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In Lunatic, the fifth in the Lost Books series, a YA spin-off of the New York Times bestselling Circle series, the world they knew is gone. To save it they may all have to go a little crazy.

Fight the Horde . . . or die with love.

Separated by time and space, our heroes finally return home. But five years have passed and they find a nightmarishly changed world.

The despised Horde are now in control. The healing lakes of Elyon are now blood red. And mighty Thomas Hunter and his Forest Guard have disappeared.

Take a stand with the chosen but be wary, for not all is as it seems. Now the chosen themselves are questioning their very sanity. For the only way to win may be to lose. The only way to live may be to die. And the only one to lead may be a lunatic.

  • Book 5 of 6 in the Lost Books series (a spin-off of the Circle Series)
    • Lost Books 1: Chosen
    • Lost Books 2: Infidel
    • Lost Books 3: Renegade
    • Lost Books 4: Chaos
    • Lost Books 5: Lunatic
    • Lost Books 6: Elyon
    • Circle Book 0: Green
    • Circle Book 1: Black
    • Circle Book 2: Red
    • Circle Book 3: White
  • Full-length book (70,000 words)
PublisherThomas Nelson
Release dateApr 12, 2010

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A great Inspirational Suspense short story

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Lunatic - Ted Dekker

















Green (SEPTEMBER 2009)






House (with FRANK PERETTI)



Blink of an Eye


Heaven’s Wager

When Heaven Weeps

Thunder of Heaven

The Martyr’s Song


Blessed Child

A Man Called Blessed






© 2009 by Ted Dekker

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

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Publisher’s Note: This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. All characters are fictional, and any similarity to people living or dead is purely coincidental.

Page design by Casey Hooper

Map design by Chris Ward

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Dekker, Ted, 1962–

 Lunatic / Ted Dekker and Kaci Hill.

    p. cm. -- (Lost books ; bk. 5)

 A Lost Book.

 Summary: Five years after leaving home, Johnis, Silvie, and Darsal return to find that the Horde has taken over Middle, Thomas and the rest of the Forest Guard have gone into hiding, and a strange new force has begun challenging everything they thought they knew.

ISBN 978-1-59554-373-8 (hardcover)

[1. Fantasy. 2. Christian life--Fiction.] I. Hill, Kaci. II. Title.

PZ7.D3684Lun 2009



Printed in the United States of America

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Our story begins in a world totally like our own, yet completely different. What once happened seems to be repeating itself two thousand years later.

But this time the future belongs to the young, to the warriors, to the lovers. To those who can follow hidden clues and find a great treasure, which will unlock the mysteries of life and wealth.

Twenty years have passed since the lush, colored forests were turned into desert by Teeleh, enemy of Elyon and vilest of all creatures. Evil now rules the land and shows itself as a painful, scaly disease that covers the flesh of the Horde living in the wasteland.

The powerful green waters, once precious to Elyon, with the exception of seven small lakes surrounded by seven small forests, have vanished from the earth. Those few who have chosen to follow the ways of Elyon are now called Forest Dwellers, bathing once daily in the powerful waters to cleanse their skin of the scabbing disease.

For thirteen years, the number of their sworn enemy, the Horde, grew, and the Forest Guard was severely diminished by war, forcing Thomas, supreme commander, to lower the army’s recruitment age to sixteen. A thousand young recruits showed themselves worthy and now serve in the Forest Guard.

From among the thousand, four young fighters—Johnis, Silvie, Billos, and Darsal—were handpicked by Thomas to lead.

Unbeknownst to Thomas and those in the forests, our four heroes have also been chosen by the legendary white Roush, guardians of all that is good, for a far greater mission, and they are forbidden to tell a soul. Braving terrible battles, crushing defeat, capture, death, and betrayal, they pursued their quest to find the seven original Books of History, a mission that took them from one reality into another.

From their world to the histories, two thousand years into their past.

Into a city known as Las Vegas.

