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Guidelines for Vapor Cloud Explosion, Pressure Vessel Burst, BLEVE, and Flash Fire Hazards
Guidelines for Vapor Cloud Explosion, Pressure Vessel Burst, BLEVE, and Flash Fire Hazards
Guidelines for Vapor Cloud Explosion, Pressure Vessel Burst, BLEVE, and Flash Fire Hazards
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Guidelines for Vapor Cloud Explosion, Pressure Vessel Burst, BLEVE, and Flash Fire Hazards

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This guide provides an overview of methods for estimating the characteristics of vapor cloud explosions, flash fires, and boiling-liquid-expanding-vapor explosions (BLEVEs) for practicing engineers. It has been updated to include advanced modeling technology, especially with respect to vapor cloud modeling and the use of computational fluid dynamics. The text also reviews past experimental and theoretical research and methods to estimate consequences. Heavily illustrated with photos, charts, tables, and diagrams, this manual is an essential tool for safety, insurance, regulatory, and engineering students and professionals.
Release dateDec 1, 2011
Guidelines for Vapor Cloud Explosion, Pressure Vessel Burst, BLEVE, and Flash Fire Hazards

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    Guidelines for Vapor Cloud Explosion, Pressure Vessel Burst, BLEVE, and Flash Fire Hazards - CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)



    The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) has been involved with process safety and loss control for chemical and petrochemical plants for more than forty years. Through its strong ties with process designers, builders, operators, safety professionals, and academia, AIChE has enhanced communication and fostered improvements in the safety standards of the industry. Its publications and symposia on causes of accidents and methods of prevention have become information resources for the chemical engineering profession.

    Early in 1985, AIChE established the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) to serve as a focus for a continuing program for process safety. The first CCPS project was the publication of a document entitled Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures. In 1987, Guidelines for Use of Vapor Cloud Dispersion Models was published, and in 1989, Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Analysis and Guidelines for Technical Management of Chemical Process Safety were published.

    The first edition of this book was published in 1994, and it remains the most in-depth technical material produced in a CCPS project.

    This current edition is intended to provide an overview of methods for practicing engineers to estimate the characteristics of a flash fire, vapor cloud explosion (VCE), pressure vessel burst (PVB), and boiling-liquid-expanding-vapor explosion (BLEVEs). This edition summarizes and evaluates these methods, identifies areas in which information is lacking, and provides an overview of ongoing work in the field. The arrangement of this book is considerably different from previous editions, including separating pressure vessel bursts into its own chapter.

    For a person new to the field of explosion and flash fire hazard evaluation this book provides a starting point for understanding the phenomena covered and presents methods for calculating the possible consequences of incidents. It provides an overview of research in the field and numerous references for readers with more experience. Managers will be able to utilize this book to develop a basic understanding of the governing phenomena, the calculational methods to estimate consequences, and the limitations of each method.

    Chapter 2 of this book was written for managers, and it contains an overview of the hazards associated with flash fires, vapor cloud explosions (VCEs), pressure vessel bursts (PVBs), and boiling liquid expanding vapor explosions (BLEVEs). Chapter 3 provides a review of case histories involving these hazards. These case histories illustrate the conditions present at the time of the event, highlighting the serious consequences of such events and the need for evaluation of the hazards.

    Chapter 4 provides an overview of the basic concepts associated with flash fires, VCEs, PVBs and BLEVEs. This chapter includes a discussion of dispersion, ignition, fires, thermal radiation, VCEs, and blast waves.

    Chapters 5 through 8 separately address the phenomena of each type of hazard (i.e., flash fires, VCEs, PVBs and BLEVEs). These chapters include a description of the relevant phenomena, an overview of the related past and present experimental work and theoretical research, and selected consequence estimation methodologies. Each chapter includes sample problems to illustrate application of the methodologies presented. References are provided in Chapter 9.

    The goal of this book is to provide the reader with an adequate understanding of the basic physical principles of flash fires and explosions and the current state of the art in hazard estimation methodologies. It is not the goal of this book to provide a comprehensive discussion of all of the experimental work and theoretical research that has been performed in the field of flash fire and explosion evaluation.

    This book does not address subjects such as toxic effects, confined explosions (e.g., an explosion within a building), dust explosions, runaway reactions, condensed-phase explosions, pool fires, jet flames, or structural responses of buildings. Furthermore, no attempt is made to address frequency or likelihood of accident scenarios. References to other works related to these topics are provided for the interested reader.



