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About this ebook

Stories inspired by the music and lyrics of Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground. A memory of Harlem in the 1920s. The lament of a young man as he finds himself in an unpleasant environment. An account of a serious barroom brawl framed by a description of a lifelong love of music. And more.

PublisherCat Oars
Release dateMay 13, 2011

Cat Oars

Cat Oars has rowed the rivers and stalked the squirrels. Cat Oars has sang, danced, laughed and loved. We are a group of like-minded writers of all shapes and sizes, colors and creeds and what we've written will change the way you feel about the universe and the life you've already lived and the life you have yet to experience.

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    Banana - Cat Oars


    A Cat Oars Publication


    Copyright 2011 Cat Oars

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only and lending to friends as commonly allowed. This ebook may not be re-sold.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of these authors.

    Table of Contents



    Plan B


    Jennie and the Diamond Ring


    What the Baby Birds Sing as They Fall From the Nest




    Mallory on Everest


    After the Storm




    Anna Vocalizing Angst


    Dickey Hartley’s Mallards


    The Jelly Man





    FOR BANANA I asked the Cat Oars writers to find a few words from a Velvet Underground or Lou Reed song that had some personal resonance, then blend them into a story, then write about why they picked that song and those lyrics. You may or may not agree with Sheisty and me that Sandshovel did the best job by far: a slow burn, simmering intensity all the way through, with a moving payoff at the end. R_Toady gets a special mention for the most ambitious effort. Just listen to the rhythms in his writing. And Ghostofmajestic unfurled a rather complex picture, then ran across the balance beam while holding it high, flew into the air, somersaulted and nailed a perfect landing. He makes it look too easy; you know it’s not as easy as he makes it look.

    And I do have to mention CGT. He named the romantic interest in his story after my Litfo handle. He wrote a touching story about baking a lemon meringue pie, a haunted chess board and falling in love. I’m honored.

    Thanks also to Litteratzi, TapasTonight and Laiadevorah for their stories, which were also very good. After I wrote this introduction, I put together the postscripts, which led me to read Tapas’ story again – and it’s not just very good, it’s very, very good.

    And after I wrote that last paragraph, Kohno sent me his story. It’s excellent. I started out thinking that this collection might not be as good as the others. Now I think it might be the best yet.

    Los Angeles

    July 12, 2006

    Plan B



    The veins in my boss’ neck rose as his face roasted red. He looked like a sad middle-aged thug, with oversized baggy jeans, green T-shirt and tasteless jewelry. I’d planned my little speech from start to finish, and practiced it in front of the mirror. My daughter had given me pointers on stance and eye contact, but as I stared into those alcohol tinged rheumy eyes, I realized that things were not going well.

    I think that it’ll be great if you hired another guard to help me cover the store.


    But –

    Company rules are very specific, Mrs. Dawson, he said, stretching himself to his full six feet. He walked from behind his desk and stood in front of me. The alcohol from his breath threatened to set his red hair alight. He smirked, and then spoke slowly, as if to a mentally deficient child. One security guard for every 20,000 square feet of shop floor.

    But I work six days a week and I need some time off. My daughter is getting married soon and I –


    But I’m really petite, suppose I needed back up?

    Mrs. Dawson, he growled, what part of the word NO do you not understand?

    He reached into his pocket, took out a gold engraved cigarette lighter, and started flicking it on and off.

    If you want time off, I could easily arrange to have you replaced… permanently. Do you know how difficult it is to get another job at your age?

    I flushed in anger as I stormed out of the office.

    Tight fisted, mean spirited, big bast –

    No luck, huh?

    I looked up. Emma was sitting at a cash register with no customers.

    He just won’t budge. I really need time to plan for the wedding.

    I know. He didn’t even want to give me time off when I was pregnant with the twins. I had to complain to the union officer.

    Then suddenly, Emma took a sharp breath. Her jaw dropped.

    Did you see that?


    That man over there in Aisle 2 – he just put something in his pocket. Look! He’s running to the door.

    I sprinted down the aisle, dodging customers as I went. He flew out the door and dashed down the street.

    Stop him! I yelled.

    Someone stuck a foot out. He stumbled and fell. I grabbed him by the collar as he turned to get up. A crowd of people surrounded us.

    What did you steal? Come on, hand it over…

    I didn’t see the fist coming as it slammed into my head. Down I went and sank into oblivion.

    By the time I’d come to, I was in a luxurious room at a private hospital. A bunch of overly pretentious flowers next to the television swamped the room with their fragrance.

    Are you OK? my boss asked nervously. Sweat was glistening across his forehead and his hands were fidgeting behind his back.

    My head hurts. The TV is too loud.

    I’ve had time to consider what you were saying earlier. I think that we need another security guard. I’ll recommend this to the head office immediately.

    I knew why he was uneasy. He could see the newspaper headlines now: Security guard in critical condition – Boss ignored plea for more staff. The union could make a big issue out of this. I had him where I could squeeze him.

    I think that I need some time off.

    Of course. One week off.


    "Two? But the doctor said that

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