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The Unfinished Revolution: How to Make Technology Work for Us--Instead of the Other Way Around
The Unfinished Revolution: How to Make Technology Work for Us--Instead of the Other Way Around
The Unfinished Revolution: How to Make Technology Work for Us--Instead of the Other Way Around
Ebook342 pages4 hours

The Unfinished Revolution: How to Make Technology Work for Us--Instead of the Other Way Around

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In a world spiralling into a state of technological excess, Michael Dertouzos shows us how to make technology—in all its infinite varieties—work for, rather than against, us in our everday business lives. Now includes a new foreword by Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web.

At its core, Dertouzos' manifesto is this: Simplify the use of technology to the point where it works FOR us rather than having it dictate the way we live and work. This book is about getting to the point where computer fads give way to a true Information Revolution. To get there, we must abandon our current preoccupation with machine complexities and set a goal that is as simple as it is powerful: Information technology should help people do more by doing less.

Dertouzos offers a look at the future and place of technology in everyday life: Where would a world of truly easy to use technology lead the human race? How might people change their way of life and work, their politics, their self perception and their quest for the meaning of life in such an environment?

Release dateOct 13, 2009
The Unfinished Revolution: How to Make Technology Work for Us--Instead of the Other Way Around

Michael L. Dertouzos

Tech oracle Michael Dertouzos (1937-2001) offered a learned, accessible, and fascinatingly detailed preview of new information technology and described how it would remake our society, culture, economy, and private lives. Since 1974 Michael Dertouzos had been Director of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS). For more than a quarter century, MIT has been at the forefront of the computer revolution. Its members and alumni have been instrumental in the invention of such innovations as time-shared computers, RSA encryption, the Spreadsheet, the NuBus, the X-Window system, the ARPAnet and the Internet. The Lab is currently home to the World Wide Web Consortium, an open forum of companies and organizations led by the Web’s inventor. Dertouzos had spent much of his career studying and forecasting future technological shifts, and leading his lab toward making them a reality. In a 1976 People magazine interview, he successfully predicted the emergence of a PC in every 3-4 homes by the mid-1990s. In 1980, he first wrote about the Information Marketplace, with an ambitious vision of networked computers that has emerged as the trillion-dollar engine of commerce transforming our economy. Most recently, Dertouzos has been an advocate for what he calls "human-centric computing" -- a radical transformation of the way we use computers. As part of this effort, LCS recently unveiled the $50 million Oxygen project, intended to make computers easier to use and as natural a part of our environment as the air we breathe. Born in Athens, Greece, Dertouzos came to the U.S. as a Fulbright Scholar. Following a Ph.D. from MIT in 1964, he joined the MIT faculty, where he had been Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. In 1968 Dertouzos founded Computek Inc. to manufacture and market one of the earliest graphical display terminals, based on one of his patents. He soon became the Chairman of the Board of Computek, where he introduced the first intelligent terminals in the early 1970's. He subsequently sold the company when he became Director of LCS. Since that time, Dertouzos has been involved in several high-tech start-ups, including Picture Tel and RSA. In his consulting activities for companies such as Siemens Nixdorf, UPS, and BASF he has advanced business and Information Technology strategies. During the Carter Administration, Dertouzos chaired a White House advisory group that redesigned the White House Information Systems. In February of 1995, he represented the U.S. as a member of the U.S. delegation led by Vice President Al Gore to the G7 Conference on the Information Society. In 1998 he was co-chairman of the World Economic Forum on the Network Society in Davos, Switzerland. Dertouzos was a dual citizen of the U.S. and the E.U. He had worked extensively with the European Commission, in particular as a frequent keynote speaker on ESPRIT and other EC technology programs. For several years he was an adviser to the Prime Minister of Greece, as well as to other governments. Dertouzos was also a member of the United States National Academy of Engineering and the Athens Academy of Arts and Sciences. He held an honorary doctorate from the University of Athens, and he received the B.J. Thompson Award (best paper) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Terman Award (best educator) of the American Society for Engineering Education. He was a member of the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations, and has been honored by the Hellenic Republic as Commander of Greece's Legion of Honor. Dertouzos is the author/co-author of seven books, including MADE IN AMERICA: Regaining the Productive Edge (MIT Press, 1989), with over 300,000 copies in print, and WHAT WILL BE: How the New World of Information Will Change Our Lives (HarperCollins, 1997), which has been translated into thirteen languages.

