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Assassination Vacation
Assassination Vacation
Assassination Vacation
Ebook265 pages4 hours

Assassination Vacation

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

New York Times bestselling author of The Wordy Shipmates and contributor to NPR’s This American Life Sarah Vowell embarks on a road trip to sites of political violence, from Washington DC to Alaska, to better understand our nation’s ever-evolving political system and history.

Sarah Vowell exposes the glorious conundrums of American history and culture with wit, probity, and an irreverent sense of humor. With Assassination Vacation, she takes us on a road trip like no other—a journey to the pit stops of American political murder and through the myriad ways they have been used for fun and profit, for political and cultural advantage.

From Buffalo to Alaska, Washington to the Dry Tortugas, Vowell visits locations immortalized and influenced by the spilling of politically important blood, reporting as she goes with her trademark blend of wisecracking humor, remarkable honesty, and thought-provoking criticism. We learn about the jinx that was Robert Todd Lincoln (present at the assassinations of Presidents Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley) and witness the politicking that went into the making of the Lincoln Memorial. The resulting narrative is much more than an entertaining and informative travelogue—it is the disturbing and fascinating story of how American death has been manipulated by popular culture, including literature, architecture, sculpture, and—the author’s favorite—historical tourism. Though the themes of loss and violence are explored and we make detours to see how the Republican Party became the Republican Party, there are all kinds of lighter diversions along the way into the lives of the three presidents and their assassins, including mummies, show tunes, mean-spirited totem poles, and a nineteenth-century biblical sex cult.

Editor's Note

An irreverent tour…

NPR-contributor Sarah Vowell takes readers on an insightful, introspective, and irreverent tour of the country, as she chases the ghosts of presidents past.

Release dateApr 4, 2005

Sarah Vowell

Called "a national treasure" by David Sedaris, Sarah Vowell has been a contributing editor to public radio’s This American Life since 1996. She is also the author of the bestsellers Take the Cannoli and The Partly Cloudy Patriot.

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Readers find this title to be an intriguing walk through history, packed with factual detail and brought to life by the author's personal political perspective. The book is informative, funny, and filled with delightful little bits. Overall, readers highly recommend it.

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    For a unique and morbid vacation experience, Sarah Vowell decided to travel the country by visiting locations where politicians have been assassinated. In this book, she shares interesting anecdotes, both from history and her own experiences, as well as a ton of fun facts. I really liked this approach to the story because, as I mentioned in my review of The Map Thief, I like when authors of nonfiction insert themselves into their work. It’s one way of adding immediacy to a story which is mostly about the past. I also enjoyed the historical information which the author presented in a fashion suitable for a cocktail party. This was often enjoyable but something about her light tone sometimes rubbed me the wrong way.

    In addition to something intangible, there were several specific components of her causal writing style which bothered me. The biggest problem was the organization. The author was constantly going on tangents from the main story. The book did not clearly move forward through time in either her historical anecdotes or her stories about her travels. This made it hard for me to make connections between different facts and anecdotes, which makes it far less likely I’ll remember any of them later. Although the book had four different sections, the first one on Abraham Lincoln took up almost half the book and the rest of the sections often jumped back into his story. I think it’s possible the author should have stuck with that one story instead of tagging on several others.

    I also disliked the author’s choice to include her own political opinions. Even though I often agreed with her, I don’t give any particular weight to her opinions and felt like they added to the incoherence of the book. Her jokes didn’t always work for me and in one case, involving the use of the word “retarded”, I found her very offensive. I can see why some people might like her writing style. She has endless enthusiasm and tells what could be dry stories in fascinating ways. However, her casual attitude, her choice to swamp the story with her own opinions, and her disorganization made this only an ok read for me.

