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Dangerous Prayers: Because Following Jesus Was Never Meant to Be Safe
Dangerous Prayers: Because Following Jesus Was Never Meant to Be Safe
Dangerous Prayers: Because Following Jesus Was Never Meant to Be Safe
Ebook165 pages2 hours

Dangerous Prayers: Because Following Jesus Was Never Meant to Be Safe

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Be inspired to pray boldly, pray powerfully, pray with passion, and trade ineffective prayers and lukewarm faith for raw, daring prayers that will transform your daily life.

Do you ever wonder if God answers your prayers? Do you wish you could see the evidence that prayer changes lives? Do you long for more than playing it safe in your faith? Join New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel as he helps you discover the power of authentically communicating with God, breaking out of the restrictive spiritual safety bubble, and expanding your ideas about what's possible with God.

The Bible tells us that prayer has the power to move God's heart, but some prayers move him more than others. He wants more for us than a tepid faith and half-hearted routines at the dinner table. God called you to a life of courage, not comfort.

In Dangerous Prayers, Groeschel will show you how to pray the prayers that search your soul, break your habits, and send you out to pursue the calling God has for you. But be warned: If you're fine with settling for what's easy, or if you're okay with staying on the sidelines, this book isn't for you. You'll be challenged. You'll be tested. You'll be moved to take a long, hard look at your heart. But you'll be inspired, too.

Dangerous Prayers will give you the encouragement and tools you need to:

  • Transform the patterns around your daily prayer life
  • Truly embrace and believe in the power of intentional prayer
  • Start to pray daring, faith-filled, God-honoring, life-changing, world-transforming prayers

You'll discover the secret to overcoming fears of loss, rejection, failure, and the unknown, and you'll welcome the blessings God has for you on the other side. But best of all, you'll gain the courage it takes to pray dangerous prayers.

Release dateFeb 4, 2020

Craig Groeschel

New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel is the founding and senior pastor of Life.Church, which created the free YouVersion Bible app and is one of the largest churches in the world. He has written nineteen books and hosts the top-ranking Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast. As a widely respected leader in the Church, Craig speaks frequently at leadership events and conferences worldwide. Craig and his wife, Amy, live in Oklahoma. Connect with Craig at www.craiggroeschel.com.

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Reviews for Dangerous Prayers

Rating: 4.888888888888889 out of 5 stars

18 ratings4 reviews

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Readers find this title to be an amazing and soul convicting book on praying selflessly. It is straight to the point and honest, with the author being open and honest about the power of praying dangerously. Readers are grateful for the impact it has had on their spiritual lives.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Awesome book I love everything about this book it really spoke to me.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Straight to the point and honest! Soul Convicting. So good. From the first page to the last Pastor Craig is open and honest not only with how praying dangerously is purposeful but powerful for your own self but for others as well. I read this in a day and am convicted to put this into practice in my own spiritual life. Thank you.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good book on praying selflessly and learning to seek the Lord and serve Him overs self service.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazing book, it gave truly blessed me to pray Dangerous Prayers...

Book preview

Dangerous Prayers - Craig Groeschel

title page

This book is dedicated to my mom.

Thank you for praying faithfully all those years.

Your prayers made all the difference.

I love you and honor you.



Title Page



Author Note


Part 1: Search Me

Chapter 1.1: Search Me

Chapter 1.2: Truth or Dare

Chapter 1.3: The State of Your Heart

Chapter 1.4: Hard Choices

Chapter 1.5: Reveal My Fears

Chapter 1.6: Uncover My Sins

Chapter 1.7: Lead Me

Part 2: Break Me

Chapter 2.1: Break Me

Chapter 2.2: Burst Your Bubble

Chapter 2.3: Status Quo

Chapter 2.4: Broken and Released

Chapter 2.5: Breaking Bread

Chapter 2.6: Jack-in-the-Box

Chapter 2.7: Breaking Bad

Chapter 2.8: Bound by Brokenness

Chapter 2.9: Blessed by Brokenness

Part 3: Send Me

Chapter 3.1: Send Me

Chapter 3.2: When God Calls, Answer

Chapter 3.3: Glory to God

Chapter 3.4: A Sinner Saved by Grace

Chapter 3.5: Daily Nourishment

Chapter 3.6: A Single Act of Faith

Chapter 3.7: Your Will Be Done

Chapter 3.8: Now What’s the Question?

