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The Devil Walks Beside Her
The Devil Walks Beside Her
The Devil Walks Beside Her
Ebook372 pages4 hours

The Devil Walks Beside Her

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'Deanna, vote for the legislation or die.'
Deanna Layne, a Suffolk County legislator pregnant with twins, fled to Fire Island terrified of being murdered before becoming a mother.
So begins Deanna's nightmare. She needs to survive a killer in an environment sated with unusual alliances, lethal relationships, and solutions.
Police and Mitchell Pappas come together again to try to save Deanna in a devious and perplexing revenge mystery filled with
love and hate that also turns Mitchell into a primary target to force him to search for answers among twins and shadows to save Deanna...and himself.

PublisherGus Leodas
Release dateJan 17, 2014
The Devil Walks Beside Her

Gus Leodas

Member Mystery Writers of America, International Thriller Writers, and Directors Guild of America.

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    The Devil Walks Beside Her - Gus Leodas

    Memo from Gus Leodas

    All my novels feature strong women, good or evil.

    And as Aristophanes wrote:

    'There is no animal more invincible than

    a woman, nor fire either, nor any wildcat

    so ruthless.'

    You will either love or hate my 'women', but they will entertain you."


    To my identical twin grandsons, Luke and Sam,

    who always double our smile and joy.

    "Never stop learning…about yourself.

    Live your life with pride, dignity, and self-respect.

    Accept the challenge of self-achievement.

    No matter how old you become, always have dreams and aspirations.

    When you have pride and respect yourself, the world will respect you.

    You make the footsteps of your lifetime, so walk confidently.

    Let the future generations know that you are here…a somebody whose life has meaning.

    Make us proud! Better, make your parents proud!

    Your grandparents, (lest you forget) - Carole and Gus Leodas."

    My thanks to Editor Bernard Sosnick.

    The Strong Women Novels by Gus Leodas

    (Amazon Best Seller author)



    Member: Mystery Writers of America, International Thriller Writers, Directors Guild of America

    The Forgotten Mission *

    (a World War II cold case mystery)

    (features a good woman)

    Investigator Mitchell Pappas finds artifacts on a Long Island farm belonging to WWII German spies. So begins his mission to unravel the mystery of the forgotten farm and the disappearance of the spies and the farmer's teenage daughter, Melissa.

    …Leodas promises action, drama and mystery. It is there.

    - New York Daily News

    Riveting. Written from the heart. An extremely tender perspective from the author's point of view.

    - Delray Beach Book Club

    - - -

    Unsafe Harbor *

    (features good and evil women)

    Selected as ForeWord Magazine's Book of the Year / Award Finalist.

    "Unsafe Harbor revolves around a series of unexplained murders at an exclusive yacht club. As Mitchell Pappas proceeds through the maze of possibilities, he isn't sure which way to turn. The outcome of Unsafe Harbor is a shocker, and it's a testimony to Leodas' writing skills that the reader is held in suspense until the very end."

    - The National Herald - Books Supplement

    A great book.

    - Writers Digest

    - - -

    Huntress *

    (a revenge thriller)

    (features a good woman)

    Ah, yes! As Lord Byron Wrote - Revenge is sweet especially to women.

    Attorney Victoria Nelson-Lee retaliates against a conspiracy of powerful politicians and rogue state troopers who kill her husband then deceives local police to help her revenge using clever clues and notes from Greek mythology signed Artemis, the Greek goddess of hunting. Police and investigative author Mitchell Pappas team up again to solve a baffling and elusive revenge thriller.

    …and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice

    Leodas sets up his novel with an intriguing premise; the reader is unsure of why exactly Victoria and Warren were forced to flee their home, and the quest for that answer is what drives the narrative forward. Once Victoria makes her fateful decision at Warren's funeral, the novel morphs into one full of action and excitement.

    - KIRKUS Book Review **

    "Been an avid Gus Leodas reader for quite some time now and he's STILL yet to disappoint. Huntress keeps you guessing from beginning to end and I promise that once you pick it up, you will NOT be able to put it down. Do yourself a favor and read it…you deserve it. An excellent book, possibly g.b.o.a.t."

    One of eight 5-star reviews on Amazon: By Dr. Franklin Montalban

    - - -

    A Sorority of Angels

    (features good women)

    Several determined and concerned women in influential positions at the United Nations unite to help solve hunger and poverty in their countries. What they encounter, what happens to each in the service of their country was unplanned. Theme: Women overcoming adversity.