    This review first published on Doing Dewey.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Amusing investigations of the geography and history of the assassinations of Presidents Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley. What is sometimes called "tidbit-ing through history", interesting stories and footnotes are added the the basic story, to make the retelling of the events more entertaining, by descriptions of plaques, statues and historic sites. Several profiles of people, such as the assassins or presidents, are snarky and entertaining. A good afternoon's read, or on a trip, or at the beach.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    OMG! Thanks sis for the recommendation! I was hesitant to read this but Sarah Vowell is a GREAT storyteller. I love her facts on the presidents and her stories from her travels.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Hard to explain, but I think I probably would've loved this book 10 years ago.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    If you had told me that I would read and enjoy a book about presidential assassinations, I would have said you were crazy. My preferred genres are chick lit and historical fiction. But, I loved Assassination Vacation! I decided to give this a try after seeing so many good reviews, and reading the first few pages on Amazon.com. I was laughing from the very beginning, and couldn't wait to read more. So much so, that I didn't want to wait to get it from Amazon, and went down to my local Borders to buy it that same day. I read it in just two days.It was funny and snarky in the tradition of Jen Lancaster and Laurie Notaro, with the added bonus of actual historical facts. Like all of us, I knew the basic facts of Lincoln's assassination, but I didn't know some of the more interesting details. And I knew nothing about McKinley's and Garfield's assassinations - what I had learned in school didn't stick with me. But, now after reading this book, I know a lot more, and I think I'll remember it, because it was so entertaingly told.For me, President Garfield will now always be Mr. Loner McBookworm. LOL! And Robert Todd Lincoln will be Jinxy McDeath.I highly recommend this book. Even if you think this isn't your cup of tea, give it a try. It'll be worth it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wildly funny and interesting.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Sarah Vowell's Assassination Vacation skims across the surface of history by taking the reader on third-party tours of historic sites. The book focuses on the assassinations of presidents Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley, but almost all of it is about Lincoln. (In my paperback, Lincoln gets 98 pages, Garfield gets 62, and McKinley gets 46.) Which may be fair--there are probably a lot more sites to visit related to Lincoln's life and death than anyone else's. But if you're looking for a history lesson on any of these men, this is not the book for you.Lincoln gets not only the most real estate in the book, but he also get the most sentiment. The author begins by catching a play at Ford Threatre and walking down to the Lincoln Memorial afterward. She admires the monument and reflects on the meaning of Lincoln's words engraved on the walls. She draws comparisons to modern history and thinks about how Lincoln's actions and death have influenced our world. From here, she gives a brief account of Lincoln's assassination and the actions leading up to it, interspersed with conversations with tour guides. The tour guides seem to be authorities on the little patches of land that they represent, but Vowell doesn't cite any other sources and doesn't mention fact checking anything these first-name-only guides say.Vowell does find some pretty obscure Lincoln sites to visit. She goes to his home, the place of his assassination, the house where John Wilkes Booth stopped after fleeing, even the prison where that house's owner was condemned, and many other places. But the information she gleans is all pretty shallow. Even in the "I didn't know that!" moments, I felt hesitation, like I needed to Google it before telling anyone else about it.When she moves onto Garfield, the biggest point she makes is, "Who cares about Garfield?!" I actually just read a wonderful and in-depth biography of Garfield, so my response was a full-throated, "I do!" This was the most frustrating section for me because I have a higher-than-average knowledge and appreciation of Garfield after reading Destiny of the Republic, and Assassination Vacation brings no new information to the table. In fact, it's so scant on details, that if you can name Garfield's assassin off the top of your head, then you probably don't have much to learn here.The Garfield section blends directly into the McKinley section so quickly I didn't realize we were done with Garfield yet. I don't know nearly as much about McKinley as I do about Garfield (or Lincoln), but I still thought this section was too light. Maybe the nation was so exhausted by the time McKinley was assassinated that they didn't feel it necessary to dedicate a bunch of tourist sites to him? Maybe. That would explain why this section is so short and light.Sarah Vowell can be very funny (and, yes, a bit humble-braggy), and some of the characters she encounters on the way are quite interesting. But this is neither a history book nor a biography, despite being shelved that way. This is a travelogue or a humorous travel memoir. It reveals a lot more about the author than about any of the presidents, and I think the author's larger point has more to do with the quirks of American culture anyway. I think if you know that going in, you'll probably like this book--especially if you have a plane trip or beach vacation coming up. It's light, at times silly, and very softly macabre, but it's not historic.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Even if you're not particularly interested in presidential assassinations, Sarah Vowell's writes well enough to draw the reader into the lives of people in power, people who want power, and people who just want to walk where those historical figures once walked. Originally published in 2005, this book contains enough contemporary political references to feel slightly dated, but it holds up well overall.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was a re-read for me. I adore Sarah Vowell and this is one of my favorites. I laughed out loud when she explained the 'grandfather paradox'.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Sarah Vowell is a nerdy history buff. Some might consider me nerdy as well, but I am far, far from a history buff. Typically the only type of history book that I can get through is one of historical fiction, where the author can get away with some embellishments while telling a good story. But I'd heard good things about Sarah Vowell, so I tried this one, in which Vowell elaborates on the assassinations of three American Presidents: Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley. Most everyone knows something about Lincoln's assassination, but Garfield's & McKinley's deaths are more obscure. I read this on audio (read by the author), and while Vowell's distinctive-sounding voice initially grated on my nerves, I soon came to appreciate her wit & deadpan humor, and now I can't imagine it being read by anyone but herself. Not only did I enjoy learning about these particular bits of history, but I now want to get in my car and go travel to all of the well-known and not-so-well-known locations that Vowell described in her book. I think I sincerely have a new appreciation for all of those roadside signs and plaques memorializing such moments in history -- plaques which I previously tended to glance over quickly without much thought. This particular book of Vowell's seems to be one of her best, based on other reviews, but I intend to seek out her others as well. Audio format recommended!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Really loved the enthusiasm Sarah Vowell has for finding historical trivia, oddities, and markers related to the assassinations of Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley -- including trips to hometowns, assassination sites, and cemeteries. Lots of humor and interesting tidbits, as well as insights looking back on these tragic murders that occurred all within several decades ... and all of which Lincoln's son, Richard Todd Lincoln was close by! Written during George W.'s war in Iraq, Vowell also expresses her displeasure with the then-current president, which I did not mind since I agree with her stance/assessment.