    Accidents involving fires and explosions have occurred since flammable liquids or gases began to be used broadly as fuels for industrial and consumer purposes. Summaries of such accidents are given by Davenport (1977), Strehlow and Baker (1976), Lees (1980), and Lenoir and Davenport (1993). Among the types of accidents that can occur with flammable gases or liquids are a BLEVE, flash fire, and VCE, depending on the circumstances.

    Industrial fires and explosions are neither infrequent nor inconsequential. According to Marsh (2007), twenty-three major industrial explosion and fire accidents were reported worldwide in 2006. These explosions directly resulted in over 67 fatalities and 394 injuries. Of these, chemical plants accounted for 24 fatalities and 56 injuries, with 22 fatalities and 29 injuries occurring in a single accident in China. In addition, vandalism of fuel pipelines accounted for another 336 fatalities and 124 injuries. Combined accident and vandalism property damage losses totaled $259 million.

    This book explores the consequences of accidental releases of flammable materials and provides practical means of estimating the consequences of fire and explosion hazards, knowledge that is essential for proper process safety management of an industrial facility. Ignition of flammable materials can produce thermal and blast overpressure hazards, the strength of which increases with the combustion energy of the material involved and how quickly that energy is released and dissipated. This book also explores explosion hazards not associated with an accidental release of flammable materials, such as failure of a pressure vessel, with and without liquid content that flashes to vapor. With a clear understanding of the threats posed by these hazards, personnel can be located and buildings can be designed to provide an appropriate level of protection. For example, overpredicting the potential loads on an occupied building may prompt unnecessary and costly structural upgrades, while underpredicting these loads may leave buildings and persons inside them vulnerable.

    The likelihood of such occurrences can be reduced by appropriate process design and reliability engineering that meets or exceeds established industry standards and practices. These practices include well-designed pressure relief and blowdown systems, adequate maintenance and inspection programs, and management of human factors in system design. In addition, and perhaps most important to the success of risk management efforts, the full support of responsible management is required.

    Mathematical models for calculating the consequences of such events can be employed to support mitigation efforts. Mitigating measures may include reduction of inventory; reduction of vessel volumes; isolation and depressurization systems, modification of plant siting and layout, including location and reinforcement of control rooms; strengthening of vessels; and improved mechanical integrity.

    Knowledge of the consequences of flash fires, VCEs, PVBs, and BLEVEs has grown significantly in recent years as a result of international study and research efforts, and continuing incidents. Insights gained regarding the generation of overpressure, radiation, and fragmentation has resulted in the development of reasonably descriptive models for calculating the effects of these phenomena.

    The remainder of this chapter provides brief descriptions of flash fires, VCEs, PVBs, and BLEVEs. Several examples of flash fires and explosions are provided that illustrate how these events occur under relevant conditions, highlighting the serious consequences of such events and the need for predicting their consequences. Chapter 3 of this book provides more detailed review of case histories for all of these event types.

    2.1. FLASH FIRES

    A flash fire is the combustion of a flammable gas/air mixture that produces relatively short term thermal hazards with negligible overpressure (blast wave). As an example, consider the real case of a tractor-semitrailer carrying liquid propane that overturned near Lynchburg, Virginia, in 1972. That accident caused the tank to fail, allowing approximately 15 m³ (4,000 gallons) of liquid propane to escape. The resulting propane vapor cloud extended at least 120 m (400 ft) from the truck prior to ignition. Upon ignition, a flash fire occurred followed by a fireball. The fireball engulfed and killed the truck driver and others outside of the fireball received serious burns. This case history is described in more detail in Section 3.2.2.


    A VCE is the combustion of a flammable gas/air mixture at a more rapid rate than in a flash fire (often due to interaction of the flame with congestion and confinement), resulting in the development of overpressure (i.e., a blast wave). One of the most well-known large VCEs occurred at the Flixborough Works in the UK in 1974. Approximately 30,000 kg (66,000 lb) of cyclohexane was released from a cyclohexane oxidation plant reactor and formed a large vapor cloud. The vapor cloud was ignited roughly one minute after the release. The flame accelerated due to the presence of significant congestion and confinement associated with the process plant equipment and structure in the flammable vapor cloud. The blast waves resulting from the VCE caused the main office block and the control room to collapse. There were 28 fatalities as a result of this event, of which 18 were in the control room. Approximately 2,000 homes in the surrounding community were damaged. This case history is described in more detail in Section 3.3.1.


