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Explorations of Mathematical Models in Biology with MATLAB
Explorations of Mathematical Models in Biology with MATLAB
Explorations of Mathematical Models in Biology with MATLAB
Ebook418 pages3 hours

Explorations of Mathematical Models in Biology with MATLAB

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Explore and analyze the solutions of mathematical models from diverse disciplines

As biology increasingly depends on data, algorithms, and models, it has become necessary to use a computing language, such as the user-friendly MATLAB, to focus more on building and analyzing models as opposed to configuring tedious calculations. Explorations of Mathematical Models in Biology with MATLAB provides an introduction to model creation using MATLAB, followed by the translation, analysis, interpretation, and observation of the models.

With an integrated and interdisciplinary approach that embeds mathematical modeling into biological applications, the book illustrates numerous applications of mathematical techniques within biology, ecology, and environmental sciences. Featuring a quantitative, computational, and mathematical approach, the book includes:

  • Examples of real-world applications, such as population dynamics, genetics, drug administration, interacting species, and the spread of contagious diseases, to showcase the relevancy and wide applicability of abstract mathematical techniques
  • Discussion of various mathematical concepts, such as Markov chains, matrix algebra, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, first-order linear difference equations, and nonlinear first-order difference equations
  • Coverage of difference equations to model a wide range of real-life discrete time situations in diverse areas as well as discussions on matrices to model linear problems
  • Solutions to selected exercises and additional MATLAB codes

Explorations of Mathematical Models in Biology with MATLAB is an ideal textbook for upper-undergraduate courses in mathematical models in biology, theoretical ecology, bioeconomics, forensic science, applied mathematics, and environmental science. The book is also an excellent reference for biologists, ecologists, mathematicians, biomathematicians, and environmental and resource economists.

Release dateDec 24, 2013
Explorations of Mathematical Models in Biology with MATLAB

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    Explorations of Mathematical Models in Biology with MATLAB - Mazen Shahin




    In this section we introduce dynamical systems, discuss discrete dynamical systems vs. continuous dynamical systems and informally define a mathematical model.

    1.1.1. Model 1.1: Population Dynamics, A Discrete Dynamical System

    Consider the population of a city with a constant growth rate per year. The population is counted at the end of each year. For simplicity, assume that there is no immigration to or emigration from the city.

    i. Model the population dynamic and predict the long-term behavior of the system.

    ii. In 2010, the city’s population was 100,000. The natural annual growth rate of the population is 1% per year. Predict the city’s population in 2020. Estimate the population over the next 30 years and graph it. What is the long-term behavior of the population?


    i. We will measure the population at discrete time intervals in one-year units. Let

    pn = population size at the end of the time period (year), n.

    p0 = the initial population size, 0.

    r = the constant growth rate per period (year).

    The relationship between the current population, pn, and the next population, pn+1, is


    Therefore, the population dynamics can be modeled by equation 1.1.

    Equation 1.1 is a difference equation (or recurrence equation). The system 1.1 and the initial value, p0, represent the population dynamics. Because the population changes over time, this system is a dynamical system. Because this dynamical system changes over discrete time intervals, the system is called a discrete dynamical system. We say that the population dynamics is modeled by the discrete dynamical system (or the difference equation 1.1).

    To find pk, use p0 in equation 1.1 to find p1, then use p1 to find p2 and so on until pk. This process is called iteration of the difference equation 1.1, and the sequence 1.2,


    for any value of k (positive integer) is called a solution or numerical solution of the given difference equation 1.1.

    From equation 1.1, if the current value of pn is known, the next value, pn+1, can be calculated. For example, if we have p5 we can calculate p6. However, if we have p0, equation 1.1 does not allow us to calculate, for example, p6 in one step. Therefore, we are in need of a closed form to calculate pn in one step if we know the values of p0 and n. It can be easily proven that


    Equation 1.3 is called the analytical solution of the difference equation 1.1.

