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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Imagine answering your cell phone to a mysterious voice that gives you three minutes to confess your sin or you die. You have one huge problem: you don't have a clue what that sin is.

Kevin Parson escaped a twisted childhood and built his own life, leaving his bizarre past behind him. . .until his cell phone rings and a gravelly voice calling himself Slater tells him he has just three minutes to confess his “sin” or his car will be blown to pieces.

Kevin panics. Who would make such a demand, and what sin is he supposed to confess? Not sure what else to do, Kevin swerves into a parking lot and runs from his car. . . just in case. Exactly three minutes later, a massive explosion sets his world on a collision course with madness.

Obsessed both with Kevin's downfall and the number 3, Slater initiates a game in which Kevin must answer riddles to avoid Slater's destructive, murderous retribution.

From #1 bestselling author Ted Dekker comes a powerful story of good, evil, and all that lies between.

  • The perfect blend of suspense, mystery, and horror in one psychological thriller
  • Now a major motion picture!
  • Also by bestselling author Ted Dekker: The Circle Series, Saint, and Sinner
PublisherThomas Nelson
Release dateOct 13, 2004

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Rating: 3.870141411130742 out of 5 stars

566 ratings48 reviews

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Readers find this title to be a mindbender and amazing. The story may be good, but some find the writing to be poorly done. However, others appreciate the brilliant book and the surprising ending. Overall, this book is recommended for brave minds.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Thr3e by Ted DekkerKevin gets an alarming phone call while driving home one day. He has three minutes to tell the world his "sin" or his car will explode. He continues to get threatening calls, with impossible to answer riddles and dire consequences if he does not comply.A fast paced psychological thriller with an intense original plot. The characters are well developed, especially Kevin. With descriptive details, intense dialog, secrets revealed, twists and turns. I was on the edge of my seat. I highly recommend Thr3e to those who love a great psychological thriller.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    magine a world where ABSOLUTELY nothing is what it seems. A world where even craft-masters M. Night Shyamalan and Alfred Hitchcock couldn't predict what's around the next bend. Kevin is a Seminary student with a big problem - he's being stalked by a madman who knows too much - more than even Kevin, at times. As he is forced to deal with the past he fought so hard to escape, Kevin wonders the whole time if he can truly find freedom, even with the help of an old friend and an FBI agent running from demons of her own. Even if you think you know, you still have NO idea.

    One of the things I really liked about "Three" was its multiple layers. It was so well-written that, even though the answer to the whole story was presented at the beginning, it was not obvious until it smacked you in the face at the end.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Creepy to the core! This novel had me nervous whether I was reading it or just thinking about it. The psychological aspect of this thriller leaves you on the edge of your seat and even questioning your own sanity! Loved it!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Dekker is one of those authors that I either love his books or hate his books. Hardly do I find one I'm indifferent about. This one I absolutely loved - maybe the best one of his I've read. The suspense is fantastic and the plot well designed and well written. The twisted ending caught me off guard and was perfect. Highly recommend!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    For the snapshot, I'd have to say that overall, Thr3e is great work. It manages to do a balancing act between the scientific psychobabble and actual action and keep all the plot threads pointed squarely in the proper direction without belaboring one side or the other or leaving you with mismatched loose ends. There's a small handful of issues, but for the most part it's solidly in the "recommended" camp, especially if you're a fan of Fight Club, Invisible Monsters or anything else where there's a whole lot going on behind the scenes and everything you know - or are told - could be wrong.

    The premise: Kevin Parsons is a young seminary student, preparing for his thesis and generally living a good life. That is, until a mysterious man named Slater calls him with the ultimatum: Confess in the next three minutes, or I blow up your car. The madman makes good on his threat when Kevin proves unable or unwilling to make his confession or to solve a riddle Slater gave him; from there the game progresses. The riddles get odder, the explosions get bigger, and everything points to something in Kevin's past, something unforgivable. Along the way we bring in Jennifer Peters, an FBI psychologist on the hunt for the Riddle Killer - who may or may not be Slater - and Kevin's childhood friend, Samantha.

    On the good: The language is clear and concise, without nagging, dangling sentence fragments or other technical faux pas. The characters all prove interesting, well developed and believable, with a wide variety of types, professions and mannerisms; while juggling this circus, Dekker manages to avoid having any of the characters feel like they're just puppets or clones of others, spitting out dialogue or performing actions that would run counter to them merely because the character who SHOULD be doing it isn't available. Given the final punchline of the book, I found this to be doubly impressive.

    The multiple threads of what's going on - the hunt for the Riddle Killer, the personal attacks levied against protagonist Kevin Parsons, the broken family and warped past of Kevin and his childhood friend (and pseudo-love interest) Samantha - are all handled wonderfully, juggling between them without stepping on any toes and providing enough information that you're intrigued but without making it too obvious as to what's going on until the final act. There's a very Sixth Sense or Fight Club style to the whole thing, where if you come back to it after knowing what it was all about you'll see the clues and tip offs everywhere, but the way they were presented as merely part of the tale managed to not call undue attention to them. Managing that trick has always been something that impresses me.