    In a pressure vessel burst (PVB), the sudden expansion of a compressed gas generates a blast wave that propagates outward from the source, along with hazardous debris. The explosion at the Union Carbide chemical plant in Seadrift, Texas in 1991 is illustrative of a PVB. The No. 1 Ethylene Oxide Redistillation Still (ORS) was shut down for maintenance and repair several days before the incident. The No. 1 ORS distillation column was designed for a maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) of 6 bars (90 psig). About one hour after startup, it exploded. The explosion resulted from the autodecomposition of the ethylene oxide. The pressure buildup in the No. 1 ORS reached four times the design MAWP, causing a ductile failure. The column shell fragmented over the upper 2/3 of its height. This case history is described in more detail in Section 3.4.2.

    2.4. BLEVEs

    A Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE) is associated with the bursting of a pressurized vessel containing liquid above its atmospheric boiling point. The liquid in the vessel may be flammable or non-flammable, such as in a hot water boiler. About one-fifth of all BLEVEs occur with non-flammable pressure-liquefied gas (Abbasi, 2007). If non-flammable, the hazard will be primarily an overpressure event with possible vessel fragmentation. If a flammable material is ignited, it will usually produce a fireball; a secondary effect will be a pressure wave due to the explosively rapid vaporization of the liquid.

    The effects of a BLEVE are illustrated by the explosion resulting from a train derailment that occurred in Crescent City, Illinois in 1970. The train included nine cars carrying liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). One of the LPG cars was punctured in the derailment. Five of the LPG cars underwent BLEVEs within four hours due to the resulting fire, with the first BLEVE occurring approximately one hour after the derailment. Sections of the cars were propelled from the derailment site as a result of these explosions, with one car section being thrown over 480 m (1600 ft). Nearby buildings sustained severe damage. No fatalities occurred, although sixty-six injuries were reported. This case history is described in more detail in Section 3.5.3.


    A variety of prediction methodologies are available for each of the hazard types addressed in this book. They range from simplified methods that require relatively few calculations to complex numerical models involving millions of calculations performed on large computers. Of course, there are tradeoffs among the various methods that can be employed. Simplified methods, as the name implies, involve some simplifications or assumptions. More refined methods avoid some of these simplifications and may provide more accurate and higher resolution results, but with a commensurate higher level of input data and analysis labor. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models are now available for some of the hazard types addressed in this volume, but these are not necessarily more accurate. A high level of expertise is required of users of CFD models. Regardless of the model or method used, expertise is needed to properly apply the models, and results can vary significantly with the quality of input data, assumptions, applicability of models to the actual situations, and other factors.

    Experimental data, accident case histories, and example problems are provided in this book to assist readers in understanding the potential consequences of flash fires, PVBs, VCEs, and BLEVEs, and to quantify results for various circumstances. These data may serve as helpful benchmarks to assist analysts in making consequence predictions.




    The selection of incidents described in this chapter was based on the availability of information, the kind and amount of material involved, and the severity of damage. The incidents described in this chapter cover a range of factors:

    Materials: Histories include incidents involving hydrogen, propylene, propane, cyclohexane, ethylene oxide, and natural gas liquids.

    Event Type: Case studies include vapor cloud explosions, BLEVEs, pressure vessel bursts, and flash fires.

    Period of time: Events occurring over the period between the years 1964 and 2007 are reported.

    Quantity released: Releases ranged in quantity from 90 kg (200 lb) to 40,000 kg (85,000 lb).

    Site characteristics: Releases occurred in settings ranging from rural to very congested industrial areas.

    Availability of information: Very well-documented incidents (e.g., Flixborough, Texas City) as well as poorly documented incidents (e.g., Ufa) are described.

    Severity: Death tolls and damage vary widely in cases presented.

    Documentation of flash fires is scarce. In several accident descriptions of vapor cloud explosions, flash fires appear to have occurred as well. The selection and descriptions of flash fires were based primarily on the availability of information.