    Equation 1.3 is an exponential function and will grow or decay exponentially, depending on the value of r. If r > 0, then (1 + r) > 1, and therefore population size, pn, grows unbounded when n is very large. If r < 0, then (1 + r) < 1, and consequently, the population size approaches zero when n is very large.

    ii. Let’s apply the model just discussed to the given information, where r = 0.01 and p0 = 100,000. The city’s population is modeled by the system


    To find the population in 2020 (10 years from 2010), we use equation 1.3 with n = 10 and p0 = 100,000. We are looking for p10. We have

    One way to find the values of p1, p2, … , p30 is to iterate equation 1.4. Then graph the ordered pairs (n, pn). To illustrate how the iteration works, let’s see how to calculate, for example, p3. Set n = 0 in equation 1.4 to get p1,

    Then set n = 1 in equation 1.4 to get p2,

    Finally, setting n = 2 in equation 1.4 gives p3,

    In particular, to find P10, the answer to the original question, we can use the difference equation 1.4 and the initial condition to find the sequence p0, p1, p2, … , p10 which is 100,000; 101,000; 102,010; 103,030; 104,060; 105,101; 106,152; 107,213; 108,285; 109,368; 110,462. Thus p10 = 110,462.

    Usually we use MATLAB to iterate a difference equation. We will introduce MATLAB in Section 1.3. The graph of pn, n = 0, 1, 2, … , 30 vs. n is shown in Figure 1.1.

    The analytical solution and numerical solution of equation 1.4 show that the city population slowly grows unbounded as n becomes very large.

    1.1.2. Model 1.2: Population Dynamics, A Continuous Dynamical System

    Consider the following situation. There are some bacteria in a tube with a nutritive solution. As time progresses, the bacteria reproduce by splitting and dying. Assuming that there is enough food and space for the bacteria, model the dynamics of the bacteria. Investigate the long-term behavior of the model.

    FIGURE 1.1. Graph of a city’s population after n years, pn, vs. time, n, in years. The population is modeled by the difference equation pn + 1 = 1.01pn, with the initial population p0 = 100,000 and n = 0, 1, … , 30.


    Let p(t) be the bacteria’s population size (number of bacteria) at time t and p(0) = p0. Assume that the growth rate r = b d, where b is the birth rate and d is death rate. The assumption that there is enough food and space means there is no restriction on the increasing number of bacteria. Therefore, the rate of change of bacteria’s population size is proportional to the bacteria’s population p. Consequently, the dynamic of the bacteria is modeled by the dynamical systems 1.5 and 1.6:



    Equation 1.5 is a first-order ordinary differential equation and equation 1.6 is called the initial value (condition). From the basics of differential calculus or differential equations, the solution of systems 1.5 and 1.6 is


    Knowing the values of r and p0, the population, p(t), can be evaluated at any time t. For r > 0, equation 1.7 implies that the population size, p(t), increases and grows unbounded as t , while r < 0 implies that the population size decreases and approaches zero as t .

    Because the change in the system 1.5 is continuous, this system is called a continuous dynamical system. Usually continuous dynamical systems are represented by one or more ordinary or partial differential equations. Note that the models discussed in this text are restricted to discrete dynamical systems. In other words, the text discusses only those models represented by difference equations.

    1.1.3. Why Modeling with Difference Equations is Adopted

    There are compelling reasons to restrict models in this text to difference equations, including

    1. Modeling with difference equations is a very powerful, yet simple tool for modeling dynamical systems in biology, ecology, the environment, and chemistry.

    2. Modeling with difference equations requires knowledge of algebra but does not require knowledge of differential calculus; modeling with differential equations requires a course in differential equations. This text targets freshman and sophomores majoring in the life sciences and mathematics, many of whom have not had a differential equations course.

    1.1.4. What is a Mathematical Model?

    The following is a possible informal definition of a mathematical model:

    A mathematical model is a translation of a real-world problem into mathematical notation by forming a mathematics problem corresponding to the real-world problem. Then mathematics tools, ideas, concepts, and techniques are used to solve the mathematics problem. The obtained solution is translated back into the real-world problem context.

