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Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World
Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World
Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World
Ebook225 pages4 hours

Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

How to overcome the three forces that work against us daily: toxic influences, toxic emotions, and toxic behaviors.

Why do so many well-meaning Christians take one spiritual step forward, then slide back two? Why do we long for more of God in our lives and yet feel further and further away from him? What's holding us back from growing in this relationship that we claim is our main priority?

Every day we are surrounded by secondhand spiritual toxins—influences, emotions, and behaviors—that threaten to draw us away from Jesus Christ. But when we recognize the toxins that assault us and discover ways to live in this world without absorbing them into our souls, we can experience genuine spiritual growth.

With a fresh look at the Word of God, vulnerable honesty, and his trademark humor, bestselling author of Winning the War in Your Mind Craig Groeschel unpacks ways to strengthen your spiritual health and your positive influence on others. He will help you to:

  • Tell yourself the truth
  • Overcome false beliefs
  • Neutralize your anger
  • Stop comparing yourself to others
  • Unlock the chokehold of fear
  • Toss out legalism

More than an insightful look at the negative aspects of our day-to-day culture, this grace-filled guide will challenge you out of complacency and into a life of clean, pure, and focused living based on the freeing standard of God's holiness.

Release dateMay 1, 2012

Craig Groeschel

New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel is the founding and senior pastor of Life.Church, which created the free YouVersion Bible app and is one of the largest churches in the world. He has written nineteen books and hosts the top-ranking Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast. As a widely respected leader in the Church, Craig speaks frequently at leadership events and conferences worldwide. Craig and his wife, Amy, live in Oklahoma. Connect with Craig at www.craiggroeschel.com.

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Rating: 4.434782608695652 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book offers good food for thought. Exposure to poison and toxins will sooner or later make us sick, and toxins to the soul are no different. But sometimes they are not as obvious. An effective guide for trying to identify and eradicate the unhealthy choices we often make.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book does remind us of the things we are supposed to live without in a world that is of God. Though there were many things that I feel I already know, the examples in the book did make it a good read. This book helps its readers find God in a world that pollutes us to the point where we can't distinguish what is of God and what is not. Read this and know what is.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Thought provoking and endlessly challenging but in a good way, the way that makes you actually take action. Not just think about it. Excellent read

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Soul Detox - Craig Groeschel


Coming Clean

God doesn’t seek for golden vessels, and does not ask

for silver ones, but He must have clean ones.

— Dwight L. Moody

When I was growing up, it seemed like all grown-ups smoked, all the moms continually twirling Virginia Slims between their fingers while the dads talked with a Marlboro or Camel dangling from the corner of their mouths. They all enjoyed their cigarettes, which I gathered were probably better than what most of them smoked in the ‘60s. My own mom and dad, although wonderful parents in too many ways to count, fit right in with their peers and smoked at least two packs a day.

Being raised in a house filled with smoke, I was never bothered by the smell. A nonsmoking guest would have instantly identified it and likely complained, but my family thought nothing of it. Most of us probably have a smell we associate with growing up — our mom’s pine cleaner or our dad’s Old Spice. For me the smell was cigarette smoke. I found it strangely comforting because it was what made home smell like home.

Since all my buddies’ parents also smoked, their homes had the same odor — all except for Mike’s house. Although I didn’t know why at the time, I remember loving the way Mike’s home smelled. Each time I walked in the front door, I felt like I’d just entered a Sea Breeze commercial. It’s hard to describe what clean smells like, but I thought Mike’s mom knew the secret formula. Not only did every room sparkle, but they smelled so fresh, lemony, and bright, as if his mom had just finished dusting with Pledge before we walked in. Looking back, I know that the fresh, cool smell wasn’t just the presence of air freshener but the absence of cigarette smoke. No one lit up at Mike’s house.

While the health risks of smoking were well known at the time, it was a few years before the American Medical Association came out with its findings on the dangers of secondhand smoke, especially for children. Their conclusions led to a series of public service announcements that showed toddlers lighting up and puffing away and other similarly shocking scenes. No one’s parents were trying to poison their family and cause health problems. Nonetheless, they unknowingly put all the people they loved — including themselves — at risk.

