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Until I Die
Until I Die
Until I Die
Ebook337 pages5 hours

Until I Die

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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I wish there was only today, just right now, and no forever.

It seems fitting that I fell in love in Paris, the most beautiful city in the world. And if I pretend, I can almost believe that my life is normal and everyone I care about is safe.

But as long as I’m with Vincent, “normal” doesn’t exist. Gorgeous, charming, and witty, he’s everything you could ask for in a boyfriend—but his destiny is so much more.

Even more terrifying than his destiny are his dangerous enemies, enemies who will kill for immortality. How are Vincent and I supposed to be together forever if we’re always in danger?

I know I’ll do whatever it takes—even if it means lying to the people I love—to fight against a fate that is trying to tear us apart.

Release dateMay 8, 2012

Amy Plum

Amy Plum is the international bestselling author of the Dreamfall series, the Die for Me series, and the After the End series. She spent her childhood in Birmingham, Alabama, her twenties in Chicago and Paris, and several more years in London, New York, and the Loire Valley. Now she lives in Paris and swears she’ll never move again. You can visit Amy online at www.amyplumbooks.com.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    I enjoyed the first book in this series, but this one was disappointing. Most of the suspense centered on the main characters keeping secrets from each other - never a good idea. The plot relied on too many coincidences. The cliffhanger ending is annoying. If you liked the first book, I'd recommend waiting until Book 3 is out in May 2013 and then reading them all at once.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    I thought Until I Die was just as interesting as the first book in the series. One thing I really liked about it in comparison to other second in the series books is that there was no giant drama/fight between the couple who fell in love in the first book. I enjoyed learning more about the history of the Revenants and am definitely excited to read the next books. During the first book, I just really liked the whole idea of the Revenant but didn't really care for any of the characters all that much. I'm still feeling that way to a certain extent. I'm not super wrapped up in the romance between Vincent and Kate which is a bit of a let down. I am much more interested in the world/story that Amy Plum has created. The character I find my self most interested in is Jules. I'm hoping to find the relationships and people more interesting in the next books.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    I thought this would be like all young adult fiction with romance and happy endings and all those silly things that have an unnatural hold over me. To say I was sadly blindsided is quite the understatement. This series has earned some major respect points in my book for really going all the way down its dark and deceptive path. Now that kudos are given, I am not too happy with where I now am left in the series, this waiting game will be so unpleasant. On the Brightside waiting for a resolution only adds to my appreciation of this book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    Not a full review; just a couple of quick impressions I had.I grabbed up a copy of Amy Plum's Until I Die before I completed book one of her Revenants series simply because I KNEW I would need to know what happened next. Until I Die builds nicely on the mythology introduced in Die For Me and even managed to add in a few twists to keep things fresh and interesting. Kate is no longer the sad girl we saw in Die For Me and is settling nicely in to Vincent's Revenant world, undergoing fight/weapons training and learning how to kick butt and take names. This time around she is determined to do her own investigating into Revenants to see if she and Vincent have any chance at a future. I really liked the fact that she was willing to head out on her own and find answers, and what she discovered looks like it will be playing a big role in the final book If I Should Die which is due May of 2013.Her sister Georgina continues to be highly entertaining, especially in her interactions with Revenants, and I'm really hoping she gets one of her own (if she keeps up the flirting, she may!). I'm also really liking their grandparents, and how protective they are of both girls.Author Amy Plum has definitely scaled back on the Twilight overtones of that first book. Other than one scene of Vincent and Kate heading to a city by the beach to visit friends (recalling the trip Bella and Edward take to Florida in Eclipse), nothing really jumped out at me this time and screamed Twilight. This series is standing firmly on its own two feet at this point.After a pretty exciting confrontation at the end of Until I Die, Plum finishes things off with the cliffhanger of all cliffhangers. I am so glad I didn't start this series until late in the game, because waiting a year for answers may have just done me in. As it is, I've been on pins and needles waiting to see how (or if) Kate is going to rescue Vincent.Favorite Quotes:“Just don’t let her distract you from saving her life,” Gaspard responded… “This is the twenty-first century, Gaspard,” Vincent chuckled, catching the grip of the flying sword in his right hand. “Under your tutelage, Kate will be just as capable of saving mine.” (Chapter 2)“Let me guess,” Georgia said, gawking appreciatively at his gallantry. “If it weren’t for that divinely handsome mask, you’d probably look like the crypt-keeper. What are you, like . . . pre-Napoleonic? Friends of Louis XIV?” (Chapter 9)Amy Plum adds a little more action, a little more romance, rounds out a few more characters, and tops it all off with a killer finale. Bring on book 3!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    Readers of this series will be unable to put this new installment down. Plum does not disappoint, and this action-packed sophomore effort goes in directions no one will suspect, while keeping the romance between Kate and Vincent hot.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    its actions are more than the ones in die for me but until what Vincent will be in the grip of this stupid Violette ?
    waiting for If I Should Die so we will see ...

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    3,5 stars

    It’s clearly been too long since I read book 1. I was having trouble to remember what had happened and who was who…
    This was easy, quick read and I liked it. I like that it’s situated in Paris, France, which is a nice change.

    There was less Vincent in this book, which was a shame. I would have liked to see his POV once in a while and to have two sides of the story and that’s my main issue with the book. I like Kate and it’s nice to see that she’s not head over heels even though she loves him. But I don’t see what the big issue is with Vincent dying because he’ll come back anyway. I think he’s suffering for nothing but maybe that’s just me.

    There are hints about love triangle and I’m curious to see if he will act on it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    Amy Plum creates a very romantic setting in the streets of Paris with Until I Die. Unfortunately, this installment didn’t keep my interest the way Die For Me did.

    Kate seemed really bland this time around. She didn’t ask for help when she needed it, and put others’ lives in danger because of it. She was also incredibly emotional, and entirely too trusting. She just blurts her business to everyone except the person she needs to be talking to. Also, I didn’t care for Vincent’s evasiveness with the things he’s going through. Both people need to realize that secrets do not help matters. I do love Georgia though. She’s definitely one of my favorite characters.

    My other problem with the story was that it felt drawn out. There are some action scenes, but they are few and far between. I feel like most of the book was Kate and Vincent hiding things from each other. Some things that happen are pretty crappy, and definitely needed for the next book to be possible.

    Even with the issues I had, I really enjoy Plum’s writing. The ending definitely left me wanting to read If I Should Die. I definitely plan on this in the near future.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    Die for Me was written to be a standalone novel. It should have stayed that way in my opinion. I totally fell in love with Die for Me and Kate and Vincent last year. Until I Die had me still loving the characters, but I was rather bored with the story. I will not be reading the third and final book in the series. I’m going to kind of forget that I read Until I Die and just remember my love for Die for Me. Until I Die wasn’t horrible, but it was nowhere near as good as Die for Me and was just an okay story overall.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    Negotiating the terms of a relationship with someone who is "undead" drives most of this story. There is a mystery going on with a bit of a twist at the end.I mostly like Kate and Victor, but some aspects of their relationship seem improbable - of course this is fantasy!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    This series is becoming one of my favourites. I loved this book so much I read it from cover to cover in a single day. I read an insane amount of books and never somehow manage to sit down and focus on just one. I had one day of holiday left (even on holiday I had several books on the go at once) so that last day had my by the pool with this gem.

