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Deadly Harvest: A Detective Kubu Mystery
Deadly Harvest: A Detective Kubu Mystery
Deadly Harvest: A Detective Kubu Mystery
Ebook449 pages7 hours

Deadly Harvest: A Detective Kubu Mystery

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Deadly Harvest in Michael Stanley’s beloved Detective Kubu series tracks a series of murders and a mysterious witch doctor whose nefarious potions might hold the key to a web of missing persons.

When young girls start to go missing, Samantha, a new detective on the Botswana police force suspects that muti, a traditional African medicine, is the reason. She and Detective David “Kubu” Bengu race to stop a serial killer, all as the father of one of the victims threatens to take matters into his own hands.

Weaving together a thrilling mystery with a fascinating look at modern-day Africa, Deadly Harvest is filled with elements suspense and plot twists that will keep you captivated until the very end.

Release dateApr 30, 2013
Deadly Harvest: A Detective Kubu Mystery

Michael Stanley

Michael Stanley is the writing team of Michael Sears and Stanley Trollip. Sears was born in Johannesburg, grew up in Cape Town and Nairobi, and teaches at the University of the Witwatersrand. Trollip was also born in Johannesburg and has been on the faculty of the universities of Illinois, Minnesota, and North Dakota, and at Capella University. He divides his time between Knysna, South Africa, and Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    First Line: As she walked home, Lesego's head was full of Christmas. Assistant Superintendent David Bengu of the Gaborone Criminal Investigation Department (known by everyone as "Kubu") has barely had time to make the acquaintance of the CID's first woman detective, Samantha Khama, when his superior tells him he needs to devote his time to a death threat on a popular political candidate. Samantha seems to be a bright, very intense young woman who's determined to focus on crimes against women. Since Kubu now has very little time to mentor her, he agrees when she asks to be put in charge of a cold case concerning missing women and children. In quick succession two young girls go missing after being seen getting into cars, and the political candidate is murdered. Kubu and Samantha have their hands full-- and what neither of them realizes is that their cases will entwine. There is a powerful, and very deadly, witch doctor at the heart of both their investigations.Every voracious crime fiction reader loves to be in at the start of an excellent series and watch it improve and flourish with each subsequent book. That's exactly what's happened with the Detective Kubu series penned by the talented writing team of Michael Sears and Stanley Trollip.Their series is set in the fascinating country of Botswana, familiar yet so very different from the Botswana of Alexander McCall Smith's Precious Ramotswe. As Kubu interacts with other characters, we learn of the traditions, customs, foods, and land in which the books are set.During the investigations of Deadly Harvest, we become more familiar with the political climate as well as muti, a type of traditional medicine widespread in southern Africa. Unfortunately some witch doctors resort to the use of human body parts in the making of their medicines and potions, and stopping this horrendous practice is a driving force in the book. It's the skillful weaving together of the cold case and the murder of the political candidate that builds suspense to such a point that I still find it hard to believe that Deadly Harvest is almost 500 pages long.As with any good series, Sears and Trollip know that the books are only as good as the recurring characters-- and what a marvelous cast they've created! We see Kubu with criminals and other police officers, and we get to see what a happy, solid relationship he has with his wife, his daughter, and his parents. As his parents age, problems begin to arise, and I feel certain that we'll be able to read more about this in future books. Kubu's superior officer is a good man, which makes a nice change from all the other fictional police detectives who seem to have to deal with pencil-pushing idiots who only protect and serve their own careers. I was a bit doubtful about the addition of Samantha Khama to this wonderful cast. At first she's so intense and fanatical that I wanted to tell her to loosen up, but I knew she'd either treat me to some sort of diatribe, or glare at me and stomp off in the opposite direction. But the longer she investigated, and the more she worked with her fellow officers, my attitude changed. I'm really looking forward to reading more about her.Actually I'm looking forward to much more than reading more about Samantha Khama. I'm hooked on Botswana, a large, wily detective known as Kubu ("hippo"), his family and friends, and the mesmerizing stories written by two men known as Michael Stanley. May there be many more investigations to come!