Where There’s Smoke

It seems funny to me now in a sad, ironic kind of way. Parents of all shapes and sizes lovingly warned their children: Look both ways before you cross the street. Put on your coat so you don’t catch a cold. Wash your hands so you don’t get sick. Don’t get in the water until thirty minutes after you’ve eaten. (I still don’t get that one.) Though they did everything within their power to keep us safe and protect us from harm’s way, many parents were unknowingly poisoning their kids with secondhand smoke.

I didn’t realize how unhealthy my home was until I got outside it enough to breathe freely and experience the difference. In fact, after living in a smoke-free environment for the first time ever in my college dorm, when I returned home, I was shocked.

The walls, which I remembered as a crisp white, held a dull, yellowish tint. A pale gray film coated the air. Even when no one had a cigarette lit, an unmistakable haze filled the room and enveloped us all. And as soon as I walked in the door, the odor slapped me in the face. Instead of having the comfortable and familiar smell of my home, my old dwelling place smelled like a stale ashtray.

Upon my return to school, my roommate Spiff grimaced when I walked into our dorm room. Clearly, my clothes and duffel bag carried the musty smell of cigarette smoke. You’re rank! he shouted before throwing my bag in the hallway and telling me to shower.

My stomach sank as it dawned on me. For the first eighteen years of my life, I lived in a cloud of secondhand smoke, oblivious to how it was coating my skin, my lungs, my throat. Not only did I smell like a chimney, but I unknowingly inhaled poison on a daily basis. I didn’t blame my parents; they didn’t know that secondhand smoke is practically as dangerous as inhaling it firsthand. But their ignorance didn’t change the reality of the situation.

Spiritual Pollution

I’m proud to say that both my parents overcame their addiction to tobacco and did what many seem unable to do — quit smoking. They recognized that something they enjoyed and accepted had the potential to harm themselves and those they loved most.

I’m convinced that many of us are living in this same kind of dangerous trap with our spiritual health. We know something doesn’t feel quite right, that we’re not growing closer to God and following Christ the way we would like, but we can’t put our finger on it. Even though we believe in God and want to please him, we find it hard to serve him passionately and consistently. We want to move forward spiritually but feel like we’re running against the wind. We want more — we know there’s more — but we just can’t seem to find it.

Why do so many well-meaning Christians take one spiritual step forward, then slide back two? Why do we long for more of God in our lives and yet feel farther and farther away from him? What’s holding us back from growing in this relationship that we claim is our main priority?

While many factors go into answering these questions, ultimately I believe our spiritual enemy blinds us with a smoke screen of poisonous distractions. Just like I lived unaware of the smoke in my home, many people aren’t fully aware of the forces stunting their spiritual growth. Without realizing the impact on their faith, people embrace harmful relationships, consume toxic media, live with addictive habits, and remain oblivious to the long-term effects. We think the way we live is perfectly fine, normal, harmless, or even positive. Some people don’t want to take an honest look at the way they live, claiming, What you don’t know won’t hurt you.

Unfortunately, this just isn’t true. Many individuals who inhaled secondhand smoke — not to mention all the millions of smokers — have suffered permanent and painful physical effects. The truth is this: what many people don’t know is not just hurting them but killing them spiritually.

You’ve probably heard that if you put a frog in a kettle of water and heat the water slowly to a boil, the frog will adjust to the warming water and won’t even realize that it’s boiling to death. How is this possible? The increase in temperature is so graduated that what feels like a warm bath at first becomes a hot tub before kicking into doubleboiler mode. By that time, it’s too late. The frog’s body adjusts to his surroundings, never noticing that what surrounds him is draining the life out of him.

In our culture, the water temperature increases daily. Without realizing it, we slowly become acclimated to a toxic environment full of poisonous influences. As the water temperature rises, we keep pretending we’re soaking in a hot tub having the time of our lives, never dreaming that we’re scalding our souls. As we become scarred and desensitized to what is right and wrong, good and evil, life-giving and life-draining, we lose sight of our first love. We move away from God one degree at a time.