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Rating: 3.117647088235294 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Not interesting at all. Had some good points but not that exciting of a read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Overall I was disappointed with this book. It had gotten good reviews in several places that I trust so I hunted it down on Paperbackswap.com. I am certainly glad that I didn't pay for this book!

    The book starts off with one long whine about how he has trouble getting his personal computer technology to work for him. Even his friend, Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of the World Wide Web), can't get it to work. Fine, then lets move on! Instead it's instance after instance of where technology fails us humans. He does have a point, but it seems scattered about. Then it's a long list of what computers *should* be doing for us, and he believes we currently have the technology to make these things happen.....until he later admits that some of the essential pieces for stability are still missing. It is at this point that makes several rather specious comments about how, if we hook up in a human-centered way worldwide, people in India can help us uptight westerners relax. He seems to think that an Indian woman living in a remote village can offer counseling to western women!

    He does make a very valid point early on when he talks about the bloated operating systems our computers use today (Mac, Windows, etc.). These systems started very simply but they grew by applying more code to the basic system. Small things that don't do very much and aren't used by many people at all are added anyway because the engineers fall in love with their project. Even a simple widget can add a large degree of complexity. Because of this, the systems have ceased being flexible and true innovation is no longer possible. An entirely new way of programming is needed.

    The book truly gets interesting only in the last quarter where he talks about the project he is working on: Oxygen. He details the various pieces and platforms that are being developed. There is true promise, but so far the innovation is occurring only in the small experimental environment he is working in.

    Note: Although this review was written in the present tense, it should be noted that the author died August 2001.

Book preview

The Unfinished Revolution - Michael L. Dertouzos



Weird animals surround me in my home, at work, everywhere I go. Every day I must spend hours feeding them, healing them, waiting for them. And the fighting! They hold each other hostage in asphyxiating headlocks. I scream at them, but they just grunt or stare back stupidly. When we do get along, and I’m feeling affection for them, they suddenly turn around and bite a chunk off my hide.

You are surrounded by these creatures, too—the personal computers, laptops, handheld assistants, printers, Internet-savvy phones, music storage drives, and other digital wonders. They are everywhere and multiplying fast. Yet instead of serving us, we are serving them. We wait endlessly for our computers to boot up, and for bulky Web pages to paint themselves on our screens. We stand perplexed in front of incomprehensible system messages, and wait in frustration on the phone for computerized assistance. We constantly add software upgrades, enter odd instructions, fix glitches, only to sit in maddening silence when our machines crash, forcing us to start all over again, hoping against hope that they didn’t take a piece of our intellectual hide with them. We’d never live in a house, work in an office, or ride in a car where we had to put up with a menagerie of such beasts. Yet we do it every day with our computer menagerie.

We shouldn’t have to.

We have already gone so far down the road of serving computers that we’ve come to accept our servitude as necessary. It isn’t. It is time for us to rise up with a profound demand: Make our computers simpler to use! Make them talk with us, do things for us, get the information we want, help us work with other people, and adapt to our individual needs. Only then will computers make us productive and truly serve us, instead of the other way around.

Is this possible? Certainly.

Before I reveal an entirely new approach to computer systems and their uses—a new plan for human-centric computing—let me assure you that in our new century, we have every right to expect fundamental reform. For 40 years computers have been shrines to which we pay dutiful homage. When something goes wrong, the user—you and I—feel that if we somehow had behaved better the trouble would not have arisen. But we are not at fault. The trouble lies in the current approach to computing.