    Certain sequences in the book - in particular the return trip to Kevin's childhood home, and the things we find there, or Kevin's childhood confrontation with the boy who may be the young Slater - do an excellent job of raising the creep-o-meter without anything appearing to be directly threatening... at least at first. The final confrontation is also superbly written and despite being a trifle heavy on the religious metaphors manages to ironically avoid the deus ex machina that some might be expecting when a writer so thoroughly corners his characters.

    Now for the bad: The last three pages or so are just slop. We could have ended when the guilty party was apprehended and closed the curtains; putting the sugar-and-spice spin on things felt forced and unrealistic compared to the 400 or so pages that came before it.

    I thought I'd have more to list there, but honestly now I can't think of what it might be. I suppose that goes back to the good column, if all I can think of to say is that the epilogue kinda stinks.

    Again, overall I heartily recommend this book to anyone who's into thrillers or tales of mental instability; Dekker's prose alone is worth the trip and the fact that it's wrapped around an excellent tale is just icing on the cake.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book was pretty okay. It read like an extended episode of Criminal Minds, but I really felt it could have been about half as long and still had the same impact. Overall, not awful, but not great either.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I first hear of Three when a good friend of mine had me watch the movie. this book was actually made into a very thrilling, heart-pounding, action-packed movie. Dekker's words instantly captivate any audience. The first few pages automatically draw it's reader in. The way Dekker puts so much detail into just the slightest things is amazing. I instantly fell in love with the characters. The way the main character, Kevin, runs his fingers through his curly brown hair when he is nervous. The way Slater, the evil, psycopathic killer, plays his awful mind games. The way the helpul FBI agent, Jennifer, truly cares for Kevin. These examples are just a few that really captured me. I have yet to read the entire book, but just judging by the movie, I know that this book will truly be a sucess. Three is just one of those books that, after a busy day at school, work, or running around, you can't wait to come home and sit down with. Curl up with your coffee, grab a comfy seat, and dive in feet first to a whirl wind ride.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An amazing book. I am a avid reader and I can usually predict the ending of a book halfway through. Not the case with this one. Ted Dekker always delivers a surprising and exciting read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A good crime novel, it was weakened by revealing a far fetched surprise ending too early. The difficult to swallow ending served to deliver Dekker's Christian message... and not one that right wing conservatives are likely to find very comfortable;-)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Thr3e is a page-turner laced with many clever plot twists and turns. Dekker has successfully created a metaphorical novel that manifests the duality of good and evil. The philosophical underpinnings of this novel do not soften its continuous action and suspense. This genre could serve to be an appealing way to initiate discussions about religion, spirituality, and the dualities of human nature. Abuse and psychiatric disorders could also be subjects for discussion. Language arts discussions and activities could encompass elements of plot, making predictions and inferences, character development, and theme. Thr3e is a recommended addition to a high school library collection and could also be recommended to a more sophisticated upper middle school reader.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A fast paced novel with a Christian theme. The suspense kept me hooked throughout, and I thought it had a satisfying ending.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Here we have your typical suspense thriller novel where we find ourselves following along as the protaganist tries to discover a serial bomber / killer before anyone is killed. We start off fast with the killer calling the victim and telling him to confess his sin in three minutes or his car will be blown up. From here we follow increasingly violent episodes all the while trying to determine what this sin is he should be confessing. While I found this enjoyable and a quick read, there was nothing that special about this novel that will make me remember it in a few months time. There was a twist at the end that isn't that difficult to figure out if you're paying attention. The twist was interesting and made sense within the context of this novel, but it's execution was a bit disappointing as it was just too easy to see coming from far away. Despite that, not a bad novel and not a bad way to spend a weekend.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very suspenseful. For some reason I've been picking up a bunch of "freaky childhood" books lately and this one is certainly in that category. One complaint is that the author doesn't quite play fair moving between fantasy and reality.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Plot Summary: What happens, When & Where, Central Characters, Major ConflictsKevin Parson receives a threatening call on his cell phone--telling him that he has 3 minutes to confess his sin, or a bomb will go off in his car. Kevin manages to avoid the explosion, but the calls continue, as does the violence. What sin could the caller be referring to? Is there a serial killer on the loose, or is there another explanation? As Kevin and a childhood friend named Jennifer probe these mysteries, they uncover many hidden secrets from Kevin's past, but nothing seems to explain why the killer is targeting Kevin--unless the answer lies within Kevin himself.Style Characterisics: Pacing, clarity, structure, narrative devices, etc.The suspense never lets up, and the reader is kept guessing from the initial phone call to the twist at the end. The clues and riddles that the killer leaves add to the puzzle and fun of trying to figure things out. . He also creates some bizarre characters--like Kevin's extremely unbalanced family--that contribute to the creepy factor. But Dekker also builds the motivation of the crime on a spiritual/theological underpinning that allows him to exlore deeper issues.How Good is it?The perfect blend of suspense and something deeper.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    My first Dekker experience. Even though I heard it was a bad movie, the book was quite thrilling.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is one of my favorite books. It such a good book. It is nothing like the movie. Man, all I can say is that its just one of the best books ever!!!!!!!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    this is a very very good book it is about a guy who is in college and he gets a call and the person says you have three minutes to confess your sin to the world or your car is going to blow up this guy must have been freaked out comment me about this book
