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Low Ferritin
Low Ferritin
Low Ferritin
Ebook129 pages1 hour

Low Ferritin

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Why are young runners prone to low iron stores today? More than half are testing low in ferritin. What is it about? To medical professionals, it's often an indicator for iron supplementation. How does the human body utilize iron and what depletes it? Coaches most likely understand half of this equation. Why do iron supplements work for some runners and not for others? This has been a mystery until now.

Are there broad factors affecting millions of young adults who are not somehow properly assimilating iron nor other valuable minerals from their diets? Scott Webb says yes -- this is cultural in nature, only recently highlighted by young athletes.

This book assesses the current paradigm that something has gone wrong with the individual athlete, while ignoring the epidemic aspects of this condition. Are young adults really plagued by a "medical problem" or is there some aspect of current culture, in general, which has recently changed? Why is low ferritin suddenly affecting an entire generation of otherwise healthy kids?

While filming the 2013 Brentwood High (Tennessee) Cross Country team's season, Scott Webb learned that some runners on the team were challenged by low iron stores as indicated by low ferritin test results. In reading through the current discussions on the topic, he was shocked to discover almost no mention of "impairments" to iron assimilation in the running media. He made suggestions for the Brentwood team based on his own understanding of digestion, assimilation, and elimination with noteworthy success.

Now he has compiled his perspective for runners, coaches, and parents to better understand the critical variables at play. Scott Webb identifies "low ferritin" as one falling Domino in a line of other previous internal failures in the connections between the small intestine, the liver, the thyroid, and their interactions with the microflora, which have been responsible for the success and survival of humans for thousands of years without issue.

But something has changed within recent years which is impairing humanity's vitality as a whole. What is it? Read this book and learn all about it. To some it might be fiction. To others, it could provide a huge leap forward. By understanding our past and by taking a simple stroll through the micro-processes occurring within the human body, this may provide the key to unlocking the mystery of widespread low ferritin in student runners -- and others.

It will merely require an open mind and about one hour of your time to get it done.

PublisherScott Webb
Release dateMay 2, 2014
Low Ferritin

Scott Webb

Scott W. Webb graduated from Wheaton College, Chicago, 1981 with a degree in philosophy. He is the father of two grown children, Art and Maddie, and grandfather to two, Kaden and Hannah. He worked for the Anchorage Daily News in Alaska for seven years before moving to Nashville, Tennessee in 1990 after his wife signed a developing artist deal with Star Song Communications and then with Curb Music. In 2000, he became interested in "health and wellness" and opened a private colon hydrotherapy office in 2001, where he is in his 14th year. In 2006, he wrote the book, "Inside Poop," about his experiences and learnings as a colon hygienist, which has a five star rating on Amazon. He has authored other books on a wide variety of topics and been published in ACRES USA and Massage magazine. His other interests include history, gardening, raising chickens, and a wide range of home fermentation projects.

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    Low Ferritin - Scott Webb

    A book, written to teach what to do for a cold or a sore throat and which herbs and vitamins to take for a particular malady, doesn’t convey the whole truth. I am not interested in remedies for nasal congestion, constipation, heart burn, headaches, allergies, PMS or pre-menopausal symptoms. For I no longer have any of these problems.

    -- Tonya Zavasta,

    Your Right to be Beautiful

    Low Ferritin

    Understanding Performance Issues with Long Distance Runners and Student Athlete Competitors

    Scott Wright Webb

    Smashwords edition, copyright 2014

    Low Ferritin

    Webb, Scott Wright

    2014, All rights reserved.

    Cover photo by Lisa Churitch, taken of Coleman Churitch, Brentwood High School, 2013

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.




    How to Read This Book

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    What is Ferritin and the Medical Map?

