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Pie for Seven April 2013
Pie for Seven April 2013
Pie for Seven April 2013
Ebook62 pages52 minutes

Pie for Seven April 2013

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About this ebook

Pie for Seven is a collection of short stories. We serve up stories of love, kindness, faith, hope, acceptance, delight, and tenderness every month. This April 2013 Edition features the stories, "I Am Her Daughter" and "Friday Night Parties."

PublisherJulie Boyles
Release dateApr 22, 2013
Pie for Seven April 2013

Julie Boyles

I'm Julie Boyles the founder of Pie for Seven. I live in the Midwest–Indianapolis Indiana to be specific with my husband, three teenagers, and three lovable dogs. In my adult life I've done everything from managing an alterations workshop with the most wonderful people from seven different nations, to cooking lunches at a daycare, to painting oil portraits and still lifes, to most recently making and selling beautiful leather journals for the last five years. I have thoroughly enjoyed every job I've ever had, but the Pie for Seven project means so much to me. It's shaping up to be something I'll love doing or a long time to come. My family, friends and I will be writing stories, publishing a magazine, creating art and shooting videos in this project. Very soon we'll also have a special place to help authors get their books out into the world. We'll also have public speaking events so we can come visit your organization and talk about the stories of life.

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    Book preview

    Pie for Seven April 2013 - Julie Boyles

    Pie for Seven

    April 2013

    By Julie J Boyles

    Published by Brooks Street Publishing at Smashwords

    Copyright 2013 Julie J Boyles

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-soldor given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and didn't not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return toSmashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard workof this author.

    The Menu

    Table of Contents

    Now Serving

    Love - If Not For You

    Acceptance - Grace For Me

    Faith - I Am Her Daughter

    Hope - Teaching Is A Gift

    Tenderness - Old Dogs

    Kindness - Friday Night Parties

    Save Your Fork

    Now Serving

    Life is just bursting with firsts isn’t it? The first time riding a bike, first date, first kiss, and on and on. This inaugural issue of Pie for Seven magazine feels just like all those firsts did. I’m nervous, excited, happy, and just about ready to jump out of my skin with anticipation.

    This first issue has been a labor of love for me and my family. One year ago when the idea for this project was just a little seed, I had no inkling where it would lead. I’ve learned a lot of new skills to put this magazine together and am pretty sure I’m not done yet.

    I hope you enjoy this book. As you look through it I would encourage you to savor the stories and words. This isn’t one of those quick flip through books. Pie for Seven is meant to be taken in and enjoyed just like you would while having pie and coffee with your best friend. It will do us all good to slow down and take more time for each other, don’t you think?

    The stories If Not for You, I Am Her Daughter, and Friday Night Parties are fictional stories not based on any particular people or circumstances. They’re meant to serve as inspiration and I think you’ll find a universal thread of truth in each of those stories.

    So, here we go. Enjoy and savor this first issue of Pie for Seven and thank you for taking the time to have a look.


    If Not For You

    Written by

    Julie J Boyles


    Age 18

    Iowa, USA

    When I was eight years old my mom passed away suddenly. I kissed her goodbye in the morning before school and when I came home I found her lying on the kitchen floor unconscious. She died at the hospital that night from a stroke. One minute I had a mom, and the next I was an orphan. Alone.

    We lived near Mason City, Iowa. My dad died before I was born. Mom did the best she could, working at the dry cleaners in town. We lived in a little one bedroom house along the railroad tracks. It might sound bleak but we were happy to be together and took care of each other. I didn't know I had grandparents then. I thought it was just Mom and me.

    The night my mom died I was taken to the hospital by our neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Newman. The Newman's lived a few houses down the road from us. Mrs. Newman was always very kind to me. She would give me cookies once in a while and watch me sometimes if Mom worked late. Mr. Newman would come and fix things around the house when Mom asked him to. He taught me a lot about repairing things and to this day I can still swing a hammer pretty well.

    At the hospital that night there was a lot of activity going on after my mom died. I was scared to death and just sat in the corner of her room crying. The lady from Children's Services was there. She needed to take me to an emergency foster care home until a guardian could be found for me. Mr. and Mrs. Newman wouldn't hear of it. They insisted on taking me home with them that

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