    3.2. FLASH FIRES

    3.2.1. Donnellson, Iowa, USA: Propane Fire

    During the night of August 3, 1978, a pipeline carrying liquefied propane ruptured, resulting in the release of propane. A National Transportation Safety Board report (1979) describes a flash fire resulting from the rupture of a 20 cm (8 in) pipeline carrying liquefied propane. The section of the pipeline involved in the incident extended from a pumping station at Birmingham Junction, Iowa, to storage tanks at a terminal in Farmington, Illinois. Several minutes before midnight on August 3, 1978, the pipeline ruptured while under 1,200 psig pressure in a cornfield near Donnellson, Iowa. Propane leaked from an 838-cm (33-in.) split and then vaporized. The cloud moved through the field and across a highway following the contour of the land. The cloud eventually covered 30.4 ha (75 acres) of fields and woods, surrounding a farmhouse and its outbuildings. There was a light wind, and the temperature was about 15°C (about 59°F). At 12:02 A.M. on August 4, the propane cloud was ignited by an unknown source. The fire destroyed a farmhouse, six outbuildings, and an automobile. Two other houses and a car were damaged. Two persons died in the farmhouse. Three persons who lived across the highway from the ruptured pipeline had heard the pipeline burst and were fleeing their house when the propane ignited. All three persons received burns on over 90% of their bodies, and one later died from the burns. Fire departments extinguished smaller fires in the woods and adjacent homes.

    The fire at the ruptured pipe produced flame heights of up to 120 m (400 ft). It was left burning until the valves were shut off to isolate the failed pipe section.

    The investigation following the accident showed that the pipeline rupture was due to stresses induced in, and possibly by damage to, the pipeline resulting from its repositioning three months before. This work had occurred in conjunction with road work on the highway adjacent to the accident site. The pipeline had been dented and gouged.

    3.2.2. Lynchburg, Virginia, USA: Propane Fire

    On March 9, 1972, an overturned tractor-semitrailer carrying liquid propane resulted in a propane release. The National Transportation Safety Board report (1973) describes the accident involving the overturning of a tractor-semitrailer carrying liquid propane under pressure. On March 9, 1972, the truck was traveling on U.S. Route 501, a two-lane highway, at a speed of approximately 40 km/h (25 mph). The truck was changing lanes on a sharp curve while driving on a downgrade at a point 11 km (7 mi) north of Lynchburg, Virginia. Meanwhile, an automobile approached the curve from the other direction. The truck driver managed to return to his own side of the road, but in a maneuver to avoid hitting the embankment on the inside of the curve, the truck rolled onto its right side. The scene is depicted in Figure 3.1.

    Figure 3.1. Details of Lynchburg, VA accident site.

    The manhole-cover assembly on the tank struck a rock; the resulting rupture of the tank head caused propane to escape. There were woods on one side of the road; on the other side a steeply rising embankment and trees and bushes, and then a steep drop-off to a creek.

    The truck driver left the tractor, ran from the accident site in the direction the truck had come from, and warned approaching traffic. The driver of the first arriving car stopped and tried to back up his car, but another car blocked his path. The occupants of these cars got out of their vehicles. Three occupants of nearby houses at a distance of 60 m (195 ft), near the creek and about 20 m (60 ft) below the truck, fled after hearing the crash.

    An estimated 4,000 U.S. gal (8,800 kg; 19,500 lb) of liquefied propane was discharged. At the moment of ignition, the visible cloud was expanding but had not reached the motorists who left their cars at a distance of about 135 m (450 ft) from the truck. The cloud reached houses about 60 m (195 ft) from the truck, but had not reached the occupants at a distance of approximately 125 m (410 ft). The cloud was ignited at the tractor-semitrailer, probably by the racing tractor engine. Other possible ignition sources were the truck battery or broken electric circuits.

    The flash fire that resulted was described as a ball of flame with a diameter of at least 120 m (400 ft). No concussion was felt. The truck driver (at a distance of 80 m or 270 feet) was caught in the flames and died. The motorists and residents were outside the cloud but received serious burns.

    3.2.3. Quantum Chemicals, Morris, Illinois, USA: Olefins Unit Flash Fire

    On June 7, 1989, a loss of containment of a propylene/propane vapor stream resulted in a vapor cloud flash fire in an Olefins Unit in Morris, Illinois. The ensuing fire caused major plant piping, piperack, and equipment damage. There was one burn injury from the initial vapor cloud flash fire. Additional minor personnel injuries were experienced during the response to the fire.