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I've been interested in the stories surrounding the history of assassination since first seeing Stephen Sondheim's Assassins. When Sarah Vowell tries to explain the show to strangers in a bed and breakfast in the prologue, I knew this was going to be my kind of book. As always, Vowell's voice is witty, and filled at once for irreverence to tradition and reverence for the idea of America and what it can be at its best.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I have heard Sarah Vowell on NPR and found her narratives entertaining, but not entertaining enough to overcome the annoyance of listening to her nasal, whiny voice. I stumbled onto this book in paperback just before a cross country trip. I share the author's interest in presidential history (without the morbid emphasis), and her inability to bypass any historical marker, and I thought I might find her writing more bearable than her reading. This turned out to be an enjoyable read for a long trip. Vowell describes her visits to a variety of historic sites with some connection to Presidential assassinations. Docents at these locations must really appreciate such an enthusiastic visitor. She delights in relating minor details and coincidences that elude more serious historians. Most notably, Robert Todd Lincoln's presence at three Presidential assassinations, and the fact that he once fell on a train platform, and was rescued by Edwin Booth, brother of Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth. I do wonder how Vowell's young nephew will turn out, after being dragged along on so many of these morbid adventures.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very funny but filled with delightful little bits. Just read
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Vowell's fascination with assassination translates to an intriguing walk through history, packed with factual detail shaped into a narrative that I loved. She brought national leaders to life on the stage of their times. That she tells her story through her personal political perspective only enhanced my interest and passion. Read it now.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I don't remember how we ended up making the decision to choose this for family read aloud time, but somehow we did. I only ended up regretting it a little bit when we got to the bit about the Christian polygamist sex cult.Literally a trip to sites associated with American assassinations -- about not just history, but how we memorialize and consume that history -- from folklore to museum exhibits to musical theater. Filled with the kind of contagious anecdotes you won't be able to stop yourself repeating to those around you. Clear, well-read, and a little quirky. So, a typical Vowell book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Sarah is my new favorite author. Funny, quirky book about the assassinations of Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Vowell finds herself a lot more hilarious than I do.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Fascinating story that would have been much better if she had attempted some degree of objectivity. Well worth reading.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I love Vowell. Who else but Violet from the Incredibles would undertake a tour of asassination sites - and make it interesting, funny and compelling? That said, she wears her liberal politics on her sleeve, so those with a more right wing opinion might be annoyed by those sections. Read around it, it's worth it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Sarah discusses her road trips to locations associated with presidents who have been assassinated (except for Kennedy): Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley. It's interesting and informative--and reminds me again of how little I know of US history. She does take a serious look at things, but there is also plenty of humor. Pretty well done.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This a fun, slightly morbid read going into the depths of presidential assassination's. At times, it was a bit much, where the fine line of interesting sarcasm turned into annoyance, but over all, Its a great read to learn about why a president was assassinated, how it was commemorated, and the theories that surrounded it. I especially liked that Sarah Vowell managed to convince friends and family on these trips, and while not always thrilled to be there, there were always happy to help.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    As always her writing is informative and funny.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I enjoy Sarah Vowell so I also enjoyed this book. It is her telling of her obsession with historical, esp. presidential, assassinations. In this book she tells all about the Lincoln, Garfield, & McKinley assassinations as she "vacations" at all the historic places that tell of these events. With her sense of deadpan humor, she makes this information humorous as well as educational.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Sarah Vowell is a history buff. And not just a history buff, but one fascinated by political assassinations, specifically Presidents Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley.In Assassination Vacation, Vowell takes her readers on a wry, reverent, fascinating journey to various landmarks, big and small, that somehow featured in the lives and deaths of assassinated American presidents. She searches out plaques, (sort of) climbs mountains, and tallies up every presidential assassination Robert Todd Lincoln was somehow an observer of (the final tally is all three).Along the way, she sees the musical "Assassins" (and scares off strangers with just how much she loves it), gets seasick on a boat ride to the prison where Lincoln assassination conspirators were held, discusses the idea that maybe John Wilkes Booth really did escape (and was then mummified after death, with his corpse being toured around carnivals), and visits the spot where the Oneida Community used to reside (a group marriage Biblical commune where Charles Guiteau, the assassin of President Garfield, once lived).This is the kind of book you want to give to students who think history is boring. It will definitely change their minds.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Interesting and funny which is hard to do when you are covering assassinations....
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If you like quirky humor and little known historical tidbits and if the idea of visiting grave sites, memorial plaques and house museums doesn't bore you witless, this is a book for you. Sarah Vowell takes us on a journey through the assassinations of Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley and we emerge better informed about American history and with a new perspective on the America of today. I listened to an audio performance in which Vowell's talented friends such as Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert play the roles of historical figures. Highly entertaining and enjoyable.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Book on CD read by the author and special guests
    I loved the premise of this nonfiction book. I have a nearly life-long fascination with murder and murderers. Vowell’s obsession is more specific to political assassination, but still, I am forever drawn to the kinds of attractions she visits … museums of medical interest, or regarding crime. This volume chronicles her visits to various sites related to the assassinations of Presidents Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley. I also had the text version available to me (mostly to verify spellings, etc), and I have to say she does include a lot of fascinating trivia about the people involved in these cases. Even to including information about other people who were in the Ford Theatre when John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln, and their descendents.