If computers are to live up to the promise of serving us, they will have to change drastically and never again subject us to the frustrating experiences we have all shared.

Several colleagues from the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and I are flying to Taiwan. I have been trying for three hours to make my new laptop work with one of these smart cards that plug into the machine and download my personal calendar. When the card software is happy, the operating system complains, and vice versa. Irritated, I turn to Tim Berners-Lee, sitting next to me, who graciously offers to assist. After an hour the inventor of the Web admits that the task is beyond his capabilities. I turn to Ron Rivest, inventor of RSA public key cryptography, and ask him to help. He declines, exhibiting his wisdom. A young faculty member behind us speaks up: You guys are too old. Let me do it. He gives up after an hour and a half. So I go back to my expert approach of typing random entries into the various wizards and lizards that keep popping up on the screen. After two more hours, and two batteries, I make it work, by sheer accident and without remembering how.

My friends on this flight were hardly incompetent. The problem was what I call the unintegrated systems fault. Technologists design today’s hardware and software systems without worrying enough about how these different pieces will work together. If the slightest conflict arises among an operating system, a communications network, a digital camera, a printer, or any other device, the modules become deadlocked, as do their makers, who point to one another, leaving you to resolve their differences. After I published this Taiwan anecdote in an August 1999 article in Scientific American, I received scores of letters from people who said, I know exactly what you are talking about. Please fix it. The problem is not simply a bug to be worked out in existing systems, but rather an endemic mind-set that has characterized computer design for decades. Only a radical change can fix it.

It’s 11 P.M. and I check my e-mail. Ninety-eight new messages have arrived since yesterday. At 2 to 3 minutes per message, my average response time, I’ll need 4 hours to handle them. I’d like to grant them my highest security classification, DBR—destroy before reading.

How do we handle this overload fault? We don’t. Mostly, we feel guilty if we cannot respond to all the messages that come our way. Better e-mail software can relieve a lot of this burden. Better human behavior can go further. Human-centric computing means more than changing the hardware and software of computer systems. We must also improve the ways we use technology.

My son is searching the Web for information on Vespas, the Italian scooters that conquered Europe in the 1950s, which he loves to restore. The search engine has given him 2,545 hits and he is busy checking them out. His eyes squint and his brain labors to minimize the time he needs to decide whether he should keep or toss each entry. I imagine him in an ancient badlands, furiously shoveling through 2,545 mountains of dirt, looking for one nugget of hidden treasure. His shovel is diamond studded and it is stamped high tech, so he is duly modern. Yet he is still shoveling!

There are two problems here. First, the manual labor fault, which reflects the lack of automation on today’s Web and in all of today’s computer systems. We do not yet off-load human brain work and eyeball work onto our machines. We shovel and shovel, doing by ourselves mental labor we shouldn’t have to do. The second problem is the information access fault, which reflects our inability to get at the information we need when we need it. Both faults can be repaired.

The automatic answering system greets you with its murderous You have reached the Tough Luck Corporation. If you want Marketing, press 1. If you want Engineering, press 2. If you want a company directory, press 3, then enter the letters of the last name of the person you wish to speak to…

Here we have a human being, on whose head a price cannot be set, obediently executing instructions dispensed by a $100 computer. Welcome to the human servitude fault. You are serving the inhuman machine, and its inhuman owners who got away saving a few dollars of operator time by squandering valuable pieces of your life and that of millions of other people. What glory: The highest technology artifacts in the world have become our masters, reintroducing us to human slavery more than a century after its abolition. Our docility in putting up with this abuse is reprehensible.

Then there is the famous crash fault. You are working along nicely and something untoward happens in the bowels of the machine, causing it to crash. If you haven’t done your duty of saving your work every few minutes, you are in for some grief. And when you reboot the system, you are rewarded for your tolerance of the crash by a reprimand implying that you turned off your machine improperly! Things don’t have to be that way. Telephone switching systems hardly ever crash, yet they use software in their computers that is just as complex as the software in your PC.