The Devil’s Advocate

I know firsthand how this process works. Several years after becoming a Christian, I reflected on all the parts of my life that God had changed. Rather than occasionally telling other people what I thought they wanted to hear — I believe that’s called lying — I allowed God to make me a person of truth. Instead of sharing the latest rumors about mutual friends with others — I think that’s called gossiping — I learned to hold my tongue. While I used to criticize people freely without regard for their feelings or the situation (my old friend self-righteousness), I learned to discern a loving response. Although many of my old ways changed after I gave my life to Christ, my movie-viewing habits didn’t.

My wife, Amy, and I had been married several years when she expressed her concern about the kinds of movies we watched. One evening while we were talking, she gently asked, Do you really think the movies we’re watching are honoring to God?

It’s not like we’re watching porn! I shot back, offended by her implied accusation. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a little entertainment. Without giving her time to load up on ammunition by citing the last few movies we’d seen, I tried to make a preemptive strike. Besides, some violence, bad language, and a little sex scene here and there doesn’t really bother me. I’m more than mature enough to handle it. Perfect — I could make this her problem and not mine!

I’d used that same defense countless times. However, when I heard myself shift into my default setting, the words didn’t sound as convincing as they once had. My wife let it go, but her question remained with me.

A couple of nights later, we met two of our best friends, Scott and Shannon, for dinner and a movie. All through the meal, we discussed our spiritual growth with lots of God talk. Shannon was learning more about serving God in her daily life. Scott continued to enjoy the blessings of God in his insurance business. Amy talked nonstop about what God was teaching her through her time in the Word. And I talked freely about all the people coming to know Christ through our church. After our thanksgiving-filled dinner, we bought tickets for The Devil’s Advocate, a must-see thriller that some friends had recommended.

A few minutes into the movie, the peace, encouragement, and gratitude I’d enjoyed at dinner disappeared. Onscreen violence, bad language, and sexual content that had never bothered me before started to get under my skin. I internally cringed when each F-bomb landed or God’s name was taken in vain. Before long, two women caressed each other. By the end of the movie, we had endured an extended scene in which a ghost explicitly rapes a woman.

We all felt sickened.

I later apologized to Amy. Her loving words stung because I didn’t want to hear them, but they were true. Like the frog in the kettle, I’d become acclimated. Just because something didn’t bother me didn’t mean that it wasn’t having a negative impact. In fact, what did it say about me that filthy language, brutal violence, and explicit sex on the screen didn’t bother me? How had my standards, instead of God’s standards, become the norm?

Now, I don’t believe we should draw a line in the cultural sand and live in a sanitized little bubble. On the other hand, we can’t just immerse ourselves in every aspect of the world around us and let culture determine our lifestyle habits indiscriminately. Most filmmakers aren’t worrying about the impact of their movie on your soul. Most pop songs on iTunes don’t care whether they build up your faith or draw you closer to God. It is our responsibility to discern what we let into our lives and what we keep out.

If you’re a Christian, wouldn’t you agree that there has to be a line of right and wrong somewhere? A way to discern what pleases God and moves us closer to him instead of farther away? And can we trust our own sensibilities to know what’s truly best for us?

Could it be that we’ve become desensitized to what is right or wrong, good or evil, pleasing or displeasing to our holy God? Is it possible that what we consider normal entertainment could be dangerous to our souls? Do you think that what we consider laughable, entertaining, or simply fun, God might find heartbreaking?

For those of us who follow Jesus, everything we do, no matter where we go, should reflect our love and commitment to him. God is with us just as much when we’re in a dark movie theater laughing at F-bombs from comedic characters as he is when we’re in church singing in the choir.

Everything counts.

Everything that we allow into our minds, hearts, and lives — everything that we spend our time and money on — has an impact on how we grow, or don’t grow, spiritually. As the old computer adage reminds us: garbage in, garbage out. Just as we are what we eat physically, we are also what we consume spiritually. If we don’t monitor and adjust our diet accordingly, our souls are in danger of absorbing more and more lethal poison.