    As for the audio … OMG … I know from her bio that she’s done voice work (notably voicing “Violet” in The Incredibles - a Pixar animated film). But she really should have hired a different, professional actor, or relied on her “guests” more. Her guests have only an occasional sentence to pronounce, and they include: Conan O’Brien, Stephen King (who plays Abraham Lincoln), Dave Eggers and Jon Stewart (among others). On the other hand, Vowell’s extremely nasal tone, plus the background music, are enough to make me run for the hills. Had I rated the audio book only, I’d give it 1 star; but I was still fascinated by the subject. She’s like that weird history teacher you had in 5th grade who was so obsessed with some detail that s/he made it come alive for you (even though you rolled your eyes and KNEW s/he was loony tunes). That focused attention gets her an extra star.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I mistook Assassination Vacation for a novel at first (misled by the title, I think), so was a bit put off by it to start. Once my reading brain had rotated to the task at hand, however, I became duly engrossed in Vowell's historical travelogue. AV is a buddy flic choc full of Dead Presidents with their ancillary assassins & hangers on. Amusing & informative review of American history 1865-1901. The central figure, the President to whom all else returns, is, of course, Abraham Lincoln--along with Kennedy, the most notoriously dead President of all. Assassination Vacation reads as a grandchild of Howard Zinn's The People's History of the United States and as a sisterly companion to the poet Brenda Coultas's The Marvelous Bones of Time.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not my favorite of Vowell's books, but still very enjoyable. For some reason I didn't connect with this one as much as her other two audiobooks that I've listened to so far, Unfamiliar Fishes (probably my favorite) and The Wordy Shipmates. But Vowell's deadpan delivery and sarcastic humor is still in full force here; I highly recommend her audiobooks, even if they are abridged.

