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Every Move You Make (Unnatural Selection #2)
Every Move You Make (Unnatural Selection #2)
Every Move You Make (Unnatural Selection #2)
Ebook120 pages2 hours

Every Move You Make (Unnatural Selection #2)

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In the sequel to 'Unnatural Selection', Nick and Anton have settled into a comfortable arrangement with Nick dropping over on his free days for sex and company. This suits Nick just fine - even though he knows Anton wants more. Attending a glamorous event pushes them into the public eye as a couple, leading to unmerciful teasing from Nick's friends. He doesn't mind too much until the attention turns deadly, and he must discover who's harrasing his friends and lover, before somebody ends up dead.

Release dateOct 21, 2011
Every Move You Make (Unnatural Selection #2)

Ann Somerville

Ann Somerville is white, Australian, heterosexual, cisgendered. She/her.

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    Every Move You Make (Unnatural Selection #2) - Ann Somerville

    Every Move You Make

    Ann Somerville

    ‘Every Move You Make’ Copyright © 2011 by Ann Somerville

    Cover image © Shirley - Fotolia.com. Additional cover design by Kiri Moth

    All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

    There is no Department of Biology and Environmental Studies at the Open University and all details regarding this institution including characters who are staff or students, are entirely fictitious or fictionalist and not based on any person, alive or dead. The Open University is, however, a real institution, and one I am proud to be an alumnus of. Visit their website for more details on how to study there: http://www.open.ac.uk/

    For more information please visit my website at http://logophilos.net

    Smashwords Edition 1, October 2011

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Published by Ann Somerville

    Chapter 1

    When I walked into Anton’s living room, the world’s sexiest lemming expert was sitting on his sofa, peering at his laptop, surrounded—as usual—by paper. He looked up and smiled at me.

    Oh there you are. He shoved a pile of letters onto the floor, closed his laptop and put it on the chair next to him. He patted the seat. What are you waiting for?

    For you to stop pissing around.

    He growled in annoyance but put his arms around me as I sat beside him. I kissed him, tasting him and satisfying my curiosity as to what he’d had for supper. There was no secret as to what I’d had, of course. I leaned my forehead against his, enjoying the cosiness of being with him.

    Bad day?

    Just long. Looking forward to the weekend. I kissed him again. What are you up to? It was OU day, wasn’t it?

    No, not this week. I went to the Natural History Museum library, and visited the Mammal section.

    Yuck. Dead things again.

    He grinned. Sadly yes.

    I grunted. Explains why you smell of chemicals.

    He sniffed at his shirt. I suppose I do.

    I nodded at the pile of paper on the floor. What’s all this?

    Um. Letters.

    He was blushing. Anton blushing is like catnip to me, so I nuzzled his cheek. Hmmm? Letters? What kind of letters?


    I didn’t catch that.

    Fan mail, you tiresome detective person. Letters from my fans.

    I hooted. You’re embarrassed.

    "Well, it is embarrassing. I’m just me."

    Sexy Anton on the telly with all those impressionable young people drooling over you. Should I be jealous? I reached for one of the letters. It was written in orange pencil on lined paper. ‘Dear Anton Marber. I want to go with you to the artik. I have a good coat and a hat and I am very good in snow. Please, can you ring me when you are going to the artik again? I have a phone and this is my number. Love Lucia.’ She sounds smitten.

    She’s seven. That’s about average.

    I raised an eyebrow. Your fans are all children?

    "No, the letters I answer are from children. Karl’s assistant filters out the ones from adults and sends a generic thank you, but I always answer the kids. When I was seven, I wrote to David Attenborough, telling him I wanted to study mammals like he did and asked him if he could bring me back a lemur from Madagascar."

    Did he?

    Of course not. But he did write back the most charming letter saying that because the lemurs were endangered it was best not to take them out of the wild, but to look at the ones bred by zoos. He also gave me advice on what to study if I really did want to learn about mammals. He took my plan quite seriously, and no one had done that before. It’s because of his letter that I became a zoologist.

    I leaned back and looked at him. You’ve never mentioned this.

    He frowned. Haven’t I? I’ve told a lot of people. Maybe it didn’t come up. Sor— Oops.

    Well done. I kissed him for remembering not to apologise unnecessarily. I’ve never seen you dealing with these before either.

    I usually do it on the train to Milton Keynes. But ever since ‘Arctic Spring’ was shown, the volume of letters, especially from kids, has gone up five hundred percent. It’s a bit of a struggle to keep up. And I didn’t go to the OU this week so.... He waved at the pile. I don’t like to make them wait.

    You’re adorable.

    Why thank you, Watson.

    I pinched the end of his nose gently. "But you like to make me wait, don’t you?"

    He grabbed my hand and pulled it away from his face, entwining his fingers in mine. Not too long because that means I have to wait too. And right now, I’m tired of waiting. Come upstairs now. A week without you is too long.


    My favourite part about making love with Anton is definitely the cuddling afterwards. Orgasms are great, but they’re only a few seconds of pleasure. I can snuggle with him afterwards for ages and never tire of it. After the frustrating day I’d had, I definitely needed a cuddle. Anton was happy whatever we did—fucking, kissing, holding each other, or sleeping like spoons with me holding his hand over his flat stomach. All he wanted from me was to be physically close. Suited me just fine.

    Snuggling after a long, frustrating day was as good as a sleeping pill, and my eyelids would not stay open, even though listening to Anton talking quietly about this and that—his research, Karl’s latest ideas, which scientist had come out with the latest outrageous theory that he would have to respond to—was also one of the best bits of making love to him. Most of it I let wash over me, because he’d tell me again if he thought I really needed to know.

    But then he said something that sounded suspiciously like....

    Baftas? Did you say Baftas?

    Yes. Do you want to go?

    I yawned. Not desperately. Are you going?

    Yes. The documentary was nominated, and Karl thought it would be good if I showed up. He’s a member of the Academy so he booked the dinner and ceremony ages ago, but the nominations just came out. Karl thinks I should bring you.

    Isn’t it evening dress only?

    Black tie. You can wear a nice suit.

    I thought about my one and only suit, the one I wore to court and funerals as needed, and only when needed. I hated suits. I don’t—

    I’d love it if you did come.

    I groaned to myself. Anton was one of the least selfish, most giving people I’d ever met in my life. He rarely asked for anything, and never for anything big. Here, he was offering me an invite to one of the most glittering events in London, and making out I’d be doing him a favour. I really don’t have a decent suit, Anton. You’ve seen the one I own.

    Yes. He managed to convey the depths of his horror at the memory with that one syllable. Let me buy you one? A really nice bespoke black suit will fit you like a glove, and you’ll get a lot of wear out of it.

    Hang on, you can’t buy me an expensive suit. I can afford my own clothes.

    I know...but I want to. I know a wonderful tailor, and you’d look fantastic. He squeezed. If you insist, you could pay what you normally would for a new suit and I’ll pick up the rest. Please, Nick? I’m dying to show you off.

    I sighed and kissed his cheek. All right. But I’ll get so much crap from the guys at work.



    I’m not apologizing, I’m empathizing.

    Hmmm. I don’t want you getting into the habit of buying me expensive things. He’d given me an iPhone for Christmas. I’d given him a waterproof housing for his camera that Karl had told me Anton had been after. The camera thing probably cost close to what he’d spent on the iPhone, but to me, the iPhone was extravagant because I already had a phone. To Anton, Apple products were a necessity. It was one of his few flaws.

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