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Deadly Harvest – A Hot ThrillerThe writing duo who make up Michael Stanley have written a hot thriller based out under the hot sky of Botswana where the Police have to combat corruption and the belief in witch doctors. This Sunshine Noir has all the darkness of Nordic Noir but at a more relaxed approach, with some excellent characters.When a young girl goes missing, and then not long after another girl disappears in to thin air, the police seem slow to react and show very little interest. It is not until Samantha Khama, a new recruit in the Botswana Criminal Investigation Department, that she takes a look at what seems like a set of cold cases.Her boss Assistant Superintendent David ‘Kubu’ Bengu is charged with leading an investigation in to the death of a politician and the threats of ‘muti’ and other witchcraft do things start getting rather complicated. He is also trying to advise and guide his new recruit in the art of investigation when he realises that their cases might be related.The relationship that builds up between Samantha and Kubu, is that of old hand, wary of some of the practices of old and Samantha a young buck and keen to get on with things. The investigation process they work the case methodically and with a little bit of ingenuity making sure they do things correctly and only cut corners when they need too.What we get through out is that Kubu and Samantha are aware at every turn they are accused of being in the pocket of the government and when they realise they are dealing with witchcraft and corruption they know they need to be careful. They know to find the answers they need to read the clues throughout the book with care, and not be afraid to see the misdirection as part of a plan which they need to overcome.Will they discover who is corrupt? Will they be able to overcome the superstition that witch doctors are held in? As they recognise all criminals make mistakes, clever criminals clever mistakes, stupid criminals make stupid mistakes they know they have to recognise them and use them to their advantage.This is a richly atmospheric thriller, under the African sun, that deals with the darkest of crimes, that of murder, including children for ‘magic’ and challenges the conventions. The book is beautifully written and the descriptions so illuminating you can feel yourself at the centre of the scenes.The thriller is set against the clash of cultures, modern verses ancient, an intelligent read that is both dark and compelling, and the twists you do not see coming. A truly awesome thriller!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    If your reading experience of Botswana is Alexander McCall Smith's No. 1 LADIES DETECTIVE AGENCY with the unforgettable Precious Ramotswe, then you'll find the Kubu series very different in flavour, not quite so cozy. Although unmistakably we are in the same place, with a similar mixture of new Western and traditional African cultures. Michael Stanley's style is deceptively simplistic, but underlying all is two pairs of keen eyes (see my note below about the author) and an awareness of the political and cultural challenges being faced by modern Botswana.In a note the authors comment Although this is a work of fiction, it is, as were our three previous books, set on a background of reality.And then they go on to talk about the belief in muti which underpins the murders and crimes in DEADLY HARVEST. Organs are being harvested from live human victims, not for the trade in illegal transplants which other books like Peter James' DEAD TOMORROW have highlighted, but for the belief in their magical powers.The well established central character in this series Detective David "Kubu" Bengu is joined in DEADLY HARVEST by a female officer Samantha Khama. Kubu is not used to working with a woman and for a while he tries to put her on the back seat, but then he comes to realise that they make a very good team.Kubu's boss Mabaku values the intuitive dimension that Kubu brings to policing. Most of the time Kubu's hunches are right and only rarely does the more cautious and politically minded Mabaku refuse to follow Kubu's plan of action.I appreciated the cast of characters listed at the front of the novel and the glossary in the final pages.So, my verdict - an excellent read. If you are new to Michael Stanley, start at the beginning, A CARRION DEATH, and follow Kubu's career.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the latest (fourth) in the Inspector "Kubu" series. Kubu is the Setswana name for a hippopotamus, which the inspector resembles. Like a hippo, he is tenacious in his efforts to bring criminals to justice. He is also a wonderful, caring, endearing family man and we see this side of him quite a bit in this novel. These books are wonderful police procedurals and generally present another side of the wonderful country Botswana from that found in McCall Smith's series. This one deals with a very wicked witch doctor. (This is NOT a "cozy"!)Also a new character is introduced, a female police detective. I hope she wasn't introduced because women always want to see a strong female role... humph. I don't like Samantha and hope not to see her in future books, perhaps she could get transferred to another department or part of the country. The identity of the witch doctor eluded me until about 100 pages from the end, so it was a good read and I eagerly await the next.

Book preview

Deadly Harvest - Michael Stanley

Part One



"By the pricking of my thumbs,

Something wicked this way comes."