Book preview

Assassination Vacation - Sarah Vowell


One night last summer, all the killers in my head assembled on a stage in Massachusetts to sing show tunes. There they were—John Wilkes Booth, Charles Guiteau, Leon Czolgosz—in tune and in the flesh. The men who murdered Presidents Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley were elbow to elbow with Lee Harvey Oswald and the klutzy girls who botched their hits on klutzy Gerald Ford, harmonizing on a toe-tapper called Everybody’s Got the Right to Be Happy, a song I cheerfully hummed walking back to the bed-and-breakfast where I was staying.

Not that I came all the way from New York City just to enjoy a chorus line of presidential assassins. Mostly, I came to the Berkshires because of the man who brought one of those presidents back to life. I was there to visit Chesterwood, the house and studio once belonging to Daniel Chester French, the artist responsible for the Abraham Lincoln sculpture in the Lincoln Memorial. A nauseating four-hour bus ride from the Port Authority terminal just to see the room where some patriotic chiseler came up with a marble statue? For some reason, none of my friends wanted to come with.

Because I had to stay overnight and this being New England, the only place to stay was a bed-and-breakfast. It was a lovely old country mansion operated by amiable people. That said, I am not a bed-and-breakfast person.

I understand why other people would want to stay in B&Bs. They’re pretty. They’re personal. They’re quaint, a polite way of saying no TV. They are romantic, i.e., every object large enough for a flower to be printed on it is going to have a flower printed on it. They’re cozy, meaning that a guest has to keep her belongings on the floor because every conceivable flat surface is covered in knickknacks, except for the one knickknack she longs for, a remote control.

The real reason bed-and-breakfasts make me nervous is breakfast. As if it’s not queasy enough to stay in a stranger’s home and sleep in a bed bedecked with nineteen pillows. In the morning, the usually cornflake-consuming, wheat-intolerant guest is served floury baked goods on plates so fancy any normal person would keep them locked in the china cabinet even if Queen Victoria herself rose from the dead and showed up for tea. The guest, normally a silent morning reader of newspapers, is expected to chat with the other strangers staying in the strangers’ home.

At my Berkshires bed-and-breakfast, I am seated at a table with one middle-aged Englishman and an elderly couple from Greenwich, Connecticut. The three of them make small talk about golf, the weather, and the room’s chandeliers, one of which, apparently, is Venetian. I cannot think of a thing to say to these people. Seated at the head of the table, I am the black hole of breakfast, a silent void of gloom sucking the sunshine out of their neighborly New England day. But that is not the kind of girl my mother raised me to be. I consider asking the Connecticut couple if they had ever run into Jack Paar, who I heard had retired near where they live, but I look like I was born after Paar quit hosting The Tonight Show (because I was) and so I’d have to explain how much I like watching tapes of old programs at the Museum of Television and Radio and I don’t want to get too personal.

It seems that all three of them attended a Boston Pops concert at Tanglewood the previous evening, and they chat about the conductor. This, I think, is my in. I, too, enjoy being entertained.

Relieved to have something, anything, to say, I pipe up, I went to the Berkshire Theatre Festival last night.

"Oh, did you see Peter Pan?" the woman asks.

No, I say. Assassins!

What’s that? wonders the Englishman.

To make up for the fact that I’ve been clammed up and moping I speak too fast, merrily chirping, It’s the Stephen Sondheim musical in which a bunch of presidential assassins and would-be assassins sing songs about how much better their lives would be if they could gun down a president.

Oh, remarks Mr. Connecticut. How was it?

Oh my god, I gush. Even though the actors were mostly college kids, I thought it was great! The orange-haired guy who played the man who wanted to fly a plane into Nixon was hilarious. And I found myself strangely smitten with John Wilkes Booth; every time he looked in my direction I could feel myself blush. Apparently, talking about going to the Museum of Television and Radio is too personal, but I seem to have no problem revealing my crush on the man who murdered Lincoln.