    This one picks up some time after the last one, Kate is still getting to know the Revenants world, and finding herself more and more in love with Vincent, who is as dreamy as ever. The numa are being suspiciously quiet and two somewhat creepy newcomers to the Revenants are brought in to help with finding out what the numa are up to.

    Its still got some pretty sweet and fluffy moments between Kate and Vincent, but there's always that pesky Revenant thing hovering over their heads and each are trying to find their own way around it. The more Kate digs into the Revenant world to find answers, she accidentally unleashes more trouble.

    I enjoyed following Kate's journey into the Revenant history, and I still love the Paris setting. There's something fascinating about this world and all the characters, even the ones I don't like much. It's intriguing and impossible to put down.

    And then there's a rush of action and a gut wrenching cliff hanger at the end. Luckily for me I bought this an If I Should Die at the same time, so I don't have to wait ages for the finale to this fantastic trilogy.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    This is the second book in Plum’s Revenants series. The third book in the series, If I Should Die, is scheduled for a May 2013 release. This book, like the first, moves a bit slow in the beginning but picks up towards the end. It is a very interesting story, with a down to earth heroine, and a beautifully exotic Parisian setting.

    Vincent and Kate are struggling with Vincent's vow to resist dying as long as he can. Both Vincent and Kate are separately seeking ways to help Vincent resist the urge to die. Along the way they both uncover some ancient secrets and reveal some horrible conspiracy involving the evil numa.

    Kate and Vincent continue to have the sweet romance that is developed in the first book, but there is some strain put on it as they both start keeping secrets. Vincent is looking for a solution to help him resist having to die, and he’s keeping it a secret from Kate even though it is resulting in him becoming horribly sick. Kate is looking for her own solution and sneaking around Vincent.

    It is an interesting issue that Kate and Vincent are dealing with. Kate doesn’t want to watch Vincent constantly die but she also doesn’t want to prevent him from saving the lives of innocent humans.

    Two new and ancient Revenants enter the story as well. They add an interesting dynamic to the story and result in some intriguing twist and turns.

    This ended up being a fairly predictable read, but some of the new elements behind the history of the Revenants were fascinating. The story is somewhat slow in pace in the beginning but picks up towards the end. Pacing is much like the first book. This book does end on a horrible cliffhanger which kind of irritated me.

    The book is well written and engaging, and of course it has a beautiful Paris setting. I continue to enjoy Kate’s exploration of the this wonderful and exotic Parisian setting.

    Overall this was a fun and quick read and I enjoyed it. Kate and Vincent continue to be an almost overly sweet couple; but they do have their struggles in this book as well. I enjoyed learning more about Revenant history and enjoyed some of the new characters added to the story. This book does end on a horrible cliffhanger though which bothered me. Recommended to those who love YA paranormal romance reads. This really is something different from the typical YA paranormal books out there.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    Kate couldn’t bear to see Vincent die over and over again to save human. So, they have to find a way to stay together where Vincent need to resist from dying in Kate’s lifetime (or Until Kate Die). Apparently, it’s not easy. Kate thought that Vincent’s way to resist dying and whatever experiment he was doing to resist dying is bad for him. So, Kate went by herself to research and figure out a way where they could stay together without using Vincent’s method.

    I think I like Until I Die better than Die For Me. Probably because I already know what Revernant is from the first book. It was easier to understand the story line. I really like Kate and Vincent’s relationship. There are a few smexy moments. And I just couldn’t help not to fall for Jules and Ambrose!

    Still, I think the story line was a bit slow. I don’t really mind about that, since I get to see lots of hot men. But, I don’t like how the action was packed towards the end. And that cliffhanger!! I guess I’ll have to wait next year to know what will happen with Vincent and Kate.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    Yet another book that isn't really BAD per se, but still suffers from the dreaded "second-in-trilogy" syndrome - it doesn't really have a beginning, or an ending, so feels like an incomplete story on its own. I am still on the search of the ever elusive "even better than the first in the trilogy/series" novel. Unfortunately, even with the wide proliferation of series and trilogies, particularly among my favorite genres, these still seem to be among the rarest of specimens. "Until I Die" definitely had its good points, however, and is an honorable attempt at breaking that dreaded curse!

    First, the good. I feel that the main character, Kate, is one of the strongest female characters in YA fiction. While very much wrapped up in her boyfriend, she never comes across (at least to me) as clingy or needy. She still seems to have her independence and her own identity apart from him. I also still like Vincent very much, although, I did feel in this one that I expected more character growth on his part, and if anything, HE seems to be the clingy, needy one of this couple. The other secondary characters - the Paris Revenants in Vincent's household, and Kate's family members, are still enjoyable, and people I would like to spend time with. Kate's sister Georgia, in particular, seems to have mellowed a bit and becomes that much more enjoyable, as she becomes a bit more mature and relatable. The mystery & world of the Revenants, and Vincent's role within their ranks and how it relates to Kate & Vincent's relationship, is expanded further. In general, the world of the Revenants the author has created works and the rules of the world appear to remain consistent. I did have one or two questions pop up about some of the rules discussed (don't want to go into them too far, as they may be rather spoiler-ish), but I am willing to concede that these points may be expanded upon further in the upcoming third entry. Also, one of the things I had complained about with the first in the series was its predictibility. This book very much remedies that problem! There were enough twists and surprises in this story to keep me on my toes, and to be very curious about where the author will take things in the next entry.

    Now for the things I didn't like as much. First, there were a lot of secrets kept in this book, and a lack of communication that typically served to move the plot along. I realize this is an often used trope, and I am okay with it being used occassionally, but lack of communication among multiple characters and on various topics seemd to be the entire driving force of this story and the relationships within this one, and it ended up getting rather tiresome. At a few points, I wanted to smack characters upside the head and scream "JUST TELL THEM!", and when they in fact finally did, I wanted to say, "see, you could have avoided that whole situation if you had just listened to me!" So frustrating, and not in a good way, at least when used to this extent. The other thing that bothered me about this story, is that it seemed to move much slower than the first. I just kind of felt like, not that much happened. It seems that at this point in the overarching storyline, we are in information gathering mode in this story, and while I understand that as being necessary, it can cause things to get a little boring and move a little slower at times. Finally, I will say I didn't like the ending of this entry very much. It definitely left a punch-in-the gut cliffhanger, and lots of questions unanswered, which just isn't my personal preference (I NEED closure - ex-boyfriends, and authors of trilogies and series, must just HATE that about me), but, understanding that there is another entry on the way, I am willing to cut some slack on that.