AS SHE WALKED HOME, Lesego’s head was full of Christmas. She knew her sister would save some of her tips and buy her a small present. Lesego had no money, so she was making Dikeledi a doily from scraps of red material left over from her needlework class. She was trying to embroider Dikeledi across it in blue, but she’d made the first letters too big, and the whole word wouldn’t fit neatly. She frowned. She was going to have to start it again.

Lesego was carrying a cloth bag heavy with shopping and another with her schoolbooks and, even though it was a threadbare hand-­me-­down, her school uniform was hot. She was already tired when she came to the steep hill leading to her aunt’s house in the upper section of Mochudi. She sighed, and her eyes followed the road upward, causing her to miss her footing. She stumbled, nearly dropping her shopping. The two potatoes she’d bought rolled from the top of the bag toward the road, and her shopping list, which had been shoved between them, fluttered into the weeds on the side of the road. She gave a small cry and scurried after the potatoes; her aunt would be furious if she lost anything. Just as she retrieved the fugitive vegetables, a red Volkswagen pulled over and stopped next to her. The driver leaned across and opened the passenger door.

Hello, Lesego, he said. Jump in. I’ll give you a lift up the hill.

She gave a grateful smile and wrestled her shopping and schoolbooks into the car. Hello, rra. It’s very kind of you. It’s a long hill. He smiled back, put the car into gear, and started on the road up. There was a click as he engaged the door locks. Lesego took no notice. She looked around.

This isn’t your usual car.

You’re very observant, Lesego. My car is at the garage. They loaned me this one while they ser­vice mine.

She nodded, wondering about ­people who were so rich that they could just lend you a new car with no trouble. But she thought it would be rude to say that, so instead she pointed at her supplies.

I got everything my aunt wanted except the two sweet potatoes. They were too expensive—­and old as well—­so I bought two ordinary potatoes instead, which were cheap. Do you think she’ll be cross?

I’m sure she won’t be. It was a sensible decision.

She nodded, relieved.

When they reached the top of the hill, she turned to the driver.

You can drop me here if you like, rra. I can walk home now. Thank you.

But the car started to move faster now that it was on the level.

Let’s go for a short drive first, he said.


Dikeledi looked down at her bowl of gravy with a few kidney beans floating in it. She hoped the question wasn’t meant for her, but her aunt looked directly at her: Dikeledi, I asked you where Lesego was.

I don’t know, Aunt, Dikeledi said in a frightened voice. She didn’t come back from school.

She didn’t bring the shopping, either. I gave her money. This seemed to offend Constance Koma the most. "Where is she?"

Dikeledi glanced around the table desperately, looking for rescue. But the boys were silent, their eyes downcast. Surprisingly, it was Tole who came to her aid. The children were supposed to call him uncle, but between themselves they had other names for Constance’s partner, with his bad breath and groping hands.

Who cares where she is, Constance, Tole said. She probably stayed over with a friend. We’ll give her a good hiding when she gets back. Teach her a lesson. He reached across the table, pulled the dish of pap toward him, and dug into it with his fingers. Let’s eat.

We haven’t said grace yet!

Tole hesitated, still holding the lump of pap.

For-­what-­we-­are-­about-­to-­receive-­may-­the-­Lord-­make-­us-­truly-­thankful-­Amen. He dipped the ball of pap into his watery gravy and slurped it into his mouth.

The boys started to eat the same way, and Dikeledi joined in, hungry despite her worry for her younger sister. Her aunt scowled at her but said no more.

Soon the food was all gone.

"The pap was burned, Tole said. And there wasn’t enough."

If you got off your ass and found work, we’d have more, Constance said.

Don’t talk to me that way!

Constance just looked at him. After a few moments he shoved back his chair and stalked out. They all knew where he was going—­to the Bootleggers Bar. He would come back drunk, and Dikeledi wished they could lock the door of the room where she and the boys slept. Putting it out of her mind, she jumped up and started to clear up the dishes. The pap had burned, and the pot would be hard to clean. As she scoured it, she worried about her sister. It was really late now, and a ten-­year-­old girl shouldn’t be out.

