on the hoof, trimming, shoeing and equine biomechanics. She has published several papers related to the hoof and soundness, and gives lectures at the college level in hoof biomechanics. A tri-lingual native of Switzerland, she became a US citizen in 2001.
Contact the author at (805) 239-3505 or by e-mail to Monique@eponatech.comview less