    Chapter Three

    Low Ferritin Exposed

    My Background

    Appreciating the Human Liver

    Chapter Four

    The Role of Probiotics in Iron Uptake

    Antibiotics and liver damage

    The Internal Sequence of Iron Uptake in the Presence of Microbes

    Putting It All Together

    Chapter Five

    Suggestions for Runners with Low Ferritin


    Goat Milk Fermented Products


    Chapter Six

    In the Future

    Product Photos

    Additional Print Resources:


    Author Bio


    The author believes that learning about how the human body functions amidst an increasingly civilized world is a fascinating and worthwhile topic to explore. Always keep in mind that this information should not be construed as advice for self-diagnosis nor as treatment for disease. This book describes personal experiences and product information which are not a substitute for competent medical care. Therefore, consult with a professional health care provider before attempting any treatment or taking any dietary supplement which could affect your health. Any adverse reaction arising directly or indirectly from this material is not the responsibility of the author, publisher, distributors, or any bookseller.


    How to Read This Book

    The topic of low ferritin can be as simple as one would like it to be or it can get quite complex. I’ve taken it to its complexity.

    I think that it’s important to understand why something so fundamental to human health, iron assimilation, has gone wrong and then become so epidemic. I believe that I understand why, but the explanation requires a systemic approach. That includes the description of various micro-processes taking place inside the human body which happen without thinking. Then, the macro-issues extending to diet and culture may be connected, but for most people, habitual behaviors are done without thinking, either.

    I propose we unwrap it or suffer the consequences of not knowing what’s going on. It’s right in front of us, but the blinders have got to come off for the meaningful improvement of low iron stores in student athletes.

    Student athletes are also just kids. The question might be, What’s happening today to kids and their health? Now we discover that Americans from all walks of life are low in iron, low in calcium, high in other things, and generally ill.

    I do not presume to write the book to end all books on the topic of low ferritin. I’m not medically trained and only come to the topic by accident. My role in writing about low ferritin is to point readers in a direction which they may not have considered, which may accelerate and hone their search for answers and for hidden culprits.

    Here’s the challenge as an author: you can say prebiotics are good, and probiotics are critical for iron uptake, and these things are not so good, but some readers might want proof. There has to be some underlying depth in the analysis. Then, the analysis doesn’t make for very interesting reading unless one is a microbiologist.

    My approach is to start general. Eventually, you are going to read some foreign terminology and some really big words. I’d suggest that this is a book to be quickly skimmed, then set aside. Total agreement is not as important as just saying, Huh! In short, there’s a lot here to swallow.

    I’ve written commentary for each chapter, then inserted results from my own Internet searches. When I first heard about low ferritin in student athletes, I said, Oh, that’s simple. It’s this, then that, then that, then this, then that.

    This book is the support behind a simple paradigm, which places us on the map. I’m saying what I surmise, then show you, the reader, what I pulled-up searching the topic. The methodology here is to introduce the methodology, actually, so the reader can know what I know, then learn and go on to know more than I know. In other words, there’s a method to finding one’s way out of the madness, called study it yourself.

    It’s not: Here’s the answer. Here are the pills. You’ll be fine.

    Some of the Internet content herewith goes into great detail, which most high school students could get lost while reading. Skip through the words that refuse to be pronounced. They are there because critical analysis requires them to be there. If a reader wants to study deeper, any one of those words can be further researched to better appreciate their meaning. Or, gloss through, and hopefully, I will explain the more difficult passages after they end. Take a general impression from the material.

    I believe that explanation is better than prescription. This book then is written for teachers and students and not for mere puppets.


    Scott W. Webb

    April 20, 2014

    Chapter One

    Recent research indicates that as many as half of all competitive runners may suffer from an iron deficiency which can hamper overall performance during workouts and in races. Despite the rather epidemic nature of this condition, conflicting information, fluctuating results, and mystery surround the successful treatment of it.

    Without appreciating the key factors underlying the condition, widespread prevention of it will be a mystery too.

    Most experts state that by monitoring iron intake in the diet and supplementing if needed, runners can effectively boost performance and prevent gaps in training. The formula which has evolved across the running community is one part education, one part medical testing, and one part supplementation; while this approach is only half-the-equation. And the process is often conducted on the fly, such that the key variables are overlooked or ignored.

    One mother writes of her daughter’s struggle with low iron:

    My 17 year-old daughter is, or I should say was, a very competitive runner. This hard-charging, All American started to struggle just to finish races. We had her evaluated. She was told her serum ferritin was a 10, with normal hemoglobin. Her

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