    Overall, I did still enjoy this story, and am definitely looking forward to reading the next to find out how things all wrap up. If you read and enjoyed the first, "Die For Me", I recommend picking this one up too, and I think you will also find yourself looking forward to the next. If you have NOT read the first one, but you are looking for a new take on the YA supernatural scene, this is definitely a series/trilogy worth a look. However, you do need to read the first in the trilogy to understand this one. "Until I Die" should definitely NOT be read as a stand alone.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    Whoa is all I can say about this book. I really loved the new characters that were added into the book and grew quite found of them really quickly. The cliff-hanger at the end had my heart racing I was in tears and then you read the last line and I was jumping around my room screaming yes all the way.

    I found that we saw more of what Kate can do by herself and she can kick butt. I found Kate a more interesting character. I found that she really grew a lot in this book and wish there was just a bit more of her fighting the numa. But all was fine when she did

    Vincent well what can I say he is a really hot and charming and sweet character and there wasn't anything that bad about him. Each time I read about what Vincent does for Kate I think God I wish I had someone like that.

    I love the whole concept of the revenants and each book we learn a little more to the mystery of what they are and do. I love every character especially Jules he is just funny and the flirtiest and he brings the humour into this romance novel

    So bring on the next book I can not wait I am a bit disappointed that we have to wait a whole year until the book comes out but I am guessing it will be amazing with the cliff hanger that they left us with and I have a funny feeling that the champion is not Vincent but the lovely Kate I will have to wait and see

    5 stars out of 5
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    I couldn't buy "Until I Die" fast enough. I enjoyed "Die For Me" so very much. I couldn't wait to get more Kate and Vincent and especially my very favorite Revenant Jules. This book takes up a shortly after the concluding events in "Die For Me". The revenants are worried about how quiet the numa are being. They believe it is just a matter of time before the numa attack again. While this means the revenants are all on high alert, the relationship between Vincent and Kate is heating up as well. The two are more in love than ever and are having to face the tragedy of their relationship. Kate will age and die. Vincent may die anytime due to the danger of his 'job' but will likely outlive Kate by millenia. Vincent begins to engage in a secret activity that will hopefully allow him to live longer and fight his urges to save humans long enough to stay alive with Kate. Kate starts some sleuthing of her own when she stumbles upon some information that she believes could also help their relationship. We have two new characters living at the revenant home. Arthur and Violette are revenants from out of town who are taking the places vacated by Charlotte and Charles. Both have secrets of their own for readers to unravel.

    I was a little annoyed by all the secrets Kate and Vincent are keeping from each other. I also felt like not a lot happened during the story. We get a ton of information which I found interesting but those who want the action in the first book won't find it here. Others have mentioned it but Georgia is an absolute delight in this book. She, Jules, Ambrose, and Charlotte are very strong side characters and I really think they help this series stand out from other similar series. Also the setting is as beautiful and poetic as it is the first book. The final 1/5 of the book finally sees some action. And its really good, strong and interesting action.

    I also want to mention that I figured out a huge twist in this book very early on. I don't necessarily mind when this happens but I am always extra thrilled when I reach the end of a book and find out that I had it wrong all along.

    "Until I Die" was still a really good book. I am glad I read it and after the ending I know I will get the third book as soon as it is on sale. The writing is excellent (if occasionally too much for my liking) and I strongly believe that the next book will be amazing. It has a great set up in this book.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    Review Courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

    Quick & Dirty: This sequel takes a long time to take off as Kate and Vincent search for ways to stop a revenant from the compulsion to die.

    Opening Sentence: I leapt, drawing my feet up beneath me, as the seven-foot quarterstaff smashed into the flagstones where I had been standing half a second before.

    The Review:

    This book begins the night Charlotte and Charles are leaving the mansion for exile–also known as Jean-Baptiste’s other country mansion. (Life as a revenant is hard.) The Parisian revenants are throwing a going-away-welcome-party; wishing Charlotte and Charles good-bye and introducing Violette and Arthur. Violette and Arthur are a super codependent non-couple that have been together since the Middle Ages. They’re only in town until Charles gets his head back on straight and they don’t have to worry about him. That being said, they’ve spent a long time in isolation in the countryside and are more than a little snobby. For one thing, Arthur’s got the whole aristocratic, revenants-are-better-than-mortals thing going on which doesn’t exactly endear him to Kate and the others.

    While the revenants are dealing with their new housemates, Vincent’s struggling not to die. He’s stronger than most revenants his age, so he can last longer before the compulsion becomes unbearable, but how long is that? Kate knows he’s up to something–probably something dangerous or he’d tell her about it–to keep himself alive. But is his so-called cure for compulsion going to threaten his immortality? Kate takes it upon herself to find another way–a safer way. Delving into the ancient texts Kate finds an old book called Immortal Love, but the book has words missing. Words deliberately scratched out to keep someone from finding the cure. Her quest to keep Vincent alive and by her side sends her through Paris and straight into the revenant-numa underworld. A world Kate might not be ready to take on alone.

    Die for Me, the first in the Revenants series, built an interesting mythology around revenants and the numa that Plum evolves even further here. Unfortunately, besides adding backstory and the sketchings of a love triangle this sequel suffers from sequel-itis. It takes a really long time to take off and, to be honest, the mystery of Vincent’s goings-on when he’s not with Kate wasn’t a strong enough plot motivator. A definitely plus side to Kate and Vincent’s relationship, however, is that they’re really mature about it. They aren’t just in love, they’re a partnership. They work hard to make sure they’re on the same page and being honest. Even when Vincent’s keeping secrets, he’s honest about his secrets. If that makes sense.

    The plot was predictable and definitely designed to set us up for If I Should Die, with an almost-cliffhanger. But the last eighty pages are where the story really starts to get going, so I wish Plum had carried this book a bit farther into the plot. As I said, the mystery wasn’t mysterious enough and the stakes weren’t high enough for this book to hold my interest for long swaths of time.

    Notable Scene:

    “Non,” she said sharply. Then, her voice softening, she said, “All I ask is that you write your name on one of the cards, and place it in the dish. That way I can send you good wishes in my prayers.” She nodded to a stack of index cards on the table next to my chair. I scribbled my name on the card and leaned over to place it in the bowl. And froze.

    Painted on the inside of the dis was a pyramid inside a circle. A pyramid surrounded by flames. I spun to see the old woman sitting immobile, staring at me with one eyebrow raised. Waiting.

    I thrust my hand inside my shirt, pulled out my pendant and held the signum out for her to see.

    She sat there stunned for a second, and then stood to face me. “Well, if you had shown me that when you arrived, we wouldn’t have had to go through this charade, my dear,” she said, her expression changing from distant and professional to complicit and friendly. “Welcome, little sister.”

    The Revenants Series:

    1. Die For Me

    2. Until I Die

    3. If I Should Die (May 2013)

    FTC Advisory: Harper Teen provided me with a copy of Until I Die. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. In addition, I don’t receive affiliate fees for anything purchased via links from my site.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    At the end of the first book Kate already knows about Revenants and Numas (the good and the bad guys) and after a very hard time cooping with the fact that her boyfriend, Vincent, feels this strong compulsion to die in order to save human lives the verdict is clear: she loves him and can't stay away from him. But Vincent realizes that after loosing her parents Kate's decision is too much so he decides to compromise: he won't die anymore, even if it hurts him not to do so.