AT FIRST DIKELEDI COULDN’T sleep. When she did eventually drift off, her sleep was fitful, and she muttered and tossed, disturbing the boys lying alongside her on the same thin foam rubber mattress. Suddenly she sat straight up and screamed. The oldest boy reacted at once, covering her mouth with his hand. If they woke Constance or Tole, they’d all get a beating. Dikeledi struggled free.

Oh God, she said. It was so awful, so real. I was lying on a table, tied down. It was dark but I saw a knife. A huge knife. It stabbed down, here and here and here. She pointed to parts of her body. Oh God! She started to sob.

It was only a bad dream, Dikeledi. It’s okay. Careful, or you’ll wake them.

Dikeledi just shook her head and went on crying.

THE NEXT MORNING THERE was still no sign of Lesego. Dikeledi left early, tense with worry, and walked to the café in town where she had a part-­time job, serving customers for tips and a few pula. Slipping out at about eleven, she walked to Lesego’s school, which had its morning break then, and found two of Lesego’s friends. They both told the same story: Lesego left straight from school to go shopping. No one had seen her since. Dikeledi hurried back to work, sick with fear.

She left the café as early as she could, determined to persuade her aunt to go to the police. Perhaps it was not too late.

Go away, Dikeledi, Constance snapped. Lesego probably skipped school and knows what’ll happen to her when she gets back home.

Dikeledi tried again and received a slap for her trouble, so for the moment she gave up and started on her chores.

By the next day it was clear that Lesego wasn’t coming back, and Constance gave in to Dikeledi’s pleading. She brought Dikeledi with her to the police, as if to prove her concern to the girl.

The duty constable listened to the full story before he asked any questions.

Has she ever done this before? Disappeared for a few days?

Never. Now she’s run off with my money. That’s the thanks you get. I took the girls in when their mother died of AIDS. What could I do? They had no father, either. At least no one who’d claim them. Her hand tightened on Dikeledi’s shoulder as if she thought she might also vanish. And this is the thanks I get. She runs away with my money!

How much money did she take?

Twenty pula.

The constable frowned. She won’t get far on that.

Constance glared at him. Twenty pula is a lot of money to me!

The constable nodded. So you believe she ran away from home. Where would she go? Does she have other relatives here?

Constance shrugged. Everyone has relatives. I don’t know.

Have you asked them if they’ve seen her?

Tole—­that’s my man—­asked around. He knows everyone. No one’s seen her.

The constable had run out of questions. I’ll file a missing-­persons report.

Dikeledi burst out, Please, can you look for her? I’m sure something awful has happened. Something really awful. I’m so scared. Tears ran down her face.

Don’t worry, Dikeledi, the constable said. We’ll look very hard. We’ll find her. The police here are very good. We’ll find her for you.

As he watched them go, the constable wondered if they would find the girl or if she even wanted to be found. Maybe she had run away from the hard-­faced Koma woman. But perhaps the sister was right. It wouldn’t be the first time something awful had happened in Mochudi.

THE NEXT DAY DIKELEDI slipped away from work early and went home past the police station. The same constable was on duty, and she asked him whether they had found anything.

We asked at the school. They said she was there that day, then she left to buy some things and walk home.

Dikeledi nodded. She knew this.

We found a shopkeeper who remembers her. She wouldn’t buy sweet potatoes even though they were big and fresh. But she bought other stuff. Then she left.

Dikeledi nodded again, waiting.

We haven’t found anyone who saw her after that.

Dikeledi shook her head. But someone must’ve. She would’ve walked up the hill. To get home.

The constable hesitated, then said kindly, Dikeledi, perhaps she decided not to go up the hill. Maybe your aunt is right. Maybe she did run away. Would she have a reason to?

Dikeledi just shook her head, thanked him, and left.

She stopped outside the police station wondering what to do. Lesego might have run away from Tole and Constance—­Dikeledi could understand that—­but she’d never do it without saying goodbye to her sister. Never.

Dikeledi wandered around for a while and spoke to a few more ­people, but she learned nothing new. Eventually she gave up and headed for home. But when she came to the hill, she stopped. There was no other way for Lesego to get to their aunt’s house. She must have been here. Dikeledi scanned the area. It looked the way it always looked. Houses clustered at the base of the hill, then clinging to the road as it climbed. On the edge of the road ahead, a ­couple of Coke cans, candy wrappers, two cigarette packets, a number of plastic shopping bags, and a grubby scrap of paper. She caught her breath. She recognized the handwriting at once even from a distance, the bottom loops of the g’s bulging out in the telltale script. She grabbed the paper, her heart pounding. It couldn’t be a coincidence. She was meant to find this! She checked it for a message, but it was only Lesego’s shopping list. She felt a surge of disappointment, but at least she knew Lesego had been here. She shouted and ran back toward the police station.

