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Creation and Evolution from Atoms to the Molecules of Life
Creation and Evolution from Atoms to the Molecules of Life
Creation and Evolution from Atoms to the Molecules of Life
Ebook118 pages1 hour

Creation and Evolution from Atoms to the Molecules of Life

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Usually, books on evolution begin with the simplest cells or creatures on earth and progress to you and me - this book describes how the quantized properties of surface water may have directed the development of simple molecules on the early earth into the complex forms which compose living cells today. If we are to believe the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the probability of that occurring spontaneously in the air is close to zero. However, the process did not occur in air - most likely it occurred in saline water - an environment which has such intrinsic quantized properties of hydration order on the surface and around molecules that it reversed the direction of spontaneity. Molecules developed with spatial structures which were in such harmony with the environment that the orientation and degree of hydration order on their surfaces integrated all motions and interactions.

The purpose of the book is to present an accurate graphic description of how the major classes of molecules which compose living cells might well have formed in a spontaneous fashion and how they function in such a coordinated manner today. Indeed, it was energy of the sun and the increase in entropy in surface water which functioned symbiotically to bring forth the molecules of life. If life should cease and the conditions which brought it forth are repeated, it will appear once more. This book will give, even those with limited experience in chemistry and physics, a graphic view of the spatial structures and functions of the molecules of life. To quote, Dr. Michael New, a lead scientist in the Planetary Science Division of NASA who reviewed the book before publication: “Your concepts of Transient Linear Hydration and Quantized Hydration Patterning are valuable contributions to understanding the unique role of water in the origin of life.”
Release dateApr 15, 2013
Creation and Evolution from Atoms to the Molecules of Life

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    Creation and Evolution from Atoms to the Molecules of Life - J.C. Collins



    Sixty years ago, Erwin Schrodinger, one of the fathers of quantum mechanics, proposed in his little book "What is Life?" that the genetic information for reproduction must be within a molecule in living cells. Francis Crick, who collaborated with James Watson in the construction of the model for DNA, credits that proposal with giving him the idea that DNA might be that molecule. But, within that little book, Dr. Schrodinger also pointed out that liquid water appears to reverse the laws of physics. Based on the second law of thermodynamics, molecular systems should move spontaneously from order to disorder but natural molecular development appears to have moved in the opposite direction. Extremely simple molecules on the early earth moved spontaneously to produce molecular systems which were so complex and yet so uniquely structured that they could function together to produce the living cell. In air, molecules move spontaneously from order to disorder - in liquid water, they appear to move in the opposite direction.

    The purpose of the story which follows is to provide the reader, whether experienced in chemistry or not, with a pictorial view of how atoms, which were produced in solar nuclear events, might well have combined spontaneously, utilizing the energy of the sun and the quantized patterning properties of surface water, to produce the molecules of life.

    As you read what follows, you will be amazed how the bonding properties of each type of atom and the quantized patterning properties of surface water, not only directed the formation of natural molecules, but orchestrated their assembly into the complex systems of life. In other words, the omega of life was defined by the alpha of atomic and hydration order – not only yesterday, but today as well. In other words, if life should cease and the conditions which brought it forth are here again, it will begin again.


    Until recently, the paradox between molecular evolution and the second law of thermodynamics, which was pointed out by Dr. Schrodinger, has had no viable explanation. However, recent studies may have provided the answer.

    First: it has been known for some time that water molecules adjacent to hydrocarbon surfaces, like those of gasoline and oil, hydrogen bond together to form linear elements and two-dimensional hexagonal forms. However, recently it has been found that they obey the principles of Quantum Mechanics rather thanNewtonian Physics. Water molecules around ions and adjacent to surfaces jump from one probability bonding relationship to another – they do not move smoothly - each bonding position lasts about 10-12 seconds, a million millionth of a second.

    Second: water molecules adjacent to surfaces, like those of proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates, exhibit the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)doublet peaks of ice rather then the singlet peaks of liquid water. This suggests that water molecules adjacent to surfaces of natural molecules are in linear orientations as they are in ice, rather than in random positions as in bulk water.

    Third: ultra high-speed irradiation of liquid water with neutrons has demonstrated that the protons in water molecules (the nuclei of the hydrogen atoms) exhibit the same quantum mechanical properties as electrons in wires - they behave both as particles and as waves. Just as electrons in metals, which may be significant distances apart, couple spins to form waves of Entanglement, protons of water molecules, which are far apart, are tied together by their spin as well. Although these waves last no more than 10-15 seconds, they permit almost instant communication. No longer can living cells be considered as composed of isolated molecules or water as a random medium - cells are like huge molecules with transient linear elements and entanglement waves providing integration between the parts.

    As water covered the early earth, many regions must have been coated with oil, like the crude-oil spills today. Linear molecules of the oil aligned like sticks, perpendicular to the surface, with their heads toward the water, their tails toward the air. Most of the time, the heads were randomly-distributed at the interface but, periodically, they would form regular hexagonal arrangements. Likewise, water molecules at the interface were held so close together that, periodically, they would bond together in regular hexagonal forms. In those moments, water and hydrocarbons engaged in synchronous motion - instead of being free to rotate and move in all directions, they were severely constrained – freedom of motion (Entropy) was low – they were moved by the interface in the opposite direction from spontaneity as ordained by the Second Law.

    However, as sunlight energy activated and broke the C-H bonds of the hydrocarbons, oxygen atoms became attached to the ends of the chains to produce acids. Transient bonding with water disrupted hydration order on the ends. In oily alkaline pools, the chains no longer assembled in layers - they suspended in water as spherical beads with their water-disordering heads on the outside facing water and their lipid tails toward oil inside. Now they were soaps, which reduced the surface tension of water.

    This simple substitution of oxygen for hydrogen completely altered the way molecules assembled - entirely different spatial forms were produced with entirely different properties. If we look closely at the molecules which compose living cells, we find that each one has unique structural features which produce either order or disorder in surface water - they regulate the orientation and degree of dynamic linear hydration.

    Thus, sunlight activation, by introducing water-disordering groups, increased the freedom (the entropy) of surface water. However, as pointed out in an article published by Lumry and Rajender at the University of Minnesota in 1970, an increase in the energy of motion of water on the surface of a protein produces an equal and opposite change in bonding energy within the body of the protein. In other words, as the freedom and entropy in surface water increases, bonding order within the molecule increases. Movement toward order in molecules occurs because water adjacent to surfaces moves spontaneously from order toward disorder.

    Thus, the studies of Lumry and Rajender provided an answer to one of the issues raised by Erwin

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