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    My favorite Ted Dekker book. Have read this one a few times. Also check out the movie.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    "Kevin Parson is driving his car late one summer day when, suddenly, his cell phone rings. A man who identifies himself as Slater speaks in a breathy voice: You have exactly three minutes to confess your sin to the world. Refuse, and the car you're driving will blow sky high.Kevin panics. Who would make such a call? What sin? Kevin ditches the car. Precisely three minutes later, a massive explosion sets his world on a collision course with madness."THR3E is a really great thriller/romance with Christian themes. It is hard to put down and even harder to forget...wonderful characters and fantastic twists that will leave you guessing right up until its shocking ending. :D
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book impressed me which is fairly hard to do as far as books go. I couldn't put it down, and was satisfied and torn up by the conclusion all at the same time. I loved it!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Now this was my kind of story! Ted Dekker has done it again with this action packed thriller. Reminiscent of ‘Fight Club’ with suspicions of a split personality at work, the ending was still a total surprise, even when I thought I had it figured out. Bravo! A seminary student starts getting threatening calls from a psycho killer who speaks in riddles. Kevin has to solve the riddle before something bad happens (usually a bomb). He never manages to figure it out and ... you guessed it - car bombs, bus bombs, house bombs - keep going off all over the city. Jennifer, a beautiful federal agent, is on the case (for personal reasons), and Kevin's childhood friend Samantha also offers to help solve the mystery. The plot thickens BUT ... this is so not your typical suspense thriller. I loved this book. I can't say more without blowing it, except to say, read this book!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I read this because it was recommended on The Ultimate Reading List, which I've been working through. It was listed in the "Inspirational Fiction" section (the Christian Fiction) section, but one of the fairly good things about it is it's not at all preachy even though the man-in-peril in this one, Keven Parson, is a seminary student. The bad thing though is that its basically a routine suspense/thriller with a twist--that... Well, I didn't see it coming, but once it arrived I rolled my eyes, because it is so cliched, yet unrealistic it falls into the evil twin sort of plot. The writing isn't anything special--Koontz and King are both better stylists and better at drawing out the suspense. And in terms of the spiritual message, well, Dekker is no C.S. Lewis. The love interest was predictable, and because it's Christian Fiction we have to believe in a 28-year-old male virgin and sexual tension over a kiss on the cheek, and an evil villain whose worst swear word is "puke face." Have to give it points for it making me read it to the end though--because I was interested in the secret of Kevin's upbringing.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The battle between oneself.... Dekker describes this battle in a way that is hard to imagine, but amazingly written and destined. Dekker could very well be one of the best thriller writers...period! This is my first read of Dekkers and I will thoroughly enjoy reading more of him. This book sent chills down my spine and nectar to my brain!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Flawed but intriguing, Dekker's Three examines the duality of man and our battle against the evil within. Add a plus for an ending many will consider a surprise.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I thought it was a good book. I enjoyed it. I wasn't crazy in love with it. I read it for my class, as we were required to read a Christian Fiction book. I could care less for the Christian references and missed the nitty gritty stuff that Christian Fiction just wouldn't have, but otherwise it was good. It was almost written at a young adult level too, which I had mixed opinions about.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A young man named Kevin Parson is a seminary student at the Divinity School of the Pacific, South in Long Beach, California. Keenly intelligent, with a mysterious past, it has been said that he views the world through the eyes of an adult with the innocence of a child. His parents died in a car accident when he was one years old, and he was raised by his Aunt Balinda and her husband Eugene with his cousin Bob, 8 years older and mentally handicapped.One afternoon, while driving home from school, he receives a telephone call from someone who calls himself Slater. If he doesn't confess his sin to the world, the car he is driving will explode in exactly three minutes ... and it does.Enter Jennifer Peters, FBI special agent, whose brother Roger was killed by someone known as The Riddle Killer three months ago. This killer leaves a riddle to solve in a specified period of time (as did Slater); when it's not solved, someone dies. Jennifer had been working on the case, and when she got too close, The Riddle Killer took someone in her family. She takes a personal interest in Kevin's case because of this.We also meet Samantha (Sam), Kevin's only childhood friend. Her father was a cop, and now she works for the CBI. She is on leave from her job because she just moved, and when Kevin calls her, she responds and starts working the investigation as well.As more riddles come in, Sam and Jennifer race against the clock to find Slater and to stop him before it's too late.This was my first foray into Dekker's writing, and because so many people love his writing, I expected to be pulled in right away. We have a possible serial killer, a family with dark secrets, and a handsome protagonist whose naivete' draws Jennifer into caring a little too much for him.As I read, the story felt implausible at best. The attraction that a seasoned FBI agent felt for a victim that she didn't know; Kevin's character, the dialogue, even the action .. I just rode the surface and never felt involved with the story or it's characters. It felt a bit forced to me, and I was always conscious that I was reading a story (Hardcore readers will know what I mean by that). There is a twist near the end that I almost didn't see coming, but even there, the pacing seemed off. I know that this one was made into a movie, and I can't help thinking that in this case, the movie was probably better.Although this book was not for me, I seem to be in the minority on this, so I invite you to visit the Amazon and/or Goodreads pages for other reviews. QUOTESThank you, Aunt Balinda, for sharing this with me. I am nothing. Thank you, you lousy, sick, twisted auntie for slamming this nugget of truth down my throat. I am nothing, nothing, nothing. Thank you, you demon from hell for gouging out my eyes and pounding me into the ground and ....Turn the other cheek shouldn't apply to sick sewer rats with knives in their hands who licked neighborhood girls' windows.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great story. Great action that keeps you wanting to turn the last page. The mark of a good book is one that keeps you guessing to the very end and in the end you find out that you never had it right in the first place. 
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    By all accounts, I should have figured this one out. It was twisty, yet familiar; shocking, yet predictable. That alone deserves three looks from me. I think I may have dated Kevin years ago. A mild-mannered man-child who simmers just below the surface. After reading Thr3e, I am glad I shed myself of him.