Dikeledi didn’t recognize the man at the front desk, but she blurted out the story to him. He found the constable she’d spoken to earlier. He was eating a sandwich, and wasn’t pleased to be disturbed.

What is it now, Dikeledi? What do you want?

Look. I found her shopping list! Where the road goes up the hill. That proves she was there and something happened to her.

The constable carefully examined the piece of paper on both sides. He shrugged.

"Are you absolutely sure it’s hers? Anyway, she could’ve dropped it on the way down the hill in the morning. And even if she was on her way back, it’s only a few hundred yards from the shops. Maybe she threw it away when she decided she wasn’t going home. He shook his head. But when he saw the girl start to cry, he added: I’ll get one of the men to look around there and see if we can find anything else." He pushed the list back at Dikeledi.

Dikeledi grabbed the paper and left, hopeless, ashamed of her tears. She walked home up the hill with the list tucked into her dress. She knew that the list meant something, despite the constable’s dismissal. One day it would be important. Until then, she wouldn’t tell anyone else about it. Certainly not her aunt. Not even the boys. No one.

It was several days before she had the courage to return to the police station. Again there was nothing new, and she forced herself to wait another week before she went back. The constable grew tired of her and became short and unhelpful. It was clear to Dikeledi that the police were no longer working on the case.

A week went by and Christmas came. Dikeledi and Lesego had always celebrated together. In the past, they found happiness together with their small, secret gifts. But with this lonely Christmas, Dikeledi finally gave up.

She knew she would never see her sister again.



IT WAS THE TUESDAY morning after the four-­day Easter holiday. Assistant Superintendent David Kubu Bengu drove to work with a smile on his face and a song in his heart. Actually the song was in his throat—­Rossini’s Largo al factotum from The Barber of Seville. He loved the piece with a passion, often startling other drivers with his slightly off-­key, booming rendition. In some ways he saw himself as the factotum of the Criminal Investigation Department.

Just after passing the Game City mall, Kubu turned right off the Lobatse road into the Millenium Park offices of the CID. Every day that he came to work, he was grateful that the detectives had their offices at the foot of Kgale Hill—­a wild enclave with the city lapping around its base, a rocky outcrop of natural bush that offered walks with wonderful views and provided homes for baboons, small buck, and other wildlife. Not that Kubu had ever been very far along the walks; his bulk and general belief that the best exercise involved lifting something delectable to his mouth rather dampened his enthusiasm for clambering up the hill. Nevertheless, as he squeezed himself out of his old Land Rover in the narrow parking bay, he could enjoy the wildness of the hill above him and hear distant calls from the baboons.

Kubu had spent a quiet weekend with his wife and daughter, and had particularly enjoyed the pleasure three-­year-­old Tumi had given his parents when they were all together on Easter Sunday. They were besotted by her.

He had barely walked into his office, however, when he realized that the day was not going to be a quiet one. There were already four messages on his desk.

The top one read, The Director wants to see you—­immediately. The word immediately was underlined many times. The director’s assistant was not shy about making a point.

The second was from his wife, Joy, reminding him not to forget to pick up Tumi at noon for her doctor’s appointment. He felt a twinge of irritation. Stop nagging, he thought. You told me about it as I was walking out the door.

The third message read, Detective Khama would like to speak to you. Kubu raised an eyebrow. Samantha Khama was new to the Criminal Investigation Department and the only female detective. Kubu had met her briefly when she joined the CID a few weeks earlier, but he hadn’t worked with her on any cases. Already the rumor mill was active, with ­people whispering that she disliked men and was possibly a lesbian. This was a dangerous reputation to have in a country where same-­sex relationships were illegal. What did she want? he wondered.

The final message was in his own handwriting—­he’d left it for himself on Thursday afternoon, before the long weekend. It had but one word on it—­Funeral.