    Now, after killing Lucien who was the Numa's leader in Paris, Kate begins to train so she can defend herself (and her sister, Georgia) just in case the Numa want revenge. But it just doesn't happen...

    And in meantime Kate and Vincent realize something: he needs to find a way to control the urge to save humans or their relationship won't last too much. Suddenly Vincent actually finds a way, but he wants to keep the details a secret until he can confirm it works... the only problem is that rather than helping it seems it's weakening him by the minute.
    So Kate resolves to find a way herself... and the only thing she finds is death.

    Personal opinion:
    You all know how much I love pretty covers and Until I Die is definitely one of my favorite covers of 2012. The colors, her dress, the background and the composition make a very enticing job!

    The book of course has been in my TBR pile even before I had it and although I liked it a lot I think a touch of more action will make it better. But let me be more specific: the story was good, really good. Some characters had to leave (but we see one of them for a little bit) and new characters arrived to make the plot richer and complicated.
    A very interesting fact concerning Jean-Baptiste is revealed and one of Vincent' secrets reaches Kate ears which only make the story more deeper.
    But I would have love to see Jules a little more because he is just too cute, too funny and too awesome for his own good.

    And the ending... Oh My Goodness the ending... what a cliffhanger! I don't know how am I going to be able to life after reading it! I know I won't be able to eat or breath... (#dramaqueenmuchanyone). So yes, If I Should Die is already in my wishlist and it has a very special place in my TBR also (since the book doesn't even exists, right now there's a pretty paper with the title taking its place).

    If you haven't read the series yet then I encourage you to do so, is good, is funny, is different and the way Amy Plum describes Paris will make you feel like you are actually there, walking with the characters.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    GoodReads Synopsis: Kate and Vincent have overcome the odds and at last they are together in Paris, the city of lights and love.

    As their romance deepens there’s one question they can’t ignore: How are they supposed to be together if Vincent can’t resist sacrificing himself to save others? Although Vincent promises that he’ll do whatever it takes to lead a normal life with Kate, will that mean letting innocent people die? When a new and surprising enemy reveals itself, Kate realizes that even more may be at stake—and that Vincent’s immortality is in jeopardy.

    My Thoughts: “Until I Die” did not move near as fast for me as “Die for Me” did. Often we learn the all the background in the first book…but “Until I Die” had just as much if not more than the first book. While there was some romance between Vince and Kate, finding a way for them to be together for the long haul was more of the focus.

    With additional aspects of the Revenant histories and prophecies being revealed, we learn that what we thought would be the big trilogy-long conflict at the end of the first book, has changed. It’s still a battle with the Numa but the why, who, how, and what have all changed. I’m also getting the distinct impression that Jules is in love with Kate, or thinks he is, and that will figure prominently into the third book.

    While I do love the revenants…this installment wasn’t up to the same level, for me, as “Die for Me” was. However with the cliffhangers Amy Plum left us with…I can’t wait to see the resolution of the series in the next book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    This series is one that I normally wouldn’t pick up. It’s very romance-centric and I tend to not gravitate toward paranormal romances. Now, let me clarify something, I don’t dislike romances, it’s just that I like the freaky, spooky aspects of the paranormal, and I feel that focusing heavily on the romantic side kind of ruins the thrill for me. I am happy to say that this series proved me wrong — a paranormal romance can be intriguing, romantic and a little creepy at the same time. Just like the Spellbound books, the romance is what drives the paranormal aspect and keeps it exciting.

    When I read Die for Me, the first book in the series, I was a little underwhelmed. I’m happy to say that I found myself enjoying this installment much more, probably because I knew what to expect. Seeing Kate and Vincent and the other Revenants was like seeing an old friend I hadn’t visited with in a year, and I enjoyed the continuation of their story. We get a lot more history of the Revenants here, and a lot more Jules. I can honestly say he is my favorite character. He’s funny, charming and someone I would totally be friends with if he were real. I also liked that we got to see more of Kate’s sister, Georgia. I felt she added a nice balance, as did the new Revenants, Violette and Arthur. Their unique personalities added to an already strong cast of characters.

    While this is definitely a “filler” book, it does drive the series forward, though it did seem to drag at times. Still, it’s a great addition to the series and builds to what promises to be a very intriguing third book. I love Ms. Plum’s writing and the way she so effortlessly places us in Paris. I’ve never been, but she made me feel like I had. My biggest complaint with the book was the cliffhanger ending. I’m seeing this A LOT in second books lately. While it definitely keeps the reader wanting more, it’s beginning to feel a little gimmicky. I will say that the cliffhanger in this case is very shocking, and I didn’t expect the series to go in this direction. I will definitely be coming back for the third, and final book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    What I Loved
    Vincent and Kate are so perfect for each other. Their devotion and passion for one another is epic and touching.
    I usually don't add quotes, but this one was so touching and displays the essence of their love I had to add it.
    "Watching him was enough. but after a moment he spoke. 'Kate, I've spent a lifetime waiting for you. Before I saw you, I hadn't cared for anyone for... well, for a god part of a century, and it felt like my heart had been permanently disconnected. I wasn't even looking anymore. And without expecting anything...without any hope at all, suddenly you were here.'"
    Kate: She impressed me immensely in Die For Me and she keeps on impressing me in Until I Die. She is learning to fight so she can protect herself, how freaking cool it that! I would love to be in her shoes and learning all the fight/defensive techniques. She continues to be rational when other characters are completely irrational.
    Vincent: He is still himself and I still love his character.
    Betrayal within the house, a curious absence of numa attacks, searching for a painless way for Kate and Vincent to be together without him having to suffer and an ending that rendered me speechless and it total shock. A never ending fight for love, the only thing in the world to fight for.

    Killing Me
    Oh my goodness I can't believe it ended like that. I think all authors like to torture their readers for the last book before the concluding book. I was so close to tears, I really need next year to get here now so I can have If I Should Die in my hands right now.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    Wow. Until I Die is one of the most suspenseful and romantic books I've read all year. This book was intense! I read the entire novel in one sitting and could not put it down until the very last page. At the end, I felt like shaking my Kindle and screaming "NO I WANT MORE!" Unfortunately Until I Die does end on a cliffhanger, but I will forgive Plum for that simply because the book was so amazing that I can't hold a grudge. I do hate cliffhangers, though. That being said, Until I Die will take you on an emotional roller coaster ride that you won't forget.

    Kate grows a lot in this book, and one of the things I love about her is that she's not stupid. She doesn't go off and do dumb things. I mean she makes mistakes, don't get me wrong, but she thinks things through. She may not always know the danger that she's putting herself and others in, but she plans things instead of just running off in a fit of emotion. I also like that she states that she's a complete person in her own right. She's a strong female character, and I really enjoy seeing France through her point of view.

    Vincent was fabulous as usual. I always love him, and I hope to see a ton more of him in the next book. I also would like to see more of Ambrose and Jules. They're fun characters. We do get to see more of Jules in Until I Die. I liked getting to know him better. Georgia wasn't an idiot this time, and I enjoyed her character much more. We were introduced to a couple of new characters, and they are very different from the characters that we're used to. The interactions with these characters add a lot to the story.