    This was a very fast book for me to read. My eyes flew over the words without compromising my comprehension. I think that fully describes the depth of the novel. It is not Sherlock Holmes by any stretch, but is entertaining enough for me to read more by this author over time.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    The most shocking revelation that can be attributed to this book is that it averages four stars.

    I really wanted to like this, because I like Travis Thrasher. However, from the contrived title (Thr3e) to the contrived plot and characters, this will be the first and last Ted Dekker book that I read.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    The most shocking revelation that can be attributed to this book is that it averages four stars.

    I really wanted to like this, because I like Travis Thrasher. However, from the contrived title (Thr3e) to the contrived plot and characters, this will be the first and last Ted Dekker book that I read.

Book preview

Three - Ted Dekker

Praise for THR3E and

Ted Dekker’s Previous Novels

Dekker delivers another page-turner . . . masterfully takes readers on a ride full of plot twists and turns . . . a compelling tale of cat and mouse . . . an almost perfect blend of suspense, mystery and horror.

Publishers Weekly

"Three is a rare suspense story that is truly suspenseful, and absolutely impossible to put down! Dekker outdoes the masters of the thriller genre with a plot so compelling, so effective, so full of twists and turns that readers are kept on the edge of their seats right to the last few pages."


New Man Magazine

Well, well, well, guess what I’ve found? A fiction writer with a rare knack for a compelling story, an expansive reservoir of clever ideas, and a unique wit that makes me laugh.


Best-selling author of This Present Darkness and The Oath

Ted Dekker is clearly one of the most gripping storytellers alive today. He creates plots that keep your heart pounding and palms sweating even after you’ve finished his books.


Syndicated columnist

"Someone recently asked if I would be interested in reading the hottest new fiction writer on the market. I asked who that might that be, expecting a writer along the lines of John Grisham or Stephen King. Instead, I was introduced to Blink, the new novel by Ted Dekker. They were right. . . . Ted Dekker has caused me to miss some serious sleep the past three nights! Dekker is awesome. I will own everything he writes."


Film Producer and Founder of Impact Productions

"Ted Dekker is the most exciting writer I’ve read in a very long time. Blink will expand his fan base tremendously. Wonderful reading . . . powerful insights. Bravo!"


President, MOVIEGUIDE® Magazine

"Cloaked in the mystery of Saudi Arabia, this tale woven by Dekker is compulsively readable. Written with an arresting hybrid of suspense and love, Blink casts a sweeping light on a surreal world where the future is buried by the past. Saudi Arabia was my home for twelve years. Dekker has an uncanny ability to capture the true essence of the world’s most mysterious land in this hauntingly beautiful story. You will be astonished."


New York Times Best-selling Author of

Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia

Ted is a great weaver of stories that are believable yet tinged with the mystery of the unseen.


Senior Book Buyer, Family Christian Stores

"Dekker is an emerging powerhouse among fiction writers. Blink is a thrilling tale that grabs your attention immediately and is near impossible to put down."


Christian Retailing

"[Blessed Child is] superbly written and deeply captivating."

CBA Marketplace

. . . page-turning, action-packed suspense and adventure.

Lifewise Magazine

"[Thunder of Heaven is] a real page-turner . . . scenes read like the best of David Morrell . . . his description is upsettingly precise."





© 2003 Ted Dekker

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.

Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

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Scripture quotations used in this book are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version, © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.

This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Dekker, Ted, 1962–

Three / by Ted Dekker.

   p. cm.

ISBN 978-0-8499-4372-0 (HC)

ISBN 0-8499-4449-X (IE)

ISBN 1-5955-4137-3 (mass edition)

ISBN 1-5955-4192-6 (SE)

ISBN 978-0-8499-4512-0 (TP)

I. Title.

PS3554.E43T48 2003



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THE OFFICE HAD NO WINDOWS, only electric lanterns to light the hundreds of spines standing in their cherry wood bookcases. A single lawyer’s lamp spread its yellow hue over the leather-topped desk. The room smelled of linseed oil and musty pages, but to Dr. John Francis it was the scent of knowledge.

Evil is beyond the reach of no man.

But can a man remove himself beyond the reach of evil? Kevin asked.