More faults like these abound: the excessive learning fault, where a word processing program, which does what a pencil used to do, only somewhat differently, comes with a 600-page manual. The feature overload fault, where megabytes of software features you’ll never use are stuffed into your machine, making the features you do want to use hard to find, slow, and prone to crashes. The fake intelligence fault, where the machine purports to be intelligent but is not, getting in your way instead of helping you. The waiting fault, where we ask the machine to turn on or off, and we wait unbearable minutes until it condescends to do so. The ratchet fault, where layers and layers of software piled up on top of each other through the ages create a spaghetti-like mess that even its maker can’t untangle.

It gets worse. Trendy handheld PDAs (personal digital assistants) demand that you learn entire new sets of commands, and go back to first grade to relearn how your fingers should pen letters of the alphabet, when you write on their little screens, so their programs can understand you. These quirky devices overlap each other’s functions and pose more demands on our attention. Where should I put my calendar—in my PC, my PDA, or my brand new cell phone? Ah! bellows the voice of an all-knowing friend! Get a synchronizer to keep them all in step. And so it is that yet another piece of software enters your life, with its thick manual, new commands, and many versions yet to come.

Periodically, on top of all these insults, the dreaded time arrives when you must change computers. Suddenly, all your work is hanging by a thread. You will squander entire days trying to reinject your old programs and files onto the new machine. And once you have ensured their survival, a whole bunch of new software conflicts will rear their ugly heads.

So total is our brainwashing and habitual acceptance of these indignities that even as they are happening, we brag that we have the latest breed of this or that machine that runs 30 percent faster than our neighbor’s computer and has this new set of great features!

We need a radical change.

It may sound harsh, but even though they have helped us do amazing things we never could have done without them, computers have increased hype more than productivity. The marketers call them user-friendly, knowing that they are difficult to use. And despite the chest beating about the Internet giving a voice to people throughout the world, the new technology is only used by a tiny fraction of the human population.

The real utility of computers, and the true value of the Information Revolution, still lie ahead. And I’m not talking about a few improvements. The Web and the Internet of today, compared to where we are headed, are like steam engines compared to the modern industrial world. By the time information systems reach jet-plane status, well into this century, we will focus on utility over fads, triple our productivity, use our computers as naturally and easily and with as much pleasure as we now use our cars and refrigerators, and hear the voices of hundreds of millions more people—if we abandon our self-defeating path toward unbridled and growing machine complexity.

We must set a new goal which is as obvious and simple as it is powerful: Information technology should help people do more by doing less. Human-centric computing is the approach that leads to that goal. It is what will finish the Unfinished Revolution.

Charting New Terrain

If the quirky machines that surround you are causing you grief, imagine the mess you’ll be in when there are 10 times as many of these creatures biting at you in the next few years. That’s where we are headed with the huge variety of new devices coming our way. Let’s not be passive victims. Let’s grab progress by the throat and redirect it so it serves us. If we don’t deliberately do so, starting now, tomorrow’s much larger menagerie of hardware and software systems will make our lives even more servile and complicated.

To achieve human-centric computing, we must pay attention to both the human and the computer side of the relationship. We begin with the raw material we have to work with—the computing terrain. We must understand how it is shaped and think ahead about how it will change, because technology constantly evolves.