Now, a person with sharper social skills than I might have noticed that as these folks ate their freshly baked blueberry muffins and admired the bed-and-breakfast’s teapot collection, they probably didn’t want to think about presidential gunshot wounds. But when I’m around strangers, I turn into a conversational Mount St. Helens. I’m dormant, dormant, quiet, quiet, old-guy loners build log cabins on the slopes of my silence and then, boom, it’s 1980. Once I erupt, they’ll be wiping my verbal ashes off their windshields as far away as North Dakota.

I continue. "But the main thing that surprised me was how romantic Assassins was."

Romantic? sneers a skeptic.

Totally, I rebut. There’s a very tender love scene between Emma Goldman and Leon Czolgosz.

Blank stares.

You know. He was the anarchist who killed McKinley. Buffalo? 1901? Anyway, the authorities initially suspected Goldman had helped him, but all it was was that he had heard her speak a couple of times about sticking it to The Man. He’d met her, but she wasn’t his co-conspirator. Anyway, the play dramatizes the moment they meet. He stops her on the street to tell her that he loves her. The guy who played Czolgosz was wonderful. He had this smoldering Eastern European accent. Actually, he sounded a lot like Dracula—but in a good way, if you know what I mean. (They don’t.)

"He told her, ‘Miss Goldman, I am in love with you.’ She answered that she didn’t have time to be in love with him. Which was cute. But, this was my one misgiving about the performance, I thought that the woman playing Goldman was too ladylike, too much of a wallflower. Wasn’t Emma Goldman loud and brash and all gung ho? Here was a woman whose words inspired a guy to kill a president. And come to think of it, one of her old boyfriends shot the industrialist Henry Frick. Maybe I’m too swayed by the way Maureen Stapleton played Goldman in the film Reds. She was so bossy! And remember Stapleton in that Woody Allen movie, Interiors? Geraldine Page is all beige this and bland that so her husband divorces her and hooks up with noisy, klutzy Maureen Stapleton, who laughs too loud and smashes pottery and wears a blood-red dress to symbolize that she is Alive, capital A. Wait. I lost my train of thought. Where was I?"

Englishman: I believe Dracula was in love with Maureen Stapleton.

Oh, right. I haven’t even mentioned the most touching part. Squeaky Fromme and John Hinckley sing this duet, a love song to Charles Manson and Jodie Foster. Hinckley and Squeaky sang that they would do anything for Charlie Manson and Jodie Foster. And I really believed them! Squeaky’s like, ‘I would crawl belly-deep through hell,’ and Hinckley’s all, ‘Baby, I’d die for you.’ It was adorable.

Mr. Connecticut looks at his watch and I simultaneously realize that I’ve said way too much and that saying way too much means I might miss my bus back home. And I really want to go home. I yell, Nice meeting you! and nearly knock down the teapot collection in my rush to get away from them. Though before I can leave, I have to settle up my bill with the friendly B&B owner. His first name? Hinckley.

On the bus home, I flip through my Assassins program from the night before and read the director’s note. Of course talking about the murders of previous presidents is going to open the door to discussing the current president. That’s what I like to call him, the current president. I find it difficult to say or type his name, George W. Bush. I like to call him the current president because it’s a hopeful phrase, implying that his administration is only temporary. Timothy Douglas, the Assassins director, doesn’t say the president’s name either, but he doesn’t have to. Clearly, Douglas is horrified and exasperated by the Iraqi war. He writes,

Proportionate to my own mounting frustrations at feeling increasingly excluded from the best interests of the current administration’s control in these extraordinary times helps me toward a visceral understanding of the motivation of one who would perpetrate a violent act upon the leader of the free world. My capacity for this depth of empathy also gives me pause, for I have no idea how far away I am from the invisible line that separates me from a similar or identical purpose. . . . Please allow me to state for the record that I am completely against violence of any kind as a way of resolving conflicts.

That crafty explanation slaps me in the forehead with all the force of duh. Until that moment, I hadn’t realized that I embarked on the project of touring historic sites and monuments having to do with the assassinations of Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley right around the time my country iffily went to war, which is to say right around the time my resentment of the current president cranked up into contempt. Not that I want the current president killed. Like that director, I will, for the record (and for the FBI agent assigned to read this and make sure I mean no harm—hello there), clearly state that while I am obsessed with death, I am against it.