SIT DOWN. DIRECTOR MABAKU was not known for his pleasantries.

Kubu carefully lowered his considerable frame into the armchair that faced the desk. Mabaku took a folder from the stack on his desk and opened it.

What do you know about Bill Marumo?

Kubu frowned. Marumo was a charismatic politician who had defected from the ruling Botswana Democratic Party to found the Freedom Party. Disgruntled voters were flocking to him, and pundits were beginning to think that he could become a real threat to the BDP. But Kubu didn’t think much of Marumo, regarding him as an upstart with no respect for tradition. A crowd pleaser with no substance.

He’s getting a lot of attention. Swaying a lot of voters. Even Joy’s talking about supporting him. He rolled his eyes. And as for Joy’s sister, Pleasant, she and her husband—­they’ve actually joined his party.

Who would want him dead?

He’s dead? Kubu gasped.

"I didn’t say that! I asked who would want him dead."

Obviously the BDP would be delighted if he went away. There’s no other real opposition. But they’d never do anything as stupid as that. He paused. I don’t know much about him otherwise. He may have some private enemies. Why? What’s happened?

There was a dog’s head at his front door this morning. And a message smeared on the door in blood. Here’s a photo.

Kubu looked at the print. The words your next were scrawled across the door. The writer had obviously dipped his hands in the dog’s blood to write the warning.

At least we know whoever wrote the message wasn’t well educated, Kubu said with a smile.

Mabaku didn’t appreciate the joke. I want you to dig around and see what you can find. Marumo will see you at his house at noon. The address is on the back of the photo. This had better not be the BDP’s doing!

Has Forensics been there?

Yes. Your friend Zanele Dlamini had her ­people there right away. She may still be there. The head was only found two hours ago.

Kubu heaved his large body out of the chair.

And, Kubu, Mabaku growled, this is very important. I want to know what’s going on. And quickly. Report to me when you get back.

Yes, Mr. Director.

IT’S GOING TO BE one of those days, Kubu thought as he walked back to his office. How am I going to pick up Tumi, take her to the doctor, and be at Marumo’s house at the same time? I’ll bet Marumo will be an hour late anyway. Maybe I should get Tumi to the doctor half an hour early and hope he can see her right away. I may even be at Marumo’s on time—­fifteen minutes late at most.

He shook his head. He knew it was wishful thinking. The doctor liked to talk about criminal behavior with Kubu and always dragged out Tumi’s appointments when he was there. If Marumo was on time, and he, Kubu, was late, Mabaku would banish him to a distant village like Tshwane or Shakawe, where he’d be far from his family and the food would be inedible.

No. He’d better reschedule Tumi’s appointment for later in the week. Joy would not be happy.

He sat down behind his desk with its orderly piles and picked up the phone.

Joy Bengu, please. It’s her husband speaking. He held the phone away from his ear to minimize the noise of shouting children. Joy worked at a day-­care center.

After a few minutes, she came to the phone.

Hello, my dear, Kubu said in his most loving voice.

Don’t tell me you can’t take Tumi to the doctor! Joy’s voice was not loving.

Something’s come up, and the director’s made an appointment for me at noon. There’s nothing I can do.

Since when has the director made your appointments? You know I can’t take Tumi today.

I feel terrible about it, my darling. I hadn’t forgotten. He paused. Confidentially, a threat was made against Bill Marumo this morning. Mabaku’s given it top priority. I’m sure the commissioner is worried that ­people will accuse the BDP of intimidating the opposition. It could all blow out of control if it’s not well handled. I’m sure that’s why he wants me involved.

Is Marumo all right?

Yes. It was just a threat. I’ll tell you about it later. Promise me you won’t tell Pleasant. It’s really confidential at the moment. Joy and her sister Pleasant were inseparable. They shared everything, sometimes to Kubu’s embarrassment.

Kubu sensed the reluctance in her voice as she promised.

I’ll call the doctor and reschedule.

He heard Joy sigh. I’ll do it, she said. And you’d better make sure that nothing happens to Marumo. He’s going to save this country, if anyone can. And don’t forget the funeral. You’d better pick us up at three. And you promised to think about the little girl. Will you do that?

Yes, dear. I will. Thank you, dear. Kubu was indeed grateful.

