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The Dark Side of Disney
The Dark Side of Disney
The Dark Side of Disney
Ebook226 pages2 hours

The Dark Side of Disney

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

THE DARK SIDE OF DISNEY reveals all of the tips, tricks, scams, and stories that THEY don’t want you to know about! Unabashedly unafraid of offending the family-oriented audiences catered to by other Disney travel guides, author Leonard Kinsey gives intrepid travelers access to the seamy, raunchy, and often hilarious underbelly of Walt Disney World. From cautionary tales of scoring illegal tickets, to thrilling accounts of exploring off-limits areas, to chronicles of drug-induced debauchery, this completely unauthorized guidebook will change the way you think about vacationing at “The Happiest Place on Earth”.

"THE DARK SIDE OF DISNEY shines a light into the roachy shadows of Walt Disney World. With 33 years of experience storming the gates of the Magic Castle, Leonard Kinsey has explored every possible option for a low-cost Disney vacation, ranging from the immoral to the downright illegal. Packed with all the tips that Disney was hoping you wouldn’t discover, like free parking and bottomless beverage scams, this book also teaches you how to get free airline drink tickets and bar/pool hop around the high end Disney resorts like Hollywood glitterati.

Ever wanted to know where to have uninterrupted coitus on property? Kinsey points the way. Where to score weed? Keep reading. Kinsey charges to the roof of The Contemporary and spelunks into The Utilidors to bring you the finest nuances of an underground Disney vacation.

Pack the trunks and leave the kids at Grandma’s because THE DARK SIDE is about to make your next Disney vacation the best one ever!"

-Chris Mitchell, author of CAST MEMBER CONFIDENTIAL

Release dateJul 30, 2011

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is a masterpiece of misplaced obsession.

    Leonard Kinsey is a member of that strange breed of heretic who loves his faith- this time, the religion of Disney- more than any number of dutiful followers ever could. Kinsey loves Disney land in the same way an isolated child might love his sociopathic elder brother. Disneyland was Kinsey's teenage stomping ground, and he knows and loves every square inch of it in the way unruly teenagers always love the places they wreak the most havoc. Even as he's mocking the phoniness and commercialism of the place and attempting to undermine the company, there's this strain of passion and devotion infusing every sentence.

    I have no real interest in Disneyland and found some of the step-by-steps a bit tedious. Kinsey also works a little bit too hard to make the company seem illicit. But all of that is beside the point because this book, at its heart, is nothing more than a memoir of a misspent childhood and adolescence, dominated by a heartless commercial empire that (supposedly) manufactures childhood joy and wonder. It's a tale of adolescent disenchantment and
    the gutsy, borderline illegal (sometimes completely illegal) pranks and that Leonard Kinsey and his friends pull as they subvert this overcommercialised place of manufactured wonder in an attempt to turn it into their teenage playground. If this sounds daft, that's because it is - it's wonderfully daft. It's magnificently daft. You'd never follow any of the advice in this book. It's as if you convinced your delinquent and slightly stoned little cousin to take you for a no-holds tour of his neighbourhood. But it's also a guide written by somebody who has lived and breathed the landscape he's describing. And it's glorious.

    1 person found this helpful

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The Dark Side of Disney - Leonard Kinsey

The Dark Side of Disney

Leonard Kinsey

Praise for


"The Dark Side of Disney shines a light into the roachy shadows of Walt Disney World. With 33 years of experience storming the gates of the Magic Castle, Leonard Kinsey has explored every possible option for a low-cost Disney vacation ranging from the immoral to the downright illegal. Packed with all the tips that Disney was hoping you wouldn’t discover, like free parking and bottomless beverage scams, this book also teaches you how to get free airline drink tickets and bar/pool hop around the high end Disney resorts like Hollywood glitterati.

Ever wanted to know where to have uninterrupted coitus on property? Kinsey points the way. Where to score weed? Keep reading. Kinsey charges to the roof of The Contemporary and spelunks into the Utilidors to bring you the finest nuances of an underground Disney vacation.

Pack the trunks and leave the kids at Grandma’s because The Dark Side is about to make your next Disney vacation the best one ever!"

-Chris Mitchell

Author, Cast Member Confidential

Copyright 2011, Leonard Kinsey

Smashwords Edition

Cover Design by Pentakis Dodecahedron

Cover Photo by Alan Partlow

Cover Model: Draven Star

Edited by Hugh Allison

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

This book is neither authorized nor sponsored nor endorsed by the Disney Company or any of its subsidiaries. It is an unofficial and unauthorized book and not a Disney product. The mention of names and places associated with the Disney Company and its businesses are not intended in any way to infringe on any existing copyrights or registered trademarks of the Disney Company but are used in context for educational purposes, or for parody. The opinions and statements expressed in the quotations and text are solely the opinions of the author or those people who are quoted and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and policy of the Disney Company and its businesses nor Bamboo Forest Publishing.