By 2015, single-processor PCs will level out at around 50 times the speed of Year 2000 machines, because of fundamental limits on the smallest circuits that can be printed on a chip. To get greater performance, designers will harness microprocessors together, like horses on a cart, up to a thousand or so, before the tiny machines get in each other’s way. These combined moves will make future machines tens of thousands of times faster. During the same period, the average communication speed between machines on the Internet will increase a few hundred times, using today’s pipes—mostly telephone lines and television’s coaxial cable. The number of people who use wireless communications will grow dramatically, but communication speed will remain well below that of future wire line phones and coax cables. The speed of communication among stationary machines will get another thousandfold boost when sometime in the next two decades the trillion-dollar plunge is taken, as it inevitably will be, by telephone, cable TV, and other companies to thread every home and office in the industrial world with glass fiber lines. Ultimately, these high-speed terrestrial links will interconnect a huge number of antennas that will define increasingly smaller wireless cells, with ever-increasing bandwidth for roving users. As a result, communication speeds over the Internet will eventually become ten thousand times faster than what they are today. Storage capacity on computers will keep up with this maniacal pace and costs will continue to drop from the Year 2000 level of $15 for a gigabyte (the equivalent of 500 paperbacks) to well below $1.

Who needs all these gigas of power, speed, and storage? you may ask. You do! But you don’t know it, because the numbers measure what machines do, rather than what people care about. You want to know: How quickly can tomorrow’s system locate and ship to me a replacement part for my bathroom fixture? How well can I collaborate on producing a manual for my company’s new product with a coworker who lives eight time zones away? Can I tell the computer to book me a flight to Israel, and have it carry out all the negotiations?

A human-centric computer that can perform these functions quickly and effectively with minimal instruction from you will have to be simpler to use on the outside, which means it will have to become more complex on the inside—hence the need for all the gigas. But like a car, even though its inner workings will be complicated and powerful, all you should need to use it fully is the equivalent of a simple gas pedal, brake, and steering wheel. This ascent toward true human utility will take time, but we can accelerate the process if we are not lulled by the siren song of the gigas. Starting now, we must judge computers’ performance by how well they satisfy our needs, not by how fast they spin their wheels.

While the horsepower of computers and communications will increase remarkably, three shifts in the new terrain will drive even greater change: interconnection of a growing number of appliances and physical devices to our computers; an increasing use of mobile computers connected through wireless communications; and a new breed of highly mobile software.

For the half century of their existence, essentially all the machines we have used have been operated by us. This is about to change in a big way. Run-of-the-mill appliances will become first-class computer citizens. Microprocessors with the ability to communicate with our computers throughout a house, an office building, or across the Internet will be embedded in lots of physical objects we care about. These interconnected appliances will weigh us as we stand in the bathroom in the morning; prepare most of our breakfast and have it ready just as we enter the kitchen (while also ordering foodstuffs that are depleted); deliver, as we eat, an urgent memo we have been anxiously awaiting and return our spoken reply; open the garage and lower the house temperature as we leave for the office; and announce, as we exit the driveway, a special morning program we were expecting and can now listen to while commuting directions are displayed on our windshield for avoiding the latest traffic jams. The processors will control the physical appliances tirelessly, 24 hours a day, while giving us instant access to them and the information on all our personal systems, and on the Web, when we want it, wherever we are, and on whatever device happens to be handy.

Putting microcomputers in physical devices isn’t new. What’s new is the promise that these physical appliances will be harnessed by tomorrow’s computers to serve your needs. Many languages and systems are already being developed to help appliances communicate with computers. Unfortunately, they are following the patterns of today’s computer and communication systems: They work, but they are complex and hard to use.

Interconnecting appliances to our computers is driven by a fundamental, natural force: Every day you interact with all sorts of physical things to achieve your purposes. Computerizing some of these exchanges so they become easier, faster, more reliable, and automatic will greatly enhance your ability to do more by doing less. This means that the number of these computerized appliances will far exceed the number of PCs. It also means that we’ll computerize only those appliances whose utility justifies their interconnection cost—not everything in sight, as the hype suggests. If your main goal is to feed your family, you won’t buy shoes with embedded chips. And even if you are rich, you may elect to sink your hands in your garden dirt, rather than use your computerized soil sensor.