Like director Tim Douglas, my simmering rage against the current president scares me. I am a more or less peaceful happy person whose lone act of violence as an adult was shoving a guy who spilled beer on me at a Sleater-Kinney concert. So if I can summon this much bitterness toward a presidential human being, I can sort of, kind of see how this amount of bile or more, teaming up with disappointment, unemployment, delusions of grandeur and mental illness, could prompt a crazier narcissistic creep to buy one of this country’s widely available handguns. Not that I, I repeat, condone that. Like Lincoln, I would like to believe the ballot is stronger than the bullet. Then again, he said that before he got shot.

I am only slightly less astonished by the egotism of the assassins, the inflated self-esteem it requires to kill a president, than I am astonished by the men who run for president. These are people who have the gall to believe they can fix us—us and our deficit, our fossil fuels, our racism, poverty, our potholes and public schools. The egomania required to be president or a presidential assassin makes the two types brothers of sorts. Presidents and presidential assassins are like Las Vegas and Salt Lake City that way. Even though one city is all about sin and the other is all about salvation, they are identical, one-dimensional company towns built up out of the desert by the sheer will of true believers. The assassins and the presidents invite the same basic question: Just who do you think you are?

One of the books I read for McKinley research was Barbara Tuchman’s great history of European and American events leading up to World War I, The Proud Tower. Her anarchism chapter enumerates the six heads of state who were assassinated in the two decades before Archduke Ferdinand was murdered in 1914: McKinley, the president of France, the empress of Austria, the king of Italy, a couple of Spanish premiers. Her point being, it was an age of assassination. Well, I can come up with at least that many assassinations off the top of my head from the last two years alone as if playing some particularly geopolitical game of Clue: Serbian prime minister (sniper in front of government building in Belgrade), Swedish foreign minister (stabbed while shopping in Stockholm), the Taiwanese president and vice president (wounded when shots were fired at their motorcade the day before an election), two Hamas leaders (Israeli missile strikes), president of the Iraqi Governing Council (suicide bomber). And, in May 2004, an audio recording surfaced from Osama bin Laden promising to pay ten thousand grams of gold (roughly $125K) to assassins of officials in Iraq representing the United States or the United Nations.

I’m worried about the president’s safety, I said at a Fourth of July party in 2004 when this guy Sam and I were talking about the upcoming Republican National Convention here in New York. "I think you’ve seen The Manchurian Candidate too many times, said Sam. Guilty. Still, I dread bodily harm coming to the current president because of my aforementioned aversion to murder, but also because I don’t think I can stomach watching that man get turned into a martyr if he were killed. That’s what happens. It’s one of the few perks of assassination. In death, you get upgraded into a saint no matter how much people hated you in life. As the rueful Henry Adams, a civil service reform advocate who marveled at his fellow reformers’ immediate deification of President Garfield after that assassination, wrote, The cynical impudence with which the reformers have tried to manufacture an ideal statesman out of the late shady politician beats anything in novel-writing."

Somewhere on the road between museum displays of Lincoln’s skull fragments and the ceramic tiles on which Garfield was gunned down and McKinley’s bloodstained pj’s it occurred to me that there is a name for travel embarked upon with the agenda of venerating relics: pilgrimage. The medieval pilgrimage routes, in which Christians walked from church to church to commune with the innards of saints, are the beginnings of the modern tourism industry. Which is to say that you can draw a more or less straight line from a Dark Ages peasant blistering his feet trudging to a church displaying the Virgin Mary’s dried-up breast milk to me vomiting into a barf bag on a sightseeing boat headed toward the prison-island hell where some Lincoln assassination conspirators were locked up in 1865.

I remembered that my friend Jack Hitt had written a book called Off the Road in which he retraced the old pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. So I floated my pilgrimage theory to him in an e-mail and he wrote back that at one point on his Spanish trip, he saw the flayed ‘skin’ of Jesus—the entire thing, you know, with like eyeholes and stuff, mounted on a wooden frame. Cool. His e-mail went on to say that in the Middle Ages,

Relics were treasured as something close to the divine. Often when a great monk died and there was a sense that he might be canonized, the corpse was carefully guarded in a tomb—often twenty-four hours a day. Visitors could come to the tomb. Most of the funeral vaults of potential saints had a small door, like you might have in your suburban house for cats. Visitors could poke their heads in the little door and breathe in the holy dust. Most people thought that such dust had curative powers since it was associated with a near-saint whose corporeal matter had been directly blessed by God. So, getting near a relic, touching it, being near it was considered extremely beneficial and treasured.

