Dr. Aubrey Degnan explores the intersection between Eastern religions, Western psychology, ancient esoteric practices, and spiritual awakening. With a doctoral degree in Humanistic...view moreDr. Aubrey Degnan explores the intersection between Eastern religions, Western psychology, ancient esoteric practices, and spiritual awakening. With a doctoral degree in Humanistic Psychology and decades of apprenticeship under numerous Eastern meditation masters, she integrates healing and the expansion of consciousness. Her professional career embraces a broad spectrum of humanity- debriefing military and law enforcement struggling with trauma of war and concurrent domestic violence, teaching peacemaking to middle school students struggling in communities of drugs, poverty, and violence, and addressing cross-cultural issues in the US State Department in West Africa, including early counterterrorism incidents. She has received two commendations for her leadership and participation in response to emergencies.Today, her focus is upon healing as a path to Enlightenment. She and her husband, Tom McConnell, reside on a ranch in Northern California. They have created a healing sanctuary bringing people and animals together to explore the exquisite communication and spiritual connection to all that is.view less