The second big change in the new terrain is growth of wireless mobility. Tomorrow’s computers, phones, and many other devices will be able to communicate easily without wires—be it across the room to control your entertainment center, across town to check on your house’s security, or across a continent to help you reach an associate. By 2003 cellular phones, many with Internet access capability, will exceed in number the familiar wired telephones, which already exceed the number of PCs. The desire for wireless mobility is huge, for it stems from a powerful, natural force: People move. If machines can help us reach the humans and things we care about, wherever we and they may be, we can do even more by doing less. This change has already begun with laptops, PDAs, and cellular phones. But the rapidly advancing wireless terrain will extend it further, with the result that roving humans will get increasingly closer to the computer and communication power they now have at their desk.

The family reunion is about to begin at the island of Crete. Kiera arrives first and is shocked to find out that the hotel where they had planned to meet had a fire the night before. The smell of smoke is overwhelming. She pulls out her portable and says, Urgent. Get me the relatives. Within one minute, 12 of the 15 relatives have joined the conversation. Three, already nearby, use their portables as two-way radios. Seven others are near high-speed networks and use their portables as network nodes. Of the remaining 6, 2 are in their cars heading for the hotel and 4 haven’t left home and become connected through their home machines. All are alerted about the crisis. Michael, who is at home, volunteers to lead the search for alternatives. With the others listening in he says, Get me Omni travel. The travel agent appears on Michael’s full-size screen and is as upset as the travelers—15 commissions are at stake. She checks her hotel database and 30 seconds later sends to all the listeners a map showing three nearby hotels that have available rooms and meet the comfort level she knows they are after. Joan, who sees the map on her portable’s screen, says she is passing near one of the hotels; she reports that it looks really good and has a majestic view. The travel agent connects to the hotel’s machine and confirms that it can accommodate her clients and their needs. She books the new rooms, cuts her commission by 30 percent for good measure, and signs off. Twelve minutes after the discovery of the problem, the crisis has been averted and all the relatives have been redirected to the new location.

The third big change in the computing terrain will be in software. The devices we’ll carry as we move will require software that can provide us with a continuity of services, regardless of which device we use. This will cause the software to become detached from specific devices and flow among them, carrying the functions we need, where and when we need them. For example, information about your health, diet, and caloric intake isn’t nearly as useful on your office PC as it would be on your kitchen table’s info outlet, or on your PDA when you’re in a restaurant 5,000 miles from home and the crème brûlée appears on the dessert trolley. And when your daughter, sitting next to you in the kitchen, is dying to find out if she has an e-mail message from her boyfriend, she should be able to do so on the same device you used a second earlier to consult your diet plan.

This notion of dressing different machines with the information you want, where and when you want it, will be a widespread feature of tomorrow’s human-centric systems and will result in a lot of software transfers among them. Think of the software as capturing your information personality and becoming nomadic, so it can roam onto whatever device you want to use.

Applications software—from word processors to Web browsers—and the way it is distributed will also change, due to economic reasons, but not the ones we have been hearing about. For years, people have been saying that the low marginal cost of copying software would drive its price to zero. This hasn’t happened because software makers have been changing their products annually, mostly to keep making money through new features. This trend, and the growing ease with which nomadic software will move over the Net, will cause us to gradually stop buying the familiar shrink-wrapped software packages. Instead, we will rent the programs we need by having them periodically downloaded from the Net for a fee. The result of these trends is inevitable: The entire software enterprise will evolve from a product business to a service business. You’ll pay a monthly fee to your software service provider, who will ensure that your software needs will be met, often automatically without you being aware of the upgrades…as long as you keep up with the payments. And software revenues, instead of going down, will become steady and even rise.

The ease of moving software through networks, by the way, has motivated some manufacturers to hail the arrival of so-called network computers, a new breed of inexpensive boxes largely devoid of programs and bells and whistles that are targeted to replace PCs. You will fill them with software retrieved on the fly from the Net. This is a laudable dream that appeals to organizations that like to manage their software centrally. But in practice, tomorrow’s machines will be neither

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