    The plot is captivating and will keep you fully engrossed in the book from first word until the final period. Plum kept me guessing the entire time, and while there isn't a ton of action, there is plenty of suspense. This novel focuses more on Kate and Vincent's romance and their developing relationship than it does on fight scenes (though we have a few of those as well!), but the plot still seems balanced. I enjoyed getting to see more interactions with Kate and Vincent. They're a sweet and healthy couple. I wish more YA couples could be like them. In addition to the balanced plot, Plum includes a lot of emotional ups and downs throughout the story line. There is humor scattered throughout the book so nothing seems too serious, but there were points when I almost cried because things were so sad. In an effort not to spoil the book, I'm not going to go into anymore detail with that. The pacing is quick, but not rushed.

    Until I Die is one of the best books I've read this year, and also one of the best follow-ups I've ever read. For those of you who have read Die for Me, this novel is not to be missed. For those of you who have yet to be introduced to this beautiful, rich, and tragic world that Plum has created, go pick up Die for Me now, that way you'll be ready for Until I Die when it comes out on May 8. You cannot miss this series!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    After falling in love wit the first book I knew I had to read the sequel. Just as I expected there were many changes and growth to the characters. With an explosive ending, I'm not sure what to say!

    Until I Die, picks up right from where the last book ended. Kate has grown so much in her knowledge and her relationship with the revenants. I am pleased to see that Kate is not totally dependent on Vincent. Kate gathers her own strength to do what she needs to do.

    The plot line of this book is fast paced and exciting. With each new chapters, more information about the revenants is exposed. It is easy to get intrigued with each new rule that Ms. Plum throws at the readers. The way she builds up her world slowly, tantalizing the reader till the last page is perfect.

    The love interest of course I adored. There is so much swooning to be held in the world of Vincent. I love the comments he tells Kate and most of all, love his willingness to do anything he can do for her.

    One more thing, the ending. Now, I was not expecting this. Well, I was expecting a dramatic ending due to the fact that through out the book is pretty much fluffy. I knew the author had to throw something in the mix it up. And did she. HECK YEAH! I mean really! WHY?!??!

    With that said, Until I Die is an awesome and surprisingly exciting story. The rise and fall of the characters provide wonderful fun that the reader can easily step into. Until I Die is a charming sequel that definitely precedes the first book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    I was fortunate enough to receive an arc of Until I Die from Edelweiss Above the Treeline, and I started reading it the moment it downloaded.

    It actually started out pretty slow with most of it focusing on character development--I even got discouraged at one point because I felt like nothing was happening. But I am SO GLAD I kept going--it really starts to pick up near the middle, adn from that point, I just had to know what was going to happen.

    Amy Plum did an excellent job of providing twists and turns--I mean, there were parts I never would have seen coming! Any time I tried to predict what the bad guys were up to, I was proven wrong. And even more interesting, Amy Plum doesn't even reveal who the antagonist is until the very end--another surprise I didn't see coming!

    Why should you read this book?

    1.) If you loved Vincent in the first book, you will truly love him in Until I Die. He is even more sexy, more mysterious, and more protective.

    2.) You will learn even more about the Revenants--secrets they hide and prophecies they believe. Plus, we get a little insight into revenants in other parts of the world.

    3.) You will get to know the characters even better. I really think my favorite part of Amy Plum's Revenant series is the deepness of her characters. She knows how to write so that you feel like you know her characters--even the ones that aren't focused on like Gaspard, Jean-Baptiste, and some of the other revenants. I loved getting to know Ambrose and Jules more in this one--full of loyalty, trust, and charisma.

    4.) And finally--the cliffhanger ending. I had to reread the last page a few times to see if I missed anything because I quite literally wanted to fall to my knees and scream, "You can't end there!" 2013 can't come soon enough!

    5.)I feel weird with only 4, so I'll add a quick 5th....Push through the slower parts in the beginning because it is definitely worth it to see how the rest of the story unfolds
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    * Author: Amy Plum
    * Cover Art: Just as beautiful as the art for book one.
    * Overall rating: *****+ out of 5
    * Obtained: Gifted to me by Bibliopunkk THANK YOU!

    Until I Die by Amy Plum

    Kate and Vincent have overcome the odds and at last they are together in Paris, the city of lights and love.

    As their romance deepens there’s one question they can’t ignore: How are they supposed to be together if Vincent can’t resist sacrificing himself to save others? Although Vincent promises that he’ll do whatever it takes to lead a normal life with Kate, will that mean letting innocent people die? When a new and surprising enemy reveals itself, Kate realizes that even more may be at stake—and that Vincent’s immortality is in jeopardy.

    In Die for Me, Amy Plum created a captivating paranormal mythology with immortal revenants and a lush Paris setting. Until I Die is poised to thrill readers with more heart-pounding suspense, spellbinding romance, and a cliff-hanger ending that will leave them desperate for the third and final novel in the series. (Synopsis provided by goodreads)

    WOW! This book blew me away. After book one which I loved I was really excited to get my hands on this one. This book picks up just after the ending of book one, Plum glosses over the events in book one in about half a page scattered throughout book two. (I do recommend you read book one before picking up book 2.)

    We meet our heros again and we learn more about the revenants and the numa in this one then we did before. Their history really comes alive in this one! We also get to learn a little more about Jules and his human life, which was awesome. Though I admit I am a Vincent fan girl all the way! We get to see him grow as a character and we learn some surprising and great information about him that we never knew before.

    This book for me was an emotional roller-coaster, there were twists and turns, some I guessed, some I didn't. I was literally laughing out loud, sighing, saying things like "Aw, that is so sweet!" and the very next page I was shouting "Holy Shit no way!"

    By the end of this book I was crying thinking, no it did not just end like that, I keep picking it up hoping that magically there will be one more paragraph to let me know what happens to Kate and Vincent. I've never wanted the last book in a series this much.

    If you liked Die for me you will LOVE Until I die. Both are great books, but with this installment Plum has shown she is a literary force that will go far. The wait for book three will be a long one for fans after that massive cliff hanger ending.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Apr 1, 2019

    I absolutely loved the first one. I loved Vincent so much and he instantly became a book crush. Both he and Kate made a great couple, and although they had the chemistry going on, their relationship sort of went in the way of the overall plot.

    The plot had great potential and it was just as exciting as the first book. I loved the idea of the Revenants, and Kate managed to develop into a stronger character (remember the middle finger incident? haha!). My favorite characters still are Jules and Vincent. Their personalities are likable and I’m glad they haven’t changed a bit.

    Although the book was a good one, there were quite a full lulls throughout the story, and as mentioned before, Kate and Vincent’s romance marred it. Don’t get me wrong, I love them both together, they had wonderful chemistry and a great romance, but I don’t want to read their sappy one liners, and how much they love being in each other’s company. I want the plot to keep going, I want to see the action, I want to see what next suspenseful thing is coming next. But I’m stuck reading on love and kissing scenes. Not quite what I had in mind. On top of that, the action really happens in the last 50 pages. So it felt as if time was wasted.