Although the Publishers and the Author of this book have made every effort to ensure the information was correct at the time of going to press, the Publishers and the Author do not assume and herby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss or damage caused by errors, omissions, misleading information, or any potential travel disruption due to labor or financial difficulty, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

Any descriptions of illegal activities in the book are intended purely for educational or entertainment purposes. The Publishers and the Author do not support, advocate, encourage or endorse any illegal acts described herein. In no event will the Publishers or the Author be liable for any illegal activities performed by readers of this book. In other words, if you get busted and go to jail, don’t blame us!

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First Printing: August, 2011

Updated February, 2014

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Disney World, Done Dirt Cheap

Getting There

o       Driving is for suckers

o       Southwest is Best

o       Driving Drunk on The Disney Magical Express

Staying There

o       Off-Site Horror Story

o       A Deluxe for Less Than a Value?

Park Tickets

o       Sneaking In

o       Free Tickets from Timeshare Presentations

o       Befriending a 15-Year+ Cast Member

o       Reseller Scams

Free Parking

o       At the Resorts

o       AAA Diamond Pass

Eating/Drinking There

o       Free Dining Is NOT Free!

o       Cheap/Free Dining for Drunks and Foodies

o       Grocery Delivery and Fridge Swaps Gone Wrong

Souvenirs and Merchandise

o       WDW Merch is a Rip-Off

o       PhotoPass Shares

Having Fun Without Spending a Dime

o       Monorail Bar Crawl

o       Free Boat Rides

o       Pool Hopping

Chapter 2:  Sex, Drugs, and Rock N’ Roll


o       At the Resorts

o       In the Parks

o       How to Find Someone to Have Sex With

o       Alternative Lifestyle Activities

o       The Last Resort (Escorts)


o       Where to Score?

o       How to Safely Get High in the Parks

o       Top 5 Best and Worst Places to Get High

Rock N’ Roll

o       Rock Venues On-Site

o       Food and Wine Eat to the Beat

o       Nightly Epcot Acts

Chapter 3:  Tricks, Tips, Scams… and Bugs

Front of the Line With a Wheelchair

Taking the Resort Monorail

Refillable Mugs

FastPass+/Magic Band/NextGen Scams and Hacks

Pin Trading Scams

Bed Bugs and Other Creepy Crawlies

Chapter 4: Off-Limits Exploration

Sneaking Into the Utilidors

Backstage at Epcot

Interview with Shane Perez (Discovery Island Urban Explorer)

Interview with Hoot Gibson (Mesa Verde Times/Fresh Roasted Corn)





You hold in your hands the key to a Walt Disney World vacation unlike any other. Regardless of how much money you make, or how many times you’ve already been to the parks, or how much you totally fucking hate it’s a small world, this book will show you a side of WDW that is unique, exciting, and absolutely, unequivocally, NOT authorized by Disney. Within these pages you’ll not only find tips on the best deals for airfare, food, and lodging (tips banned from official guidebooks and even most unofficial websites and messageboards), but diatribes on the best places in the parks to have sex, do drugs, and see a gritty rock show, complete with women throwing their underwear on the stage. You’ll hear from people who have jumped out of ride vehicles and explored off-limits areas, who have swam across alligator infested lakes to see the ruins of abandoned parks, and who have dodged security to traverse the mysterious tunnels underneath The Magic Kingdom. You’ll find tips on avoiding not only the dangerous Florida wildlife, but also the dangerous scammers who swarm Orlando like mosquitoes, just waiting to weasel you out of your hard-earned cash with their counterfeit merchandise, illegal ticket resales, and hard-sell timeshare presentations.

I’ve gathered all of this information over 33 years of visiting Walt Disney World, fortunate enough to have been born in Clearwater, Florida, and to have had a mother who shared my Disney obsession. Even though we were decidedly lower-middle class, she worked hard so she could spoil me and my sister with Four Season Salute Passes every Christmas, allowing us to visit as often as we wanted during non-peak months. And visit often we did, making the two-hour drive to Orlando at least once a month, often staying overnight at the (as of that time) only affordable on-site lodging, The Caribbean Beach Resort.