    'A Sorority of Angels brings together the unique stories of five women working as aides to influential diplomats. In a successful literary device, each woman is embroiled in a dangerous, violent scheme of personal revenge. These women are more than entitled to their retribution, and their actions add a layer of legitimacy and intrigue to their mission. The effect is immediate and dramatic. The interesting premise makes for an entertaining read with more than one unexpected turn'.

    - KIRKUS Book Review **

    - - -

    The Letter from Magda

    (a mystery/thriller)

    (features a good woman)

    'My dearest Johanna,

    I pray you never have to read this letter while your father and I are alive.'

    So begins Magda's letter to her daughter urging her to change identity, and to run and hide. Unable to decipher her mother's warning letter after surviving an assault in Switzerland, a wounded Johanna Wagner returns home to uncover the family mystery. Johanna and Michael Warner, the doomed and surviving children of the condemned families, find each other and unite against pursuing killers as they run and hide to unravel the deadly mystery.

    'Johanna Wagner and Michael Warner become the unwitting catalysts in a tense conspiracy launched long before they were born. Both are children of wealthy parents and oblivious to the dangerous secrets of their parents' pasts. These secrets are soon violently revealed, as is their link to each other. The tension builds steadily as Leodas gradually pulls the storylines together in a chilling climax full of twists and turns. Johanna and Michael confront the deadly threats against them with surprising resourcefulness and tenacity. There's enough intrigue to keep the pages turning. Leodas continually moves the story forward.'

    - KIRKUS Book Review **

    - - -

    The Devil Walks Beside Her *

    (features an evil woman)

    'Deanna, vote for the legislation or die.'

    So begins Deanna Layne's nightmare. Pregnant with twins, she needs to survive a killer in an environment sated with unusual alliances, lethal relationships, and solutions.

    Police and Mitchell Pappas come together again to try to save Deanna in a devious and perplexing revenge thriller filled with love and hate that also turns Mitchell into a primary target to force him to search for answers among twins and shadows to save Deanna…and himself.

    * One of the exciting installments of the Mitchell Pappas mystery/thriller strong women series.

    **KIRKUS REVIEW is a leading book review company.

    Table of Contents

    Memo from Gus Leodas


    The Strong Women Novels by Gus Leodas

    PART I

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13


    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29


    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Another memo from Gus Leodas



    PART I


    Tuesday after Memorial Day.

    Deanna Layne, a Suffolk County legislator pregnant with twins, fled to Fire Island terrified of being murdered before becoming a mother.

    Apprehension clenched her lips with a stomach mimicking the Atlantic Ocean's roiling whitecaps. With a knuckle-whitening grip on the steering wheel, Deanna exceeded the speed limit by fifteen miles to meet two legislators who also opposed the controversial legislation and its unforeseen severe reaction. Mysterious letters and bribe attempts, and last night's phone calls laced with a dire consequence alarmed them and they agreed to meet in Ocean Beach where one owned a beachfront home.

    Their strong and vocal opposition to construct another highway through the South Fork (the lower fishtail of Long Island's geographical shape) to alleviate congestion in the popular and renowned Hamptons targeted them as potential prey.

    Each received an anonymous and perplexing letter.

    Deanna's read - 'You need to meet with Jude before July.'

    Harrison Morgan's read - 'Andrew will arrive soon.'

    Claudia Barone's read - 'James will meet with you within a week.'

    All envelope postmarks read Brooklyn, N.Y. They dismissed the letters until each received a late night anonymous and security-shattering phone call yesterday from a woman stating the same message, Vote for the highway or die.

    Deanna, twenty-seven years old, served as a first term legislator from Babylon, a town on the mainland across protected Great South Bay. Her election victory by an impressive margin attracted local media. Flattering images and interviews featured the young and attractive political phenomenon with a warm smile, exuberance, and a gift for public speaking.

    Descending the twin bridge causeway, Deanna turned east at the brick water tower traffic circle into the sprawling Parking Field 5 to park facing the nearby Coast Guard Station and historic Fire Island Lighthouse. She exited cautious, and scanned for danger. Four dozen or so vehicles parked farther south, about a football field distance, closer to the beach. She ignored the burst of waves and rushing sea breeze. Fear killed their existence.

    Wearing sneakers, Deanna hastened on the little used and unpaved inside dune road that cut through low sea grass clusters to reach Kismet, the most western Fire Island National Seashore community visible about a mile away. The road was a familiar route since teenage years when walked with friends. Deanna traveled a circuitous route that no potential killer would or should anticipate. Although terrified, she decided this route as safest and least traveled for today. She remained alert as a grounded wounded bird.