And now we join our heroes deep in the mountains of Romania on the day after their great victory, having secured all seven books, thereby foiling the plans of the Dark One, who would use the books to destroy humankind. They will now leave our world and return to Thomas and the Forest Guard, two thousand years from now.

But five years have passed since they left their home in the distant future. The world they once knew there has changed. If you are Horde, sworn enemy of Thomas and the Forest Guard, you will undoubtedly think very favorably about the change.

Unfortunately Johnis, Silvie, and Darsal are not Horde.


Almost a day had passed. Twilight now fell over the horizon. Curling smoke still wafted heavenward, blocking the stars. A cool breeze drove the lingering stench of burning debris away from them.

Darsal sat across from Silvie, knees to her chest. Before her were the seven books, neatly lined up in a row between the girls. Two black ones were stacked on top of each other. Beside them, the green. Next, purple. Red. And then the blue and brown stacked together.

The seven Books of History. Recovered at last.

Her face was still damp, tears mixing with soot.

Are you ready? Johnis’s soft voice came from behind Darsal. Then his hand touched her shoulder, and he crouched between her and Silvie.

He pocketed two books, placed a third in front of him, and drew his knife. Darsal, it’s time to go home. To Middle. He smiled. It’s over. You’ll see. No more books. We won.

The last time he’d asked her to slit her finger, they’d been stolen away by seven accursed bundles of paper and leather, bound with twine. Sucked through time into a world of cars and airplanes and vampires and terrible betrayal.

Of nightmare and sorrow.

Of misery and cruel sacrifice.

It feels more a reckoning than triumph.

We saved the world, Darsal, Johnis said. "We did it. You did it."

Mission accomplished. Darsal tried to scoff but couldn’t. She couldn’t help staring at the books. Back. Back to what?

Johnis and Silvie kept quiet. Let her talk.

It’s been a long time for me, she said, aware of the tension in her voice. A bit unnerving.

They both watched her. Waiting. For hours. Johnis refused to touch the books until she was ready. And they’d been far beyond patient.

It was long past time.

We’ll be with you, Darsal, Silvie said. We’ll return heroes.

Darsal nodded. She picked up one of the books, eased it into her waistband, and set another in front of her. Silvie did the same.

Now all three knelt with a single book before them.

Darsal slit her index finger with her blade. Johnis and Silvie cut theirs in unison. Johnis drew a loud breath. Grinned.

You’ll come to the wedding, Darsal, won’t you?

A forced smile. I wouldn’t miss it.

He winked at her and traded an amused look with Silvie, then held his finger a fraction of an inch off the leathery cover of his book. Silvie’s hand snaked over his a second behind.

For Elyon, he said.

Darsal’s hand shot out and pressed against the cover of her book. For Elyon.


I’m growing weary of your incompetence, Marak." Qurong stormed around the perimeter of the conference room, gray eyes ablaze. Long dreadlocks and black and red robes flapped about the supreme commander’s tall, powerful frame. Morst—a white paste meant to soothe the painful burning, mute the stench, and conceal the lesions covering his skin—was beginning to crack with his temper.

With respect, my lord, this situation was unceremoniously dumped in my lap. It’s taken eighteen months to undo the mistakes of my predecessor with regards to Eram, and in the mean-time I’ve spent eight months putting together plans to annihilate the albinos, plans that merely await my final transcription and your approval.

Marak stood with his hands at the small of his back, impatient for his commander to complete his tirade. He wanted out of the conference room, with its pungent mix of morst, sweat, and curling smoke.

Tell me something: what would General Martyn have thought of your pitiful excuses? Qurong demanded. Martyn had been a longtime general under Qurong, a turncoat from among the albinos years ago. He’d been cunning enough to put Thomas Hunter’s skills to the test.

But that was five years and five generals ago.

Respectfully, sir, General Martyn would not have approved the complete elimination of the albinos at all.