BEFORE KUBU COULD SETTLE down, there was a knock, and a short, thin woman walked in, her police uniform hiding any hint of femininity.

Good morning, Assistant Superintendent, she said. I’m Detective Khama. She extended her arm to shake hands, touching her right forearm with the fingers of her left hand in the respectful way.

Ah, yes. We met the day you arrived. He was surprised by the firmness of her grip. Please sit down. How are things going?

Thank you for seeing me. It’s been a hard two weeks—­so much to learn. So much bureaucracy. I’m glad I took all those computer courses. I can see some of the older detectives really struggling.

I’m one of them! Kubu smiled. So how can I help you?

Rra, I’ve been assigned—­

Please call me Kubu. Everyone does. I’ve had the nickname since I was about fourteen. A friend of mine told me that I wasn’t a David—­my real name—­but a Kubu. I was really upset at first at being called a hippopotamus, but soon everyone was using the name, and it actually made me feel a little special. I came to like it. Now I barely know my real name.

That’s a nice story. As I was saying—­

You’re older than most of our new detectives. What did you do before coming here?

Ever since I was a teenager, I wanted to be in the police. But my family is poor, so I couldn’t go to university. And I’m small, so they didn’t want to take me as an ordinary constable. So I worked for seven years as a secretary in a law firm so I had enough money to get a degree through the University of South Africa.

Kubu nodded, impressed. UNISA was a correspondence university, and the degrees were challenging. Samantha must have been very focused.

That’s impressive. But how did you get into the CID?

I made an appointment with the commissioner of police and told him I wanted to be a detective. He wasn’t very helpful at first, but when I pointed out there were no women in the CID, and the constitution gave women equal rights, he changed his mind. A glimmer of a smile flitted across an otherwise impassive face.

I’m sure the conversation didn’t go quite like that, Kubu thought. Maybe that’s where the rumors started. Taking on the commissioner of police!

We always need new blood. He hesitated. And new perspectives. I’m sure you’ll be a great asset. Now, how can I help you?

Director Mabaku gave me this case. It’s my first. I’d like as much help as I can get. I want to do well, and everyone says you’re always willing to help. So here I am.

Kubu nodded. Tell me about it.

About four months ago, a young girl, Lesego Betse, disappeared in Mochudi. I’m told you know the town well.

I was born there, and my parents still live there.

I’m from there, too. Anyway, the local police never found any trace of her. After a while they assumed she was dead and cut back the effort to look for her. Then a bit later they declared the case cold and stopped looking altogether.

Hmm. I wonder why the director gave you a cold case. He should’ve given you something straightforward to cut your teeth on—­a grocery-­store robbery or a holdup at a gas station.

I asked for it.

Kubu stared at her for a few moments. A cold case is the hardest to tackle, even for experienced investigators. You could be setting yourself up for failure.

I know it’s a risk. But I’ve sacrificed a lot to become a detective, and I want to make a difference.

And I admire that, Samantha. But sometimes it’s better to take things a little slowly. Take time to learn the ins and outs of the business. I was lucky. I hung around detectives while I was getting my degree. I learned more from that than I did at university. Experience really does make a difference.

Assistant Superintendent, you’re a man. I don’t think you understand what it’s like to be a woman in a man’s world. All we ever hear is to take it slowly, not to rock the boat. You know what that means? It means men don’t want to change, and anyone who pushes, threatens their cozy lifestyle.

Not all men are like that . . .

Women who complain are branded as nuisances. I hear what the other detectives are already saying about me. ‘A troublemaker,’ they say. They resent an intrusion into their male club. How do you think it feels? I want to make a difference for women. To give crimes against them the same attention as the police give crimes against men. Is that unreasonable?

Kubu sat quietly, pondering the truth of what Samantha had said.

Kubu, she said in a quieter voice. I’m told you have a daughter. Do you want her to be a second-­class citizen? What if she wants to be a detective, and then is treated like me? Could you sit back and do nothing?

Samantha, I appreciate what you want to do. But I think you’ll have more chance of success if you get to know the other detectives first and earn their respect. Then they’ll listen to you. Change is always a slow process. Nobody who joins the force and immediately rocks the boat accomplishes what they want. They get ­people’s backs up.