Muddy Waters

The Bible consistently reminds us to check our spiritual diet for toxins. Proverbs 25:26 says, Like a muddied spring or a polluted well are the righteous who give way to the wicked. How muddy is your water right now? Is your well polluted by all the cultural toxins seeping in? Or does your spiritual well draw on Living Water as its pure, thirst-quenching source? Maybe you’re a Christian — you’ve been made righteous by Christ — yet you’ve become a muddied spring or a polluted well, and you don’t even know it.

You might believe, My thoughts don’t matter. As long as they stay tucked away inside my head, they’re not hurting anyone. We all think about things that we’d never do, right? All the while your negative thoughts are silently poisoning your soul, pouring lies into your spiritual water supply. Unfortunately, our thoughts don’t just stay in our head, disconnected from our words and our actions. Unhealthy thoughts often lead to unhealthy words. Without even knowing it, you might be talking yourself, and others, out of God’s best.

Or maybe it’s the people that you hang with regularly. You know they aren’t full-on for God, but no big deal. You don’t want them to think you’re some kind of religious freak or anything. So you keep doing whatever they do, going wherever they go. Though you believe one thing, you live a totally different way.

Maybe you’ve resigned yourself to certain struggles in your life — anger, lust, discontentment — as nothing more than your personal quirks. It’s just the way I am, you tell yourself, all the while your spiritual enemy laughs at the cancer you continue to feed in your soul.

Rather than experiencing the richness of a dynamic, intimate relationship with the righteous One, you put God in a little box that you can check off your to-do list each week. By settling for rules and religion and feeling pretty good about how much you’re doing for the church and those less fortunate, you become blinded to legalism and self-righteousness.

It’s time to come clean.

If you’re tired of the stain of sinful habits discoloring your life, if you long to breathe the fresh, clean, life-giving air of God’s holiness, if you would love to detoxify your soul from guilt, fear, regret, and all the impurities that pollute your relationship with God, then this book is for you. In the pages that follow, we’ll examine the various pollutants that often corrupt our spiritual desire to know and serve God. Some can be avoided as we become more discerning and remove them from our surroundings. Others may linger like smoke in the air but can be managed in ways that will alleviate their impact.

My prayer is that what you read will push you, challenge you, and at times even make you mad. If you’re aware of the truth, then you should be upset, because you’ve been breathing smoke-polluted thoughts, life-draining words, and sin-filled actions without realizing the toll they’re taking on your relationship with God. Deep down, you know there’s a truer way to live, a deeper, purer way to love, and a larger impact to make on the world around you. It’s time to open your eyes, your heart, and your mind to the cleansing power of God’s truth.

His Word is filled with stories of men and women who needed to come clean, who longed for more. One of my favorites is David, who’s described as a man after God’s own heart but, as you may know, was far from perfect. Shortly after he committed adultery and murder, David experienced a soul sickness that affected him on every level — physical, emotional, and spiritual. He knew his sins of lust, entitlement, and deception were killing his heart. He knew the only way to be restored and experience a joyful, fulfilling life again was to come clean before God. In his prayer of repentance, he wrote,

Wash away all my iniquity

  and cleanse me from my sin.

Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;

  wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

Create in me a pure heart, O God,

  and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Restore to me the joy of your salvation

  and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

— Psalm 51:2, 7, 10, 12

Wouldn’t you like to come clean? To feel your Father’s love wash over you like the cool, crystal waters of a spring-fed stream? To leave the smoke-filled room where you’ve been hiding and come into his life-giving light? To breathe in fresh spiritual air?

It’s not too late.

If you want to detoxify your soul and renew your faith, if you want more from your relationship with God, then turn the page.

Part 1



Deception Infection

Telling Ourselves the Truth

The ingenuity of self-deception is inexhaustible.

— Hannah Moore

As a pastor, I rarely confess to watching American Idol, since it sounds kind of … idolatrous. Nevertheless, I’ve been known to catch a few weeks each season (or maybe all of them, but who’s counting?). My favorites are the first few shows

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