His only vice. Regardless, your inefficiency would have met with his severe displeasure. My generals remain on the downslide. Unfortunately for you, my patience is thin. So enough of these pathetic, cowardly attempts to dodge responsibility. I highly doubt the escape of fifty albinos was the result of a dead man. Perhaps I will require another torch.

Marak momentarily froze. The last general Qurong had demoted had burned. Marak eyed the two lit torches mounted on six-foot poles and tried not to think too long about what might have taken place. Nor what the priest Sucrow had done before dragging the corpse to his thrall to use for his black arts. Marak had never cared to ask for any of the details.

What do you think, General?

He looked past Qurong, past the two narrow steps leading to a small landing that contained Qurong’s chair, past the dark wood and thick purple cushion, and through the open window that overlooked Middle Lake, toward Sucrow’s thrall.

I don’t think that will be necessary, my lord.

Just as you’ve not found it necessary to execute the vermin when I tell you to?

Marak balked. Two weeks ago they had rounded up fifty albinos, among them his sister-in-law and his grandfather. His captain had suggested setting up a trap to catch Jordan of Southern, who happened to be Marak’s brother.

Jordan had come running for his wife. Most of the prisoners had escaped. Marak’s family had been recaptured.

With respect, sir, they may have informa—

You’ve had more than enough time to interrogate and execute the mongrels. Sucrow, tell me, how difficult is it to kill an albino, his wench, and an old man?

Killing them is swift and simple. Sucrow stood tall and thin in his black cowl and pointed hood. It’s keeping them alive that’s the art form. Sucrow cackled. Narrow, piercing gray eyes drilled Marak with a malignant glower.

Marak’s eyes narrowed. Priest . . .

Go on, Qurong prompted. He received twisted pleasure from stirring up the rivalry between his general and his priest.

Perhaps there is something the general does not wish us to know.

Enlighten me, Priest, Qurong said.

The general can’t seem to remember that a dead relative is a dead relative, Sucrow taunted.

Marak curled his fist.

Though I am enjoying the exclusive use of them in our ceremonies, Sucrow finished. And Teeleh is well pleased with the woman.

The priest’s hatred of albinos ran deeper than any tie to kin. He would kill relatives who accumulated the disease. Slowly.

And what he could do to an albino would make anyone’s insides curdle.

Is that so? Qurong asked, leering.

Marak fought to keep control of his temper. He had no desire to execute his own blood. But even though Qurong himself had once hesitated on a matter of family, he didn’t expect the supreme commander to consider this the same situation.

Hesitation never boded well.

And he had hesitated too long.

It seems the priest is better suited for this than the general. Tell me something, Marak, Qurong continued. Is it that you are incapable of catching albinos or that you are unwilling to catch albinos?

My lord, the Desecration will eliminate all of the albinos, including the prisoners wasting dungeon space. Marak cut himself off before he could add that ultimate loyalty to his supreme commander held his brother, sister-in-law, and grandfather in a dungeon.

Qurong waved him to silence. Whatever you’re doing blustering around in an office in Middle obviously isn’t working. I don’t understand the difficulty of a few diseased, smooth-skinned rats.

Marak bit his tongue. Thomas Hunter’s Circle were diseased, not simpletons. Quite the opposite, in fact, they were a crafty lot who retained all the brilliance they’d possessed before the Horde had defeated them and pushed all who refused to join them into the desert. They were called albinos because of their smooth skin, not for any lack of intelligence.

You said you trained under Martyn. Was that a lie?

Marak refused to react to Qurong’s baiting. Certainly not, my lord.

Did Martyn fail to teach you adequately? Was he too lenient on you? Or did he teach you to love albinos? Qurong spat, lip curling into a sneer.

General Martyn was more than adequate during my training with him, Commander.

Then why are you wasting both my time and Sucrow’s men? You’ve been using his serpent warriors for ten months and now you hesitate like a coward.

Serpent warriors. Sucrow’s own private army, a religious faction with fangs. Most called them throaters, a term incorporated almost two years ago that referred to warriors who kept tally of their kills and reveled in bloodlust and glory.