    The facility had undertaken an initiative to identify and eliminate from service threaded pipe fittings in hydrocarbon service. As part of that initiative, a vent line that recycled depropanizer distillation column overhead vapors back to the main process gas compressor had been identified to contain threaded fittings. The subject vent line contained a control valve, which was typically only opened to recycle vapors during column upsets. On the day of the incident, the vent line was removed from service for replacement of sections of the line that contained threaded fittings. The piping replacement work had not been completed at the end of the day-maintenance shift. Maintenance personnel had replaced one section of the line with a prefabricated flange-to-flange section of pipe, leaving bolts on one of the flanges finger-tight.

    On the day of the event, a power outage had affected operations of the unit’s amine absorber system and debutanizer distillation column. Power had been recovered on the day shift. Plant operators were working to restore normal operating conditions on the following night shift. Approximately three hours into the night shift, the control board operator made a move to open the depropanizer vent line control valve approximately 10%. Some minutes later, the board operator made an additional opening move on the depropanizer vent control valve. Very shortly thereafter, combustible gas sensor alarms from the area of the unit’s Propylene Splitter distillation tower went off in the control room. Workers responded to the alarms to report a significant vapor release in the piperack. Firewater monitors were sprayed on the leak and the site emergency response was activated. Attempts were made to identify the line that was leaking and the source of the leak. Responders reported that the leak was spraying radially in a 360-degree circle from a line that could not be identified through the cold vapor cloud and firewater spray. The process unit in the area of the leak was moderately-to-highly congested. The vapor leak had been in progress for approximately 30 minutes when the vapor cloud ignited in a flash. Eyewitness accounts indicated that the ignition occurred when a firewater spray was repositioned and accidentally struck a lighting fixture, breaking the light’s protective glass cover. The ignition was reported by eyewitnesses to be a flash of fire, rather than an explosion or detonation.

    The resulting fire impinged upon a number of adjacent pipes in the piperack. This led to overheating, failures, and loss of containment of additional piping. The fire escalated and resulted in extensive piperack and area equipment damage (Figure 3.2). The facility was shut down for repairs for approximately three months.

    Figure 3.2. Damage resulting from the Morris, Illinois flash fire.

    Post-incident investigation identified that the source of the vapor release was from the vent line that had been worked on during the day shift. The line had been improperly isolated when it was released for replacement of threaded fittings. As a result of the improper isolation, the vent line control valve was the only isolation between the process and the vent line being worked on. The night shift board operator was not aware that the depropanizer vent line was not available for use, and initially made a move to open the depropanizer vent valve approximately 10%, but there was no leak at that time. It is believed that the vent control valve did not come open off of its seat at the approximate 10% signal. Later, when the board operator opened the vent valve further, it is believed the valve came open then, resulting in the vapor release through the flange with finger-tight bolts (and thus the reported radial spray).


    3.3.1. Flixborough, UK: Vapor Cloud Explosion in Chemical Plant

    On June 1, 1974, a cyclohexane vapor cloud was released after the rupture of a pipe bypassing a reactor. In total, approximately 30,000 kg (73,000 lb) of cyclohexane was released. HSE (1975), Parker (1975), Lees (1980), Gugan (1978), and Sadée et al. (1976, 1977) have extensively described the vapor cloud explosion that occurred in the reactor section of the caprolactam plant of the Nypro Limited, Flixborough Works. The Flixborough Works is situated on the east bank of the River Trent (Figure 3.3). The nearest villages are Flixborough (800 meters or one-half mile away), Amcotts (800 meters or one-half mile away), and Scunthorpe (4.9 km or approximately three miles away).

    Figure 3.3. Flixborough works prior to the explosion.

    The cyclohexane oxidation plant contained a series of six reactors (Figure 3.4). The reactors were fed by a mixture of fresh cyclohexane and recycled material. The reactors were connected by a pipe system, and the liquid reactant mixture flowed from one reactor into the other by gravity. Reactors were designed to operate at a pressure of approximately 9 bar (130 psi) and a temperature of 155°C (311°F). In March, one of the reactors began to leak cyclohexane, and it was, therefore, decided to remove the reactor and install a bypass (Figure 3.5). A 0.51 m (20 in) diameter bypass pipe was installed connecting the two flanges of the reactors. Bellows originally present between the reactors were left in place. Because reactor flanges were at different heights, the pipe had a dog-leg shape (Figure 3.6).

    Figure 3.4. Flixborough cyclohexane oxidation plant (six reactors on left)

    Figure 3.5. Area of spill showing removed reactor.