Conclusion: Disturb Me, Lord


Pray a Dangerous Prayer Today

Discussion Questions

Also by Craig Groeschel


Thank you for purchasing Dangerous Prayers! All of the author’s proceeds from this book will support Bible access and translation efforts through the YouVersion Bible App.


why your prayers need to be dangerous

Hey, Craig, do you believe God still does miracles?

Of course, I said.

"Good—because your prayers are so lame."

I tried to laugh with him, but my friend’s joke stung—mostly because he was right. We had just left a prayer service together, back when I started working in ministry. My buddy knew me well enough to tease me, but I suspect he was also making a point. Left speechless, I offered no defense as I processed the truth of his observation. I couldn’t deny that he voiced a secret I already knew but didn’t want to admit: my prayers were pathetic.

As a young pastor at the time, I should have had a handle on prayer. It’s one of those job responsibilities, like preaching and greeting people after the service, I should’ve mastered. But praying long, focused, eloquent, and powerful prayers to the God-I-couldn’t-see had always been challenging for me. I wasn’t comfortable praying in a King James dialect of thees and thous—like trying to perform Shakespeare. But I wasn’t satisfied just rambling in a shoot-the-breeze, best-buddy tone with the Creator and Sustainer of the universe either.

And even when I did pray, I had a difficult time focusing for long. Which meant I’d try even harder the next time. But no matter how hard I’d try, I always seemed to fall back into the same old prayer rut. I’d pray about the same things. In the same ways. Usually around the same time.

Looking back, I wonder if sometimes God got bored with my prayers. When I’d pray, Lord, show us traveling mercies and keep us safe, I could imagine him saying, What are you worried about? Just drive the speed limit and wear your seatbelt. You’ll be fine. Or when I prayed, God, bless our food, I just knew he was probably thinking, Really? You want me to bless boxed macaroni and cheese and some potato chips?

As I studied the Bible more, I marveled at the variety of prayers spoken by God’s people. Not only did they pray about things that were incredibly personal—to conceive a child, for instance (1 Sam. 1:27)—but also their prayers were often so practical, for food and provision (Matt. 6:11) and escape from their enemies (Ps. 59:1–2). Sometimes they seemed to gently whisper to a loving God. Other times they yelled at him in agony and frustration.

They often pleaded with God sincerely. Then later they’d cry out from the depths of their anguish and rail at God like a tired toddler thrashing in the arms of a parent. They prayed for boldness to share their faith. They prayed for walls, both internally and externally, to fall. Daniel prayed for the mouths of hungry lions to be shut, and Jonah prayed for the belly of a hungry whale to be opened. Gideon prayed for his fleece to be wet one day and dry another. God’s people prayed whether they were giddy with joy or crushed by sorrow.

Their prayers were honest. Desperate. Fiery. Gutsy. Real.

And there I was praying that God would keep me safe and bless my burger and fries.

My friend was right.

My prayers were lame.

Maybe you can relate. It’s not that you don’t believe in prayer. You do. But you’re stuck in a rut. You pray about the same struggles and the same requests. In the same way. At the same time. If you even try to pray at all. Like me, you probably know you should pray more. And with more passion. More faith. You want to talk to God and to listen to him, to share an intimate conversation like you would with your spouse or best friend. You really want to but aren’t sure how. So your prayers remain safe.

Flat. Dull. Predictable. Stale.


My friend’s wake-up call convinced me that it was time for a change in my prayer life. For too long, I had tolerated lackluster, faithless, and mostly empty prayers. I knew God wanted more for me, and I wanted to know him more intimately, despite my hesitation about what it would require of me.