    So, it’s worth a read because it’s the second in the series, but I’m hoping the third will be better. A little less on the sappy romance, more action on more Revenants please!

Book preview

Until I Die - Amy Plum


I LEAPT, DRAWING MY FEET UP BENEATH ME, AS the seven-foot quarterstaff smashed into the flagstones where I had been standing a half second before. Landing in a crouch, I sprang back up, groaning with the effort, and swung my own weapon over my head. Sweat dripped into my eye, blinding me for one stinging second before my reflexes took over and forced me into motion.

A shaft of light from a window far overhead illuminated the oaken staff as I arced it down toward my enemy’s legs. He swept sideways, sending my weapon flying through the air. It crashed with a wooden clang against the stone wall behind me.

Defenseless, I scrambled for a sword that lay a few feet away. But before I could grab it, I was snatched off my feet in a powerful grasp and crushed against my assailant’s chest. He held me a few inches off the ground as I kicked and flailed, adrenaline pumping like quicksilver through my body.

Don’t be such a sore loser, Kate, chided Vincent. Leaning forward, he gave me a firm kiss on the lips.

The fact that he was shirtless was quickly eroding my hard-won concentration. And the warmth from his bare chest and arms was turning my fight-tensed muscles to buttery goo. Struggling to maintain my resolve, I growled, That is totally cheating, and managed to work my hand free enough to punch him in the arm. Now let me go.

If you promise not to kick or bite. He laughed and set me on the ground. Sea blue eyes flashed with humor from under the waves of black hair that fell around his face.

He grinned and touched my cheek, with an expression like he was seeing me for the first time. Like he couldn’t believe that I was standing there with him in all my 3-D humanness. An expression that said he thought he was the lucky one.

I rearranged my smile into the best glare I could muster. I’m making no promises, I said, wiping the hair that had escaped my ponytail out of my eyes. You would deserve a bite for beating me again.

That was much better, Kate, came a voice from behind me. Gaspard handed me my fallen staff. But you need to be a bit more flexible with your hold. When Vincent’s staff hits yours, roll with the movement. He demonstrated, using Vincent’s weapon. If you’re stiff, the staff will go flying. We walked through the steps in slow motion.

When he saw that I had mastered the sequence, my teacher straightened. Well, that’s good enough for sword and quarterstaff today. Do you want to move on to something less strenuous? Throwing stars, perhaps?

I held my hands up in surrender, still panting from the exercise. That’s enough fight training for today. Thanks, Gaspard.

As you wish, my dear. He pulled a rubber band from behind his head, releasing his porcupine hair, which sprang back into its normal state of disarray. You definitely have natural talent, he continued, as he returned the weapons to their hooks on the walls of the underground gym-slash-armory, since you’re doing this well after just a few lessons. But you do need to work on your stamina.

Um, yeah. I guess lying around reading books all day doesn’t do much for physical endurance, I said, leaning forward to catch my breath, my hands on my knees.

Natural talent, crowed Vincent, sweeping my sweaty self up into his arms and pacing across the room, holding me like a trophy. Of course my girlfriend’s got it. In truckloads! How else could she have slain a giant evil zombie, single-handedly saving my undead body?

I laughed as he set me down in front of the freestanding shower and adjoining sauna. I don’t mind taking all the glory, but I think the fact that your volant spirit was possessing me had just a tiny bit to do with it.

Here you go. Vincent handed me a towel and kissed the top of my head. Not that I don’t think you’re totally hot when you’re dripping with sweat, he whispered, giving me a flirty wink. Those butterflies that suddenly sprang into action in my chest? I was beginning to consider them permanent residents.

"In the meantime, I’ll finish your job and take out that pesky nineteenth-century weapons master. En garde!" he yelled, as he flicked a sword from off the wall and turned.

Gaspard was already waiting for him with a giant spiked mace. You’ll have to do better than that measly steel blade to make a dent in me, he quipped, waving Vincent forward with two fingertips.

I closed the shower door behind me, turned the lever to start the water, and watched as the powerful streams spat forth from the showerhead, sending a cloud of steam up around me. My aches and pains flew away under the steady pressure of the hot water.

Incredible, I thought for the thousandth time, as I considered this parallel world I was moving in. A few Paris blocks away I led a completely normal life with my sister and grandparents. And here I was sword fighting with dead guys—okay, revenants, so not really dead. Since I’d moved to Paris, this was the only place I felt I fit in.

I listened to the noises of the fight coming from outside my pinewood haven and thought of the reason I was here. Vincent.

I had met him last summer. And fallen hard. But after discovering what he was, and that being a revenant meant dying over and over again, I had turned my back on him. After my own parents’ death the year before, being alone seemed safer than having a constant reminder of that pain.

But Vincent made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. He promised not to die. At least, not on purpose. Which goes against every fiber of his un-being. Revenants’ compulsion to die when saving their precious human rescues is more enticing and powerful than a drug addiction. But Vincent thinks he can hold out. For me.

And I, for one, hope he can. I don’t want to cause him pain, but I know my own limitations. Rather than grieve his loss over and over again, I would leave. Walk away. We both know it. And, though Vincent is technically dead, I’ll venture to say that this is the only solution we can both live with.



Be right there, answered Vincent, glancing briefly to where I stood on the stairs. Gaspard took the opportunity to smash the sword from his hands, and it went clattering across the floor as Vincent raised his hands in defeat.

Never . . .

. . . take your eye from the fight. Vincent finished Gaspard’s sentence for him. I know, I know. But you’ve got to admit, Kate is more than a bit distracting.

Gaspard smiled wryly.

To me, Vincent clarified.

Just don’t let her distract you from saving her life, Gaspard responded, placing his toe under the hilt of the fallen sword and, with a quick movement, flicking it up in the air toward Vincent.

This is the twenty-first century, Gaspard, Vincent chuckled, catching the grip of the flying sword in his right hand. Under your tutelage, Kate will be just as capable of saving mine. He grinned at me, lifting an eyebrow suggestively. I laughed.

I agree, Gaspard admitted, but only if she can catch up with your half century of fighting experience.

I’m working on it, I called as I closed the door behind me, blocking out the earsplitting clash of metal that resonated from the resumption of their fight.

I pushed through a swinging door into a large, airy kitchen and breathed in the bready aroma of freshly baked pastry. Jeanne was bent over one of the slate gray granite counters. Nominally the cook and housekeeper, she was more like a house mom. Following the example of her own mother and grandmother, she had cared for the revenants for decades. Her shoulders shook slightly as she put the finishing flourishes on a chocolate cake. I touched her arm and she turned to face me, revealing tears that she tried unsuccessfully to blink back.

Jeanne, are you okay? I breathed, knowing that she wasn’t.

Charlotte and Charles are like my own children. Her voice cracked.

I know, I said, putting an arm around her ample waist and leaning my head on her shoulder. But they’re not leaving forever. Jean-Baptiste said it was just until Charles gets his head sorted out. How long could that take?