I don’t remember my first visit to The Magic Kingdom; I was only 16 months old, but I have seen the pictures and I look pretty fucking thrilled. However, I do distinctly remember my excitement when, in 1st grade, I found a promotional book for EPCOT Center that had been sent to my teacher and unceremoniously shoved into the community bookshelf, just waiting to get torn apart by my snot-nosed classmates. I promptly stole the book, and spent hours poring over the concept art, genuinely believing that this park would be the best place in the world. Luckily, my mother was the manager of a day care, and since EPCOT at that time was touting itself as learning center (something that has long since been abandoned), she was able to snag opening-day tickets after much pleading on my part. I remember that first visit to EPCOT, in awe at seeing the concept art I’d been studying come to life, and having my mind blown by the architecture, animatronics, and a totally kick-ass vision of the future. I fell in love with computers that day, and became a nerd for life. And I remember knowing with all my heart that, yes, this actually was the best place in the world. I still believe that to this day.

Because, and I want to make this clear, I LOVE WALT DISNEY WORLD! I know the parks like the back of my hand, and I could walk through them blindfolded, guided only by the lovely scents and sounds meticulously crafted by those brilliant Imagineers. There’s a comfort in being there, like returning home. Except that when I actually do go back to my childhood home, everything has changed. They tore down the forests I used to play in, paved over the pond I fished in, and repainted my house bright pink. Nothing is familiar, nothing is comforting. But for the most part Walt Disney World stays the same, always providing the sights, sounds, and smells that immediately bring me back to a more carefree time in life. And when it doesn’t stay the same, when the company fucks up, like when Horizons was torn down, at least I’m not the only one grieving; there are thousands of others across the world to commiserate with.

It should also be known that I’m a huge fan of Walt Disney himself, devouring any and all documentaries and biographies I can find about the man. I’m consistently finding inspiration in his life story, his determination against all odds, and his visionary, forward-thinking outlook not only on family entertainment, but on the human experience and the future of mankind. From viewing his final EPCOT film and reading his final interviews, it seems as if he was ready to completely redefine city living, in a real paradigm-shifting game-changing sort of way.  I believe he could have done it, too, could have pulled it all together just as he’d achieved the impossible countless times before, and I feel for Roy Disney and Card Walker for having to pick up the pieces, desperately trying to make something out of them without their leader at the helm. It’s a shame that what we ended up with in Kissimmee is a Walt Disney World only half-finished, only half-perfect. But half of perfection is still pretty fucking awesome.

So, no, I don’t have some big grudge against Disney, and the purpose of this book is not to try to destroy the company or dissuade people from visiting their theme parks. Quite the opposite, in fact; I wrote this book hoping to provide a definitive answer the assholes who always ask, You’re going there again?! Why do you keep going to that kiddie place? and then shake their heads while they head back to Aspen or Vegas for the 80th time for their adult vacations.

Honestly, I have to admit that I once thought this way, too. No matter how big of a fan-boy I was, by age 16 or so I was bored as hell with WDW, having already visited the (at that time) three parks over 100 times. So I started experimenting with alternative activities every time I got dragged back there, and began to gather some of the tips in this book. This really came to a head when I was in college, running the campus television station, and desperate for content to fill our 24/7 programming roster. I was going home for Spring Break, and had a brilliant idea: I’d go to WDW and film all of the crazy shit my friends and I had been doing there for years, and then broadcast it on the station as a multi-part documentary. And thus was born the first incarnation of THE DARK SIDE OF DISNEY, complete with a CGI Tinkerbell lookalike shoving her magic wand into some guy’s ass in the opening credits (meant as an homage to the Tinkerbell in the Disney Sunday Movies intro). I received no feedback, and to be honest, even though it was broadcast to every dorm on campus at least 200 times, I’m still not sure anyone watched the damn thing. I mean, what college kid in his right mind gives a shit about Walt Disney World? Most of them only cared about sex, drugs, and rock and roll… which I did, too, just as long as they took place at WDW. And I’m only half joking, unfortunately…. I didn’t get laid much in college!

Regardless, as much as I love Walt Disney World, if it weren’t for the tips in this book, I wouldn’t go back nearly as often as I do. There are only so many times you can ride Thunder Mountain before it starts getting boring, but riding it on ‘shrooms while getting a handjob is a totally different experience! So what we have here are at least 20 years of me pushing the limits just a little bit each time I returned to WDW, always trying to have a unique and exciting vacation. And now I’m releasing those tips to all of you, hoping you’ll give WDW another chance, and maybe recapture some of that wonder, and yes, magic, you had for the place when you were a kid. Because we’re all kids at heart, still desiring that same of thrill of newness that every day seemed to bring in those early years, but always knowing the comfort and safety of home lay just a few steps away. Well, Walt Disney World is home to everyone, young and old, and despite the thick skin we grow as we reach adulthood, I truly believe it’s still the best place around to recapture the thrill and

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