To get there, I began by unpacking some of my spiritual baggage. For years, I’d felt deep shame about my half-hearted prayer life—me, a pastor. If you’ve ever felt insecure about your prayer life, think about what it’s like to be a pastor. I’m supposed be a prayer warrior—full of fierce, unrelenting faith and unbridled, Spirit-led power. And yet I found myself drifting while trying to pray.

In the middle of a prayer, whether praying silently or aloud, my mind would bounce from one thing to the next. Dear God in heaven, I pray that you heal my friend who has cancer. Work in her life now in the name of . . . I really need to go to the hospital to see her again. Oh wait, I haven’t changed the oil in the car. And we’re out of cereal. The kids are gonna kill me. And Amy has a doctor’s appointment today—did we pay that last insurance bill? I can’t believe how much it’s going up this year! Oh, yeah, this week’s sermon—still need to find a strong illustration  . . . Oh, I’m sorry, Lord, what were we talking about?

To make matters even worse, I always dreaded prayer meetings. (Talk about feeling guilty.) They seem to last forever with people who not only know how to pray but also love to pray. Not to mention that whenever you have to hold hands with others in a prayer time, it seems to get weird really quick. On one side is always the Vise. The louder she prays, the harder she squeezes. God, we bind up the work of the devil, IN JESUS’ NAME! Squeeze. Squeeze. Squeeze. Your knuckles turn white as you lose feeling up to your elbow. But then on the other side, you often have the Fish, a cold, pulseless hand barely grasping yours. The Vise cuts off your circulation while the Fish makes you eager to shrug off that clammy appendage passing as a hand.

And there’s always the Power Pray-er, the person who loves to pray loud and proud. You know, the one who quotes tons of Bible verses and makes you feel even more inadequate. God, you said in your Word in Deuteronomy 28 that we would be the head and not the tail. We know from John 3:16, Lord, that you so loved the world. With so many numbers thrown around, by the end you feel like you’ve been listening to a lecture on accounting.

Then there’s always the Competitor. When I was a new Christian in college, I frequently experienced this kind of prayer one-upmanship with my roommate. He’d pray loud and long, sounding so sure of himself, and display his vast knowledge of God and the Bible. Feeling pressure not to be outdone, I’d up my game but usually found myself taking it too far. Since I didn’t know much about the Bible then, I’d just roll out things that sounded powerful and Bible-like. "God, you said in your Word that you are not only Jehovah Jireh but that you are also Jehovah, um, let’s see, um, Jehovah Ni . . . um, Nissan. Yes—you are Jehovah NISSAN! And, Lord, you are good. You are good to, um, to the . . . God, you are good to the last drop. And your Word is so sweet, like honey on our lips, and it tastes so good . . . it, um, it melts . . . in our mouths . . . and not in our hands. Oh, God, like a good neighbor . . . you’re always there!"

These weren’t my only prayer problems. Too often, praying just didn’t make any sense. It seemed like God would often respond quickly to my meaningless requests, like the time I almost jokingly asked God to heal our broken air-conditioning unit, and he did. Then I’d fast for days and pray my guts out for months that God would heal a friend from a disease, and he didn’t. Sometimes I believed in the power of prayer, and other times I wondered whether it was all a big waste of time.

Since those early years, I’ve learned quite a bit about prayer. For one thing, God hates showy prayers, so there’s no pressure, no right way other than being open and honest with him. Jesus repeatedly railed against the Pharisees for praying long, loud, and fancy prayers that lacked authenticity. Christ taught us, And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full (Matt. 6:5).

God hates showy prayers, so there’s no pressure, no right way other than being open and honest with him.

Instead of long, loud, and fancy, the prayers that move God are simple, authentic, and heartfelt. But simple is not the same as safe. And that’s the reason I’m compelled to write this book. The biggest mistake I made in my prayer life, the reason my prayers were so lame, is because I prayed too safely. I was in a comfort zone with God, built on lame, half-hearted communication. I wasn’t on fire and I wasn’t cold. My prayers were tepid. But safe, lukewarm prayers don’t draw

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