Jeanne straightened and we looked at each other, a silent message passing between us. A long time, if ever. The boy was seriously messed up.

My own feelings about him were mixed. He had always acted antagonistically toward me, but after Charlotte had explained why, I couldn’t help but pity him.

As if reading my thoughts, Jeanne jumped to his defense. It’s not really his fault. He didn’t mean to endanger everyone, you know.

I know.

He’s just more sensitive than the others, she said, bending back over her cake and concentrating on the placement of a sugar-spun flower. It’s their lifestyle. Dying over and over again for us humans and then having to leave us to our fate takes its toll. He’s only fifteen, for goodness’ sake.

I smiled sadly. Jeanne, he’s eighty.

"Peu importe, she said, making a motion like she was swatting a ball backward over her shoulder. I think the ones who die younger take it harder. My grandmother told me that one of their Spanish kindred did the same thing. He was fifteen too. He asked the numa to destroy him, like Charles did. But that time the poor thing succeeded."

Jeanne noticed me shudder at this mention of the revenants’ ancient enemies, and though no one else was in the kitchen, she lowered her voice. I say it’s better than the other extreme. Some—very few, mind you—get so jaded by their role in human life and death that their rescues become only a means of survival. They don’t care about the humans they save, only about relieving their compulsion. I would prefer that Charles be overly sensitive than coldhearted.

That’s why I think that getting away will be good for him, I reassured her. It will give him some distance from Paris, and the people he has saved. Or not saved, I remembered, thinking of the fatal boat accident that had set off Charles’s downward spiral. After failing to save a little girl’s life, he had begun acting strangely. He ended up trying to commit revenant suicide, unwittingly allowing an attack on his kindred. Jean-Baptiste said they could visit. I’m sure we’ll see them soon.

Jeanne nodded, hesitantly acknowledging my words.

It’s a beautiful cake, I said, changing the subject. I scraped a bit of icing off the platter and popped it into my mouth. Mmm, and yummy, too!

Jeanne batted me away with her spatula, grateful to reassume her mother-hen role. And you’re going to ruin it if you keep taking scoops out of the side, she laughed. Now go see if Charlotte needs some help.

This isn’t a funeral, people. It’s New Year’s Eve. And the twins’ moving party. So let’s celebrate! Ambrose’s baritone voice reverberated through the pearl gray wood-paneled ballroom, drawing amused chuckles from the crowd of elegantly dressed revelers. A hundred candles glistened off the chandeliers’ crystal prisms, casting flecks of reflected light around the room better than any disco ball could.

Tables along the edges of the room were heaped with delicacies, tiny chocolate- and coffee-flavored éclairs, melt-on-your-tongue macarons in a half-dozen pastel colors, mountains of chocolate truffles. After the enormous feast that we had just devoured, I didn’t have an inch of space inside for these masterpieces of French pastry. Which sucked. Because if I had known these were still to come, I would have skimped on the bread and skipped the cheese course.

Across the room from me, Ambrose tapped an iPod nestled inside a large speaker system. I grinned as Jazz Age music trumpeted from the sound system. Though the native Mississippian listened to contemporary music on his headphones, he had a soft spot for the music of his youth. As the gravelly voice of Louis Armstrong electrified the dancers, Ambrose grabbed Charlotte and began shimmying her around the room, her creamy complexion and short blond hair the mirror opposite of his brown skin and cropped black hair.

They made a striking couple. If only they were a couple. Which—Charlotte had recently confided in me—was something that she longed for. And which Ambrose for some reason unbeknownst to me (and maybe to himself) did not. But his brotherly affection for her was as obvious as the doting smile on his face as he swung her around and dipped her low.

Looks like fun. Let’s have a go, whispered a voice inches from my ear. I turned to see Jules standing behind me. How’s your dance card look?

Double-check your century, Jules, I reminded him. No dance cards.

Jules shrugged and gave me his most flirtatious smile.

But if there were, shouldn’t my boyfriend have the first dance? I teased him.

Not if I fought him for the honor, he joked, throwing a glance across the room at Vincent, who was watching us with a half smile. He winked at me and returned to his conversation with Geneviève, a strikingly beautiful revenant who I had once been jealous of before finding out that she was happily married.

Counting her, there were a few dozen revenants attending tonight’s party who were not members of La Maison. (No one referred to it by its official name, the Hôtel Grimod de la Reynière, hôtel in this case meaning ridiculously huge, extravagant mansion.) Jean-Baptiste’s residence was home to our venerable host, Gaspard, Jules, Ambrose, Vincent, and, until tomorrow, Charles and Charlotte. After their move to Jean-Baptiste’s house near Cannes, two newcomers would arrive to take their place.

Okay. To avoid World War Three, I guess I can give the first dance to you. But if Vincent tries to cut in, you better be ready to draw your sword.

Jules patted the imaginary hilt at his waist, then took me in his arms and swept me to the middle of the floor near Ambrose and Charlotte. Kate, my dear, the candlelight does suit you so, he murmured.

I blushed in spite of myself, both from the bold way he touched his cheek to mine as he whispered, and from his flattery, which—though I was unquestionably into Vincent—still managed to warm me with delight. Jules was the ultimate safe flirtation, because I knew not to take it personally. Every time I saw him out at night, he had a different gorgeous woman with him.

He pulled me close until we were practically plastered to each other. Laughing, I pushed him away. Jules, you incorrigible rake, I scolded in my best Jane Austen lingo.

At your service, he said, and bowed low before grabbing me again and whirling me around. You know, Vincent’s not the jealous type. Jules smiled slyly as he held me tight. He has no reason to be. Not only is he the most handsome of our kindred, or so I’m told by every woman around, but he’s Jean-Baptiste’s second—he paused to dip me before scooping me back into his arms—"and he’s won the heart of the most lovely Kate. There’s no fighting the Champion."

Although I couldn’t help smiling at the lovely Kate bit, I latched onto the new information he had given me. Vincent is Jean-Baptiste’s second? What’s that mean?

It means that if anything ever happens to Jean-Baptiste—Jules paused, looking uncomfortable, and I filled in the blank for him: if he is ever destroyedor if he decides to step down as the head of France’s revenants, Vincent will take his place.

I was shocked. Why hasn’t he told me this before?

Probably because of one of his other fine points: modesty.

I took a couple of seconds to absorb the whole second situation before looking back into Jules’s eyes. And what did you mean by ‘Champion’?

He hasn’t told you about that, either? This time Jules looked surprised.


Well, I’m not going to spill all his secrets in one night, then. You’ll have to ask him.

I mentally tucked that in my to-ask-Vincent file.

So if Jean-Baptiste steps down, Vincent will be your boss? I said it to teasingly bait him, but paused as his expression changed from his usual lighthearted nothing-affects-me flippancy to one of fierce loyalty.

Vincent was born for this, Kate. Or reborn, rather. I wouldn’t want the responsibility he’s going to have one day. But when the time comes, I will do anything he asks. In fact, I already feel like that, and he’s not even my ‘boss.’

I know that, I said truthfully. I can tell. Vincent’s lucky to have you.