The dean of academic affairs, Dr. John Francis, gazed over bifocals at the man who sat opposite him and allowed a small smile to nudge his lips. Those blue eyes hid a deep mystery, one that had eluded him since their first meeting three months earlier when Kevin Parson approached him after a philosophy lecture. They’d struck up a unique friendship that included numerous discussions such as this one.

Kevin sat with his feet flat, hands on knees, eyes piercing and unmoving, hair ruffled despite a compulsive habit of running his fingers through his loose brown curls. Or because of it. The hair was an anomaly; in every other way the man groomed himself perfectly. Clean shaven, fashionably current, pleasantly scented—Old Spice, if the professor guessed right. Kevin’s ragged hair begged to differ in a bohemian sort of way. Others fiddled with pencils or twirled their fingers or shifted in their seats; Kevin ran his fingers through his hair and tapped his right foot. Not now and then or at appropriate breaks in the conversation, but regularly, to the beat of a hidden drum behind his blue eyes. Some might consider the idiosyncrasies annoying, but Dr. Francis saw them as nothing more than enigmatic clues to Kevin’s nature. The truth—rarely obvious and almost always found in subtleties. In the tapping of feet and the fiddling of fingers and the movement of eyes.

Dr. Francis pushed his black leather chair back from the desk, stood slowly to his feet, and walked to a bookcase filled with the works of the ancient scholars. In many ways he identified with these men as much as he did with the modern man. Put a robe on him and he would look rather like a bearded Socrates, Kevin had once told him. He ran a finger over a bound copy of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Indeed, Dr. Francis said. Can man step beyond evil’s reach? I think not. Not in this lifetime.

Then all men are condemned to a life of evil, Kevin said.

Dr. Francis faced him. Kevin watched, unmoving except for his right foot, tapping away. His round blue eyes held steady, stared with the innocence of a child’s, probing, magnetic, unabashed. These eyes attracted long stares from the secure and forced the less secure to avert their gaze. Kevin was twenty-eight, but he possessed a strange blend of brilliance and naiveté that Dr. Francis could not understand. The full-grown man thirsted for knowledge like a five-year-old. Something to do with a unique rearing in a bizarre home, but Kevin had never been forthcoming.

"A lifetime struggle with evil, not a life of evil," Dr. Francis clarified.

And does man simply choose evil, or does he create it? Kevin asked, already many thoughts beyond his initial question. Is evil a force that swims in human blood, struggling to find its way into the heart, or is it an external possibility wanting to be formed?

I would say man chooses evil rather than creates it. Human nature’s saturated with evil as a result of the Fall. We are all evil.

And we are all good, Kevin said, tapping his foot. The good, the bad, and the beautiful.

Dr. Francis nodded at the use of the phrase he’d coined, which referred to the man created in God’s nature, the beautiful man, struggling between the good and the bad. The good, the bad, and the beautiful. Indeed. He stepped for the door. Walk with me, Kevin.

Kevin ran both hands past his temples and stood. Dr. Francis led him from the office and up a flight of steps to the world above, as Kevin liked to call it.

How is your paper on the natures progressing? Dr. Francis asked.

Guaranteed to raise your eyebrows. They stepped into the empty main hall. I’m using a story to illustrate my conclusion. Not conventional, I know, but since Christ preferred to use fiction to communicate truth, I figured you wouldn’t mind if I borrowed from him.

As long as it makes the point. I look forward to reading it.


Kevin walked with Dr. John Francis down the hall, thinking that he liked this man beside him. The sound of their shoes striking the hardwood floor echoed through the chamber steeped in tradition. The older man strolled casually, his ready smile hinting at wisdom far beyond his words. Kevin glanced up at the paintings of the divinity school’s founders along the wall to his right. Bold, gentle giants, Dr. Francis called them.

Speaking of evil, all men are capable of gossip, don’t you think? Kevin asked.


Even the bishop is capable of gossip.

Of course.

Do you think the bishop does gossip? Sometimes?

The dean’s answer waited three steps. We are all human.

They came to the large door that opened to the central campus and Dr. Francis pushed it open. Despite the ocean breezes, Long Beach could not escape periodic stretches of oppressive heat. Kevin stepped out into the bright midday sunlight, and for a moment their philosophical bantering felt trivial in light of the world before him. A dozen seminary students walked across the manicured park, heads bent in thought or tilted back with smiles. Two dozen poplars formed an avenue through the expansive lawn. The chapel’s steeple towered over the trees beyond the park. To his right, the Augustine Memorial Library glistened in the sun. The Divinity School of the Pacific, South, was at a glance statelier and more modern than its parent, the Episcopal seminary in Berkeley.

Here was the real world, made up of normal people with sensible histories and ordinary families pursuing an admirable profession. He, on the other hand, was a twenty-eight-year-old convert who really had no business attending seminary at all, much less leading a flock one day. Not because he didn’t have honorable intent, but because of who he was. Because he was Kevin Parson, who had really only discovered his spiritual side for the first time three years ago. In spite of his wholehearted embrace of the church, he still felt no holier—and maybe less—than any drunk on the street might. Not even the dean knew his whole story, and Kevin wasn’t sure the man would be so supportive if he did.