    Figure 3.6. Bypass on cyclohexane reactors at Flixborough.

    On May 29, the bottom isolating valve on a sight glass on one of the vessels began to leak, and a decision was made to repair it. On June 1, start-up of the process following repair began. As a result of poor design, the bellows in the bypass failed and a release of an estimated 33,000 kg (73,000 lb) of cyclohexane occurred, most of which formed a flammable cloud of vapor and mist.

    After a period of 30 to 90 seconds following release, the flammable cloud was ignited. The time was then about 4:53 P.M. The explosion caused extensive damage and started numerous fires. The blast shattered control room windows and caused the collapse of its roof. It demolished the brick-constructed main office block, only 25 m (82 ft) from the explosion center. Fortunately, the office block was unoccupied at the time of the incident. None of the buildings had been constructed to protect the occupants from the effects of an explosion. Twenty-eight people died, and thirty-six were injured. Eighteen of the fatalities were in the control room at the time. None survived in the control room. The incident occurred on a Saturday. If it had occurred on a weekday, over 200 people would have been working in the main office block. The plant was totally destroyed (

    Figure 3.7 and Figure 3.8) and 1,821 houses and 167 shops and factories in the vicinity of the plant were damaged.

    Figure 3.7. Aerial view of damage to the Flixborough works.

    Figure 3.8. Damage to the Office Block and Process Areas at the Flixborough works.

    Sadée et al. (1976–1977) give a detailed description of structural damage due to the explosion and derived blast pressures from the damage outside the cloud (Figure 3.9). Several authors estimated the TNT mass equivalence based upon the damage incurred. Estimates vary from 15,000 to 45,000 kg (33,000 to 99,000 lb) of TNT. These estimates were performed at a time when TNT equivalence was the predominant prediction method, which is typically not used today.

    Figure 3.9. Blast-distance relationship outside the cloud area of the Flixborough explosion. (Vertical bars were drawn based on observed damage.)

    Estimates of pressures inside the cloud vary widely. Gugan (1978) calculated that the forces required to produce damage effects observed, such as the bending of steel, would have required local pressures of up to 5–10 bar (73-145 psi).

    3.3.2. Port Hudson, Missouri, USA: Vapor Cloud Explosion after Propane Pipeline Failure

    On December 9, 1970, a liquefied propane pipeline ruptured near Port Hudson, Missouri. About 24 minutes later, the resulting vapor cloud was ignited. The pressure effects were very severe. The blast was estimated to be equivalent to a detonation of 50,000 kg (125,000 lb) of TNT.

    Burgess and Zabetakis (1973) described the timeline of the Port Hudson explosion. At 10:07 P.M., an abnormality occurred at a pumping station on a liquid propane line 15 miles (24 km) downstream from Port Hudson. At 10:20 P.M., there was a sudden increase in the throughput at the nearest upstream pumping station, indicating a major break in the line. During the first 24 minutes, an estimated 23,000 kg (50,000 lb) of liquid propane escaped. The noise of escaping propane was noticed at about 10:25 P.M. A plume of white spray was observed to be rising 15 to 25 m (50 to 80 ft) above ground level.

    The pipeline was situated in a valley, and a highway ran at about one-half mile (800 m) from the pipeline. Witnesses standing near a highway intersection observed a white cloud settling into the valley around a complex of buildings. Weather conditions were as follows: low wind (approximately 2.5 m/s or 8 ft/s) and near-freezing temperature (1°C or 34°F). At about 10:44 P.M., the witnesses saw the valley lighting up. No period of flame propagation was observed. A strong pressure pulse was felt and one witness was knocked down.

    In the seconds after the valley was illuminated, a fire was observed to roll up the sloping terrain and consume the remainder of the cloud. After the explosion and flash fire, a jet fire resulted at the point of the initial release. Buildings in the vicinity of the explosion were damaged as shown in Figure 3.10 and Figure 3.11. Damage from the blast in the vicinity was calculated to be equivalent to a blast of 50,000-75,000 kg (125,000-165,000 lb) of TNT.

    Figure 3.10. Damage to a farm 600 m (2,000 ft) from explosion center.

    Figure 3.11. Damage to a home 450 m (1,500 ft) from the blast center.

    The cloud was probably ignited inside a concrete-block warehouse. The ground floor of this building, partitioned into four rooms, contained six deep-freeze units. Gas could have entered the building via sliding garage doors, and ignition could have occurred at the

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