Eighteen months of penance for his predecessors’ idiocy.

Eight months of working on a plan to systematically finish off the enemy.

Naught but accusations of treachery and cowardice for his reward.

Marak held his tongue. A lesser man than Qurong would find a blade in his gut. I find albinos as distasteful as you do, sir.

Then what exactly is your current strategy? As far as I can tell, it is nothing but throaters and warriors chasing shadows in the south desert, pretending to do their duties and making a mockery of you. Is it that, Marak? Can you not control your own men? Do the servants of a priest terrify you? Or do you plan on undermining me?

Sucrow’s serpent warriors were brutal.

Efficient and precise, though.

The men are under my control, sir. I’ve spent months completing plans to bring to you for approval. Our plans for bringing Eram in without a fight have been tabled upon your request.

Qurong had no business pretending to know what went on in the field. The old man hadn’t fought in battle in years and left men like Marak to do the grunt work.

Well, then, Qurong taunted. Let’s hear your plan, General.

Marak bit back his proud smile. Shortly after Martyn’s departure, Marak had come across his war journal. The details had proven fascinating. He’d devoted himself to study, and by the time he had been made general, he had learned enough to know a few new tricks to killing albinos more efficiently.

His brother had once said the Circle would never crack, nor be desecrated—his words verbatim. Marak had chosen the mission’s name from his younger brother’s declaration.

There are two stages to Desecration, my lord. My men have studied their movements and place them in the northwest desert. I have hunters out there as we speak, searching out the vermin.

He’d followed his little brother closely enough to put them in the northwest desert. Knew they were somewhere in canyons or mountains. Knew as soon as he found a red lake, the albinos were only days from discovery. From annihilation.

Time. All he needed was time.

And if Jordan didn’t break down and tell them where the Circle was, Marak would simply orchestrate his escape and let his little brother lead the scouts directly to them. Cruel, but necessary.

Phase one is almost complete, Marak explained. We’ve spent the last few months developing a poison that will only affect those with the disease. It causes open sores on their skins, an infection that spreads like fire over dried grass. The albinos have something in their skin that the poison attacks. We are immune to it. It’s only a matter of days before we find the exact location of the Circle. We’ve also managed to make it available in several forms. Any exposure is lethal. I—

Enough. Qurong paced away from Marak, fist knotting around his sword. I want results, Marak. You began with a thousand. And yet, despite your attempts, they keep taking our people and forcing them into these rites of theirs. Despite your assurances and your talk of victory, you have, in fact, only captured two hundred and some. Not even half of the estimated number.

My lord— Marak bit back a curse. Would Qurong ever let him finish?

And this last incident alone should be enough to order your execution. Fifty albinos don’t just waltz out of their cages and disappear. I’d love to hear how you managed that one. Or do you intend to blame the rebels?

His brother had somehow set them free. Marak still wasn’t sure how Jordan had pulled it off. The youth had knowingly walked into a trap, freed fifty men, women—including his own wife—and children, and been captured only because he wouldn’t leave his wife behind, and their grandfather wouldn’t leave Jordan behind.

Marak would never confess that, though.

The culprit is being interrogated and dealt with as we speak, Commander. I assure you—

"I will be assured of nothing, Marak! Qurong spun around to face him, finger jabbing at him. Martyn assured me he would kill the albinos, and his assurance was but hollow boasting! Woref assured me he would rout out the mongrels, and it amounted to nothing! When that failed, Rowen came, assuring me he would starve them out, and he was dead within two months! And now you think you and Sucrow’s pack of throaters can round them up and systematically kill them when they’re nowhere to be found?"

Commander, it will take time, but I insist—

Qurong struck Marak to the ground with the flat of his sword. Marak hit hard, landing on elbows and palms, surprised at the strength the much older man still possessed.

"I’ve lost one child to this devilish sorcery, Marak, and I will

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