You have a brilliant mind, Kevin, the dean said, gazing out at the grounds. I’ve seen a lot of people come and go, and few of them have your same tenacity for the truth. But believe me, the deepest questions can drive a man mad. The problem of evil is one of those questions. You’d be wise to court it slowly.

Kevin looked into the graying man’s eyes, and for a moment neither spoke. The dean winked and Kevin offered a slight smile. Kevin liked this man as much as he might like a father.

You’re a wise man, Dr. Francis. Thanks. I’ll see you in class next week.

Don’t forget your paper.


The dean dipped his head.

Kevin took one step down to the concrete landing and turned back. Just one last thought. In absolute terms, gossip isn’t so different from murder, right?

Ultimately, no.

Then the bishop is ultimately capable of murder, isn’t he?

The dean lifted his right eyebrow. That’s a bit of a stretch.

Kevin smiled. Not really. Neither is more evil.

You’ve made your point, Kevin. I’ll be sure to warn the bishop against any sudden urges to kill his fellowman.

Kevin chuckled. He turned and walked down the steps. Behind him the door closed with a soft thump. He turned back. The steps were empty.

He was alone. A stranger in a strange world. How many grown men would stare at a flight of steps just vacated by a professor of philosophy and feel utterly alone? He scratched his head and ruffled his hair.

Kevin headed for the parking lot. The sense of solitude left him before he reached his car, which was good. He was changing, wasn’t he? The hope of change was why he’d chosen to become a priest in the first place. He’d escaped the demons of his past and begun a new life as a new creature. He had put his old self in the grave and, despite the lingering memories, he was coming to life, like an aspen in the spring.

So much change in so little time. God willing, the past would remain buried.

He swung his beige Sable out of the lot and merged with the steady flow of traffic on Long Beach Boulevard. Evil. The problem of evil. Like traffic—never ending.

On the other hand, grace and love weren’t exactly running scared, were they? He had more to be thankful for than he ever imagined possible. Grace, for starters. A fine school with fine teachers. His own home. He might not have a rack of friends to call on at his every whim, but he did have a few. One at least. Dr. John Francis liked him.

He humphed. Okay, so he had a ways to go on the social front. Samantha had called him, though. They’d talked twice in the last two weeks. And Sam was no slouch. Now there was a friend. Maybe more than a—

His cell phone chirped loudly from the cup holder. He’d gotten the thing a week ago and had used it once, placed a call to his home phone to see if it worked. It had, but only after he’d activated the voice mail, which had required a call to the salesman.

The cell rang again and he picked it up. The thing was small enough to swallow if you got hungry enough. He pushed the red button and immediately knew it was the wrong one. Ignore Send above the green button. Green is go and red is stop, the salesman had said.

Kevin lifted the phone to his ear, heard silence, and tossed it on the passenger seat, feeling foolish. It was probably the salesman, calling to see if he was enjoying his new phone. Then again, why would a salesman bother to check on a nineteen-dollar purchase?

The phone chirped again. Behind him, a horn honked. A blue Mercedes crowded his bumper. Kevin punched the accelerator and picked up the phone. Red brake lights cut across all three lanes ahead. He slowed down—the Mercedes would have to chill. He pressed the green button.


Hello, Kevin.

Male voice. Low and breathy. Drawn out to accentuate each syllable.


How are you doing, my old friend? Quite well from what I can gather. How nice.

The world around Kevin faded. He brought the car to a halt behind the sea of red taillights, felt the pressure of the brakes as a distant abstraction. His mind focused on this voice on the phone.

I . . . I’m sorry. I don’t think—

It doesn’t matter if you know me. Pause. I know you. In fact, if you really think you’re cut out for this seminary foolishness, I must say I know you better than you know yourself.

I don’t know who you think you are, but I don’t have a clue what you’re talking—

Don’t be stupid! the voice yelled into his ear. The man took a deep, scratchy breath. He spoke calmly again. Forgive me, I really don’t mean to yell, but you’re not listening to me. It’s time to quit pretending, Kevin. You think you have the whole world fooled, but you don’t have me fooled. It’s time to let the cat out of the bag. And I’m going to help you do it.

Kevin could hardly comprehend what he was hearing. Was this for real? It had to be a practical joke. Peter? Did Peter from Intro to Psych know him well enough to pull a stunt like this?

Who . . . who is this?

You like games, don’t you, Kevin?

There was no way Peter could sound so condescending.

Okay, Kevin said. Enough. I don’t know what—

Enough? Enough? No, I don’t think so. The game is just starting. Only this one is not like the games you play with everyone else, Kevin. This one’s for real. Will the real Kevin Parson please stand up? I thought about killing you, but I’ve decided this will be much better. The man paused, made a soft sound that sounded like a moan. This . . . this will destroy you.

Kevin stared ahead, dumbfounded.

You may call me Richard Slater. Ring any bells? Actually, I prefer Slater. And here’s the game Slater would like to play. I will give you exactly three minutes to call the newspaper and confess your sin, or I will blow that silly Sable you call a car sky-high.

Sin? What are you talking about?

That’s the question, isn’t it? I knew you’d forget, you stupid brick. Another pause. "Do you like riddles? Here’s a riddle to jog your mind: What falls but never breaks? What breaks but never falls?"