    Slow down, slow down, Deanna urged midway between Kismet and Parking Field 5, as she felt effects of her second trimester, and thought of her babies and now clouded future. She inhaled and exhaled several times to calm.

    Deanna checked her watch and slowed pace realizing plenty of time remained to make her emergency three o'clock meeting while repeatedly searching over her shoulder for a hunter. The sole nude beach on Fire Island, to the right, appeared naked beyond the dune. Reaching the small community of Kismet after a last look behind, she headed for the bay marina area.

    Whitecaps spared the bay. A water taxi waited for the two-mile trip on Great South Bay to Ocean Beach along with a young couple with a two-year-old boy. Deanna felt safer when the irresistible boy kept smiling at her to react to him. The boy was a temporary friendly breakthrough projecting her image as a mother. He forced her to smile. Once the boy captured her attention, he lost interest and turned to watch the waves and shore. Fear softened as they approached and landed in Ocean Beach. She said goodbye to the boy and parents then turned defensive and alert again. A ferry waited on the opposite side of the dock.

    A short walk remained to Legislator Harrison Morgan's beach house.

    Deanna relaxed, and felt optimistic of reaching the house.

    * * *

    Harrison Morgan chaired the Public Works and Transportation Committee. His hair thinned and cropped beard matured to salt-and-pepper. In late forties, Harrison served his fifth two-year term as a Suffolk County legislator while maintaining a successful law practice and primary residence in Smithtown.

    He boarded the ferry in Bay Shore for Ocean Beach, a six hundred home community and unofficial capital of Fire Island. A dozen people boarded along with island supplies, normal for a workday crossing with weekend visitors gone. This routine trip always exhilarated; escaping to his refuge for relaxation, joy, and perfect days, rain or shine; his Shangri-La away from long working hours. Harrison sat alone in a second row of wooden benches on the open top deck for a thirty-five minute ride to Ocean Beach with troubled thoughts that accepted all threats as real, erasing a perfect day.

    Harrison received panicked phone calls that morning from legislators Deanna and Claudia his Committee associates, and suggested meeting in secret at his beach house to agree on a strategy to survive their threats, and how to continue with Committee meetings. They chose him as their leader.

    On shore, he removed his sandals - an island habit for locals on paved, clean, and narrow roads - and strolled to his home on Ocean View Road to await Deanna and Claudia. A popular community activist, he served as president for four years at the Ocean Beach Homeowners Association. Here, all felt normal and sane, and secure.

    * * *

    Claudia Barone, fifty-two, parked her silver Lexus SUV at a ferry landing farther east in Sayville and rode the passenger ferry to Cherry Grove. She boarded a water taxi to Ocean Beach, unconcerned about six other passengers, three middle-age couples.

    No longer alone in her crisis, Claudia retained some fear, confident of overcoming the threats with Deanna and Harrison…especially Harrison. Claudia trusted Harrison's strong guidance having served with him for several years, and felt secure under his leadership - a friend. His suggestion to meet in Ocean Beach calmed her, unlike Deanna still in a high state of anxiety.

    On the water taxi, Claudia's thoughts changed to pleasant by thinking of her two married daughters and three grandchildren less than ten years old. A widow, her husband passed six-years ago. Time envisioned with her grandchildren always sculptured a dimpled smile and mental glow that erased all problems. An avid jogger, with a dark short hairstyle, she wore running shoes should a need arise to escape a stalking hunter.

    When she approached Harrison's white two-story house, the grandchildren's image vanished - back to reality and the meeting's dreadful subjects.

    Deanna reached the beach house a half-hour before Claudia. They extended their meeting to the second floor balcony that overlooked the beach when whitecaps vanished with a tempered breeze. They ended with a sandwiches dinner.

    Exchanging information, they speculated that Carnahan-Borodin, a major construction corporation based in Babylon and Brooklyn, offered their bribes through a third party. All rejected the bribes. Several days ago, they decided that if either legislator received another threat, they would visit with Detective Lieutenant Kenneth Mullins of the Suffolk Homicide Squad. They would ask for protection, initiate an investigation, and hold a news conference to expose their death-threatening plight.

    The three legislators came, met, ate, reviewed options, and survival strategy to stand together against shadow enemies, and to lobby other legislators to defeat the legislative proposal. The trio's official position was that the threats weren't from Carnahan-Borodin and never accused Chief Executive Officer Mel Carnahan, who enjoyed an impeccable professional reputation.