Kubu felt the atmosphere chill. And I was told you would be sympathetic, that you weren’t like the others! But you’re the same, aren’t you? In favor of women’s rights in words, but not in action.

Kubu felt a flush of anger. Nobody talked to him like that, let alone someone new. She didn’t know him; didn’t know what he believed. Look at his relationship with Joy. They were equals. He took a deep breath. I do want to help. I’m going to get a cup of tea for myself. And then we can talk. Can I get one for you?

No, thanks.

A few minutes later Kubu returned. He opened the bottom drawer of his desk and pulled out a tin of mixed cookies. I’m on a diet, actually. So I only eat these on special occasions. Welcoming a new detective is one of those. He picked out his two favorites and offered the tin to Samantha, who refused. In fact, it’s two special occasions, as you’re our first lady detective. He extracted two more cookies. He carefully replaced the top and slid the tin back into the drawer.

I do want to help, so let’s get to work. I remember reading about the case you’re talking about. My mother was very upset. She thought it was another Mogomotsi case. You know about that one? Segametsi Mogomotsi was fourteen when she disappeared while trying to sell oranges to raise some money for a church excursion. Her dismembered body was found months later.

Samantha sat perfectly still for several moments, eyes unfocused. I know about it. It was also in Mochudi. She looked into Kubu’s eyes. "The government was forced to call in Scotland Yard to take over, but never made their report public. Why do you think that was? Because high up men in Botswana were involved. That’s exactly what I’m talking about. Justice for some, a blind eye for others. Who cared that a little girl was murdered for body parts, when the reputation of men had to be protected. The same thing may have happened to Lesego Betse, and the trail is fresher."

What happened to her that makes her so intense? Kubu wondered. He made a mental note to ask his mother whether she knew Samantha’s parents.

We need to keep all the possibilities in mind, he said. With no word after four months, we have to assume she didn’t just run off. Someone abducted her. That could have been for a variety of reasons. It could have been for sex, or to take her out of the country and sell her as a sex slave. There have been cases of that. The fact that we haven’t found a body suggests that might be the case.

"Or it could be a witch doctor who’s taken her. For muti."

Kubu nodded. In any case, this is how I would proceed.

For the next hour Kubu gave Samantha insights about undertaking such an investigation—­the ­people she should speak to, the evidence she could trust, the evidence that might be unreliable, and the hostility she would encounter, both from ­people she would question and from Betse’s family, who likely thought the police had not taken the investigation seriously. He also suggested that she check on unidentified bodies of children that had turned up since December. If she could find Lesego’s body, that would be her best break.

Eventually Samantha stood up to leave.

I hope you’re successful, Kubu said. Let me know how it goes. Come and see me anytime. Cases like this need to be solved.

She thanked him and left.

Kubu sat quietly for several minutes, reflecting on what had just happened. The CID will never be the same, he thought. I just hope that what emerges is a better place.



KUBU GLANCED AT HIS watch. He had about an hour and a half before his meeting at Marumo’s house. He turned on his computer and went to get another cup of tea while it booted. As he walked back into his office, he heard the familiar Windows start-­up sound. Ignoring his e-­mail, he went straight to the Internet. Google is my friend, he thought as he typed in Bill Marumo. He had more than seventeen thousand hits in a fraction of a second. I’ll start with Wikipedia, he muttered. He picked up his pen and started to take notes.

"William Mishingo Marumo. Born Maun 11/11/1972.

Only child. Father killed in mine accident in 1984. Kubu wondered whether it had happened in Botswana or South Africa.

Graduated Maun Secondary School, 1990. BA (Honours) Political Science, University of Botswana, 1995. Member of Student Representative Council, 1993–1995, president 1995. That’s where he got started in politics, Kubu mused.

Mochudi, January 1995: arrested in protests against alleged police cover-­ups in investigation of ritual murder of Segametsi Mogomotsi.

Kubu put down his pen. Now there’s a coincidence, he thought. Not half an hour ago Detective Khama and I were talking about the murder of Segametsi Mogomotsi, and now I read that Bill Marumo was arrested in the ensuing protests. He scratched his head. It’s impossible that the two are related. Still, he felt a niggle of discomfort. He really didn’t believe in coincidences.

He continued to browse the numerous reports about Marumo—­newspaper articles in all of the

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