What? What’s—

Three minutes, Kevin. Starting . . . now. Let the games begin.

The phone went dead.

For a moment, Kevin stared ahead, phone still plastered to his ear.

A horn blared.

The cars ahead were moving. The Mercedes was impatient again. Kevin pressed the accelerator, and the Sable surged forward. He set the phone down on the passenger seat and swallowed, throat dry. He glanced at the clock. 12:03.

Okay, process. Stay calm and process. Did this really just happen? Of course it just happened! Some madman who called himself Slater just called my cell phone and threatened to blow up my car. Kevin grabbed the cell phone and stared at its face: Unavailable, 00:39.

But was the threat real? Who would really blow up a car in the middle of a busy street over a riddle? Someone was trying to scare the snot out of him for some maniacal reason. Or some sicko had randomly chosen him as his next victim, someone who hated seminary students instead of prostitutes and really intended to kill him.

His thoughts spun crazily. What sin? He had committed his sins, of course, but none that stood out immediately. What falls but never breaks? What breaks but never falls?

His pulse pounded in his ears. Maybe he should get off the road. Of course he should get off the road! If there was even a remote chance that Slater meant to carry out his threat . . .

For the first time, Kevin imagined the car actually filling with a blast of fire. A shaft of panic ripped down his spine. He had to get out! He had to call the police!

Not now. Now he had to get out. Out!

Kevin jerked his foot off the accelerator and slammed it down on the brake. The Sable’s tires squealed. A horn shrieked. The Mercedes.

Kevin twisted his head and glanced through the rear window. Too many cars. He had to find a vacant spot, where flying shrapnel would do the least damage. He gunned the motor and shot forward. 12:05. But how many seconds? He had to assume three minutes would end at 12:06.

A dozen thoughts crowded his mind: thoughts of a sudden explosion, thoughts of the voice on the phone, thoughts of how the cars around him were reacting to the Sable jerking along the road. What falls but never breaks? What breaks but never falls?

Kevin looked around, frantic. He had to dump the car without blowing up the neighborhood. It’s not even going to blow, Kevin. Slow down and think. He ran his fingers through his hair several times in quick succession.

He swung into the right lane, ignoring another horn. A Texaco station loomed on his right—not a good choice. Beyond the gas station, Dr. Won’s Chinese Cuisine—hardly better. There were no parks along this section of road; residences packed the side streets. Ahead, lunch crowds bustled at McDonald’s and Taco Bell. The clock still read 12:05. It had been 12:05 for too long.

Now true panic muddled his thinking. What if it really does go off? It’s going to, isn’t it? God, help me! I’ve got to get out of this thing! He grabbed at his seat belt buckle with a trembling hand. Released the shoulder strap. Both hands back on the wheel.

A Wal-Mart sat back from the street a hundred yards to his left. The huge parking lot was only half-filled. A wide greenway that dipped at its center, like a natural ditch, surrounded the entire lot. He made a critical decision: Wal-Mart or nothing.

Kevin leaned on his horn and cut back into the center lane with a cursory glance in his mirror. A metallic screech made him duck— he’d clipped a car. Now he was committed.

Get out of my way! Get out!

He motioned frantically with his left hand, succeeding only in smashing his knuckles into the window. He grunted and swerved into the far left lane. With a tremendous thump he crashed over a six-inch-high median and then into oncoming traffic. It occurred to him that being rammed head-on might be no better than blowing up, but he was already in the path of a dozen oncoming cars.

Tires squealed and horns blared. The Sable took only one hit in its right rear fender before shooting out the other side of the gauntlet. Something from his car was dragging on the asphalt. He cut off a pickup that was trying to exit the lot.

Watch out! Get out of my way!

Kevin roared into the Wal-Mart lot and glanced down at the clock. Somewhere back there it had turned. 12:06.

To his right, traffic on Long Beach Boulevard had come to a screeching halt. It wasn’t every day that a car blasted through oncoming traffic like a bowling ball.

Kevin sped past several gaping customers and zeroed in on the greenway. Not until he was on top of it did he see the curb. The Sable blew a tire when it connected; this time Kevin’s head struck the ceiling. A dull pain spread down his neck.

Out, out, out!

The car flew into the ditch and Kevin crammed the brake pedal to the floor. For a fleeting moment he thought he might roll. But the car slid to a jolting halt, its nose planted firmly in the opposite slope.

He grabbed at the door latch, shoved the door open, and dove to the turf, rolling on impact. He scrambled to his feet and raced up the slope toward the lot. At least a dozen onlookers headed his way from the sea of parked cars.

Back! Get back! Kevin waved his arms at them. There’s a bomb in the car. Get back!

They stared at him for one moment of fixed horror. Then all but three turned and fled, screaming his warning.

Kevin swung his arms furiously at the others. Get back, you idiots! There’s a bomb!

They ran. A siren wailed through the air. Someone had already called the cops.

Kevin had run a good fifty paces from the greenway before it occurred to him that the bomb hadn’t gone off. What if there wasn’t a bomb after all? He pulled up and whipped around, panting and trembling. Surely three minutes had come and gone.


Was it a practical joke after all? Whoever this caller was, he’d done almost as much damage through the threat alone as he would have by detonating an actual bomb.