    After the meeting, Harrison walked with Deanna and Claudia to the water taxi dock near the ferry and small police station, the size of a backyard storage shed, and offered assurances that all will straighten out soon.

    They parted - Deanna first then Claudia by the way they arrived, with Harrison to stay overnight and return to the mainland in the morning for their meeting with Lieutenant Mullins…if they survive the day.

    * * *

    During Deanna's hastened walk back to her car, some meeting subjects replayed. Her letter - 'You need to meet with Jude before July.' - remained a puzzle. Deanna knew no one named Jude or why she had to meet with him. Familiar Judes were in The Beatles' song Hey, Jude and actor Jude Law who appeared in the movie Cold Mountain. Deanna again wondered how many legislators listened to bribe offers. How many did bribers control to win the hundred million-plus contract? Besides the trio, did others receive threats and a strange and undecipherable letter? Harrison promised to meet in private with legislators and ask.

    Deanna rubbed her expanding body while worried about her future, her life, and twin babies. Her proud ambition for public service and accomplishments evolved into a frightening life and death reality.

    Shadows lengthened with a setting sun and the rotating lighthouse beacon would soon reach into a darkening horizon. Deanna would feel safer when reaching her car. No one followed her from Kismet, no one ahead. She checked often. Thoughts of killed here and buried in the sand dunes and never found increased fright and quickened her pace. Passing the Fire Island Lighthouse, she could see her car in the distance through the brush. Vehicles thinned out before the park closed at dark. Fewer than a dozen scattered in the parking field. Three prepared to leave.

    A car parked next to hers.

    A man sat on the edge of her car's hood checking his watch, and waited.

    Deanna thought him familiar, as she got closer.

    He looked her way.

    She focused hard and recognized him.

    He wasn't expected.

    * * *

    Claudia Barone reviewed her meeting while in the water taxi that also boarded passengers at Ocean Bay Park and Point O'Woods, two Fire Island communities. The threatening phone call continued to upset Claudia, and her unsolved letter from Brooklyn puzzled; 'James will meet with you within a week.'

    Her water taxi reached Cherry Grove where she would board the ferry for the twenty-minute crossing to Sayville. An unfamiliar, tall, and handsome man waited for Claudia and approached her as all passengers disembarked before her.

    Hello, Claudia, the man said.

    The unexpected stranger raised her defenses and curiosity.

    Looking inquisitive, Claudia said without stopping to talk to him as she headed for the ferry slip, Do I know you? How did you know I'd be here?

    The man followed. I'm James, in the letter. We must talk about your grandchildren.

    She stopped abruptly and turned, horrified that something happened while away for the day. What? What about them?

    We cannot talk here. Come. Please. It's important. Follow me.

    The man passed her and walked to an open area away from the bay towards the Atlantic beach. Ferry activity sounds were faint from the beach. Frightened, she followed - heart raced with worry over a possible disaster, and wondered why her daughter Dolores never called her cellular to inform her. Dolores lived on Long Island, had two children, and expected a third.

    The man turned to Claudia as she hurried to him asking, Why are you here, what about my grandchildren?

    Shaking his head, he refused to reply.

    Damn it! Talk to me.

    He pointed to a woman waiting by the beach where the boardwalk ended. The woman carried an oversized handbag and faced the ocean.

    She needs to speak to you. Please go and see her.

    I won't go anywhere until you tell me.

    She'll tell you about them."You tell me now. Now!"

    She knows more, please.

    Who is she?

    The woman turned and lowered her hand away from her face. Claudia recognized her and with a frustrated expression mumbled 'shit'. The woman attended recent public meetings of the Legislature and often stared at Claudia. From her assigned legislative seat in the crescent shaped raised podium, Claudia avoided her on purpose.

    Claudia had reason to ignore her.

    The man whispered as he bumped her to move. I have a gun. Go to her, okay. Obey. I don't want to hurt you. Please move.

    Frightened for her grandchildren and her life, she obeyed.

    They approached the woman.

    Hello, Claudia, the woman said. The icy greeting matched her stare.

    What about my grandchildren? Claudia asked, angry.

    They're fine. Relax.

    Then what are you doing here?

    We needed to talk, something we never did. You always left meetings before I could reach the front.

    Claudia knew her problem and fled the meetings before she approached. With her grandchildren safe, she relaxed. The man never showed a gun. Claudia assumed he threatened to follow him.