Curative powers? I wondered how taking the train to Philadelphia to look at a sliver of the Garfield assassin’s brain floating in a jar is supposed to fix me. There was a late Renaissance king of Spain whom I loved, Jack went on.

He was so inbred and crazy, incapable of eating food or reproducing that he was called El Hechizado—the bewitched. He was probably retarded. After destroying the world’s largest empire (ever, in all history) and bankrupting a nation drowning in New World gold, he came to die. Half the College of Cardinals arrived to recite prayers over his feeble frail body. They split a live dove over his head every morning. And they had brought with them the most powerful curative tool then known to man, the putrefying, stinking rotting corpse of Saint Francis of Assisi, then (and maybe now) the greatest saint ever. It was laid in the bed next to El Hechizado and for the rest of his days, the King of Spain shared his bed with the greatest relic ever in the hopes that it would restore his health and grant him the potency to generate an heir. Neither happened and the empire eventually dissolved into warfare with England around 1588 and became a backwater.

I can relate. (Not to being retarded, though it has been my experience that if you go on your historical pilgrimage while wearing your Jackass: The Movie ball cap some people look at you like you are.) I crave my relics for the same reason Señor Bewitched bunked with the late saint. We’re religious. I used to share the king’s faith. And while I gave up God a long time ago, I never shook the habit of wanting to believe in something bigger and better than myself. So I replaced my creed of everlasting life with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I believe in America, chants the first verse of one of my sacred texts, The Godfather. Not that I’m blind to the Psych 101 implications of trading in the martyred Jesus Christ (crucified on Good Friday) for the martyred Abraham Lincoln (shot on Good Friday).

One thing the Spanish king’s Catholicism and my rickety patriotism have in common, besides the high body count, is that both faiths can get a little ethereal and abstract. Jesus and Lincoln, Moses and Jefferson can seem so long gone, so unbelievable, so dead. It’s reassuring to be able to go look at something real, something you can put your hands on (though you might want to wash them afterward). What’s that smell? wondered the bewitched king. Actual Saint Francis, staining the sheets. Did a fellow as shrewd and sad and poetic and miraculously the right man for the right job at the exact right moment as Abraham Lincoln truly walk the earth until gunned down? Well, come along on one of these We Cannot Escape History weekend escape packages and we’ll genuflect before the bone from inside his head and the hats he wore on top of his head. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Civil War—when I really think about them they all seem about as likely as the parting of the Red Sea. But somehow, jumping up a foot to stare at my own face framed in Lincoln’s Springfield shaving mirror makes the whole far-fetched, grisly, inspiring story of the country seem more shocking and more true. Especially since when I jumped up to the mirror, I set off a super-loud alarm.

Jack’s e-mail about the relics ended with an aside about how he had just been shopping on eBay and stumbled onto a guy selling tiny specks of ‘George Washington’s hair.’ Literally, these clippings were nothing more than single strands of hair less than a quarter of an inch long. They came in little ampoules and with documentation.

I looked away from my computer and over at a frame on my wall and wrote Jack back that my twin sister Amy had given me a teensy eyelash-size hair of John Brown as a Christmas present. She settled on the more affordable tresses of the abolitionist guerrilla warrior Brown because Lincoln’s hair was out of her price range. That is the kind of person I have become, the kind of person who rips open a package in snowman wrapping paper to discover that her only sibling has bought her an executed slavery hater’s hair. (I got her a DVD player.)

As I learned that morning at the bed-and-breakfast while I was going on and on about the singing Squeaky Fromme, most people don’t like to talk about violent historical death over muffins. I would come to find out that’s also true about lunch and dinner too. When my friend Bennett and I were trying to decide where to have brunch he suggested a dim sum place in Chinatown. He asked me if I had ever tried bubble tea. I said yes, that I think a better name for the tea afloat with tapioca globules is tea ’n’ dumplings and that I had it at the Chinese restaurant in D.C. that used to be the boardinghouse where Booth and his co-conspirators met to plan the Lincoln assassination.

Bennett asked, You know that Kevin Bacon game?

The one where he can be connected to every other movie star?

"Yeah, that’s the one. Assassinations are your Kevin Bacon. No matter what we’re talking about,

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