    1.1.5. Basic Terminology of Difference Equations

    The order of a difference equation is equal to the difference between the largest and the smallest indices in the difference equation. For example, in the difference equations 1.1 and 1.4, the difference between the largest subscript, n + 1, and the smallest subscript, n, is 1. Therefore each of equations 1.1 and 1.4 is a first-order difference equation. The difference equation 1.8 is a second-order difference equation,


    Examples of first-order difference equations are









    A difference equation is called linear if its terms are not raised to a power other than 1 and if the terms are not multiplied together. Otherwise the difference equation is called nonlinear. For example, the difference equations 1.1, and 1.8–1.13 are linear. The difference equation 1.14 is nonlinear because yn is raised to the power of 2. Equation 1.15 is nonlinear because xn−1 is raised to the of power . In equation 1.16, two terms, yn+1 and yn, are multiplied together; therefore it is nonlinear.

    A first-order linear difference equation can be represented by the equation


    where an and bn are two known sequences, and an is a coefficient. Note that each of the sequences an and bn can be a constant sequence or can depend on n. When the sequence an is a constant, such as a, the difference equation


    is called a first-order linear difference equation with constant coefficients. When bn = 0, the difference equation is called homogenous and equation 1.17 becomes


    Equation 1.19 is called a first-order linear homogenous difference equation. If an = a, where a is a constant, equation 1.19 becomes


    and is called a first-order linear homogenous difference equation with constant coefficients. For example, the difference equations 1.1, 1.4 and 1.10 are first-order linear homogenous difference equations with constant coefficients, and equations 1.9 and 1.11 are first-order linear difference equations with constant coefficients.

    1.1.6 Exercises 1.1

    1. Suppose that the initial population of a species is 10,000 and the growth rate is 5% per year.

    A. Model this situation by a difference equation.

    B. Find the first five populations.

    C. Find the population size after 20 years.

    2. Assume that the population of a country is 100 million and the natural growth rate is 2% per year. Assume that 20,000 immigrants are allowed into the country every year.

    A. Model this situation by a difference equation.

    B. Find the population for the next 4 years.

    C. Find the population after 10 years.

    D. Can you predict the long-term behavior of the system?

    3. Assume that the kidneys remove 25% of an anesthetic substance from the body every hour. A patient is injected with 600 mg of the substance before a minor surgery on her tooth.

    A. Model this situation by a difference equation.

    B. Determine the amount of the substance in the patient’s body after the first 4 hr.

    C. What is the long-term behavior of the system?

    4. In 2000, a lake contained 800 lb of contamination. In the same year, a new plant started to dump 120 lb of the contaminant into the lake every year. Assume that 15% of the contaminant in the lake is naturally removed from the lake every year. Assume that this trend continues.

    A. Model the amount of contaminant in the lake at any year after 2000.

    B. Determine the amount of the contaminant in the lake in years 2001–2006.

    C. Can you determine the long-term behavior of the system?

    5. Identify the following difference equations as linear or nonlinear.

    A. xn+1 = 3xn + 2

    B. yn = 2yn−1 − 4n


    D. xn+1 = xnxn−1 + 6

    E. zn+2 = 2zn+1 − 3


    6. Determine the order of the following difference equations.

    A. xn+1 = 2xn + 6n

    B. xn+1 = 4xn − 2xn−1


    B. zn+2 = 2nzn+1 − 4zn

    C. zn+2 = 2zn−1 − 3


    7. Determine whether the following difference equations are homogenous or nonhomogenous

    A. xn+1 = 3xn + 6n

    B. yn+2 = 4yn+1 − 2yn

    C. xn+1 = 2xn + n² + 5n + 2

    D. yk+3 = 5yk+1 + 6

    E. zn = n²zn−1 − nzn−2

    F. zn+2 = n³zn+1 + 4zn + 2n

    8. Identify the order, linearity, and homogeneity of each of the following difference equations.

    A. xn+3 = 2xn+1 + 3xn n²

    B. yn+2 = 4xn+1xn − 4

    C. zn+1 = 3zn + 4n

    D. Pn+2 = 2nPn

    E. , where a and b are constants.

    F. xn+1 = rxn(1 − xn), where r is a constant


    It is useful to view mathematical modeling as a process, as illustrated in Figure 1.2 The modeling process is represented by a loop, where the starting point is Step 1, located in the upper-left-hand corner of the figure.