Kevin glanced around. A gawking crowd had gathered on the street at a safe distance. The traffic had stalled and was backing up as far as he could see. Steam hissed from a blue Honda—presumably the one that had hit his right rear fender. There had to be a few hundred people staring at the nut who’d driven his car into the ditch. Except for the growing wail of sirens, the scene had grown eerily silent. He took a step back toward the car.

At least there was no bomb. A few angry motorists and some bent fenders, so what? He’d done the only thing he could do. And really, there still could be a bomb. He’d leave that for the police once he explained his story. Surely they would believe him. Kevin stopped. The car tipped into the dirt with its left rear tire off the ground. From here it all looked kind of stupid.

You said bomb? someone yelled.

Kevin looked back at a middle-aged man with white hair and a Cardinals baseball cap. The man stared at him. Did you say there was a bomb?

Kevin looked back at the car, feeling suddenly foolish. I thought there—

A deafening explosion shook the ground. Kevin instinctively crouched and threw his hands up to protect his face.

The bright fireball hung over the car; boiling black smoke rose into the sky. The red flame collapsed on itself with a soft whomp. Smoke billowed from the charred skeleton of what was only a moment ago his Sable.

Kevin dropped to one knee and stared, dumbstruck, wide-eyed.


WITHIN THIRTY MINUTES the crime scene was isolated and a full investigation launched, all in the purview of one Detective Paul Milton. The man was well built and walked like a gunslinger—a Schwarzenegger wannabe with a perpetual frown and blond bangs that covered his forehead. Kevin rarely found others intimidating, but Milton did nothing to calm his already shattered nerves.

Someone had just tried to kill him. Someone named Slater, who seemed to know quite a lot about him. A madman who had the forethought and malice to plant a bomb and then remotely detonate the device when his demands weren’t met. The scene stood before Kevin like an abstract painting come to life.

Yellow tape marked a forty-yard perimeter, and within it several uniformed police officers gathered pieces of wreckage, labeled them with evidence tags, and stacked them in neat piles on a flatbed truck to be transported downtown. The crowd had grown to well over a hundred. Bewilderment was fixed on some faces; other spectators wildly gestured their version of the events. The only injury reported was a small cut on a teenage boy’s right arm. As it turned out, one of the cars Kevin had clipped in his mad dash across the street was none other than the impatient Mercedes. Once the driver learned he’d been following a car bomb, however, his attitude improved significantly. Traffic on Long Beach Boulevard still suffered from curiosity, but the debris had been cleared.

Three news vans were in the lot. If Kevin understood the situation correctly, his face and what was left of his car were being televised live throughout the Los Angeles Basin. A news helicopter hovered overhead.

A forensic scientist worked carefully over the twisted remains of the trunk, where the bomb had clearly resided. Another detective dusted for prints on what was left of the doors.

Kevin had spilled his story to Milton and now waited to be taken down to the station. By the way Milton glared at him, Kevin was sure the detective considered him a suspect. A simple examination of the evidence would clear his name, but one minor fact haunted him. His account of events omitted Slater’s demand that he confess some sin.

What sin? The last thing he needed was for the police to begin digging into his past for some sin. Sin wasn’t the point. The point was that Slater had given him a riddle and told him that phoning the newspaper with the riddle’s answer would prevent Kevin from being blown sky-high. That’s what he’d told them.

On the other hand, willfully withholding information in an investigation was a crime itself, wasn’t it?

Dear God, someone just blew up my car! The fact sat like an absurd little lump on the edge of Kevin’s mind. The front edge. He smoothed his hair nervously.

Kevin sat on a chair provided by one of the cops, tapping his right foot on the grass. Milton kept glancing at him as he debriefed the other investigators and took statements from witnesses. Kevin looked back at the car where the forensic team worked. What they could possibly learn from that wreckage escaped him. He stood unsteadily, took a deep breath, and walked down the slope toward the car.

The forensic scientist at the trunk was a woman. Black, petite, maybe Jamaican. She looked up and lifted an eyebrow. Pretty smile. But the smile didn’t alter the scene behind her.

It was hard to believe that the twisted pile of smoldering metal and plastic had been his car.

Whoever did this had one heck of a chip on his shoulder, she said. A badge on her shirt said she was Nancy Sterling. She looked back into what was left of the trunk and dusted the inside lip.

Kevin cleared his throat. Can you tell me what kind of bomb it was?

Do you know bombs? she asked.

No. I know there’s dynamite and C-4. That’s about it.

We’ll know for sure back at the lab, but it looks like dynamite. Leaves no chemical signature that ties it to a specific batch once it’s been detonated.

Do you know how he set it off?

Not yet. Remote detonation, a timer, or both, but there’s not too much left to go on. We’ll eventually get it. We always do. Just be glad you got out.

Boy, no kidding.

He watched her place tape over a dusted fingerprint, lift it, and seal the faint print on a card. She made a few notations on the card and went back to work with her flashlight.

The only prints we’ve found so far are in places where we would expect to find yours. She shrugged. Guy like this isn’t stupid enough not to wear gloves, but you never know. Even the smartest make mistakes eventually.

"Well, I hope

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