    Not now, Claudia insisted. I have to catch the ferry. Come to the next meeting and we'll talk without my having to rush to another appointment. Goodnight. Claudia turned to leave and pointed a jabbing finger at her. "And don't ever threaten me again or I'll have a court order issued against you. She turned to the man. And that includes you."

    The woman, unfazed, nodded - a signal. The man grabbed Claudia's fingers and squeezed. Excruciating pain wrapped Claudia, wilting her knees. The woman searched the area to assure they had privacy. They did.

    She reared back and punched Claudia hard in the face. You do as you're told or he'll kill you, the woman said rubbing her knuckles. I'm not finished with you yet, bitch. I didn't come here for nothing.

    The gun threat returned. Pain and fear forced Claudia to go with them through a sand path to the dunes' edge as she held and rubbed her face to erase a numbing sting. Curiosity needed to say, Why are you here?

    Just shut the hell up, the woman said.

    Where are we going? Claudia asked.

    The woman stopped, turned to Claudia after scanning an empty beach, and ordered, Sit on the sand and don't move or talk or this time he'll punch you and break your face. He could disfigure you into the ugly and despicable parasite that you are.

    Claudia sat after the man squeezed her fingers harder.

    What are you doing? Claudia asked the woman.

    You'll know soon enough.

    Why are you here?

    The woman glared at Claudia with contempt, seething with hate saying, Enough. I told you to shut up.

    Claudia knew why she attended numerous Legislature meetings. Claudia grew more curious than frightened, expected a scolding, and a warning. A few minutes later, the loud ferry whistle blew its near departure signal.

    Claudia rebelled and stood, defiant. Enough of this game. I'm leaving. You're to blame for your problems, no one else, or are you too blind, and stupid to realize that? Take a good look in the mirror before you call anyone else despicable.

    The woman responded through gritted teeth, You're my problem, bitch - a never ending problem.

    As if the curse word served as a signal, the man stepped forward, and released a punch to Claudia's head that spun her to the ground unconscious.

    The man sat near Claudia and propped her up as if lovers should anyone come by. If anyone approached, he would have to kiss her. He didn't want to. That wasn't a part of his mission. They needed time to pass and for night to absorb twilight. The woman paced waiting for the crowd to board or disburse elsewhere, dark to arrive, and final departure whistle to blow. The whistle blew, ferry started to leave, and engines whirred louder. The dock emptied and no one headed towards them.

    After night arrived and area quieted, the man shook Claudia.

    Time to get up. Absent response, he shook again. Please get up.

    Claudia regained consciousness, moaned, and opened eyes to her nightmare, face swollen, and in pain. She felt the throbbing and swelling.

    The man lifted her to stand.

    Claudia felt groggy, unable to stand without support while seeing two moons.

    Follow me, the woman said.

    You have to follow her, the man said.

    Dazed to argue with these maniacs, she obeyed, too battered to resist. She rubbed her eyes and walked unsteady as a drunk. The man held and supported her towards the deserted rear of a nearby restaurant. The man forced her to behind a green garbage dumpster, spun her around, grabbed her, and snapped her neck all in a swift motion. He released her body.

    Claudia collapsed facing upwards, eyes and mouth wide open. The man turned her over and straightened her arms against her hips. As the man stood guard, the woman pulled out a butcher's meat cleaver from her handbag, kneeled, and chopped off Claudia's head. She cursed with gritted teeth at Claudia with every whack, as a crazed butcher.

    The slaughter to the woman served as a shot of heroin to a drug addict - needed and satisfying…a perfect payback for what Claudia did to her.

    * * *

    Early the next morning, a three-alarm fire destroyed Claudia's house. Claudia wasn't in the wreckage.

    A search began.

    No one knew where to find her.

    * * *

    After bidding Deanna and Claudia goodbye at the water taxi dock, Harrison meandered barefoot on narrow Bayberry Road to his home. Nearing the dune area and before turning right, he reviewed and passed the exterior remodeling by a neighbor to expand a porch. Roofing tiles, 2-by-4 and 4'-by-8' exterior boards stacked on the south facing side.

    Reaching home, Harrison sprawled in his favorite balcony chair, feet atop the railing to watch a dimming Atlantic, and listen to its melodic shore tempo. A lit cruise ship glided west with a golden halo for New York Harbor as an apparition. Harrison envisioned the ship's merriment and music, opposite of his distressed work environment.

    Recalling the meeting, he needed to appear confident with Deanna and Claudia to ease their concerns, especially Deanna,

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