    1.2.1. Step 1: Formulate the Real-World Problem

    The first step is to get information pertaining to the system under consideration and identify the question(s) to be answered. The question should be neither too general nor too narrow. If the formulated question is too general, it is difficult to manage the problem; if the question is too narrow, the problem might become trivial. Because the question will be translated into mathematical notation, it should be stated in precise mathematical terms.

    FIGURE 1.2. The mathematical modeling process.

    As an example we consider two species in a forest, rabbits and foxes, where foxes eat rabbits and there is enough food for rabbits. We are interested in:

    1. Determining whether the rabbits and foxes could co-exist in this environment.

    2. Finding the equilibrium values of the system and determining if they are stable, unstable, or semistable.

    3. Modeling the dynamics of the interaction between the predator foxes and the prey rabbits, so we can predict the populations of rabbits and foxes at any year.

    4. Investigating the long-term behavior of the two species.

    1.2.2. Step 2: Make Assumptions

    It is very important to state the assumptions clearly. The construction of a mathematical model greatly depends on the assumptions. It is clear that a change in the assumptions would result in a different model. It is advisable to simplify assumptions, at least at the beginning, to make the model manageable. Therefore, some assumptions are made to simplify the model.

    We will use the predator–prey example to illustrate step 2. Because the forest is a complex ecosystem, we need to make the following assumptions to simplify the predator–prey model:

    i. There is enough food for the rabbits and the population of rabbits increases by a constant rate. That is, the rabbits’ population increases exponentially.

    ii. The population of rabbits decreases as a result of the interactions between rabbits and foxes.

    iii. The rabbits are the only source of food for foxes. Therefore, in the absence of rabbits the population of decreases by a constant rate and dies out. That is, the foxes’ population decreases exponentially.

    iv. The population of foxes increases as a result of the interactions between rabbits and foxes.

    v. The rabbits and foxes live in a closed environment. That is, that there is no interaction between these two species and other species, there is no emigration from or immigration to the forest, and there is no harvesting or hunting.

    1.2.3. Step 3: Formulate the Mathematical Problem

    In step 3 we enter the mathematics world. In the first part of this step we need to choose mathematical symbols for the variables and parameters. Recall that variables are quantities that change within the problem, whereas the parameters are constant within a problem.

    For example, in the predator–prey example we might choose the following variables:

    Rn = the population of the prey rabbits at the time period n.

    Fn = the population of predator foxes at time period n.

    n = the time periods in years, n = 0, 1, 2, … , k.

    For the parameters we might choose:

    a = the natural growth rate of rabbits in the absence of foxes, and a > 0.

    b = the death rate of rabbits as a result of the presence of foxes, and b > 0.

    c = the natural decay rate of foxes in the absence of rabbits, and c > 0.

    d = the growth factor of foxes due to the presence of rabbits, and d > 0.

    In the second part of step 3 we use the assumptions made in step 2 and the variables and parameters defined in the first part of step 3 to formulate the problem in mathematical notation. As a result of the formulation, the problem might be represented by a single algebraic, difference, differential, or matrix equation or by a system of algebraic, difference, or differential equations. The problem might be represented by an algorithm, and so on.

    For example, the predator–prey model may be represented by a system of the following linear difference equations



    or the following system of two nonlinear difference equations



    It is necessary to use the selected representation to answer the posed questions for the real-world problem.

    1.2.4. Step 4: Solve the Mathematical Problem (Model)

    In step 4 we use appropriate available mathematical, computational, or graphical tools and techniques to solve the mathematical problem (model). The solution might be an analytical solution (a closed-form mathematical expression), a numerical solution, or a graph. It might also be the implementation of an algorithm or the running/testing of a simulation.

    For example, there is an analytical solution of the predator–prey model represented by linear equations 1.21 and 1.22 in the form

    where , , and is the initial distribution vector.

    The matrix algebra allows us to investigate the solution fully. However, the modeler will

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