No, Kate. He’s lucky to have you. He gave me one final spin, and I realized that he had danced me across the room to where Vincent was standing. As he released my hands, he winked ruefully at me and deposited me gallantly into the arms of my waiting boyfriend.

Still in one piece? Vincent teased, pulling me close and planting a soft kiss on my lips.

After dirty-dancing with Jules? I’m not sure, I said.

He’s harmless, offered Geneviève.

I take offense at that, Jules called from the other side of the table, where he was serving himself a flute of champagne. I consider myself very dangerous indeed. He saluted the three of us with his glass before sauntering off toward a pretty revenant across the room.

Have I told you how gorgeous you look tonight? Vincent whispered, handing me my glass.

Only about twelve times, I said coyly, flouncing out the skirt of the floor-length pewter-colored gown Georgia had helped me find.

Perfect, then, because thirteen’s my lucky number, he said, and gave me an appreciative once-over. But gorgeous doesn’t quite do you justice. Maybe . . . dazzling? Stunning? Ravishing? Yes, I think that’s better. You look ravishing, Kate.

Stop it! I laughed. You are totally doing this on purpose to see if you can make me blush! It’s not going to happen!

Vincent smiled victoriously and brushed my cheek with his finger. Too late.

I rolled my eyes as the bell-like sound of a spoon being tapped against a wineglass quieted the room. Ambrose switched the music off, and everyone turned to Jean-Baptiste, who stood before the crowd in all his noble stuffiness. From the portraits decorating the room, his clothing and hairstyle could be seen to evolve over the last 240 years, but his aristocratic demeanor hadn’t changed a bit.

Welcome, dear kindred, revenants of Paris, he announced to the forty-odd guests. Thank you for joining us this evening in my humble abode. There was a stir of movement and a swell of bemused laughter.

He smiled subtly and continued. I would like to make a toast to our beloved departing kindred, Charles and Charlotte. You will be sorely missed, and we all hope for your expeditious return. Everyone followed Jean-Baptiste in raising his glass, and as one chimed, "Santé!"

"Well, that’s a diplomatic way to put it, when he’s the one who sent them into exile!" I whispered to Vincent, and then glanced over at Charles, who was perched uncomfortably on an ancient upholstered settee on one side of the room. Since the day he had put his kindred at risk by handing himself over to the numa, his perpetual sour, sulking expression had been replaced by one of despair and depression. Gaspard sat beside him, lending emotional support.

Jean-Baptiste continued, I’m sure we would all like to join the twins in the sunny south, but our work is cut out for us here in Paris. As you all know, ever since our human friend Kate—he waved his glass in my direction and nodded politely at me—"dispatched so handily our enemies’ leader, Lucien, just over a month ago, the numa have maintained complete silence. Although we have remained at the ready, there has been no attempt at vengeance. No counterattack.

And more worryingly there have also been absolutely no numa sightings by our kindred. They haven’t abandoned Paris. But the fact that they are avoiding us on such a thorough basis is so egregiously out of character for our old foes that we can only surmise that they have a plan. Which also means that they must have a leader.

This was a revelation to the group in the room: Their patient expressions suddenly changed to looks of consternation. Whispering began among a few, but Vincent’s steady gaze toward the speaker told me that he was already privy to this information. Jean-Baptiste’s second, I thought with a mix of wonder and uneasiness. I couldn’t wait to get Vincent on his own so I could quiz him about it.

Jean-Baptiste silenced the discussions with more spoon clinking on his glass. Kindred, please. Once again, the room fell silent. We all know that Nicolas was Lucien’s second. But surely, considering his short temper and love of ostentatious gestures, if he had taken over we would have heard something by now. Silence is our clue that someone else has assumed control. And if we don’t know who we are up against, or when and where their eventual attack will come from, how can we prepare our defense?

The murmuring started back up. This time Jean-Baptiste’s raised voice quieted the crowd. "AND SO . . . in the face of a potential critical situation, we are honored to have the assistance of the person who knows more about our history and that of the numa than anyone else in this room. The person regarded as the most knowledgeable among our kindred in France, and an influential figure in our worldwide Consortium. She has offered to help us investigate the problem at hand and plan our strategy for self-defense, or—if necessary—a preemptive strike.

Without further ado, I introduce to those of you who haven’t had the opportunity to make her acquaintance, Violette de Montauban and her companion, Arthur Poincaré. We are honored to have them join our house during the absence of Charlotte and Charles.

From behind Jean-Baptiste stepped a couple I had never seen before. The girl’s snow-white complexion was set off by black hair that was pulled back from her face with a bunch of vivid purple flowers. She was tiny and fragile-looking, like a sparrow. And though she looked younger than me, I knew that for a revenant that didn’t mean a thing.

The boy moved in a distinctly old-fashioned style, stepping up to her side and holding his arm out for her to take it with the tips of her fingers. He was probably around twenty, and if his streaky blond hair hadn’t been tied back into a tight ponytail and his face so clean-shaven, he would have looked exactly like Kurt Cobain. With a major case of blue-blood.

They bowed formally to Jean-Baptiste and turned toward the room, solemnly nodding their acceptance of the enthusiastic welcome. The girl’s eyes paused on me and continued to Vincent, who was standing behind me with his hand resting on my hip. Her eyes narrowed slightly before moving on to scan the crowd, and then, seeing someone she knew, she stepped forward to chat. Jean-Baptiste followed her cue and began talking to a woman standing next to him.

The speech seemingly over, I searched for Charlotte to gauge her reaction to her replacements’ presentation. Their introduction during the twins’ party must have been a last-minute decision.

Charlotte stood at the back of the room with Ambrose, who had his arm draped securely around her shoulders. I guessed that the support he was giving was both physical and moral. Although she didn’t look surprised, it looked like her smile was costing her a lot of effort.

I’m going to go talk to Charlotte, I murmured to Vincent.

Good idea, he said, casting a worried glance at her. I’ll make sure Charles is holding up. He leaned over to kiss my temple and then, straightening, walked away.

I set off toward Charlotte. Just wondering if you wanted to go outside for a breath of fresh air, I said.

I would love that, she said, and reaching for my hand, she transferred herself from Ambrose’s custodianship to mine. Not for the first time, I wondered how she was going to hold out in the south of France—a whole nine-hour drive away from her support system. I didn’t doubt Charlotte’s strength. She had certainly been a solid shoulder for me to lean on. But now that she needed her friends the most, she was being forcibly separated from them.

We grabbed our coats on the way out and stepped into the bracing December air. The moon lit up the courtyard, illuminating its large marble fountain, which contained a life-size statue of an angel holding a woman in his arms. It was an image I never failed to compare to Vincent and me. In my eyes, the personal symbolism it held was as weighty as the stone it was carved from.

Charlotte and I sat down on the edge of its empty basin and huddled against each other for warmth. I looped my arm through hers and pulled her close. Getting close to Charlotte had helped me ignore the guilt of cutting off my friends back in New York. During the very worst period of my grieving for my parents, I had deleted my email address and hadn’t contacted them since.

Did you know that your—I hesitated, searching for a word less offensive than

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